HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12375 P 769 . .. . L1)")(S- e 1b1 \ ICo-L_? Sl.&DArd ~ Y.B T.V. Finn 1OO2.2DM _Ba.....".... SM 0eId. .iLII c..ln&l lllIi.., Cr....... Ac&I-lncliwidual or C........... 'li_.1e ,hat' CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SlaNINa TNI.INSTRUMENT. THI. IN.TRUMENT SHOULD.I USED BY LAWYERS ONLY 2.S THIS INDENTURE, made tho BETWEEN BA \' BREEZE ASSOCIATES, INC., with offices at 10 Poplar Street. Sayvillc, NY 11782 . day or ~ , 2005 party of the fint parr., end " TRINA WAI.DRON residing at "'I'.J;' U,I t (Lot P . Po. Box 7, Orient, NY 11977 parr.y of second pert, WITNESSETH, that the parr.y of the ftrst pert, in con.ideration of ten dollar. ond other velueble con.ideration paid by the party of the ....nd part, does h.reby crant and nl.... unto the party of the ..cond part, the heirs or .uccessor. and aasignl oftha party Dftha ...ond part fonver, ALL that cartain plot, pi.... or parcel o!land, with the building. and improvements thereon erected, .ituace, lying and baing in the To\\'R of Southold. Counly of Suffolk ond ScalC of l\c\\' York. bound.,.) and de5o:ribad as follo\\'s: BEGINNING ~I ~ poinl on the casll:r1y .ide oC Shorl Road discanl 250 feel norlberly from the comer Conned by the inlerseclion oClhe easlerly side ofShon Road \\'illt the nonheTly side of Nc..' SuOblk Avenue: RUNNING 'fHENCF. along the easterly .ide ofShorl Road North 13 degrees 01 minules 40 seconds East 100 foel 10 I.nd DO\\' or Connedy or Mory D. IInlland; THENCE along said land South 76 dcg",es 58 minutes 20 seconds Easl 150 Ceet to land now or ~ormerly of Ann D. Tobin; TIIENCE along said lond .nd along land now or formerly of F",ak and Helen I'olecki South D degrccs 01 minules 40 soconds WesllDO Ccello land now or formerly oCTruglia; THENCE .10"l! said I~nd North 76 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds WeSll50 CoellO the easlcrly side ofShon Road ~I the poiol or pI..... DC BKGINNING. TOG(o;THKR with a Cree ~d unohslnlCi.'<I use in common with olber O"'Rers of a right of w.y for passage on COOl ovcr a certain I'riv.te Rood 1,,'0 (2) rods in \\'idth running Crom New Suffolk Avenue in . southerly direclion 10 Peconic Day, Said righI-DC-way being bounded on lI1e l'onh by "C\\' Suffolk A,'enu.. on the Easl by lund now or formerly (If Beverly King. on the S<1U1It by ('oconie Day .nd on the Wesr by land now or Cormerly of the Escate of George II. C.... dcc<:ascd. BEING AND IN1'ENDEI) TO BE lhc same premises cnnveyed \0 John W. Moglia ~nd TilOOllty C, Mogli. by ( deed daled MlllCh 8. 2004 and recorded in USER 12312 pale 914. and by deed from John W. Mallia and Timothy C. Moglia \0 R.y Ilrce7~ AS5OCiates, Inc. baing recorded .imuh.neously herewith. THIS CONVEYANCE made in the usual eourso of business with lhc consenl orlhe shareholders of Bay Breeze Associates. Inc. TOGETHER with all rillht, liUe and interest, if any, of the party or the first pert in end to any .trao.. and roads ahutung the above doscribed pnmius \0 the center lines thenDf; TOGETHER with the appurto.an.... end all the ..tata and rithts of the party of the lint part in and \0 said pnmiaea: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premi... herein granted unto the party oC ~he second part, lh, heir. or luc:ceason and 888igns of t.he pliny of t.he second part forever. AND the perty of the lira< part covenents thet the party oC the lirst part has not dDnc or suITered e.)"thing whereby tho laid premiles havI been enc:umbered in any way whaLever, exeept 85 .foresaid. AND the party of the Ii",t