HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12423 P 519 ~ /20--3-Lf L I LJ./ . / r [) /L) CONSUl.. T 'lOUR LAWYER BI!FORE 8IGNINo Tlll81NSTRU1II!NT_ Tlll8IN1TRIIIIENT 8HOULD BE USED BY LAWYERlI ONLY THIS INDENTURE, madell1e 15111 day of NlIV8mber BETWEEN REBECCA T. JENS, JENNIFER J. JENS end lAURA A. SISINO "h #F fl~ V~I? .......-< 2005 .........n.rT I Co" Ie /V'1 " <;r '- as executor of FRS) P. JENS MARCH 24, 1888 party oflhe fllllt perl, end the 1a8t wi. end testament of , laIe of , deceased, dt/,4~ -t:.rcJ~ ~~ party of the BBCOnd pan, WlTNESSETlI, that the party of the fil8l pan, by vinue of the power end authority given In and by l18id last wiD end tllSlamenl, and In consideration of 324.1iOO.OO doIla.., FUI.I. CONSlDEAA11ON paid by the party of the second pert, does hereby grant and I'8Iease unto the pany of the second pan, the hen or BlU_ora and IIAlgna of the party of the second pert fOfllver, SEE SCHEDUlE A ATTACHED. TOGETHER with l1li right, title end InlBlB&~ if any, of the party of the IIrlIl perl, In end to any 8l1Bets and roads abutting the 1IbDV8 described premlse8 to the c:enter linea thereof; TOGETHER with the appunanancea, IInd lIIso Blithe mille which the said dBCllClent hlId lit the time of decedent'8 dBllth in 8lIid plllml8118, end also the lI8lBla therein, which the party of the first pan has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether IndividuaUy. or by v1nue of 8l1id wiD or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pnsmi8ll8 h_ln granted unto the party of the 8econd pan, the hei.. or 8ucceS80rs end assigna of the party of the IIBcond pert fonwer. AND the party of the first pert covenants that the pany of the first pan has not dona or 8uff8llld anything whereby the l18id premises have been encumballld In any way whettlver, except es arOfll8llid. . AND the party of the fil8l pan, In compUance with Section 13 01 the Lien Law, covenants thBl the party of the first pert will receiw the consideration for this COhWylInce 8nd will holclthe righlto IlIC8lve 8Uch COII8ldarallon 88 e lruat fund to be appl1ed first for the purpose 01 paytng the coat of the impllJVMl8nt end will apply the I18me first to the payment of the coat oIlha Irnprovemant before using any pert of the lotaI 01 the same for any other purpose_ The WORl "pertv' shaD be COIl8lIued as If It IlI8d "parties" whenllVer the sense of lhls IndenwllI so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the fil8l pan has duly written. IN PRESENCE OF: rw~ J NIFER'.J S - N.Y.B.T.U. FllIm BOD5-E_Illoed_U...IDrm_gmont Form 3307 .. SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, situate, lying and being at Laurel, in the Town of South old, County ofSulTolk and State of New York, bounded and dcscribed.B.~ follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Sound Avenue distant 509.01 feel westerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the southerly line of Sound Avenue with the westerly line of Aldrich Lane, said point ofOEGINNING being the northwesterly comer orland now or fonnerly of Fred P. Jens and Jean C. Jens, his wife; RUNNING TIIENCE South 20 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds East along said last mentioned land 245.08 feet to land now or fonnerly of May D. Harbcs; THENCE South 85 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds West along said land now or formerly of May D. Harbes 100 feet to a monument; THENCE North 19 degrees 57 minules SO seconds West along land now or fonnerly of Peter Harbcs 250 feet to a monument on tbe southerly line of Sound Avenue; THENCE North 88 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds East along the southerly line of Sound Avenue 100 feet to 100 point or place of BEGINNING. The premises being conveyed is the same as tbe premises described in the deed to the grantor recorded in Liber 12166 Page 639. ACKNOWLElxa:.u::vr "'AKEN IN NEW "CIRK loT ATE Swc of Now YCIk, aMlnty of SUITolk ,a: 0.. tho 1511I day of N_ in lho year 200.s m., Ibo,.....i&nod. poI'IOIllIIly ~ Rl!BI!I:X:A T. JENS, JENNIFI!RJ. JENS IIIdLAURA A. S1SINO , ponanolly 1aIo.... ID... or pro...! to me on .... _ of sa1lsf.:IDIy ..uto.... 10 1001110 indivldual(.) wbooo IIIIIID(.I io (_) .ubooribod 10 tho wiIIIin insIrument end _Iodpd 10 me \hot hdsbc:ilhoy exeoutelIlho .... in bislhorl\lloir ....,..;tyl...l, end ..... by hislhcdlho~") on tho i_1bo indi.iduoI(l~ ur ~perlDll orw~ kdlhe IIlSlr\ancnL . ACKNOWLEDGEMKN'I'1'AKEN IN NEW "ORK STAn: 511IIo ofNaw Yade, l'ounty of .11: . IoolOn: On .... day of ill tho r- mo.lhc IIlIdonip:d, p:rsoaaJly __ _D,!rt) II. ~.lIt "l~ ACK~;OWl.F.IlG"'.MF. nWlTNEllS TAKt:N ISNEWY~I8:.~. Stale "fNow York, County of . sa: 00 Ibo day of In 'ho)'Dlll" . bofon: me, tho: undorsipd. a NOlOIy Public in IIIId for..id S1aro. pelllllrlOlly I""""",d . tho subscrihina win.. ID .100 forqalng inslrulll...n~ with whom I om pot'SIlIIldly ....uainIod, who, Iooi.. by .... duly swum. did ........ .... ..y .bo. ho/_y mIdo(l) in fif... pi_or......... cia.J.... _...... ........ir..,....tt ..... hoi'shoIlhoy know(.l) ,.. 100 .ho ilMlividual obcribod in .... who ...1llIlI:d tho fonoaoi.. InslnmllOIII; Ibs. Slid suboorihill/l wi..... _ _I and..w .id _: lho .....; .... ..... said wi..... a. "'" 1IlII. Ii... IUbsorihod bdlhcsrllheir namc(s) as 0 willll:lllhemo Executor's Deed Title No. TO 1lI81R1BUTED BY ~ YOUR TITLE IlIPun The Judicia. n.. ....unnce Aaencr LLC 1IOO-2lI1-TmE (110I85) FAX: lIOO-FAX.uM . before . pot'SIlIIldly IaIown 10 ... or pmw:d ID ... on tho bssio uf satlslOolDry ..uto... 10 100.... indi.id_l(l) _ _0) ill /....) subscribed 10 tho willliIl insIrumcnl and ocknow\odaod .. ... ..... hoIlhoIIhoy exeoutelItho .... in b........"hoir copocily(icsl, and dUll by bisIhorfIhcir """""ll) on "'" instrument, .... indi.idua1I.), or tho penon __ hoha1fofwbich .... indi.idual(l)....d. ..........'ho insuumcll\. ACKNOWI.KDm':MF.NT 'I'AKt:S Olfl'lllDI! NEW YORK STAn: .StaIe of . County of , ss: ./Or iDSl!n Ilislricl of Columbia, 'fmilOl)', POlllO:l!ioo or Foft!i1lD Countyl On .... duyor In tho yoar ,baf.... mo tho .......i..,..t ponooally op........ _11y IaIowo 10... or proved 10 mo un 1110 haJii ofsali.faolOly oYldonoc: 10 ba tho iodI.lduaIC.) w..... 1WIIe(1) I.l....) _hod 10 tho wilhin ............. .... aduxIWIalpd 10 me.hat boIsIu"d1l,y 0XDCIIICd tho ..... in billlhcrl\lloir c:apaciJy(iol~ \hot by biJ/bodthoir ......un:(I) on"" iDoIrum.....tho iodi.idua1(i' or .ho penon """" bobslfofwllldt ....lndi.iduoW.) DC1I:d. cxOOll\Dd tho inlllrUmCOl, and \hot such indi.idual mokc sorb appcon... baf.... tho u............. in tho (add .... oity ur politi... _ivislllll and tho .... or oouotry ur ,"'or pIaoo lho "'koow............ WIll 1ab01. S&:TION. 120 BLOCK' 3.00 l.or: 4.00 ClltJIlIYOR TOWN: MATITIlICK RETURN BY MAli. TO: 7 Tide Company (nronnaUon Co. Nome COMMONWEALTH TIlle /I ~ ~~uffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page D~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) . ;, Number c,f poges TORRENS Serial # Ccnilieall~ #_ Prior Clf. # . Deed. MOrlgoge Inslrumenl ::rr= Deed , MonaDJIC 1lIx Slump I'HES Page' Filling Fee Handling 5. ..lKL TP-S84 NOlation EA-S217 (Counly) Sub TOlD) EA-S217 (SUIIe) R.P.1:S.A. '.: 1;, U1 Comm. of Ed. 5. .Q!L Affidavit Cenified Copy Reg. Copy Sub '1'0101 Olher Grand Tow 4 IDistril~1 Real Propen~ Tax Ser: Agency VerifiC'D! Seelion Block Lol 1000 12000 0300 004000 ~ ~~ ~sfactiOnIDiSChDrgcslRelease USI Propeny Owners Moiling Address ~ ~... RECORD & RETURN TO: L'_~'4.4rr. ~. ~. :~.-- ~fioo~ ~~ /'1f>S,Jlf IrxdP ~'&c.lWi""ft - ~ This page fonns p:lI"l of the allached ~~~OIF.~~ I ~'IU-~' "'_M,~. C! . RECORDE~ . 2005 DK 05 11: 10:33 Rl1 Edward P.ROIIlalne ClERK IF . SUFFctK COUNT'" . . L 000012423 p 51~ DTtI OSOO17806 Recording 'Filing Sll.lmps j Mongage Ami. I. Dosie 1lIx 2. Addilional Tax Sub TOIa) Spec. , Assi!. or Spec. 'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly -'- Held for AJlI1Oinlmel)l~.' Tr.msrer Tax' &!!2J!... _ . MlIIIsion Tax The proPerly eovered by Ihis mOlgngc is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see apprupriale lax elau.c on poge /I of this inslrumen . O( Communll Preservation Fun VlIC3nl Lund TO TO TO made by: The premisis herein is siluuled in ~ TO l..n' ... ~--/JU" ra"'~ff In \he Township of In Ihe VII.LAGE SUFFOLK COUNTY, NnW YORK. ~" or HAMLET of BOXF.s Ii THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTF.D IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 RECORDING OR FILING (0''''') 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111 I11I 111111111111 1111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DDD NUmber "f Page.: 4 Receipt Humber . 05-0125888 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-17806 Recorded. At. 12/05/2005 11:10133 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012423 519 Distric1~ . 1000 Section: 120.00 BXAMrRBD AIIlD $324,500.00 Block. 03.00 CBARGBD AS Lot: 004.000 POLLOWS Deed ~)unt. Recei veel the Following Fee. Por Above Instrument Exempt Bxempt Page/:rUing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO EA.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfelr tax $1,298.Clo NO CClDIIII.Pres $3,490.00 NO Fee. Paid $4,940.00 TRANSPBJt TAX mnmBR: 05-17806 THIS PAGE IS A PUT 011' THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County C1. SWIS Code 1.1-/, 1,.3, (t: ~ cz. Dote 1_ R8c_d I / t:{, ~, &~ IIOnIIII o.y Yur C3. Book I I. c(. l-/, q, .3t C4. P_ I PROPERTY INfORMAnON ) "~L I :::::"1Ua! A.A.JJ~e.. ~- L :a~~ --.rGr_ I ..