HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12375 P 768 .' -- L l;/-- ,,'(S- f 710 ~~ . . ~ \ 1/0-2-?r ~~ S Y.B T V FIII"IlIIfX)2-ZlM _8arpn 1114 Sal. OIN. Wllb CII.....MI II&Iftll Or&.'l.IM''' AdI.!ndi'fldu": Ir CCIf1ICI'I:ion ..i::.!I.......:.1 CONSULT TOUR LAWYIR BUORE SlaNINa TNlSINSTRUMINT. TNISINBTRUMINT SHOULD BI USED n LAWYIRS ONL~ THIS INDENTURE, made the \ \-tl... day or f<:.~uo I\.{ ,2.c:105 BETWEEN JOHN W, MOGLIA resldlog at 10 Poplar Street, Sayvllle, ~ 11782 aad T1MOTH)' C. MOGLIA, resldlog at 12 CedarReld I.ane, Westhamptoa, NY 11977 perty or the flrat pert, end " . ',..\ ~:". . . .~. ..... ,",.. : ... .:..,,!", BAY BREEZE ASSOCIA TES.IN'C., with offices lit 10 Poplar Street, SaY"ilIe.. NY t t 782 perty of .econd p.rt, WITNESSETH, thet the perty or the lirst part, in ..nlideration of tan dollara and other valuable con.ideration paid by the party ot the ..cond pert, do.. hereby crlnt Ind releaso unto the pert)' of the second parL, the heir. or .uccenora and aaailJUl orthe perty otthe .econd part foraver, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ot land, with tha building. and improvements thereon erected, a,tuate, lying and being in the Town orSouthold. County of Suffolk and Stete orNew York. bounded Ind described a.~ follows: BEGIl'iNI;\lG at a point on the easterly side of Short RlllId distant 2S0 feet northerly from the Loomer formed hy the intersection of the easterly side or Short Road with the northerly side orNew SuOolk Avenue: RUNNIN'G TIIEl'iCE lllong the ensterly side of Short Road North 13 degrL'Cs 01 minutesAO seconds nast lOll feet to land now ur furmerly of I'aul O'Dea; RIlN'l'iIl'iG TH F.NCF. along said land South 76 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds East I SO teet to land now or furmerly of Henry Olund: RI:N'NI;\lG THt:l'iCE along said land llnd lllong land now or formerly of Frank I'olecki South 13 I dellrL"''S 01 minutes 40 seconds West 100 tffi to land now or fonncrly of Stanley Cssc; I I: RU;\l;\lING THEl'iCE along !l3id land North 76 de..'l'CeS S8 minutes 20 seconds West 150 feet to the " easterly side of Short Road at W puint or plllL'C of BEGINNfN'G. I TOGETHER with II frL'" and unobstTuCt...d use in common with uthL.,. owners of a right uf way for passage on fuolovcr a co:rlain I'ri\'llte Road two (2) rods in width running from New Suffolk A,'enue in a southerly direction to Peconie Day, Said right-of-way being bounded on the North. by New Suffolk AVL'fIUe. on the East by Illnd now or lormerly of Beverly King. on the S.,ulh by l'cconlc Bay and on the West hy land now or tormerly oflhe Estate of George II, Case. deceasc:d. I I I BEING A;\lD IN1'E;\lDF.D TO BE the same premises eonvC)'Cd tu the parties or the tirst part by deed dated March 8. 2004 and rL'Corded in L1HER 12312 page 914. TOGETHER with all rigbl., t.t1e and interest, ir Iny, of the party of tha lirst pert in a:ld to any .treets and ro.d. abuU.ing the abova dlSCribad premi... to the centlr linao theraof; TOGETHER wiLh the appurtenance. and .11 tho ..tate and rights of th. perty of tha lir.t part in end to .aid premi.u; TO HAVE Al'iD TO HOLD the premi... harain llI"ant.!d unto Lbe party of the ...cond pert, the heir. or .u.....or. and a..ilflls orthe part)' afLhe .econd part foreveT. AND tho .party af the fir., part covenanta that tho plrty of Lhe first plIrt h.. r.ol don. or 5ufT.rod I,,)~hing whereby r.h.aaid pl'em1.el have boon fI:lC'umbeNd in any way whatever, except IS a(ora.aid. AND tho party ofth,e fireL patt, in compliance with Section 13 ofth. Lien Law, tovunants theL tho party of the first part will receive the consideration. for -this can'\-eyance and wi1l hold the right to receh'C!l sL;ch conaiderat:on IS a tru.t fund to be epplil!lllirst fo, tho purpose ot plying the coal of the improvement end will apply the .ama first to the payment of the coat of the improvement befora using any part of the total of the 11m. ror .ny other purpose. 