HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12432 P 106 , WCB.2 Rev. fW9 lunifonn ad:.) L I~} L/.::'.....7 ~.-- ,/ . ./,/-- r ICC' JiBt. 1000 ,ec. 098.00 Uk. 01.00 Lot 002.007 f\ '\J \~ ~\ . Cf <;( I -J. 7 ''',I'd"d N. Y;a.T.u. F.... 'DO", -a",.," .... "k D'N. ....h c..,..",.""",, e........ .~"'-',.J;..d"'.'t"':O.~~51 CON_T Y_ LAWYR __ 11_ ntIIlNI_-lHlI _'M/MINT IHOI&D . lIS~ LAW~ I Y. TH nus INDEN'IVREo..madc the /fi> clay of BETWEEN ~ Q~"Y\Je1C>.A.t C(l.. Philip Marco 37 Riverside, Drive New York, NY 10023 '''E:CEM6f:!(. ,in the year ;;J. 005' ~ "TV~ L. ;..., 2:2"'P ~c.eVVlbR-< ~ rty of the lint part. P.CI . J Richard p. Whitney and Therese~. ,6 Chestnut East Quogue, NY 1194~_. Whitney party of the M!<IOJId part. . . wrnrESSE'I1I, that the party of the lint part, in conlideration of Ten Donars and other valuable COfISIderali~ paid by the party of the second part. does hereby IJ&III and release unlo the party of lhe second part, the he.rs or succeuors and up of lhe party of the second part foTevcr, ALL thst certain plot, piece I~r pu<d of laud, with the buildiap and improvements the..- erected, situate, lyinc and bcitlc iD the E SCHEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. BEING. AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by Deed dated 6/16/83 recorded 7/12/83 in I.iber 9385 cp 218 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. TOGETH ER with all righl. litle and interest, if any, of the ""..y of the firsl part in and to any slreets and roa.tls abutting the above desc:ribed premises to the center lines tlm-eof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances .nd all the est.'" and rights ollhe party of Ihe firsl part in and 10 mid premises; TO HAVE A:ilD TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto Ihe party of the second plrt, the heirl or luccessors and assignl 01 th. party of the second part rorev.r. ___._ r:"l'l:tJl:":'~'(""i ~,~t. ..~.:'~.:. ~~. """, '1"1 "I ':oJ.. ","(.VI"!;' \.. --I' "I. u' . _ '''O)" \S....-..~. AND Ihe party of tb. first part covell":nt! .1ha,1 1J,e'p!ny.of ,the. ~.~:pan !as nol done or suffered anything whereby the said ,remises have been enc\lro!Mt.~ in a.nYJlv,'!Iy~"Il\alever, except as aforesaid. AND Ihe party 0 the first pari. in compliance wilh Sec:tion 13 of Ihe Lien Law. covenants lhat the party of the first po.rt will receive lhe con.ideralion for lhil conve,..,.. and will hold Ihe richl to receive IUeb consid- eration as a IruSI lund to be applied first for the 'purpose 01 paying the cost of the imfrovement and will applv th. same first 10 the par",.nt ollhe cost of the Improvc:ment belore using anr parI 0 the tolal of lhe same for any Olher purpose. The word "..,,"y" shall be con>lrucd as if il read "panies" IN wrrNESS WHEREOF. the, party of lhe &rsl part has d written. III PUIIENCE OF: the sense of this indenture so requires. , deed the day and year first above , Schedule A Description TiDe Number WI-05-1'551S Page 1 ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT,PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE,L YING AND BEING AT PECONIC, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NO.6 ON A CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED -MAP OF EAST HILL, SECTION 1- AND FILED IN THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON NOVEMBER 29. 