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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12226 P 258 " L P - / ) 2 2- L~ zs-g (11- I-({. I . ,J. NY 005 - Harpin ",!d Sale- 1"-'C'tJ wi\h Cavell3l1lllJ:,"l Cinlllllor'. Act5lndlvidu.l or CnrparDlion (SiDgllr Sheet) IN....OTU 80021 CON'SlJL T YC)UR I..AWn~K BI::FORF. SIGIlliJ~. THIS INS'I'N.L.;r.II:.."Vf. TillS INSTRliMt-:"",.r SIlOULD HI': usm BY I..AW'"I':NS OSL" .. . .~..~ day or~'"':in the year 2002 THIS INDE."ITUR.:' made Ihe t,( BETWEEN Alison Byen; Reilly 1692 Route 25 A (Private Lane) & uurcll1ollow. NcwYork 11791 Christopher J. Reilly 893 Washington Street Erank11n Square, New York ""..Jr...>: T'1~ lo..l~?t.f% H~1:3.J )1-.0'1" W,:;,:''l' ""f. '."J ;, ",..r ,u.J(~-1 , ~,. - c: .,.":;; ,a Y"'nuo:.:'" r "..,.. ,.~~.; ,.i ouC 'L .' ;..e.t:JliQA';"I\,o:0:.2iIMfjO:> 11791 .', ", ~ :; :~~i::; ".. ".,. ":,,"l'l15!OI... ".-.. 'I -:pany' 'of the""'first part. and . '""0 ....._.'" - . . Alison M:Byers (8/kJa AlisoD Byers Reilly) 1692 RoUle 25 ^ (Private Lane) Laurel Hollow, New York 11791 . -II.', ;1.:..,-'{ 'r. '.1 ~.' r..:. '.~.,';':.J .... pany of lhe aeconu pan. WITNESSIt:TH,thatlhc pany of the first pan. in considerwil.ln of Ten DoIli1rS Bnd other valuable cOMidcr..lion puid by lhe p:my of the second p:sn. d()clli hereby grant and release unlo Ihe pany of the second pan. Lf!.e hcini or successors und a~igns of Lhe pan.y oflhe second pan forever. ALl.. thai <<nain plot. piece or pan.'("1 of land. wilh the buildingto and improvemenls lhcrcclD erected. bOilUUle, lying and being in the See Schedule A 8nached TIIAMu.p O-;.n"lun Being and intended to be the premises conveyed to grantor by deed dated January 29. 200 I. recorded February 8. 200 I in Liber 12101 pagesS8J in the offic:e of the Suffolk County Clerk. Di!loL 1000 SL,..IIIJ.OO Hlk.OI.OO LroU5J OJ.tOUl TOGETIIER wilh all righl. title and inleresl. if any. ofthc pady ohhe finol part uf. in aOllto an)'llitrecls und mad!i abuning the above-described premises to the center linClli thereof; TOGKTHER with the appurtenances and alllhe estate and righls of the pan)' of the first part in and to suid pn:mb.cs; ...0 HAVE ANI) TO HOLD lhe premises herein granted unto the party of the sccnnd pan. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the sl..'Cuncl pan I'(m,:vcr. AND the p3ny of lhe fir5t pad ctwcnants lhutlhe pany of the first pan has nol done or suffered anything whereby the said pn:miscs ha\."C tween incumbered in any wo.~ \\"halever. excepl us ufofeNaid. AND Ihe pany of the first part. in compliun...-c wilh Scclion 13 of the Lien Law. ..:uvcnanls that the party oJ' the Iirsl pan will receive the consideration for this con\.'cyan.:c nnd will hold the righl to receive :o1uch cllnsidcrutitln us a lru"t fund to he applied first for the purpose: of paying the cosl of the impm\Oemcnt and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of lhc impRlvement before using uny pan of Ihe loud of the same:" for any other purpmoc, The wurd "rarty" ~hall he ("('nfilrued as if it read "pert.iC!'l:" when~ver the s~nfie ur this int!entU:"e !iO req\.!ires. IN 'VITNESS WtlEREO.... !he:" party of Ihe:" Jirsl pari ha.... duly cxc.:ulcd Ihis deed the duy .md YC.'T first al;t(lve:" wriuen. IN PRI--:SENCE OF: USE "C:KNOWLBI1tGMENTFORM BEI.IJ'W WTrH1N NEW YORK STAoTEO,YU': SCaIe"':~':"'YOI"k.Countyor N.Q.UJ ~l& ,....: Ontlu:/JFdllyor ~OI'\A!..