part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lie" Law. covenanlS thet the parr.y D((he IIrsl part will receive the consideration for thil conveyance and will hold the rieht to receive such considerallon .s. D lrwIt fund \0 be applied.fint for the purpoae of payin, ths cost of the improvament and will apply the same IIr.t \0 the payment of the cost ofthe improvement boron usilll.ny part oCthe total or the ..me rDr sny ather purpo.e. The word "party" shall be const.rued AI iCit read ..parti.... whenevlr ~'Ienle ofthi. indtnLuN au reqL:ir6S. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first plrt has duly executed th.. deed ths day and yeer lint ebove written. IN PRESENCE OF': BY; UM:"C:"NflWIJ~Jh"'hJYl''''JHM "'~IJJW WIIIlIN1'Wln'r , flICA')"/i1.1/~VNl.r: SlaleorNewYork,Counlyor Suffolk )55.: Un ~~ dllY nf February in ~Ie year 2005 hefore me, lhe undersigned, personally appeared JaIN W. foIlGLIA , 1""""''''Uy known 1O.mc Dr proved to me an m. basis Dr satisfaaay cvidence "' he Ihc ilklivkluul(s) whose namc(s) is (are) !lUbscribcd u, \he wimin in.'lnJmelllll1d acknowledged to me mil helsbcIlhey ....utad !he ...1T1C in hi.JhcrAllCir capacity(i..). and thai hy hisIherfIhcir signalurc(s) an lhe in.""'nlCl1~ lhc individual{s), or lhc pcI'I<lII upon hchaJf of which lhe individual(s) acted, executed lhc instnullCnL CHRVSA PASQUALONE I . NaIaIY public - SI8Ill at New YOlk \ No.ll2I'i~ND7IISM . QuaM!lad in ~ My Cornr'niss.ion ExpInl8 ACIi/<lowU'.DG/oIBNT FO~I FOR USB Wm"/<I NEW YOllA' STAlE 0/<113: IN...... r",t S"ur:n"bfnt WI,,.,..... Acbla""'ldJlflcnI C.,.,i/kf;It,/ Slale Dr Now York, Counly Or )...: Un me day or inm. year herOIc me, the undersigned, personally appeared !he suhscrihing willIeS.'; In lhe rOl'CS"ing illSbUmcn~ wim whom I ani personally acquainlCll, who. being by me duly swam, did depose Il1d say thai hclshelthey reside(.) io fif/h. p/Dc.'if,..<itknc. i.. ill a dO', j,rclud"'14 ",.., WId "tw' ,wlIIMr, if wly. III4,.,!/l; that heI~hdthcy know(.) "> he dlC ilklividual u.:.'oCrihc:d in IlJId who cacculCd lhe f<.-.:gning il1\lRllncnL: LhaL suid s.uhsc.,Tihing wiLnCAA was pro;cnL and 58.W 5akJ eaeculo lhe saine; Il1d Ihat said WilneSS 1Ilhc: same lime subscribed hislherlthei, namc(s) as a witneSS thcreIa. TITLE No. BARCAIN & SALE DEED vnnt' COVIKAtITS AGAINST ORItIfTOI'S ACTI 05-7404-6D267-SUFF Bay J:\reeze Associates, Inc. TO Trina Waldron FIDELITY NATIOf\AL TITLE INSURANCE . COMPANY OF NEW YORK . ,.,,,t'fWTa 'VI" . . ~-w.':'''' Fidelity ~/. ",.,..,.............LatIIIIM"........ w u It o Cl z IS .. M .. ... o ~ ~ w U < ll;. J// i: !l! ~ w a: -, I "... U.\h"^(:II.ft,'t"WIJslJlrAfll/IJl'NJIlM "h/JJW WIIIII.V/'fhW 'f)HJ. ""IA"IHIJNU: ~ SlaleorNrw York, Connly or Un ~lC duy or in lI1c YCllr berOlC me, !he 1l00cr.<ignod, personally appeared pc:t1iOI,ally IoN,wn I" Ille... prav'" to me Dnlhe l>asi. nC satisC~ cvklc'M.'C .> he the inllivklnIllC.) wine namels) is (are) .uhscribcd u, the within instrumenl and acknawladiF ID me Ihal hellheIlhc:r CllIlCUbId lhc: same in hislherllhc:ir capaclly(ies), and tIuu by hislhcrltheir sisnDbJrc(s) QII !he insuurnen~ lhc i"'ividua~s), or !he person upon behalC DC which U,. individualls) DeLad. eaecuLad !he inMnlmcnL I...: fl.'