1973 AS MAP NO. 6044. .. ~... .' ,.~~...::5..:.-:'-"'. ~~~~;;;;;~~-_.. .L: iIlI .. ~-~_x.-. T-r.\",::-~C,".":...:""'i:"""'~"- .:- __... ~~ --t4" ~.s...-.~:.-_ " " , . ST^TEOFl~EWYORK) ) 10.' COUI'fTY OlrPfFF'u/" ) 'On tho J(# dl~ of Pee. in ~ --,PO>betore me, tho undmisned,l~n"ly IppaI'Od -PJl.nipHarco personally kno,wo 10 me or proved to me 0II1he basil or lIIilfaetoly ..id.... to bo, the individull(l) w"-e aame(1) il (....) IIIbscribed to the within illl1nll..llland .....owledged 10 me thlt hellhelthty cxecultd the lime in hillher1thoir capacily(ies), and tho! by hisn.or/"'cir IiJlllllUre(S) on the inslrumcnl. the individual(I), or tho person upon .behllf ofwllich ,h. individUll(I) ..ltd, oxecultd "'. instrument. . STATE OF NEW YORK) )n.: COUNTY OF ) On the _ day of .n Ih. year _ before mo, ,he undonlsno<l. ponon.slly opparod ponoaaIly known to me or provod 10 me on lho buil of lllilflClory evidence to be tho individual(l) whoso 11IIIIO(.) i. (are) IIIbscnbed '0 1he within instrumenland acknowloclJed 10 me rhlr hoIlho1thoy execuled the same in hislhcrllhoir capacily(ios), and tha, by hislhorlthoir Ii..~.) on tho inSlnllllon', tho individual(I), or rhe penon upon bohllfofwbich 1he inclividual(l) lCIed, .xocultd lhe inarument. 1& .dL~. tfI'"""%aturo and om.. of 'adlvldaaltll<la. aokDowled....., Notary Public MI\flBAqer C. Run<<lW8ICI . For achowled'_lIlak.. la Now Ya.... S1lte. Nac.rr Publltl, 8181811I.... 'lbrII .. No.-W , "!O.1lIIIIII1n 8uIIalII ~ . , ~~'1l.j,..'l1'IlI~...a.~7 .. 51110, Dlslrlel of Columbia, Torrtlory, Po......o.. llr Fonl&n'Coantry _ .. S1plln.. lad om.. af IndMdulllakJo. loknowled.moa, ) IL: On the _ dlY of In lho yosr _ before me, Ihe undOllisned, JlOI1Onally appeared penanally kn"wo '0 me or proved to me on tho basil ufSllilflClory evidence 10 be the individual(l) whose namo(s) i. (are) .ubscribed.o the ' wi,hin illl1rwrlenland acknowledged 10 me thll hollholthoy executed Ih.... in hillhorilheir capocily(iol),lImt by hisn.er/their lisnuuro(.) on ,hc illSll'lJment, tho individual(.), or tho JlOI1On upon bohIIfofwllich tho individual(s) lCIed, executed tho in!llnlmen., and 'hat such individual mad. such appoamnc. before ,h. und.rsigned in tho , (lns.rt tho ci'y or o.h.r poli.ical subdivision and .h. SIll. or counlry or other place ,holdcnowloclp"," wu tak.n), Slcalluro lad 0IIl0e of IDdMdalllakla,"ckaow'odKJllonl .. Foroekaowl.~.moats Iak~ oalsld. of Now York Slale. kpln Inll "Ie ...11 WI fH CC'VENANT ^CAINS1' GRANTOR'S ^CTS TITLE No. - SECTION 098.00 Bl.OCII: 01.00 LOT 002.007 COUNTY ............ Suffolk Philip Marc', TO Richard D. l.rhitney and Therese L. Whitney RomnItd A. Reque. of FIm Amortcan 11lIo ._.... O>_ny rI Now York .STUBN BY MAIL TO, IfAHDdD POIlII Of NIW YOU IOAe 01 nnl UNDlIWIIJIII DUtrib.dnJ II, First American Title /t18llranct Company of New York ~ Davis & Prager, P.C. 175 Oak Street Patchogue, NY 11772 Zip No. r I I IS I ~ - ~ ... ! I . ...,.. , 11-0104(21!1f)' 3 RECORDED 2006 Jill 24 09: 21: 07 AI'! NuaIbw of pIpI CLERK OF SUFFOLK. COOIlT... l 000012432 P 106 on 05-24449 Serial. _ Cordlicora . I'IiarClf.II 11ooii'....... ___ :U:::. PIp I Pilial Peo HaDdIiDa TP-584 NoIllioA SA-51 1.' (Coualy) B.W217 csw.) :2L.t/i Il.P.T.S"'~ CClIIlI1I. ctEd, S 2L- AIlidaYiI: CcnIIlecI Cop)' Rq. Coil)' 0IUr i. :II: ---" L DootI, Me..... T.. s-p FEES . IIoanIIq '......,- MortppAml, I. Buie Tu 2. Addi.;nnAI Tu SubTIllII Sub TIllII SpecJ.....it Or SpecJA.ckL TOT. MTG. TAX Dual TowD Dual Coualy _ lick! for Appodi"llll1.... TrIIIlIfcrTax .. . ~ -=- MlAlIoII Tax The JlIVIlIIrI)' by lbiI-.. is or wiI1 be by . 9.U or two l'amily SubTIllII dwclliDi_ GJllANI)TOTAL ~1.~- ()9800 0100 002007 6 COIllIllU CoIIIIdo..:ioa Amoual CPP Tax Duo s S IIIIpIVYeCl VIcaot LaIId ....... . m -10 'I'D 'I'D - . LIIcr"rll1J OwMnMalllDlAAIdNI RECORD" RETURN TO: l)J.'J \ S c:o\ 11n::~r\-~ r1S lhK &ree~.. l1::~/~ \.\10 :::II Su 1. 11III11lIP fonDa pIrC of tIuIlllIClIId .' . 1tlIIIoby: (spECIFY TYPE OP INSTaUMENl1 ~00l'. '_ Tbo.pniDiHI btniII is lilllaled III _ 'SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. @i:ttl9 _ In tIuITOWIIIhip of ~ d 10 1bo VD..LAOB or HAMLET of BO.US 5 TBIW' MlIST BE TYrED ORPlUI'lTID Il'lIlLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 aECOItDll'lG OR I'II.ING. (OVER) To . .- ., 111111I111111111I111111111111111111111111111I111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPFOLK COtJIft'Y CLBRX RECORDS OFFICE RECORDDlG PAGE Type of :IDstrwll8Dt. DI!:BDS/DDD Humber of Pages. 6 Receipt NUmber : 06-0007678 TRAliTSI'BR 'l'AX J.IIIOMBER: 05..2.&449 Recorded. At. 01/26/2006 09.21.07 JIll LIBER: lIAGE: D00012432 106 District. 1000 SectioDl' Block. 098.00 01.00 BXAIIIIIIII:D AIID CBA1lGBD AS FOLLOWS $680,000.00 Lot. 002.007 Deed AIIIlDUllt. Received the Following Fees I'or Above :IDIItrument BJr-wt I!:xempt Page/Ir'iling $12.00 NO JlaDdling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO IIYS 8RCBG $15.00 NO 1!:A-C'1'1/' $5.00 NO I!:A-STA'l'B $165.00 11IO TP-586 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 11IO RPT $30.00 NO SC'1'II $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,920.00 NO CCIIIII.Pre. $8,100.00 NO I'ee. Paid $10,262.00 TRAII'SI'BR TAX IIUlIBElh 05-26669 'l'H:IS PAGE :IS A PART 01' TBB J:II8TRUIIDft' THIS :IS ROT A B:II.L C'.5WI6CoM I Sl":? 1..;>.g, ?'I it 1:2. DlIbI D.d R_ I' 0/1 ;l J4 /.).G I .'. Mon1tt DilY T.... C3.Book I ..t..2, V, ~. .;u C4. p_1 , /, .t?.6 I \, =I PROPERlY INFORMATION - PLf:A::Jt: I yt"c un ,..nc~o rlnML T vynl:N YY"IIIN~ UN ,"un... INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stllts.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT FOR COUNW USE ONLY STAn OF NEW YORK STAn BOARD OF IlEAL PROPERTY 8EIMCES RP - 5217 ar-a11 .., JWJ I. "'-'" L 2710 Leslie's Road lMo_ ......