-r inlheyeor )~ before: mc.1Iu: undersigni:d\ pe""mally .ppellRd Alison Byers Reilly . personally krx1Wl1 10 me or proved to me on tl~ bllSis uf S3risfaclory evidence 1.0 be the individuQl(s) whoK nwne(s) is (are) wbscribcd lo the within insllUment and IIC'knowledged 00 me dUll helshclthey execuled lhe same in hislherllheir C'IlptICilyCieS). :md that by hislherlthcir signawn:Cs) on the in!Otnlmcnt. the individual(s). or the person upon beh:1lr uf which the individual.s) acted. exccUlL-d the irwtromcnl. LEIGH BASEHEART KAHN NOlary Public. Stale 01 N_ YClIlI No. 02KA5083392 Qualified in N_ Yolk CCIIo!"" C\Jr' EllpI.... August \\ \ ~ ry ubl1c . te..illlV8M"1_'::'BfJ.\tl:Nl' :"MW 1"8flI:lIiE W:FJ'::.i." :.:Sl1' 1'BlW: . IN_ Yort s"bu'ri#.J;ftg "";'"".J"I ",.t"",..,ftlgm"" Cr"f/k'd~1 Stale oI:"iew York. CowtIy or On Lhe Llay of before me. Lhe unckn;igned. personally app: the subscribing witJ1e5;S 10 the tbregoin . "lnJmenl. with whom I ani pcniOnBlly xquainted. whu. be'ing b e duly sworn. did depose nnd say th:1I. hcfshelthey n::side(s) in f iflhe pi",",. of n.udelU:r i -' U ('il)", int."llldr Ihl! Slret'l dnd .'l're'" '1IImlwr. if em..... IMn.'eifJ: Ihat cllhc)' knnwuo ~() be the ind- . 111 desc-:i~ in, and who c:xa.-ulcd the fun:going IllSuumen' aI. said JOubscnbmg WItness w,a., prcsenl ond saw said Ie the sante; and mal foaid witness aI. the same time ~ulJ!;;cribed -_l...a__ Tffl..E NQ. ~ ~, I &I It: l!i III ::> It: II w u ~ ~ m S! BARGAIN Ii: SA"": DF..D \11m. ro""ENANTJ AC"JAINSTQI!:"h"TQR'S AC.,.S Alison Byers Reilly Christopher J" Reilly TO Alison M. Dyers (alk/a. Alison Byers Reilly) FID"I.ITY NATIONAl. TITLE INSURANCt: . COl\1P'~~~~:;'~~ YORK CW___a.- FidBlily ..l<<~' ~Nn. .......'J_....'''''.......oUri_ USE liCKNOr.'I.EDCiI4HNT FORM BRl.n",.,TlIIJV NEr.. YtMA~~E~~.: SlaleofNewYurk,CouDlyof ......_J;/,/........, . ~ tS&.: On It.d Cr- day or rfzrlo in lhe yeor."p,.,. ~ before: m~. lhc undcm;igned. personally appeared Christopher J. Reilly , personally known l.O me ur proved 10 me on me basis or wtistactury evidL."nCe 1.&.\ he: the individul1l(fi) whose namc(sl i~ lllle) NUb$crihcd IOthc withjn insuumcnl and acknowledged 10' me lhal hcImehhey execuled the same in hislherILhcir ca.pacily(iC5). and lhal by hisJherhhcir sign:lturc(s) on 1he insuumenl., Ihe individual(~). or lhe person upon behalr of which lhc individuul(s) aclcd. executed the inslfUrnenl. ~, ~ --- -- No~ary Pu!ll1 c . I'EIEIl E.lIWAHH ....,.... SlaIt aI Now Yak _In ......ClaaIIIV Q;......L..t...~I!'~30 ~ . - '- lOll' "fS'oI.II'1T "uw/pr a.lWhll A.C:MUiIoi,dl:fJlrru Cr"iJi."oI.''''/ - . - .. .. - - - - . - -. -. . . . - - .. . -. - - . ... . - . . .. - - - - - . .. . ,...: (('u",pli'I#' V,'IIIlC! M;,II .'irerlf'. (I,II1II'Y. l~n.",lnc" rlr Munkif'IJlil): I On the ~y of ""fore me,the undersigned. per.oonally.p . on the basis of satisfaclOn: C'vidcnc..-e 10 be the Individuates) w namc(s) is (we) suh.'iCribed to lhC within insln.Iment :md ackno I to me thai hefshel1hcy executecJ the s:lfl1e in hi~erhhcir c "ilyries). lhuI by hiiJherl their JOign:u.urc(~) on the inslnnnen1. Ihe " \'idmIc5). or the: pC'I"!