/-3A p~ ~1IAU)1\l.s- ACJCNOWLlrlX;",1iNT FORM FOR US! OUTstDB N6W YORK STAlE ONLY: 10"',1f Sid'. ur TuFt;It" OM.n:r' ALumvlcailfN.' Ct"iflrtI"1 .................................................. )...: (ClJIffIJfllr VIM~ ...,,/ S""I!, ClllfII'".. PnJw,," M Mlltlk"v."llryJ On !he day Dr in lhe year beCano me. the undersigned, pcrsanaJly appeared personally known to nle lll' rrovc:d to me an lhe basis oC wisCICID.y evidence 10 be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within in.wumem Il1d acknawlcd,8C!l1O me that heIsheIlher caecurcd Ihe aame in hislhernheir COpICily(ICS), lhat by hislhc:rf their slgnawras) an the inslnJmen~ the individual(s), arlhe person upon behalf DC which \he ilklividuaIC.) aclad, eacculCd the illSbUmcn~ Il1d lh.l5uch individual l11Ille SilL'" aPlN:lln",.. hef,,", \he undcrl<ignCll in lhe f huon lilt city <lr mll4r p"lIliC'a/ .ubdM..jml mid 1114 sta" 'Jr COlUU1)I 'Ir mlltr p1ac. IN arlrmw/tdgnlllnl """. lalr.tll). DISTRICT SEC110:-l BLOCK loT 8 CoUf\lTY OR TOWN 1000 11~ Suffolk/Southald RECORDED AT REQUEST OF F1delily NallOll8I Tille Insurance Company or New York RtmJ/l}/ BY MAlI. TO Daniel Mooney, Esq. Po Box 702 Mattituck, NY 11952 ....., ,... Serial II RECO~DEt> 2005 Mar 09 02:S::;,55 PI'! Edward P.RilItaine CLERK OF SlIFFU COllI< TV L ~OOOI2375 P 769 DTt 04-31995 Number uf pag TORRENS Certificate II Prior Ctf. II Da:d I Mortgage Insl1'Ument 3 Del!d I Mongage Tax Stamp FEES Recording / Filing Stamps Puge / Filing F... Handling TP-~84 ~. ...Q!L 'Y Monguge AmI. I. Basic Tax 1. Additional Tax Sub TOlal SpecJA""il. Nolation or HA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (State) Sub'IOtaI Comm. of Ed, S. (Jl) Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County Held for Appointment Tran.~rer Tax ~n (). _ Mansion Tux The propeny covc:red hy this mongagc is IIr will he improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appnlJ'l'iatc tax clause on page #, of this inslrUment. R.P.T.S.A. 30-_ Ani.Javit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other IS. J!!L Sub nltal GramlTOlal~ I.t'P~ ,. - 4 Dlst. ' ~... 05009334 1000 (~ - - ... -2;) 11600 0200 008000 I S Co_1IIIlty Pruervation Fund Conside aunt ~ t:! -'. CPF Tax Due / t!) ~ if tJIJ.-;-- Real Propeny Tux Servi.-e Agency Verification Improved Vaeant Land 6 SatislactionslDjschargesIRele~ List Property Owners Mailing Addn:ss RF-CORD &; IU:.'TURN TO: ,. f)ar,Je! mOa:!-1 I t.Sf... {>.O .B~ 702. t--~ /Y7d J.h /:.u.(}:::_, JJlf /J.tJ 5 (, TD 1'0 TO TD l:& Tille # 8 Suffolk Count Recordin ..IN ~ ,f <SPliCIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENT) & Endorsement Pa e This page Ihnns pari of the attach.'t! made hy: ~4 ,e~"'1V AJ:..r;n~/'t-/:f.,$,. d --:t:~- TO 1R1Vn /.u11 /~PY7 The pICmiSCS herein is situat.-d in SUFFOI.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Thwnship of .slU-l/..oU In the VILLAGE orHAMLET"r mAT'CLTvt..J:::. BOXES 1\ THRU 8 MUST BF. TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RI'.c..ORDlNG OR FILING. (over) 1 II11I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II11111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of Instrument. DEBOS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number : 05-0025093 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 04-31995 Recorded: At. 03/09/2005 02.53.55 PH LIBBR: PAGB: D00012375 769 Deed Amount. Section. 116.00 IeYIUIINBD AND $695,000.00 Block: 02.00 CHARGED AS LotI 008.000 District. 1000 FOLLOWS page/Piling COB BA- corY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $2,780.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTH CClIlIlIl.Pres Pees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,900.00 $13,829.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Received the Following Fees For TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-31995 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRtlHBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward p.