'r.bo word "party"shall be.conab'uld aa irit rpad .p.rti.... whenover the lena. of this mdenture so requirea iN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho perly or the firet part ha. duly executad thia deed the d&y and year fir.l ebove IN PREilENCEOp" q; ;, L ""~.. . 0"" w. "rx;'i~ ' -"T~.~A CJ.'lB IItAIWIW'Jo:IJ(iMIl/V""""M '''~lJW WIIIIIN IVI~ W ,c,ltA. ,)11\., I~U/tl'.r: tJ,',,,,IIC:'UWJWIJo:INiMlliV,.,.'IHM HHIJlar W"",N ,n:w 'CJH"~I",.,1:i UNU: '. \ SlaleorNew\'ork,Countyof SUFFOLK Iss.: SlateolNewVork,Countyul' SUFFOLK Iss.: Olllhe II't.yof 4/tt'mtl.""'7 inUlCycar.::La?'5'"" OndlClI ~"f ~~ inLl1c:YCQr.~s- before nlt, Ihe underligllod, personally appeared before me, ~ncd, ~ appeared . JCIIN W. M'JGLIA , C.. I pcn<onally known In lIle or proved to me on the hais or I181isflll:llllY pcn;onoUy known 10 me ut proved to me an the booil; of satisfactory evidence tn be Ihc individUIII(sl whose namc(s) ;. (am) subocrihcd to the evidence III be lhc indivldual(s) whole namc(s) is (ue) subscribed In !he wilhin instrument and'llCknowlcd~ 10 me thll helsheIlhcy exeaIICd wilhin instrument and acknowled~ to me thal ~ ezccural 111. SOIll. in hWhcrllhcir capaclty(ies~ and WI by hislherllhcir the same in hislherlthcit capacuy(ica), and WI by hislherllhcir signlwRCs) on 111. i""uunlCn~ the individua\(sl. or lhc penon upon signolUre(s) on lhc insuumen~ Ihe iadivilJual(s~ or !he penon upon hchalf or whieh lhc individual(slllCled, elealled Ihe insuument behaJf of which lhc individual(s) acted, clCCUled lhc inSUUrncnL CAMUEWCARlNI ~ ~ual"WCARlNI" - Public, State of New York . . _ PublIc. Stal8 of New York . . --. 0722 . .-. . No. 481 CountY ...,,;.;. No. 4810122 _ . _ . QuaIItled In SufloIk ,J..<'" /" 'J.c' Qu8IIIIed In Suffolk CountY L/ C r.nmmi8llDllElcpl.... II\I"lv", '- ~IonElll*WlI'IlIIU'7' . .lWYfU:unfLuL Luc:..~~11U1 . 'A'/~lIIflW' LIIc:AN1II1 ,\CKNOWLI1IXJMflNT FORM FOR USE WmllN NRW YORK ST"TliONu: AawowLJUXJMBNT FORM FO/lUSE OImlDBNsw YOllA'ST"TIlONLY: INN y",* SIIIlIrc.rlbin, ....,'",,'" Acbw",rW,lWfII ~"i/It:tH'J (0.' 'i SItW", '''''''11 tHn,,.,,1 "dlltnI'lcdpwlll C,.,,;p..'fIII/ Slate of New Vork, County of ,...: ....................,............"",....,.. .... .lss.: (0""",.11' VMMe' wi,II SltHt', C,.....,,,.. Pm1lltta ',1 Mlltllc"..ut,J On~ _or in~~ hefon: m.. tile undmigned, pcrIOIIDlly appeated lhc ~ubl;cribing wilneS.' ~I lhc forepng il15lrUmen~ willi whom I 8IIi personoUy III:quBinlCd. who. being by me duly sworn, did dc:pose and say thal hc/shellhcy resi<le(s) in (if'Mp/ac. of 'uirk'II...., ill a dIy, inc/utk IM.rIrttlwrd.t...., "on""" if wry. ''',,",if/; lhll hcI~hcIlhcy know(s) ~l he the illllivi~II.1 dc""rihcd ill and who clcculCll lhc fmqCling jU"'U"'U"UI; ~U11 ..id ~1I",.:ri!1ing will,..,' WOolS JIll'SCIIland ..w lWid execulC ~ some; and thal s:J.id willleSS 11 ~ same time subscribed hislheritheir name(s) IS a witneSS thereto. BUCAI:-I A SALE DIlI!D wrnI CQYENAN11 AOArNnGRANTOR'S ACTS Tm.F.No. JaIN W. K)GLIA TIMmIY C. M'JGLIA TO B1\Y BREEZE ASSOCIATES, INC. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE . COMPA,,"Y OF NEW YORK I. /Ir(,./yMArrulwa c~"..~ "'" Fidelity ~ ..,,,J' ~""",,*.'-UMnwA"""'" w u Ii: ... o Cl z is a: ~ a: II. o ~ ~ ~ ... OJ III i= ~ ~ w a: On lhc day of in lhc ~ before me. lhc undc:rliigned. peISOf1llIIy appeared personaUy known 10 me ut proved 10 me on ~ basis of satisf~ .vidence 10 be lhc individualfs) whose nomc(s) is (ue) llUbsaibed to lhc wilhin il15lnlment and ocknowled,8O!l1O me thaI helshelthef execuled lhc same in hislherflheir capacily(.).that by hislherllhcit slJllllURCs) on lhe inlUUrncn~ ~ individual(.), or the peISOII upon behaJf or which lhc individuol(s) acllxl. .lcculCd lhc insuumen~ oncf Wt such individual made 51ICh UppclUlUICC before lhc u~igncd in lhc IInnn ,/11I <it). 'If ",111I, prr/il/nll.ubdivi.<itH' curd IJIII.rIQ/t 0' cnwury 0' otlUI, p/tIct 1M uckr"'wWtfmt"r ww taUn~ 1000 116 2 8 SUFFOLK I SCJU'ImU) DISTRICT SECT\Ot'l BLOCK LoT COUNTY OR TOWN RECOROBD "T REQUEST OF F1deIily National TIDe Insunnee ComJlllny of New York RETVRN BI' MAR. TO .- ..... ---- PAUL A. CAMINITI. ESQ, 53345 Main Road PO Box B46 Southold. NY 11971 ... " .Ii' ...",," ~umber of JlUl!",,-3 TORRENS Serial # ~RDED 2005 "ar 09 021~3,55 ~tl EdHard P.Romaine CLERK OF 9.lfFCLr. roJll7V l 000012375 P768 DTt 04-31994 Ccrtificate # Prior elf. # D.:cd , Mortgage hll1lrU"",'II1 3 Ikcd , Mortgllge Tax Stamp ~1iliS Recurding , Filing Stamps \ Mortgage Ami. l. Basic Tax 2. AdtJilional Ta.~ Sub TOlai Spcc.lAssil. or Spo.-c. ,Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County Held fllr Appointment Transfer Tax -e- Mansion Tax The property L'Overcd by this mortSilBe is or will he improved by a line llr IWO family dwelling ollly. YES or NO If NO. see lIpproprillle laX douse on J pogc # of this instrument. Page' Filing Fee Handling TI'-584 5. 00 NOlation EA-52 17 (Cuunty) EA-52 I 7 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total Cllmm. of Ed. 5. 00 3d-- Aflidllvit Cenilied Copy NYS Surchargo: Other 15. 00 Sub Total Grand Total 6139." 4 'tJ(J /) r - 5t. , I~I__.. _._ A . ...- - 7"b 11600 0200 008000 I , S Co_UDltJ' PnMrvatioll FuIld Consideration Amount $ " Real Property; Tax Service Agency Vcrifical;lm CPF Tax Due $ () Improved Va.:anl Land 6 Satisflll.'lion!\lDischurgeslReleases Usl Pnlperty Owners Mailing Address RF.cORD 81 ItETVRN TO: }'~ &nlh//-';' i'~_ p,c:;. ~1$ g'l6 SoaJf.ut4, AJt.j //47 I TO TO TO 7 Co. Name TIlldl n Information Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pllj,!C forms part of the altached -b~ ~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: fpht? 1tJJ. /YJ~tf)Jd J afJ/j ~;"AJj,~ C 'fTJ~}/..., TO In lhe 1l.1WlUlhip of ~~../3.8;IUL. I}s~&~~+e.S.. In the VILLAGE :J..rk:- . f or HAMLbT of mAil I i u to. J<. BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BI; TYPI:ID OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. The premises hcn:in is lIilUl1ted in SUI'FOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. .st!7~I/IJ/d lllver) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111I11111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of :Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0025093 TRANS PER TAX NUMBBR: 04-31994 Recorded: At. 03/09/2005 02.53.55 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012375 768 District: 1000 Section. 116.00 1ZYax:INBD AND $0.00 B1ock. 02.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 008.