HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12423 P 520 i2D-3 ,7 L ;: Lf ,}; ec) /) ( CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE lIlONING 1HI8 IN8TRUIIENT- nus INSTRIIIIENT 8llOULD BE IIlIED BY LAWYERS OflL Y THIS INDENTURE, made the 15th day of November 2005 BETWEEN REBECCA T. JENS, JENNIFER J. JENS and lAURA A. S1SINO jVd II- Jou #I.J I1'"vc.. rnn-n I T\I(.I(. ".,)' 1I'Y.:r 1- as executor of FRED P. JENS MARCH24.1B98 party of the first part, and IhB last wUl and testament of , lata of , dllCBllsed, &,M;, Gck~ {"..,jJ'IAI,/ 50 (\{{(tn ~!' sKi.f~ party 01 the second part, iA.;J1.L,J{ tfUil) l~o(P WITNESSETH, that \he party of the fll8t part, by virtue of \he power and authority given in and by said IBSI wiD and testament, and in consideration of 324,500.00 dollars, FULL CONSIDERATION psIcI by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and l8Ieese unlo the party of the second part, the hefrs or succeSSOl'8 and a~slgns of the party of \he second pert forever, SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED. TOGETHER with all rtgh~ tble and in\elllll~ II any, of the party 01 the first pert, in and 10 any streets and roads abutting the above described pnIIT1isas 10 the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenancea, end elso ell the estele which the salel decedent hed et Ihe time 01 decadent's deelh In seid premises, and elso the estate \herein, which the party 01 the first pert has or has power 10 convey or dispose of. whether individually, or by virtue of seId will or otherwil8; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party 01 \he SBCOnd part foravar. AND the party of the first pert covenants thet the party of the fIrSt part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered In any way what8YBr, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the IIrst pert, In compliance wlIh SIICtion 13 of \he Usn Law, COVlIIIIII1ts that tha party of the first part wUI receive tha consideration for tlia conveyence and will hold tha right 10 receive such COIllIidaration as a trust fund to be appUad finrt for tha pU/JlOll8 01 paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply \he lIBI1Ie first 10 the payment of the cost of Ihe Improvement before using any part of tha totel 0I1he SBn18 for any other purpose. The word "party" shell be construed lIS If b reed "parties" whenevar the sensa of this indenture so requires. . IN PRESENCE OF: IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part written. SIIndBrd N,Y,B.T.U. Fam 8005- ElalcuIar'B Deod- UnIIarm ~'_II Fonn 3307 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION ALL that eertain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being on the southerly side of Sound Avenue, Maltituck, Town of South old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set on the southerly line of Sound Avenue distant 509.01 feet westerly along said line from the westerly line of Aldrich Lane; RUNNING THENCE along the southerly line of Sound Avenue the following two (2) courses and distances: I. North KK degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds East, 19.94 fect to a monument; 2. South 89 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds Ea.