HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12370 P 145 ." .. , L If V/(.I ~' -,) 1} 0 , \LfL~ ! d() -- / ~ ,.;yau . IIiIrc:tlll and Sale lka! wilh Cuven.mt lII;aiml OnlllOl'.. AcH ladlyklWll 1M' CwpnliuII15111c1e fCbcclIINYDnJ 1IW.1) c..'1JtloliUI.T YOUR LAWn':R 1u-:n)RK Mt;NINlii TillS IJ6Tltlla.lti.tlo"" THdINITIlUAtVJli.rsHOUU) BY. USKU BY IAWYt:.1tS 01"1.'" CJ.4tt- day of January ,in the yea' 2005 TillS INI)I':NT\JKI'~ made Ihe 1II!'I'\n:'iN The Trust for I'ublic "and, 666 Broadway, New York, NY tOOU pany uf the fi..t pon, and Henry F. Kra~zewBki, Jr., 340 Edge of Woods Road, Water Mill, NY 119i76 pony uf ,he """'nld pan. WITNllSSl!:TlI, 'hat the pony uf the fi.., pan. in o:.lIlSillcraliul, nf T.n Doll... and othe, ..Iuable ...,.idm';'lI' paid hy Ih. pony of ,he .......(lud part. Uac' hen:by Gran'..... rei""", 011I0 the ",""y uf the ..cuncl pun. the hein or .uccc...,.. and "';1'" of the p:1l1y uf the....lIld pan fun:vcr. AIJ..lhot certain I>>ol.Pica: I.lf p;m:cl or land. ... .d.lI_ b..:........ _.d :..,,_.. ....._..... 11_....... _._..~. ..:I~w..ll :.'11 _.d b...:... :.. tI.M deseribed on Schedule A attaebed bereto and made a part bereof. SUBJECT TO Deed 01 COlllerYallon Easement dated Oetober 2, 2003 made by and helween The Trult lor Public Land. HI Grantor and Tbe People ollhe State of New York, IS Grantee recurded on October to. 2003 in Uber t2277 ep 2411. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE part of the same prelllises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated September 30. 2003. recorded September 30. 2003 in Liber 12275 cp 42. 1'UCKTIII!:K wi'h.1I righl. till. unci i......~ ifuny,ofthe partyafthe fi....part of, in unci 10 any ."""..and "",do :mullillg lhe .hnve......ribal prelllises u. the .enlCl' Ii... thcr<of: TOGKTIIRII. with the ap..._... and .11 the ..talC and rights of the party af dlC firM part in and lo..id pn:mi5a; 1'0 11,\ Vii AND 1'0 1I0LIJ the pn:millco '-in granu:d unU, dlC pori)' ..flh. 5CC\'1Il1II111l, Ihe hci" or ............ unci aWIIII. ....Ihe pony of the second part forever. AND the: pany af the lirlil part e,l\'CIIO'" thai the pony lIf the fi..l port Iw. notd.."" ..r .uffeNd anylhinG whl....,hy dIe ..id prclllisC2I, have been incumben.-d in any way whaklvcr. CJ.C1:pt as .fan:N.i~. AN D the party of the fi..1 part, ill complia...e with s..:lion 13 uf the Lien Law. ..venunts that the pony ..f the fint part will rec.iv. the .oooi.....tion forthi...nveynnc:e ancl will bold the righ' to receive ...h CtlllSidentianB5 alMI fwlllIG be applic:d fi..1 r.., the purpme cf paying the ..n cf the illlpn'l\'CDlCnI and will apply ,he ""'" finl ta the paymen' lIf the caol ..f dIe impmveDICnl bofon: uoillllany pan afthe lotal ,"'lheiIIIIIC for ony athe' po"""",. 1bc wurd "pany" ,,!litn he ....ulI51rucd as if it n:1MI"particl" whenever the scn~ nf !hit. illdemurc 1M' rcquim;. IN W'TNI!SS WHRKt:O.'. the party "f ,he n..1 pan Ita, duly e.cculallhi. deallhe day and yea, fir.. .b".e wrillen. Mdr~r.I.~AN .IU...,-~..A .\\I"....\I_er.