\011 upon hchalr of which the individual(s) at: cXCC'utoJ the instrtJment. and th31 mK'h individual made such P L"C before lhe undersigned in the .rll~ cit)" Qr c,'h~r pcJ/i'u:ai subc/i\'i.don tl1lJ rht' ~'IQ1~ or ''OUntf)' or ~"....l...,t.:..~~.I_"lrtWlS"~ DISTRlcr 1000 SHcnos 11~I,tX'I BLOCK 1,('1.1 LoT 0'01,001 COUr'IoTI' OR TOWN Suffolk RF.CORDED AT RF.QUEST OF Fidelity NalloDaI ntJe Insurance Company CJrNew Yurk RETURN Ill' MAil. Tn . J' .. . , E 787-784 Residence - ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situated, lying and being at Nassau Point in the Town of Southold, COlDlty of Suffolk and State of New York being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the mean high water mark afLittle Peconic, Bay; said point being the following eight (8) courses and distances from the extreme Westerly terminus of curve which curve connects the Southerly side of Nassau Point Road with the Westerly side of Smith Road: (1) South 610 27' 26" East 18.77feet; (2) South 160 54' 00" East 99.25 feetj (3) South II a 17' 00" East 101.90 feet to a monument; (4) North 540 43' 00" East 7.67 feet; (5) North 780 42' 10" East 196.70 feet to a point on a tie line along a wood bulkhead and the mean high water mark afLittle Pcconic Bayj , (6) South 030 09' 00" West 23.98 feet; (7) South 070 39' 30" East 324.60 feet; (8) South 070 58' 00" East 41.49 feet to the point ofbeginningj RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning along a tie line along the mean high water mark of Little Peconic Bay the following cleven (II) courses and distances: (1) South 07" 42' 10" West 29.41 feetj r (2) South 250 27' 50" East 18.02 feet; ..- (3) South 14034' 20" East 74.79 feet; / (4) North 85045' 40" East 3.80 feet; (5) South 060 10' 00" East 245.71 feet; / (6) South 330 31' 00" West 9.96 feet; / (7) South 010 59' 10" East 80.36 feet; / (8) South 09" 54' 00" East 225.05 feet; / (9) South 100 5 l' 41" East 1 54.60 feet; (10) South 010 22' 37" East 352.27feet; / (11) South 120 OS' 28" West 229.26 feet to the mean high water line of Great Peconic Bay; f RUNNING THENCE along the mean high water line of Great Peconic Bay the following six (6) courses and distances: (I) North 080 23' 56" West 192.98 feet; / (2) North OSO 12' 06" West 286.57 feet; r (3) North 11042' 40" West 306.22 feet; / (4) North 18021' 00" West 273.75 feet; / (5) North 250 49' SO" West 209.98 feet; / (6) North 320 27' 50" West 56.28 feet; / " RUNNING THENCE North 540 43' 00" East 188.50 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 780 42' 10" Easl106.4S feet to the mean high water mark of Little Peconic Bay and the point and place of BEGINNING. ~ Li 2 l Number ofpagn TORRENS RECORDED 20~2 Dee 19 12.12;34 PM Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOlJ( COUNTY L 000012226 p 25S Dft 02-20010 Serial II Certificate #I Prior elf. H Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Retording I Filing Stamps 4 Page I'=-iling I-"re Mortgage Ami. Handling TP'-S84 I. Basic Tax 2. A"hJitional Tax Notation Sub T olal 1;A-52 11 (County) Sub Toeal Sub Total Spec.IAssil. Or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual T,)wn Dual Count)'_ Held for Apportionment _ Tl1lnsfer Tax Mansion Tax The prOJ'lt:ny covered by this lnortg.'lge is or will he improved b)' a one or h~..o farn ily dwelling only. VI;S o<NO_ IrNO. see appropriate tux claus. 