~, 180.06 feet to land now or formerly of Gail Dcssimoz ad Michael Racz; THENCE said land South 21 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds East, 229.76 fect to land now or formerly of May D. Hwbes; THENCE along last described land South 85 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds West 200 feet; THENCE land North 20 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds West, 245.08 feet to the southerly line of Sound A venue at the point or place of BEGINNING. The premises being conveyed is the same as the premises described in the deed to the grantor recorded in Liber 12166 Page 640. " \ 1- r 1~ . , ACKNOWI.....DCKMI':NT"rAKEN IN NEW YORK S'fA'rE Slate ofN_w York, Count)' of Sull"ollt o. the ISth day of N_ in Iho year :zoos . be""" .... the ulllleni..,.d, pc......lly .PJIUlCd RBIIECCA T.IENS.IENNlFER I. lENS .... LAURA A. SISJNO . pcnaaaIly kooWllIo 01_ or proved Iu me o. tho..... of "'I.r.~ nldonc:c 10 be Ib_ indivlWal(.) .......IIIIIIC(.) Is C....) 1lI......lbcd 10 the within iDsIrumad.... admowIcdpd 10 me thai hcIshcIIhcy ___led the ..... In hiJllwflheir _il)'(leal. .... dull by hialbodtbc. .) on Iho inItnanca~ the individool(al. or the pono . ..i....._.) acted, ..oculed I1Ie i-.. DAVID... ~ J!t ~~-!C!.~ ACKNOWU:DGKMEl'oTR~'NKSS TAKKN IN NEW l'O~lIilir.cL Slale of New York, CoUn11 of . u: o. Ihc d.y.of i. the year . bef"", 010, lhc wlll...i....... . Nllluy Publl_ i. aad Ibr..id SlaIo, ...-wly appeared , the subscribb'll witnoa 10 lhc ............. Iosllumon~ with wh.m I am "".......lIy "uuaimed, who. bei.. by me duly .wom, did deposo and 5I1Ylhst haI""""",,y caide(.J in (it.. pIKe ora__ w ill. ciIr.1ncIad. _......._ ......Ir...,.. dIInun; III.. hallhellhey know(., to be \he iDdi.ldual desc:ribcd in and wbo .......... the r.....1I1& illllrUment; thai said subscribil1& wllDC.. _ "",,1 and lOW said """.ute Iho _ and thaI.ilI wi..... a. the."., (bnc .ub...ibud hioIh.rflhclr ......C.).. . wi..... thereto Executor's Deed Tille No. TO DISTRIBUTED BY ~ TOUo TITU upun The Judicial TIlIa lnaUIII... AgIIRCJ' LLC IOO-2It.TITLE IlMlll FAX: ~AX-I3. ,lis: ACKNOWI.r..ucEMKNl' TAKIo:N IN NEW YORK S'1"ATi: S/ateofNcw YOrlc, CoURt)'.r . u: On lb. day or in 1Iuly.... mo, d.. .......i...... _11y appeored ,bofil", , pclllllllll1ly 1_ k. me or pruved 10 m. on Ih. basil or lIlis&ldory............. bo Iho iodividua_.1 wbose OUIll(S) Is C....) sublCribod ... the within irulnunenl and admowledaod 10 me that hallbaIthey exec:oted tho .....In hlslhcrllholr eopoeil71IeoJ. ...rlhat by hillhedtheir si.-..(II... the IosIrumau. the indivldoal(.l.lIr Ihe _ open hehalfofwbic:b lhe indi.idua1(.) ac:1od, executed Ihe inlIIrlOllOnl. ACKNOWU:DGI~.\II!"'T TAKEN OlrrslDl!: NEW \"OMK S"l'An: 'StaIll of , Counl)' of . so: O(Or i..... l)illriet .r CoI"mIlia, Tcrritury. l'u.....ion nr ~"...i.. COUnly, On the day of in the )"car .be1O", me the undL...ianed pcl5lllllllly IIppeared Personally known k.me or proved to me on tho brais .fxstlsfaelnly evidenc:elo ho the individual(.) who.. .....C.) is (ore) subscribed I. the within inouumcnl and u:tnowtedaed 10 _!hut helshcllhey _Ili the 1lIIIO in hiIIborttbeir c:apoclty(ico). ..... by biolhc:rflhcir lli&no1ore(s) on d.. inolnun..