- L /i6r6~.s .IM LAST JcAMI I=-wn' L LAliT ...., CIM"ANY J. T.. lndiI:ar8 wh.. future Tax 8UIIarwID be .nl I BlUIng If oiMr thin buylr ~ III baIIom or Ionn) . -- LMT NMII! I CGMPM'l' L $,....., NUMIU MD IIRiD NAIl! * REAL PROPERTY 'mANSFER REPORT sr..... OF NEW YORIC ITA'" BOARD OF REAl. PROPER1Y IERVICU RP - 5217 l1l'4I17 .., JW1 '- s;,ufitrj) ...... ("~~...J r_ 1/~~21 ,..,~ FNT __ II'AlI ....... .... IncIIuh ..... ......... of .....I'MIII RaIl......... INI'IIhrr-.d on 1M ...... c:rn'QflTCMN 1# of ',reels OR D Plrt of . Paroll 5._ I ....- Sl.. e. ....., Nomo IORI DP'JH 'Aaa L~~~~ o.;r1~/:L.r FIIONTFI!l!f Ixl L LMTlMMl/c:'OfIIIWft 7, ChKtr. tile bDX below wIlIcb "OM accurlllllly ............ the UM of .... ......,., .-: ._ time of.... ......... Il ~ Aarlcu.urol I ~ CommunltY_ F Comm.rd.t J Industrial G .."........, K PubllcSoMoo II (nlOr1lllnrnont,_ L FornI ,.:J.l4,rO,D,o. 0 I , , 0 (full Salo P,;:o is Iho IOlllI ........ polcIlar.... pro_including per..... ...-!Y. 'IbIo _,.... be In Iholarm 01 cooh. _...- or ~ or Il1o ouumpIIon of mDl1GJa- Olr att. abIpIlanl.J ",....tOI/JItd ro fill ,.,.., .... dDlIM.mount. 10._.""....."'_1 I ,f), 0 ,01 property ......... In the .. . ASSESSMl!NT INFORMATION. Date ....uld ..nab 1_ Flnll_mlnt RoIllnd Tax Bill A~ Ono "omlly_1lI1 H 2 or:1 Flmlly "-kIentt.1 C ~ V... Land o Nan 1....:..1 nIiII V.... Wnd I SAlE INFORMAnON I ". .... CordrllGt 0.. I~'~'~ v_ '1. DIlle aI "'111' Tr_'., 1/;' - , /~ , Zo:>fi ""' V_ 11. fill S.. ~ric. . 10nIv. _ "'" _ - -1IIoy oppIy: .A. PIoMng -.. _ .,.....,... AoohoriIv b* 0 ____-_IarT_ 0 OC'''''...._larSUlld__y;,P_ 0 fNTNAIII[ _1ho___lIIoylpPy; .. Owntflhlp ~ .. CandGminlwn .. New ConII.ructkm on V8Clnt Land 'IGA. Prapeny L.ocmd within An Agricu/tur. Dimfct _~"cII_I___"'" ........pro_II1o..AgricuIIluIl_ o o o o 1&.a.t:_orftlONlof_.......... ..- "-".tID~ S. BIIwDan ......thu or Former ~ s.Ie BMwIen RelItId CornppieI or P..... in BuIInDII OM of the Buyars II aIIo . S.Uer &uy.r or Soller II Gavernnwrw Agencv or L..ndlng l....tuCIvn Dood T_ noI WonoIllY or IIorpIn Ind _ ~1'y 8olaw, Solo '" F__ or ~ IIIon F.. __ISpocllv_ S;gnlrlCOIW 0lIng0 in PnlporIy _ T_ SIoIuo ond Solo Do, Sa.. ofllulinon II tnct_ In Salo _ om.. Uruull flClOll ~ng ... Price CSpadfy Balow) No.. , . .~,~. p. d 11. V_ "'--.-..-..... ~I:t D<I'7 T.... _v_ CoI'" -~ In tr_ I ---- . ..-- , ,.. Property C11_ ~-LJ 11.___' ~Lo.~O \ t, 20. T.. MIIp Icllllnllllerlll I RoIIIdenIIWt.. . men ,.... tour. ...... ..... willi MIdIUonaIIdII.- 1&11 1000 !')o~ o1.c:i) ("y)u.wa I I CERTII'ICAnON l IftI1Il'JlhoI.or..._",...... ....._.. ...................._C.............,IIQ' -........... _ M111..-.........1IIlIkIIIa or_..... _..._ or_... _n wIIl1111l1'" _...... .......... or... __ low _. I...............lIIIoa.,......_ !!!n!! IIU'IEIl'S ATTORNEY h- ~;::.--e:-vz I III \1-/05 ...........~/~ ....(.~.tI".P."".. no me. ." l5I- - i3 (S2. Ft "..., NUll111M 1mIUT...... W'IIlIIlIlAUI ----1Al'ln.\R. P\~'^ S I ~4 Gi11110IIWiI .'.11 .. d '. {) I ~.Ill:CJtI1l (" SELLER l~t'lf%N'fsr. _ , (UJ \ ObOf. JlPCOOf IH1 U'y' .... IIUJ11......... lAI'_ _r_ -..- """"""..-. NEW YORK STATE COPY