HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-04/19/1946Meeting of April 19, 19~6.
The rSouthotd Town Board met at the office of Supervisor S.
Went~orthHort0n, at Greenport on. Friday, April t9, 19~8. The
me~t~g was called to order at i:30 P.~, with the following
present: Supervisor Horton, Justice Hawkins, Su~., of HiEhways
Price, Town At~oraey, Terry and Town Clerk Booth.
Ernest ~. ~rrell appeared before the Board ~sking for anin-
c~eaae in his salary as. Chairman of the Bosr~ of Asseasors~
~ ~e ~g8I no~ a quorum preaent no action cou~d be taken.
It was'.a~reed to held the regular monthly audit meeting
~ay:'~y ?, 19~6 at t:50 P.~ This meeting was postphoned until
Adjournment .was at 5 P.E.
Ralph P. Booth
Town Clerk
Meeting of
In aocorda~c~ with the ~action taken at a previous meeting and
notices dulyadvertised in the newspapers, a Public Hearing was
held at the Villag~ Hall, Greenport, N.Y. on April ES, 19~6, at
88'clock P.~.
Supervisor Herren opened the meeting and read the call of the
meeting, he lhen called upon those present asking for dis-
c~ssiozm on ~e.~io~in~dQ~stions:
Shall the Town Board of the Town of Southotd enter
into a five year ~ontract with the I~corporaled Village of
Greenpor~ wherein the Village of Greenport 9itl agree to
furnish'~ire protee~tio~for the East-West G~eenport Fire
Pre~ectionDistrict at a price of thirty-six hundred (3600)
dollars per arnm~m. This pro~eetion is to inelude the use
of the entire Greenp~t fire department ~i~J~ at th~presen~
time consists of the following apparatus:
Two 750 gallon pumpers
One ~0 gallon pumper with 300 gallon wa~e~
One §00 gallon pun~erwith 150 gallon waler
One hook and ladder
One fioodligh~
One salvage wagon
Shall the Town Board of the To~n of Southol~denter
into a five year contract with the ~mcomporated Village of
Greenpo~ ~herein ~he Village of Greenport agrees to furnish
fire hydrants for the East-West Fire Protection District for
~ive years at forty~(40) dollars per h$~ran$ per
As ~he assessed valt{atien of this Fire Protection
District is, on the latest assessment roll, t~e sum of
$1,391,258, the cost for the pro~e~tion offered %u4der Question 1
will be about $2.60 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation~
This of course could vary up or down as the assessed valuation
~f this district might increase or decrease~over a period of
It is figured roughly that 1I~ hydrants ~ou~d cover
the entire Fi~'e Protection District so that all dwellings would
be within the required distance from hydrants to come within the
insurance requirements for~prete~tea property, Thus, the sum
of $4400& per annum WOUld be required, This is about $3.~6 per
thousand of assessed valuation. ~t is believed that this woui8
reduce insurance cost to individual home owners by about 50