~ the indlvidoal(.) or Ibe _ upon behalfofwhieh tho indi.idoal(l) aetcd. exeeutOd Ihe ins1ru...n~ IIIlI ......uch individual make suell._ befi.... the undersi&ncd in Ibe (add Ihe e1ty or polilieal suhdi.lsioa lAd lhe ..... or 000011)/ or llIher "'-tho ...nuwledaomcnt _ lake.). Sf,c'llON: 120 UI.IlCK: 3.00 LOT: 5.00 COUNTY OR TOWN: MATmllCK RETUMN BV MAli. TO: -. 'fitle Company Infunnnllan COMMONWEALTH .3.0 Suffolk COUnty 'Recording' & Endorsement Page .' Numher of pagcs ' :, ,4, " TORRENS .. Serial 1# Ccnifiellle ., Prior Clr. 1# Deed . Mortgagc Inslrument ,Deed I MongllJlc Tax SllImp FF.es ", " 3 , Page I Filing Fee .' ,~ Handling, 5 JllL 1"1'-584 NOlalion EA-5217 (CounlY)"". " " Sub Total " HA-5217 (Slnle) . R.P.T.S.A. ,', :'/3iJ_ 1M Comm. or F.d. 5...lKI...... Allidavil Cerlified Cop~ Rcg. Copy Sub 1'0101 Other I~an Grand 1'0101 Seclion Block 1.0\ Real: 05046838 1000 12000 0300 005000 ~:~:ke'l ~:~ I, Agen~"y: ~ Verific~ti~~. ~..__ -=-=_ '~'._ ...________-,-. .__. _. ____a . J . 6 SalisfactionioischDrgcslRclCllSC I,isl Properly OwnerS Mailing Address, .. ',,', RKCORI> & R/ITURNTO: . ,'", ~~' ' .t..4Arii e.., ' ,~ ':.~--~~Ic ~,t:cr" I~'.ir (tYdi< , ,~'~ILJvIti~t;,--~ " 7 ClI. Name Tille 1# 8 RECOR[)E~ 2005 ~ec:05 11:10:33 RM Edward P. Ro~aine .' CLERI< OF SUFF~ COUlll'.' , L DOOOl2423 , ' 'P 520 DTi 05-17$07 Rc:eording I Filing Slamps Mortgage AmI. I. IJasic,Tait ' , 2. Addilinnal Tax ' Sub TOlal Spec. I Assil.' .. " ' or .. Spec:; I Add. TOT. MTGTAX _ . Dual Town --.:.. Duul CounlY ~ Held r", Appoinl";e.~~ ~/' , Transrer1lut , , ,~ ,'~ Mansion Tax ' " " , The proPeny covered by Ihi."motg:ige i~ or will be i'l'proycd by a' one or IWO family dwelling only. ' . ,YIJS " or NO , ' If NO. see appropriale lax clause on ' page /I "flhi. inslruiJl!:nl. , IJ...( , " " ~/~ ' 5' Cnmmunlt $ " I':"proved Vacanl Lund ~,: TD )0 TQ TO This page ro~ pan or the allached . ~, . '(SPeCIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMEN'n , _}~f.CA ~ <:rOlF, ~~ ~.~ ' ,', The prellti.i. ~erein is .il~D1e~ in " , ' .' -<~N I ~ I!L~..t.~ SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. 'l) " " 'TO:', ", I~!he Township of ~'I\ -.D\W..nk~~""'1.c:..- r.,~ In Ih.. VILLACm .Or HAMLEI' or made by: UOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPF.D OR ('RINTED IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PR"OR TO'RF.CORDlNO OR !'IUNG , , ' ' (m'er) 1111111111111111I1111I111111111111111111111111111I11111 1111111111I1 1111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0125888 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 05-17807 Recorded. At: 12/05/2005 11:10:33 AM LIBER: PAGB: D00012423 520 District: 1000 Section: 120.00 BDKINBD JUm $324.500.00 Block: 03.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 005.000 FOLLOWS Deed AIIIolUlt: Received the Following Fees For Ahove Instrument Bx8q)t Bxempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO :IA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1.298.00 NO COIIII\.Pres $3.490.00 NO Pees Paid $4.940.00 TRANSI'ER TAX NUMBBR: 05-17807 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRtlME1IIT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine COlUlty Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp;J1 www.orps.stat8,ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNlV USE ONLY ~LI. 7,-3. R,g,f, , C2. D.t. Ooed Ilecordod I / .,?, S- ,#~ Man~ lMy Y.ar C3. _ I j. t? If. ei' ...:JI C4. Po"'I...s.~ (), PROPERlY INFORMATION J ,.