$.__._ ~~\"........\ CO"'Mc...l IN PKKSF.NCIo:.....' \ .. . ~... F.IDELlTY. NATIONAL..TLTLE.1NSURANCE COM.l!AN~ TITLE NO. OS-7404-60014-5UFF .. -. . -.. .---...... SCHEDULE A-I (lJacrlptltHr). . ALL that cenain plot, piece or parcel of land. situale, lying and being partly in the Town of Rivcrhead and partly in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and Slale of New York. known and designated... part of Lot 3 as shown oil Map of Property Minor Subdivision "Holly Park" filed in the Office of lhe Clerk of the Counly of Suffolk on September 25, 2003 lIS Map No. 11006. and also shown 8!1 LoI lOon Map "f I'roperty Subdivision "Holly Farms" filed in Ihe Office of Ihe Clerk oflhe Counly of Suffolk on 1218104 as Misc. Map No. A-588. bounded alld described as follows: BEGINNING al a p"illl on Ihe northwesterly side of Sound Avenue alll.e soulhwesterly comer of land now fonnerly of Barbara and Andra Kujuwski; RUNNING TtIENCE Soulh 80 degrees 5610inules 10 seconds Wesl along the northwesterly side of Sound Avenue 25.25 fcetlo a poinl; THENCE North 20 degrees 24 minules 20 seconds West 752.65 fcetto a monument; THENCE South 69 degrees 59 minutes 5 I scc:onds Wesl 77.32 leetl" a monument; THENCE North 20 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds West 2195.26 feet to a monumenl and land now or forme"rly of Slate of New York; nmNCE North 68 degrees 57 minutes 50 seconds !:ast along land now or fonnelry of Stale of New York 361.76 li:ct 10 I.and now or fom.elry of Ilarbes MaUituck Fann LtC; . nlENCE along Ille last mentioned land Ihe fallowing 3 eoUISCS and dislances: I. South 20 del!fCCS 19 minules 20 sc.'Conds EIISt 850.()<) fcet \0 a monumellt; 2. South 29 degrees 20 minules 30 5CCOndS EBlIt25 1.99 fcelto a point; 3. North 69 degrees 23 minutes 10 seconds East 44.00 fcelto land now or fonnerly ofr:dward W. and May D. Hames; THENCE South 22 degrees 5 I minutes 50 seconds Easl along the last mentioned land 1463.00 f''l:1 10 land now or fonnelry of MCM Properties, LLC; THENCE Soulh 69 degrees 35 minules 40 seconds Wesl 386.90 fcetto a monument; THENCE South 20 degrees 24 minules 20 seconds wt 404.64 fcetlO a monumenl on the northwC51erly side of Sound A venue, the point or place of BEGINNING. ~/j1 ~ ,>'.. ,~ '~t"" ~'..t\ "",\ ... Ii' 'i Till; I'OLlCY TO BI:."ISSUED II,Hkr ,lJis .'uINml,.",nt will i'lSlI,." the ,ill",o ..lIch ~lIlldlnp 0,111 imp/'uW!!mcllI.. o"lho fll'i!n1U6JI Irhld, bJ' lair CtHlSli,u'd real pNlparty. ~~j~- / -1'1 (. ",,/f :', ,/ ~;I FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY: 7'o1J'll1u!r ....liI. all/her/gN. ,i"du,IIl Int'rt!81 ol'/II! ~lyof/hefirs' purl. 'if III UlrU'O ,",, /a,IIl ,,'ill#: ill t!l" S'ruI i" fro", of a"d ,.goi"i"g sold prearises. SCIIWUUi A-/ (IJc","",IDlr) <:,... --~."-,-,,._- ._---~ -- ....-.... Number of pages TORRENS RECORlJED 2005 Feb 07 1(1100109 RIl EMrd P.ROI\iIine a..ERK CF SUFFOLX COUIfTY l ??oo12370 P 145 llTl 04-27677 Scrial# Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mongagc 10strumcnt Deed / Mongagc Tax Stamp FEES Recording / Piling Stamps 3 Comm. "f Ed. 5. 