HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12434 P 364 ---r--~- . ~A-055IflS L! 2LI.3Lf P:;c~LI 0/6 -1- }.3 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM B007 I CAlmON: THIS AGREr.MENT SHOUI.D Rr. PRF.PARED IIY AN A.I1URNEY AND REVIEWED BY IITTORNEYS FOR SE~~ER ASD PURClIAllER B.~"OR. SIGNING. TU THIS INDENTURE, made the IfI day of p~", ,2QOS I 1/ Qc.+vG:il ~ ~ ~ j,. 111"'~oe..' . between PHILIP/: MARCO.residing at3t'Riverside Drive. New York, New York 10023 pany oflhe first pan. and CARL ARGILA, residign at 50 Hill Street, SoulhamplOn. NY 11968 pany of Ihe second pan. ~. j<XV ~. -~ ALL thai ecnain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, - situale. lying and heing in the I9k OIM> SEE SCIIEDULE A ATI"ACHED (Dt;SCRIPTION m' PRt:l\lISJo:S) WITNESSETH, Ihat the party uflhe firsl: part, in considel1llion ofTen Dollars and other valuable c(>Rsidel:llion, paid by the pany of the second pari, does hereby grant and relew;e unto the party of Ihe second pan. Ihe heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ~0u.7.os BEING AND INTEl'iDED TO BE the same pmniscs as conveyed to the pllrty oflhe first part by deed daled 12111/82 and recorded 12117/82 in Liber 9211S pngcS711. TOGETHER wilh all right, lille and interest. if any, oflhe patty of the first part in and to any strccts and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER wilh the appurtenances and all the estate and right.~ oflhe party of the first part in and 10 ~aid premises. . . TO 1/A VE AND 7'01/0LD Ihe premises herein granled unlo Ihe patty oflhe second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party oflhe second part forever. AND the patty of the first part. covenants that the patty of the first part ha.~ not done or suffered anything whereby Ihe said premises have been encumbered in any ~y,w.ha~ver:~~~~~.:~1.~~Taid. '.' . I...... .' .~:..'l AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section.13.of the Lien l:awrcovenants Ihat the parly uflhe first part will receive Ihe consideration for this conveyanee.and.will hold tlie)iigHt to receive such consideralion a.~ a trust fund 10 he applied firsl for the purpose ofpayinll the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to Ihe payment oflhe COllI oflhe improvemenl before using any part of the total oflhe same for any other purpose. , The word "party" shall be construed as if Iii read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenlure so n.~uil't:s. .. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of me fil'llt part has du executed this deed the. day and year first above wrillen. IN PRESENCE OF: :'\l"'SIM Residftllial Reall:!llW' FOI"rMnn IlmOocsI (WOO) - I -(. C'opyri~ CapwR" [)cov&:k'pm~nl FIDEL... Y NATIONAL TITLE INSUR. _.~CE COMPANY Title Number: TLA-05589S SCHEDULE A CONTINUED LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of South old. County of Suffolk and St~te ofNcw York, known and designated as Lot 2 on a certain map entitled, "Map of East Hill, Section I" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on November 29. 1973 as Map No, 6044. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: NOT f'OR POUCY SAID PREMISES also being known as Vacant Land - Indian Neck Lane Peconic NY , . ., ,. " ", ',~ III. ", " \1 'j Issucd by: TitieLand Agency, Inc. 1900 Hempstead Turnpike East Meadow, NY 11554 Telephone: 516-222-2444 Fax: 516-222-4915 State of New York) 55: County of Suffolk ) On this I" -rllday of J:> U. , 2005. before, the undersignSd; personally appeared PHILIP R. MARCO, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to the be individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscri~ed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that .1 by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. ~ ~f?'~A Notary P~c ~. . I MARGARET c.iRU1'KOW8lCl Nol8ry Publlo, lbl801 NewVark No. 41182628 0uellIIed In SuIIoIk Co!"'lr Co."".hd.m ExpIrw June 3, ~ 7 . i . R ~crordJ":c;o\'tn ~~-t. ,\ d- ~d.WJ t-.i4 , ,1'1 to~ \ N....SRA Rai..Ie'llCial Real F..stDle formS oil. HotlJocos' (9/00) I -~:- Copyript capson' Dewlopmenl ., " Number of pages TORRENS Serial # C~nifkale # Prior Clf. # Deed. Mortgage Instrumenl Deed I Mongage Tax SllImp FEES 3 Pag~ I Filing Fee Handling 5.jKL TP-584 NOlalion EA-5217 (Cuunly) Sub Tmal EA-5~17 (Smtc) 2x R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. .i!!L Affidavit C~nilied Copy Reg. Copy Sub Tl1lal -- Olher Grand TOlal 4 DislricllOOO Seclion R~al Propeny Tax Service , Agency V~ri !icalion . 98.00 Block I LoI 1\)00'- 09800 0100 002003 . ~ 6 SalisfaclionlDischarg~slReleuse Lisl Property Own~rs Muiling Address RECORD & RETURN TO: RICHARD J. COHEN. ESQ. 2222 ROUTE 112 MEDFORD NY 11763 RECORDE[' 2006 Feb 03 02:28:29 PM ClERK OF SUFFOLK COliff'{ L ??oo12434 P 364 OIl 05-26236 Recording I Filing Slamps Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub TOlal Spec. I A.o;sil. or Spec,. I Add. T01: MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appointment _ Transfer Tax /7 'fa - _ Mansion 11& _ Th~ prc1pe covered by this mOlgag~ is or will be Iproved by a one or two family dwelli g only. YES or NO If NO. see ap ropriate tax clause on of Ihis instrument. , 1-\ -0 $ 435.000.00 $ 7.200.00 . Improved Vacant Land / ( TO _/000 TD TO 7 Title Company Information Co. Nlltne TITLE LAND AGENCY INC. litle # TLA-DSS89S 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached BARGAIN & SALE DEED ' (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) PHIUP R. MARCO made by: Th~ premisis herein is situated in TO SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In me Township of SOUTHOLD In Ihc: VILLAGE CARL ARGILA or HAMLET of PECONIC BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II11111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DEBDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt NUmber . 06-0012308 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-26236 Recorded: At, 02/03/2006 02:28.29 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012434 364 District: 1000 Section. 098.00 RYaJaNBD AND $435.000.00 Block: 01.00 CHARGBD AS Lot: 002.003 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Pees Por Above Instrument ~-.pt Bxempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1.740.00 NO Ccmm.Pres $7.200.00 NO Pees Paid $9.182.00 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 05-26236 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE :tNSTR1lMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL FOR COUNTY USE ONLY d, 7,:3, t, t.91 CZ.o.te___ 1 O? I 3 I&PI ManU. g.,. VfIM C3. _ I /. ei(, (.../,.:3, '11C:4...... t3 . .h, L/, PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 c,. SWIS Cod. ,. STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PRDPEKTY S!IMCEIl ....,:17.....'81 ,.p........ I Loutlon Indian Neck Lane STMI'T NU"'" .,...:&IIIAIII! Peconic cnYOIlTOWN ......, UUl 2. euyor IARGILA NIl.,. lAKTNA"/~Y ,CARL ....,....... I.MT NAIIIICOW'M't raT u,w 3. Tu Indicate wtt.. f'*"- T.. Bills GfCt UJ be lint BUllnll Ir athDr thIIn buyer .ddreR C. boltorn at farml I ..-.. LAST ...., CCMMNV F_T MIlL .rR[V' NUM'" AIIID SlIIl!ff NMIF Cl1Y(Jl:toA/IIl ITATI! m...... 5.::'- 1 Size PRONr "lIT I xl DLPIII lOR I '/ICM" 0.9 9 I IOnfy I' PM crf . 1'11....1 a.-..... apply. &A. Planning Board wtlh Subdlvlllon Au\horlty &.1111 ... Subdivilion AppnwaI wu RMlulrad lor TrONt'., Ie. ...... Ap........ .., &ubdlvlllon _ Mop _did o o D 4. Ind'''' the number of AuIllllMl'lt RaI'_ ._........... on tIle_ 1 I , of .,,,,,,1. ORD PIn: 0' . Parcel e. s.o. Nome I MARCO LAST NAME I CQWIANY PHILIP 1- _r_ l.MT NAME' c:O.......~.. "1Ir.'~ 11. Full Se'e PrIM ,4,3.5,0,0,0,0,01 , , . . (hili 581, Price it the rm.1 Mnounl plld far the property Including portOnIl propertV. Thi. prtmenl may blin tbI fonn of .... other property or goodI. or .... """'PIlon of mortpg_ or other abligMionLI PIute round ro rile ...,., whoM ~r ",",",III. f. ~ AgricuII.." I ~ Convnurmy Sorvlc:o I' Cammo..... J _, lOA. Pnlpor\y""- -.... AgriEu_l_ G Ap,IrtmlRl K PuDHe ServIce 1GB. Burtr NCIived . dIIdoIure notice indil:IIing II Enleruinmenll Amulement f. fotg nllt me ~ II in DR Agrlculural DiItrict ,.. ~ _ .. men 01_ CIDIICIIIaM _ appIlcIbI. to ~ ^ ____0'___ 8 Sell 8etweeft RlllIIId COml*li. or P.wtneq in Businna C One of 1he Buywrs II eIIO a Sell. n Buyer or Sol.... .. Gowrnment Agency or landing Irwtllw:lon E Ileed TYJIII naI W.rmIY or Bargain and s.a. CSPKify BeIoM I' Sole 01 FfIlOli_ or L.- than Foo 1nI.... ISpoclfy Solow) G SignifiCIIIC Chang. In Property .......n TIIX8bI. a.tu. and s.le 0. Ii Sale of Bull,... IIlnc1udld in SIll. Pnc:. , Other Unusuel Facconl Affac:ling Sa. Prico (Spocify Belowl J No... a..Iltlle_____1y; I. Own_lp lyPo Is Condomlnhlm .. New ConII:rucr:1on on Vecanr Land o o o o 7. Checll the box Wow whlah moIlI .ccurMllly d....... IIIe .. 01 .... ........., . 1hI dm. at _--= ^~ 0... FomDy Ruid.ntial B 2 or 3 F.mily Relldenti.1 C X RGlidllfttla'VlCIftlllnd D Non-Rm_" V..... Loncl I SALE INFOIIMATION I 11. Solo CGnl_ _ 7 ...... I 25 I 05 I cor YIIIlI' 12. OIt. of 51.. I Trana!- \ ...... Ie IJoo~ v.., 1t.IndiAt. the v..... of......1 I 0 0 0 I __Intlle_. '. ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DIll. .hould relllct th. II_ Finel_m... Roll .nd T.. Bill II.Y_a1_RoaIromI 04. 05In,T__V_CaI.._. Inlr_,1 wIIictI ",h.,.....dIuI ...... ; ; 1 4 ; o 0 , II. ,",-W C1e.. 13. 1.1 I-U ...Sc__"';'. I Southold UFSD a T'K .,... ....ntllar(.11 Roll .............. II rnoN I.... taur. ........... wIIIIlddIIIonIII ~I 11000-98-1-2.3 ---.J I ---.J I CERTIFICATION . I . ...1111 01 \he .... '" __ ......... ... ....1onII 1ft _ ... _ flo .... ..... 01 nI)' _........... _ ... I u....~ ,,"'" ..... .... IeIIdIqt '" ..lIrul "'" .... oubJo.... 10 .... ...Md,. 0I1Ino ..nil .... ..l1li.. .. \he ........ _ .,.. or...... llllllnunoll... BUYER'S ATTORNEY Cohen Richard J. .......... -- 50 ,'fIIET N\JMKII Hill Street 8TI'EfT N4W WIM M.l.1 . '_COIlO 1ILlPHONl! ....... ..... NEW YORK STATE COPY