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM - --.~~ INSmUCTIONS: htlp:tl www.orpa.slate.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOIl COUNlY USE ONL V C1.SWIS Code 1 ~, .." :J. tJ'. f? rl C2.om__ I n3/ o~/on ~ lJII~ ".... C3. _ I /,~. ? ,"" .m-,,- , PROPERTY INFORMA110N * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAli OF NEW YOIIll STATE BOARD OF REAL ~J l' IEIMCES RP . 5217 ""'17 ~ m ,.=:' 300 5lmr R(W) ......- .1I1i1111A11E MATTITUCK r -, gno UI'l TOWN ..- WllLIIlaI Nome LAlTNMIlI!'~ ~ r 'DIN OE' SOO1'IlOUl ...... 111952 ...- TRINA toRllIM"E WltrWll!/COMI'IoNY I. Ta. IncIc:a.......luturllTaxlUll..tobeunt 1 .... ~_____1oI_"_. -- ..., NMII LAll ...., COIIIWf't "",. a.A" ITJIUT IlUllll'II NeD 5r1Wl'T ....... cnYOIl'fOllllN 1 I, of Pfll'ClOl, OR D Pin of . Plireel 'T~II ........ 5.::;:"" 1 ... fRONl taT , X , DO'" 10RI . . ..".. . 3.4 1OnIy1,.,..o_____ ...__.....S._AuIhoriIyExllll 0 .... c,....~wIIIan ApprM.. Aequhd for T'..... 0 4C.Po...._IorS.__...._ 0 4.lndIcIte the number 01 a------nt RoM .......... t.....A_1'NII Dn the deed I.__ Nome BAY BREEZE ASSOCIATES, INC. lAI1 NMI! ICGII'M'f ~..rNAIII f I LAIT !lAW I CCWNN'I '''I hIWC A~ One Family Ruid.ntial Ii 2 or 3 FImiIy' Raidamlll c: -... Vocont LInd D Non - .. ..11.1 VaI:8nI. Land I SALE INFORMAl10N I '1. .... eo.m-t on. E~ ..._ I" Commercill G _ H EnIo<bI......I_ I ~ Community Setvleo I Indullrlll K Publics..;.. L F...... 0-* the __..... 1I..,1IIPIr. .. Owrwship TW- . Condominium .. Now ConIIrUClion on V...m Land. 1OA. Property LoclItId wllHn .. Agrk:uIturll Dillrlcl -~_._-- lhII1hI properly .. in an AgricuILurII DIIatal o ~ o o ,. ChecIr: 1M box ...... which molt _..... .....~ th. u.. 01.... property .. the t..... at ....: 11. CheI* _..... of ~ .......... _......... to""""-: 12 I 10 I 04 MllI'IlIl u.r Y.. Do, YN' A B C o I! I' G H I J SakI IIatwaon ReIadveI or Farnwr "*"'- 1M a.cw.an RDIuDd Campen_ or ,..... in Bqf~ OlIo .. tho Buyoro 10 .... 0 SolIor . Buver ar.SII_ i. GowrnrrwnI Agency Dr LencIIng Inltitulion DMd Typu not w.ranay or lI_n Ind 51. l$pec:ify Bolawt Solo "F._ or 1..-_ Foo __fy_ Slgnlftcanl Qanglln Property ....., r...tsa. Scar". .. !WI 0.. s.. of BuIll...... II Included in BIle PrIce 01"- U.......I F...... AIlocIIng Solo Prlco l800cify IIeIowl ...... 12. Dn8 at .... I T,...re, 02 / ...... ~ / 05 1,1. Full.... Price .6.Q,s.n,n.n,0.01 , , . (Full SlIe Price" 'IN lotal amount _ tor the property IncIucMng porIOftIl prOl*lY. Ttlil peyment II1I'I be In the form of cah. other propM'Iy or toodI. or tho _mptiOn 01 rnong.ges or 0IhIf ~1;II;g ~ .1 ,.,... rountIlO rhI"."..,..,.. doRM amount '''_''''-''_1 ,0.0,01 .....-rtY Included .. .... .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - OlIo OhDUId rofIoct tho 1._ Flnol__ Roll ond T.. Bill ,I.V_..'-- '_"__1 04/05".T....__I...._In_1 whll:h ~""".....AL........ , , go 01 , __au. 12.1. Ol-LJ 11.___1 Mattituck ~'i.;11I1Jl1 to" l'1tHn&\I€ 20. Taxlllrp ......dIertaIl RoIIdenIIIeI1. II'more man taw. IIttach ItIIIt with IICIdaIoIwI ...........11 1000-116.00-02.00-008.000 1 I CERllFlCAllON I I cottll)' _ oII..r1llr _ 01_........ Ill"'" lGnII_........ _,to.... _..rooy.......... ~ ond 1-4.. ....IIIoII1lo........ ..r..y._.... _..r _ rwt _....,... _10...., __ orlllr _low _ Iolllo......... ood .......,___ /7 !!!!n!! BUYEJI'S ATTORNEY {)In~ (.JJl~"1 "2-7-~~-~!'ixXley 1 Daniele. IUYEII....1'\IM: Trina Waldron ' I>>.fI "7 LMTNAIII .....~ 3tro IltilNUl'_ .! IJ::"'" t.orU) . r ....... WftIl SALD 631 298-1100 -...... llirJiPHOM: Nl.NIIJI NEW YORK STATE COpy John w.