00 Mortgage AmL 1. Bllliic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TotaJ SpceJA...it. or Sp<<./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Duul County _ Held for Appointment Trunsfer Tax I ~ Lf._ Mansion Tu Page / Filing Fcc Handling 5. J!Q... TP-584 NOlalion EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total 50-~ Affida,'it 4 r:~;-'_' ~;eCl1on . .... ] Block,. . ....I Lot ~(J.,. The propcny eov~ by this mongagc i. or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES III' NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page /I of this instrument Cenificd Copy NYS Surcharge Other IS. J!Q... Sub Total Grand Total n::L . ::; Comm11lllty PreHrn.tioD I'1mcl Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Consideration Amount $ 05CH)4799 0600 00300 0100 002014 ,~~ 1000 12000 0100 001003 (Re~D~) \~-FEB-OJ- 6 SmisfaclionsIDischargesIReleascs List Propeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD Ii: RETURN TO: CPF Tax Due $ ~Xe",n- /1l~ (; tl.J..J.J. . 8"0 /J'lm.-Ia,.J #--, (M.,J #-r ()..J~ /h~, /f/. 't /117' Improved Vacant Land .-""'" TO 0" TO 10 E.S~ TO . Suffolk Count 7 & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached Tk ~-"AJ- +-.1 jJ~ d4rll- (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: ~ The prcmlliCS ~in is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. . ~jf..J4;/'P.h'..t- .Iu-Q ).bJAI"d TO :f J::A"'Ar..~I1'-J In the Tuwnship of In the VIlLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFF:ICE RBCORD:ING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0013979 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-27677 Recorded: At. 02/07/2005 10.00.09 AM L:IBBR: PAGE: D00012370 145 District: 0600 Section. Block. 003.00 01. 00 Il!YI>,MINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $303,225.00 Lot. 002.014 Deed Amouat. Received the Following Fe.. For Above In.trument BxBIIIiPt BxBIIIiPt Pag./Filing $12.00 NO JlaDdling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 110 Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $50.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1.214.00 110 CQIIIIII.Pre. $0.00 110 Pees Paid $1.386.00 TRAlISPER TAX NUMBER. 04-27677 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE IlISTROIIBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County - --- - --- - - -- -- --PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS-FTRMLYWHEj'fwRitING -Or'fFORM -.- INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR c;oUNiv USE ONLY I' '-f. 7,..'3 ,& tfJ ,0 I * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl. SWIS Code C2._DMd__ I ~ I 7 ~ STATE OF IIEW 'IORK STATE IJCMRD OF REAL rnural.I'I' IERVICES I -- .....",.., RP - 5217 I C3._ I ;, ~-.31:t7IC:'UII..1 (, 1.(,-5, I , lINIn' ... " PROPERlY INFORMATION I I 1.=:, .,~fr I Sound ...venue I aTJmiTfrIAIII[ LRi~1li9r~d / ~~\lT.iJClL'-D I - 11J.~ I ...... , 2. ..... I Kraszewski I Henry F. Jr. I ...... LAST NAIII/IXIMPMY .-.