--: I kAJo/ A~e... Lacallan ~Md .....T_ I ~e/ ..:= : ~Z6; I ~rJ C1. SWIS Code ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE 8QARIl OF REAL PROPEllTY IEIMCEI RP - 5217 .N~17" WJ #fU LAlIT NAME I COMMNY I'\IISTNM'I! 3. T.. IndlCMI whInt rmw. r... Bill III IG blsana ...... if_'.... ...,.._c.. _ '" lonnIl - LQl'NAMl!!/COMl"o\NY rllll ..... I~NUIfI""""lR[l:T~ al'f' QIII TUWN . STAli Z1PCQD[ .. IndIaI.. the II"'" of .....", ..... ReI pe.rub Ir_r.rld on 'M deed I , of Plrwla OR 0 Pin of. Plirc:el . =.,., , - llIONrruT Ixl EX",I lOR I 'Ac1lU . COnI,...... 01. _ a............... 4A. Planning Board wilh SubdMlion Authority e-. "'_~IWDRoq_fo.T"""" Ie. PlII'CIII Approved for ~on wiCh Mlip Provided o o o ..- No_ I 4iJ:e..~ or ~J / .Lr 'IIITHAII'I I.Mr IMMl/COW'MY r.rllAlllli 7. Ch_ the box below wblch most .cantlll, ....... ... ... 01 tJw Pf'CII*IY ., 1M 11m. at AI.: ^ ~ Ona F.mily Aesidendal B 2 or 3 FDmiIy Ruldenlhll C R..... VlClnt Land o Non.__ V..... Lond I SALE INFORMATION l 11, ... ec.rar... 0..:. E~ AQ,icuhuror I ~ Cammu..IYS..... F COm.......1 J.......... G Aportmon. Ii: NlIIc So_ H Enlertllnrntnt I Am1..-ImInI I. For.. _doobo___Ih..opjIIr. .. Ownar.hlp TVf)O II Condominium !I. NIw co,.truc::tlon on VKMI; lAnd 1M. Praporty LDadDd w6dain an AgricullunJI 0iaIricI ... Bu,.r f'KIIIvId . diIcIw&n nac'" Incac.ing ..... rho ..._. in .. ...._... 010II.. o o o o 12. o.te of S." I Tr...... I~ ,0/ ,~5'1 OIly Yur 1//' , /5,05"1 Wontl DDr v.... 11. a.- .... or ...... of __ .......... .. .......,.. to tr...rw: SIll BetwIen R_lives Dr Farmer RNti... s.ae 811UwOOn RoIMOd eomp.nl. or P..non In BUllnou One of mD BIlYUI'S lI. eIIo . SeIer Buyer or 5810r II Govemmenc Agency or lending IAllllUCion Dood 1P not w_ or ...... .nd _I~fy a_I Sale of Frw:tlon.. or laI tlYn ~ In_. ISpecify s.1aw) SIgnificant O...an". In Prop.rty BelwMn T..... Stdua and SIll, DIll Sele of Busineu II IncIudltd in 5118 Price 0IhItr Un... F-=tan NfcI:r.lng 5HI Price (Spadty BalOW) Non. 13. Full .... Prlee , 3,l.~.s.(J.o, 11,01 , , . IFull Sale PricI . the IGtlllmounl Pilei for the property InchMfin" peI'IOnIl property. nu. ~ mey t. .., die form of CI.... odw property or goods. or ... .sumpbOll a' mDffDDIU or adlar abIig1tlarw.. PfaottfOUlld rD ,. "'IWI ..... doIIM alllOUlll. 1t. IftIIIIate the value 01 ,......1 I 0 II II I __111...._. . ~. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION.. Dill .hauld..1Ioct tho r._ Flnol Au......1III RoIllnd TI. Bill 18. ::'.......=:-..::- 11lI",oilIC"f"'l1. T__V....I...._In_,I ; ; l ~ . i"" ~~ I , to. _a.. 1U7."2I-LJ '..SchoolDI......_. r ~ LI..-\l- \.1 ... T.. Mop,-,.I/-___,oIC_-.__. -----__1 1 GU0 \").U "-.:) Dl.CQ Oc:> !: Ci!lr 'I I I CERTIFICATION I · .....-y - aM or Iho lie... of -- ...._ .. rldllrom. .. ......... ........ no.... booI III..., ........""" _1doIl..... ..........,. ....1IIe moIdllll arony ..-oJ ,.. __I .r _Ilort ........ wtII ooIIJoot ... In .... ........... orlho _low ........ 1n....1IIlIIdq ond lIUaa or _I............ .!l!n!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY /~;.;=..J r~ I 11110-/0" ~m;';;T~~ L,..~ IMII 60 \'n(..\'n L)t- J oo:t ~, ....IlftTMIMIER STJIHrNAMlWIDliIALU "'",- ...T_ ....""'" "L.PHOIroI...,...1I tA-n. \e... I)k...f'\:) I ~'-l ~~~.. 'ObCk. ....... KLUllIIG....1UIl1 Itft~ .." NEW YORK STATE COPY