0 page U _\lfthis inslrumcnl. EA-S217 (State) Comm.ofr:.d. SQQ_ RP.T.S.A. ..);o~ Affidavit Ct."I1.ified Copy Reg. Copy Other GRAND TOTAL l Ro:al Property Tax Service Agency VcrifiC8\ion nisI. Section B lode. 1.0' 7 Sa'isfactionslDischargeslRelea...n LiSl Pn'perty Owners Mailing Addres RECORD &. RETURN TO: William J. Fleming, Esq. 46 Newtown Lane, Suite 3 East Hampton, New York 11937 1000 11900 0100 014001 101 CPF '.'ax r>ue Slamp Date Initials Vacant I.and / tJ-(H/ TD TD TO q 8 Title Company Inrormation Co. Name Tilletl Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This poge limns part of the allached Deed (SI'ECIFY TYPE OF INSTRlJMENr ) _ made by: Alison Bvers Reillv ("""_1 crtoph9r J Reilly 1be premises herein is silual~-d in SUFFOLK COUNl"Y. NEW YORK. In 1he To,",nship of {<:;,} ~: In the VILLAGE or IIAMLET of rtt. A 1 150n Byers TO (a/k/a AliSon Byers Reilly) BOXES 5 TIIRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FII.lI'iG. (OVER) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I I111II1111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: e2-20010 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: 12/19/2002 12:12134 PM 000012226 258 District: 1000 Section: Block: 119.00 01.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 014.001 Deed AIIIount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SORCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $25.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COlIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $102.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-20010 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRtlMBNT Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FO,~ COUNTY USE ONLY C1, SWIS Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 1 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT (,I, 73,!?, ,?j ,7 /c;102 Day V"ar ,.;z,S-)? * - . ti - ' 1,1 ~ . ~""~, STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES C2. Date Deed Recorded /.:;)1 Month RP - 5217 C4-, Page I C3. Book PROPERTY INFORMATION RP.5211 R~v 3197 1. ~~~~;i~~ I 10335 STBc" I r.Ur..l~E~ L Nassau Point Road STFEnNAME: C'\t~h&9"P CIY'._ oV/r VI~LAG~ ___--Lil93~ ZIP COllE 2 Buver Name Byers. (a/k/a Byers Reilly) lAt'T'.A~1[.'CCMPA-'V nRSTNAMl Alison ~:"\'[CO~I~ FI~ST NAME 3 Tax Billing Address ndieate where futun] -ax f:liils in,to be sell~ ilotrert:la', bLyerJdc'ress {at 'J'Jtlom olf:rm) ~ Bvers LA~i~ NAMll ~OMPANY Alison FIRST ""~r -----.J 1692 Route 25 A -'S~RE~T-N----'::-Miljcf" AND STflHT NA',' NY 11791 Laurel Hollow CITYORTC\/.'N STAT' ~IP' ODE 4 Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed OR 0 Partof"'Parcel lOnly if Part of a Parcell Check <I:> they apply 4A, 1'lal1n'ng Baare with Subcivisio:l Au:hQrlty Exists 0 4B. Subd'vlsio'1 Aprroval was Req~ired for "ansler D 4C Parcel Approved for SLJbd'vision wi\r, Me"! I-'rovided D 1__ _~#ujPafcals 5. Dead Property Si"", I X: _____~~OR! D,PT>j 5. 