-..... I LMT ...,... I CClMfIMY I "'T __ I J. Tu kIdicD..... tutu.. Tax Bib IrO 10 be.., I I I III.. ~____,",_.f_1 LMTNAllElrxNtPlNI .....r~ i - I IIRIIr.._IlAlrlOITNtTNAMl I l;l"QIInMN I ....4Tf I I ...""" oI......,.tM............ A_ ....11 I .2 I ,ofP.n:oIa OR 0 P.rtof....~1 lOnIr'-...____....... RoI ........ ~_"".....4 DIIIM...... . ..._----_E.... 0 I 5.o.d .z. ...C.--L-~~-RequhdIDrT,..,... 0 I Ixl lOR I 2 4 I -. ""1 flU ....... . ""'" OC.__...__...._ 0 - I. ..... I The Trust for Public Land I I Nom. LAST MAMf/~NI't ......- I I .....- I I.IlIT ~ ICDIINNV 1. CMcIc 1M box Wow which molt ___IY ........ .1Ia ... 01 the property M ....,..... III....: -...----- .. Ownership Type ill CandomInium 0 A ~ One Fomlly .......... I! ~ ......burol I~Col1lm"nlly_ .. Nwt ConIU'UC:Iion on V-=n I.Inc:I 0 B 2' or 3 Fnly ....idlntilll F Commercial J Indum'aI 1M. PrclpIrty LcaItd within In Agr\cuIIural DiIbicI ~ , C Rllidlntlll Vaalnt land G Aplrtrntnt K PubUc _ 111."'" --... dIIcklIul1l no&icI incIc.DIg D -.,V_LoncI H Ent8rtIinm"/~ L _ IhII the property is in an AgriDlAnI DIItIIcl I SALE INFORMATION I 11. a.a. _ or.... ...... _ ..- _ _.........,.........-: - 11. .... Contnat Dill. L&,04 ;"5 104 I ^ - --_.._- v- B _ ___~"".r..........lnBuol.... OS'I C _ 0.............. '" _ . SoI_ I 12. 0... aI hie, Tnln.... I DII ~b I I) _ IuyDr or SoIIar II Ooo.lmrnera AgIncy or L..ndIng lfllthuliun - Do, v"" ~""" Dood l\nlo _ Wwronly .. ......,n ..... Solo ISpoally _ 3 <i-;'i3ln\2'i~S'; F ~ _ 01 F._ .. L-."" Foe 1_lSpocIfy _,. 1J. FuI .... ".. I G ~ llIgn_ Chango In "'-"" _ T_ SIal....... Solo 00loI . , . .'.... .C .~. .... ...,:. ... 0 . 0 I H ... of BuII~ lalnllludlc:lln .... PJk:I. , , . I :: OIhooU___.._PrlooI__ 'FuU _..."" 10 I/lo............ pold "" I/lo ""'.... __........ .....ny. ___lIoln....lonnol___..~......_oI J...... ....... mortgIrgII or aIher obIlpIIoM.l ....... round IG rIM ..... "'"* doIIIt .amount 14. IndI&:nI .... ".... aI ........ I , U ,01 ___111"'_ , , , . , , . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dolo .......1eI reflocllho I..... F,..,_, FlaIlllnd T.. BUll 11. v.. aI A__ .1lIio,t ReI from I 0 . 4 I 17. Total A.....- V.....IaI. piIUIIln IrInIIwII . . . 3.8.3.'1.8.01 which L4_................ , , , ,I._a... I 1.2.91_LJ 11.___' 1<.,'I.,g{H eA'o! J'I:!;C.'\ 'M"7 7"'u ~ I 3 2 1 ....T......_..,/__III................_____1 I ill _ - ~ ~...D600-3. 00-1-~08~~iverheadl I I~ 120. -1-1. 2 (Southoldl . I , I I I CERTIFICATION l .......,-..."'...-"'- .to- tnIInld UII II1II...... 8ft InII'.... curnCI'. 1M .... vi.., ~... bIIIII) ....1- . . - 1M ...... "'_ .1IfuI__ "'_IlId""'" wIII_hJect_.."" .............,"" _..... _...Ihe........_ ......__ !!!m!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY , -:J.. ~--t)-\ l\~ Walsh I Michael G. IU'M IIGMAT\- .." LM'_ ....- 3 t..{o I ~~~ ore- lM1:>J).JI ~ 631 I 726 5900 ~ ..---. .,."...... wn.1Alm _CllIIl ...-..... !\N~ Wfll.-L I t:lf .../J. n" crrv ..T<WI ru"'~B NEW YORK STATE 'llle Trust for Public: Land COpy. ~-$~jA~ I ~oS" . -- '2L1ionc..1 Qu,ft';e./_ -