~1~" ...... -- L Southold an'DR1DllWil 2.BUfllr L WhitneL, N_ LMTJtMI[I Nt'f L Whitney LAIr NMa/aJMll'AJn' Peeonie ........ 11968 ..- Richard Yo ...... .... . Therese Jt'-' .....- 3. T.. IndlcMIII whent futI.uw 1M BiI..... 10 be ..... 8.11II. III..' then buyer Dddroll!M bouom of form) L -- LASI NAlll:/COMIWIY NIIT NAW L 811l1!1!T NU~ AlIa .'11.... HAM!! CI1Y OR 1CM11 "~Il ..""" "'::::""1 SIn fllDNrRlT Ixl ACIIU . a 10nIy._...._____ 4A.1'II.... __ S_ AuIharIly- D ...~AppftMI_IIoq_forTro_ D <<:. .....'''''__Ior SuIId",;" - Mop _0<1 D 4. IndIc8te till. numlMr at ".---.nt: Roll pua.IIa tnnII.... on .... .... 1 J . 01 "",coil OR D ""n 01 I P..... ....,. I,lllIl 1 2 1 1 I."" No.... L Marco L.A!IT NAoMI! I COWPANY Philip "" "".. L LASfNA..:/CIOW'tIINY IN' N.u. 11 Full s.Ie ..... 4 8 0 000 I ,..0. .. I , , . . (FuJI S8Ie Pticl i. till IoIAI .mount _ far IN praperty 'ncIudll'll perIOIIIl properly. Thil plYmat1l m-v be In lite form at CIIh, 0IMr property or aoodI. or ... ......piion of mortQegft or other abIll1.uonL' PIuu round ro rile nail,"" wIIoIe.",., MNNIn1 .-..------ I. Clwn.uJp Typo II Condoml..... E ~ Agricutturll I ~ CamrnuHity _ I. _ ConIIIuctIon an v.... Und I: Commardlll J Indullrlll 1M. Prapeny LocItIJd wiIhIn In Agricullurll DiIUid: G .".nm.m K PublIc SO....I ,. ..... _ I __ noIico IndlcUlg H Entertalrn....' ArruInwnI L ForeIl Ih. IN praparly is in.. Agricullw.1 Diltricl 11. CheeII_ or maN aI..... 4lOMII1IOl.1l6 _ appI..1e 1D ......r.r. A Sale a.w.n Ral8tIves or Fonner AelIdvea B Sale Bllwwn Rer.r.d Companiol 01 Plttnlrlln Businea C One of !he Buyal"ll. 1110 . lei", [) Buyer or SeDer ... Governmenr Agency or L..ruing InIliwlion E Dud TyPl .... WInw1Iy or _ ..., S11IIS_ily_ F &.Ie or Fl'KClanaI Dr ~ m.n Fao In__ (Spec;ify &.Iow) (j Slgnlllclrw a..ng. In Proparty Batwoan T..... SCMLII .nd SaID 0- H SIIII of BUli.... illncludod In 511s Price J Oilier Unus.... Faetarw Allecdng s.a. PrIce (Specify BeIowI J Nan. D D D D 7. CMaII. t'" 1:1... below which mad uaIraIety ~ .. .... of tM pro...." .-: It. tIm8 .. ..Ir. ^~ 0..1_ RDlidenlill 8 2 or 3 F.mily Rni_nllll C fleshientlll VlClnt Land D Non-Rllidcndll V.... Land I SALE INFORMATION I n. 5.1. ConII,8Ct D8t. 12. 0... of 5,'" I Tranlllir 10 I 11 I 200S I IIlIMI u.r y... ~ I 1& I. (j~ MaIeI _ v., ''''I~tI."......oI~1 I .0.0 I --....- .. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - o.u should reftect tho 10'" Fln.1 _men! Roll ond To. Bill ,.. =: ..::;;= hm I O. 51 17. Total Aa-..d V.... ~.. ~ In "......1 ; , . 1 4 , 0 . 0 I , ,1. ,,-C:I_ I 3. 1. II-LJ '0.__"';'. I Southold 20. T'II ....Idendfl-tal , Roll ............ II mo.. tMn hurt an.c:h "-t wIth.dIIIIonII ~J IO~10-098 .00-01.00-002 .007 I I CERTlRCArnONl I ardI'y .... d "'.... _ rI"""'-lan EIIll(nd oa tIdII form .., ..... .... __ 110 .... IIEII or IIJ)" ............. .-I WloII ond , ~..... -~ Iholthe IIIIIdRR ofony _n r.... __ rI__ roct _ wW ~ d.. !he ..._ rllhe ..... I.... _..Ill .... __.... ..... of_ ...."""...... BUYER BUVER'8 ATTORNEY .... Davis LAIIT_ Larry R. -,...... l( 111WIT .....,. . 631 ....COIII 289-1600 ~- NEW YORK STATE COpy I~-I(,-OS- .... -