4 51 Hr)""I'E~ _\CRES 6 Saller Name __ Bvers Reilly"" ~AMFi'~OVOANY FIA~;'r N.~Ml Alison ---- Re illy Chri stopher J. A~.T NA^'l( ,.' ~()M"'ANV FIRS'rNA.,i'E' 7. Chack the box below wl1icl1 most accurately dp.<tcribes tl1e use of the propertv at the time of sale: Check the boxes below as tl1eV applv; 8. Owrlership Type is Cordomini.Jm 9. Nuw Construotion On Vacant Lmd o o o o A~.,.. Om,:::arnilyRegjdenti1'l1 R 2or3Family RE'sidantial C ,'1es',aerfal Vacaci Larri D \J()n.Rhiu~nl'QI Vil~allt Lanel E~ AYri~UI_ural F CnmMF!re,sl (; Apartmont H Enterta'nment'" AmJ~e-ne~, [~ CO'l1_n1~'nitYSe'ViC(, J Ind_s"'ai. K P~b,,,; Serv'ce I. lorest lOA. Property' LQ~ated withi'1 an Aqricu LJr<l Ji:;t.i(;( 10B Bliym received a disclasllf/1 ,.,ot,C-:, ',,\Ji~~til)g that the property is in an AgricultLral Di<:frir.t SALe INI-'ORMAT10r\ 15. Check one or more of these GOnditions aSl applicable to transfer. 11. Sale Contract Date .I M~~th o"-Y I A H C D E E G H I J Sale fletwecn Relatives or Former Relativeh Sale Between RAIllted Comp"niss cr [',vtncr,; 'n Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Govemmil'1t Agel1Cy 0," Lf!nding Instilutiol' Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale :Spf!~'fy Below) Sale of Fracticnal or Less th<Jll I--ee Interest (Specify Below) Signifi,",ilflt CI1<J'lRe in Property BC:WBen Taxable Stallj~ and Sale Dates Sale of Business i~ I,.,r.luded in Sal", Price O:hel Unu5Uil Factors Atfp''"'ting Sale Pric~' (Specify Belowl None Yea, 12. Datf'! of S!Jle I Trjlnsfer 121 '::i, 01 '6' P'- Year 13. Full Sale Prio;a o ~".';,____--1__,,_.l , . :Full Sal.: P.'ce is lhe IOIi'! a-noul1: p<I'd fo' the property including personal properly This pay,-n",nt :ray bi:! in the form of f:~sh. othE( p'operty or goods, cr the assumption of ~llJft"ages Or other obligatiQn~,) PlefJ,~" round !O the nearr;>Sf whole dollar amount 14. Indicate the value of personal property included in the sala o o i _--1------'---.. , , Da:a should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill ASSESSMENT iNFORMATION. 16. Year of Assessment Roll from wl1ich information taken L..c .J 17. Total Assessed Value {of all paro;els in transfer} L------'----_ ,--------'------'-----'"~ L-.J ,. 18 Property Class L..f.L5 O,l-U 19 School District Name I Matt/Cutch/Laurel 20 Tax Map Identifieris} I Rollldentifierlsl ilf mote than four. attach sheet with additional jdentifier(sll 1000-119.00-01.00-014.001 L_ L I CERTIFICATION I c(;rtif~' that all r.j' thl' items of information entcrL-d un thh form are true and corn'ct (tll lhe hest of my Hnowll'dgl' and IwliefJ rmd I Hlloershmu lhat the mal\in:: ()l' '1Il~ willful raise slatenwnt uf material fad herein "ill'1 me 10 the Tlruvhions of the,,~enal law relatiH' tn the nmldng and liling: of false inslruments. BUYEfI: BUYER'S ATTORNEY l/7 /~- qf4.J(;f)/[~ r:;1'ikJ/J F''-';-_~~~L'Ro Aliso~ Byers }(592 RQute 25 A ..-l_~~~Z . ,^, ~ William J. fj~STNAMf Fleming LAST "AME (Private Lane) 631 324-8778 J Trl cN<C"" N-CMBER-- STP,QN,.w,rr; ~;-R'cT ",AME ,fiFTE~ SA, F A~EA CODF Laurel Holl ow NY 11791 I NEW ""\ YORK STATE I L COpy c/ C1r'fnpr:JNN I ".TA-E ""'COOE 'LU-L 16 ~2- J* ~ .J .J