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Fo11owing Fees For Above :Instrument Bxlllllpt --.q>t page/Filing $9.00 1110 HaDd1ing $5.00 1110 COE $5.00 1110 lIIYS SRCKG $15.00 1110 !lA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 1110 TP-584 $5.00 1110 Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 1110 SCTM $0.00 1110 Transfer tax $0.00 1110 CQIIIID.Pres $0.00 NO I'ees Paid $239.00 TRAlIISI'BR TAX lIIUMBBR: 04-31994 TH:IS PAGB :IS A PART 01' THE :I1IISTRUKBIlT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Bdward P.Romaine County C1erk, Suffo1k County 1?hl~1 . * REAL PROPERTY TlIANSFER REPORT C1. _ CNe 1 f"f,? ..1. If. Po'!'1 . . lJI"ATE OF _ YClIUC lJI"ATE __ OF Rl!AI. ........... IIEIIVICEII cz.__Rm.ded I t?.31 09 pr 1 ...... -a.:- '-' CI._ 1 -<~.'J. .$TC4.,...1 PROPERTY INFORMATION I. "-' I 300 l..ocaIIDn 11_'_1 MAT'l'I'roa( RP - 5217 ItPwIZI7....JIft SHJRl' IlCW) 0'n'0II1awt1 -.......---, ~ 'lOI'l OF !D1MllD ...- 1'1952 ..- ..- Homo BAY BREEZE ASSOCIATES, INC. LAIT .....,CCIMWI't "'TIIIMa LA111..-,aM'oUCY -- I. Tu Inlk*...... lulu" Tu _811I10 be MIll 1 -. ____-11I-"'-. -- WT""~ IWTNIoIII ITIIItT...... ANDmNIT MUll! 4. ....... tIw number 01 &....- .-'01 ... ....... ..._..A_..... on........ arr.._ I 'Df Parcell 01 D P-.t Df . hn:el ITATI ZJPax. '"=-I .... .....TKET 1 X I ..... IORI ..... .3 4 I 1OnIr__"'._a.-___ a&. PIInnIna BoIId wiIh Cl. ......1Wan AuIhority EaiItI 0 4lI. __ AA>n>voI- RoquIrod tor T..... 0 c.__tor__....._ 0 .._ Homo IIJGLIA JaIN W. LAIT .... , ClOIII'ANY ,..T..... KlGLIA TIKmiY c. LAIT ..... I CDM'A'ft' ,...- ,.._",_/T_ aJ.. 1 ~ 1 05 ...... "'" v_ a.-...._____ I. 0wn00shIp Typo . tGndomInIum ~ CommuniIr Slnnce .. NM ConIIrucIion on V... Wnd J"""'" '..._......wIIhIn..AlJricuIIwoIDiorIta PublIo_' '''~_.__-'' L F.... ....1IIo_..In..~_ 1&.a.II__n-.of__ -. _...............-..: --_.._- ___C.m~d...._ln_ Ono"'...._.._._ _or _.. _...."...,." or Londlno_Uan Doocl Typo... _only or .."",In _ _ 1_1v_ .... 01_..... or Loao_ Foo _,Spodlv_1 lIio- Qlongo In _ _ T_ S.... ond _ Doloo II" of ......... iI ~ In s... PricI OIlIer UnuouoI_ _no _ M:o __ Nono TRANSFER 'l"O CXtU'ORATlCIl o o o o 1. CMck..... box below whIoh 11IOII ucuNl8ly........ 'die...",... pIIIIIeI'ty at the....... DI__ A~OnoFomiIy_"" B 201'3F.m11yRllklentlll C RIIIdInIW VlClnt lind D Nan -. .. U V....lInd I SALE INFORMATION I . 1'..... ConIraot u.te E~AgricuIIIu.1 f eo.........., o Apor1monl H E_I_' 01 ...... 1 "'" 1 05 - , . .0 , 0 . III , , . IFull5olo Prico 10 tho.............1eI for 11Io _lncIudIno......... pr_. this PIf'nenIINY be In eM form of CIIII,. OIhII prcIplIl'Iy 01' goodI, or the IllUmpdon of mortIII.. 01' other obIIptian&t ,.,... round 10'" ,...,..,.... daIIIr amGCHtI.. 1..__...."'_ 1 .0 ,0.0 I --......- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Ilota _lei .- th. __ Finol Aooaamonl Aolllnet Tu Sill 13. Full .... PricI ,1.,_"'" .-4RoU......103/.04 1 ".T___..,.....-.._I ..... .......""'...... ...... , , ,8 o 0 . ,1.-.-- 13.1, '-U ,.........__1 MATlTl'OCK-Ol'l'OUXIE ....T..__,__I...............____....._loII 1000-'16.00-02.00-008.00 I I CEFmFICATlON I I mil)' ...... ",... _ ",_ _... .................. __ (Ill... ..... ",.., u-tooIp.... ...... _1-4... ........-... "'_ _ __",_... _ wII....... _..... _-", tIw _ 10. _ Ill... -........ -.",__ !!!!.!E!! BUYEII"S ATTORNEY ;hj" Bl\Y CAMINITI PAlIL A. BY: oS ..... JaIN W. J.lOPLl\R gr. -- ....- 10 631 765-5900 ..-- IITIlIU NlIU.- W'IU IMUJ -- ~- ~ ,~ _17-- 11782 ( ..... Dr"'" 7-~ .... NEW YORK STATE COPY JaiN W. MJGLIA