HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-10/08/1946531, Meeting of October 8, 1946 The Southold ~own Board met at the office of Supervisor S. Weht~orth Herren, at Greenport, on ~esday, October 8, 1946. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. with~ the followingFp~esmnt: Supervisor Herren; Justices Terry, Hawkins ahd Eiipp; Town ~per$ ' intendant ef Highways Price~ Town Attorney,Terry and T~wn ~l~ , Bo~tk. Tko Board sat at o~ce as a~co~m~ttee on audit ~o examine claims ~st the to~n, conciu~ing the audit at ~e minutes of the previous meeting were rea~ and duly approved as read. The following Resolution offered by Justice Elipp and seconded ~y Justice Terry, was unanimously adopted by a rising vote: Whereas, Go~ in His ~vidence .has taken from our m~dst the spiri~ ~f Oliver ~. Case, and; Whereas, Oliver W. Case served the Town ~f Southold mm a JUsti6e of the Peace faithfully and efficiently for several years, Therefore Be It Reaolve~: That the ~own Beard deeply moorms the loss ef this frien~ and TO~ Official a~d ex~ends its profound my~patky t~ his bereaved family. Be It Further BJesolve~: That the:Tows Clerk be and he is ~ereby ~irected to spread this Resolution upon the ~inutes of this me~ting, an~ he is further directed to send a copy thereof to the members of the bereaved fem?ly. ~oved by Justice Terry, seconded by Justice Klipp. 'Whereas, the death of Justice Oliver W. Case occured too late for the vacancy to be filled at the General Election to he held on NOV. $, 1946. Therefore Be It Resolved: Tha.t Ralph W. Tuthili of Mattituck be and he i~ hereby appointed a Justice of the Peace cf the Town of 'to fill out the u~ex~ired term of the laie~Oliver W. Case, said Halph W. Tuthii1 to assume the duties of said office as soon as qualifie~. ~a~m~umly adopted. ~. Clarence C. Roach and others appeared before the ~own Boar~ Detitie~i~ the Board to take over and work as a public hi~hwa~ a read at ~-=West Greenport extending from the Main ~oad to the Bay. The Beard viewed the r~ad and instructed the Town Clerk write and inform Mr. ~oach that if he can s~cure a publi~ crossing ever ihe Lon~ islan~ Railroad track, and dedicate one hundre~ (iOG] feet ef ~lan~ on the Bay at a distance ef 2?0 fee~, &raw-up the necessary papers amd present them to the Towm 2oar~ with survey description in dUplicate the Board will then take action on the r~ad i~ question. Moved ~y Justice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Terry: Resolved: Tka~ the Town Board hereby approves the purchase mfa tyY~e~riter for use in the Town Offices at a purchase price ef U~animously adopted. ~oved by Justice Terry, seconded by Justice Klipp: Resolve~: That Antone Ohita~ be grante4 a leave of absence from his duties on the Police Force to take effect at once and terminate on January 18, 194~. Unanimously adopted. Moved by Justice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Terry: Resolved: That the Supervisor ~e appointed a committee of one to. fill the temporary vacancy caused by the leave of absence grante~ Antone Ohituk, he te interview George Muir.and William ~ranger. Unanimously adopted. Move~ by Justice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Elipp; Resolved: ~t~hat as the required ps. pets have been duly received by the -own Board and the map has been duly filed, the Town Board take over and maintain the ~oa~ known as Parkers Landing in the Vitl~ Ee of: ~a~i~ly adep~e~. ~eved ~y Justice ~aw~ns, seeomde~ by ~ustice ~ipp: Resolve~: ~at General Bills in the ~o~t ~f $2,0Z0.&~, Re- imb~able Welfa. re Bills im the amo~t ef $~.~, N~n-rei~u~mable ~elfare Bills in the ~-of ~l.0~ be an~ the s~e is hereby er~ere~ paid. Unan~e~ly adepte~. ~ve~ by Justice ~wki~, seeonde~ by Justice Terry; Besolve~: ~at the To~ Board dDes hereby prepa~ and approve as the Pret~m~ry b~dget ef this T~ fcr the ~cat year beginnin~ em ~he la~ ~ay of Jamuary, !S~$uthe ite~ze~ statement ef esl~ate~ revenues amd e~e~diturem h~eto a~ta~hed amd a par~ ef this reselu~iem, Be It F~ther Reselve~, that this Boar~ s~ll meet at 2 o'cle~ P,~. em the ~th day ,f November, 194~, f~r ~he p~pose ef holding a public hearimg im the ~er previ~e~ im Se~ti~ 115 of the ~ve~ by J~stice ~wki~, se~onde~ ~y ~usti~e Terry; Resolve~: ~at the regular monthly meetihg of ~he Town Bo~ be hel~ en I~esday, ~t. ~9, 194~, at ~5~ P.M. A~je~r~memt was at 4 P.M. Ralph P. Booth ~own Glerk Addition to meeting of Sept. 17, 1946. Moved by Justice Terry, seconded by Justice Hawkins; ~hereas, Under Section 86, Paragraph 2, of the Social Welfare Law of the State of New York, payments of reimburs.able home relief may be made by the~Te~l ~elfareOffiaer fr~m a rev~tvin~fu~, set up by the Tow~ Board: Be It Resolved: That the Town Board of the T~wn of Sdut~old, New York. establish a re.velving fna~ of' $2,0G0. i~ t~e Ba~k ~f'$oU~hei~ Ne~ ' York, ,u~ o.f which f~d, the ~elfare 0ffioer shall pay cash gran~s erials furniaha~ t~ h~me relief recipients, on autherizati ~he ~etfare Gfficer. Be It-~FUrther Rev~l~e4: That s~oh revolving ~fu~d be made avallable the sai~ ~relfare 0ffioer on Jan. 1, 1947. Be It Y~rther Resolve~: That the said ~elfare Officer of said Town of Southold, New York, furnish an approved bond of $~,000. ~8 the Town Boar~ of the said Town of Southold, New YGrk, for the proper ~erformamce ~f his ~lies: ~e It further Resolved: That the cost of said bond b.e a proper charge against the said ~ewn of SouthoId~ New ¥~rk.