HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12429 P 857 . ,... ~ L i2 Ll ) q 1/ (j-- /7-/7 5 ~~7 - IMJlGAJN AND IiALE DaD WRH c:onN.Vrr AGAIIfSI' GIIANI'OR'S AC1S (lNDlVlDlJALOIl COIII'OIlATION) sr_ NYB'I1IIIOUI.., CAlITION: THII..<>>u..INTIIIOIlLDU...._.' All A1TOIINIY AND D\'IIwmav A1TOIINIYlIJOK Sl!lJBAIfD ftlIICII_ UIOIIIIICNINC. THIS INDENTURE, MADE THE 15TII DAY OF DECEMBER, TWO THOUSAND FIVE, Betweea KIM E. BRAUN-BARDONESCHI, residing al235 Paslure Lane, MallilUC:k, New York 11952, pany of II1e fint pari, and JOSEPH GREGORY and JILL GREGORY, both residing aI 90 Alder Avenue, Wayne, New Jeney 07470, party of\he second pari. WITNESSETH, lhal\he party oftha firsl part, in consideralion of Eight Hundn:d Sevllllly-Five Thousand (5875,000.00) Dollars and other valuable consideralion paid by die party of die second pan, does henlby gram and release WIIo \he party of die second pan, \he hoin IX' SIlCcesSors and lISips of \he party of the second pan forever, ALL hI certain plot, piece or parcel of 1u1d, siluale, lyill8 and being in \he Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slale of New York known and designaled as LoI 5 on a eer\ain map entilled, "Map of Harbor View al Mauiluc:k", and filed in \he Office of the Clerk of the Coumy ofSulTolk Augusl21, 1987 as map number 8377. Said lot is more particularly bounded and deseribed according to said map as follows: BEGINNING a\ a point 01\ \he IOlItheuIerIy side: of Pas\Ure Lane dislanl 137.08 fed southwcaterly as measured along \he southerly and easlerly side of Pas\ure Lane tiom the extreme westerly end of a c:urve COnnec\inll\he southwesterly side: of Meadow Beach Lane with \he southerly side of Pasture Lane, said point also beinll where the division line between lots 5 and 6 interseet the southeaslerly side of Pasture Lane; RUNNING THENCE a10ng the division line between lots 5 and 6 and 5 and 8 south 22 desrees 15 minutes 10 seconds west 396.89 foct to a dredsed creek; THENCE along a tie line nonh 49 desr- 43 minutes 14 seconds west 38.71 feet to land now or fmnerly of William and Judith Macomber; THENCE II1e following 2 courses and distances aJons last mentioned Iu1d and land now or formerly of Mauiluc:k House Movers, Inc.: I. North II desr- 54 minutes SO seconds weslI81.00 feet; 2. North 12 degrem 40 minutes SO seconds west 150.00 feet to die division line between lots 4 and 5; THENCE along the division line between lots 4 and 5 north 77 dqp'ees 09 minutes 40 seconds east 164.64 feel to \he westerly side of Pasture Lane; THENCE alonll the westerly, southerly and southeutcrly si_ of Pastwe Lane a1oo11 an are of curve besring to \he left having a radius of 50.00 feel and a length of II 5.1 5 feet 10 die point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all right, tille and imenst oflhe party of the first pan, in and 10 \he Iu1d lying in the street in fiont of and adjoining said prcmisea, TOGBTHER with \he appurtenanl:elI and all the es\ate and ripm of \he party of the first pan in and to said premisea, TO HA J'li" AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted umo \he party of the second pan, the heirs or s'~son and lISigns of\he party of the second part forever. BEING and imended to be \he same premises as conveyed to the party of tile first part by a deed dated Oc:tober 8, 2002. recorded ()gtober 30,2002 in Lib<< 12217 Pap 689, made: by William Bladykas and Lauren Bladykas. AND the party of the tint part, covenanII that \he party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby II1e said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, CIKeep\ as aforesaid. . AND \he party of the first part, in compliance: with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants hI \he party of the first part will receive the considera\ion for Ihis conveyanc:e and will hold the right 10 receive suc:h consideration as a trust fund to be applied lint for \he purpose of paying the cost of \he improvement and will apply the same tint to the paymem of the cost of the improvement tmoro using any part of \he tota1 of die same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, die party ofll1e fll'St part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: LJ- ~. n:067.16 n~ pncIice forms JJ98 , . STATE OF, NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ) ss.: ) On the I 5~ clay of December in the Yell' 2005, beflll'C me, the undenilJlllld, a Notary Public, penIOIIlIlly appeared KIM E. BRAUN-BARDONESCHI, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis ofsatisfsclory evidence to be the individual(s) whole name(s) is (arc) sublc:ribed to the within instrumenl and acknowledgod to me that heIshe/they exeeuted the same in hislherltheir ~ies), and that by hislherltheir signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the penon on behalf ofwhieh the individuaJ(s) acled, executed the instrument. ~ Notary Public: BERNAADJ.CELARDO Notarr Public, Sta. 01 NIM Yorlc No.01CE4885161 QIlllIfIed In Suffolk Counlr CommIaaIon ExpIIM Maroh 18, 2007 STATE OF ) ) 58.: ) COUNTY OF On the clay of in the yeer 2005. before me, the undeniped, a Notary Public:, pcnonally appeared . personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subscn"bed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thet hefsh6'lhey executocl the same in hisJherltheir c:apacity(ies), and that by hislherltheir signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person on behalf of whieh the individual(s) acted, exeeuted the instrument Notary Public: STATE OF ) ) 58.: ) COUNTY OF On the clay of in the Yell' 2005, before me, the undersilJlllld, a Notary Public:, personally appeared . personally known 10 me or proved to me on the basis ofsatisfaeWry evidenl:e 10 be the individual(s) whoac rame(s) is (arc) subscribed 10 the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hefshd1hey executed the same in hislherltheir espaeity(ies), and that by hislherllheir signaturei(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person on behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public STATE OF COUNTY OF ) ) ss.: ) On the clay of in the Yell' 2005, before me, the undersiped, a Notary Public, personally appeared . penonsIly known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfiu:tory evidence 10 be the individual(s) whole 1IIIII00S) is (arc) subsaibed to the within instrument and aeknowledged to me that ho'shelthey execuled the same in hislherllheir capscity(ies), and that by hislherl1heir sipture(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the penon on behalf of which the individual(s) actocI, exec:uIocIthe instrument. Notary Public: Dated: Deeembel' 15, 2005 Bargain and Sale Deed With Covenant Apinsl Grsntor's Al:Is Return Bv Mail To: Anthony L. Russo, Esq. 1680 Route 23 Nonh, Suile 140 Wayne, NJ 07470 re067.16 n)'lba pradice Ibrml JI98 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificllle # Prior Ctf. # Dc:.:d / Mongage Inslrumenl 0.:00 / Murtgage Tux Slamp 3 I'liES Page / Filing Fee Handling 5. 00 TP-584 NOllllion fA-52 17 (Counly) EA-5217 (SIIIIe) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TOI:II \.30- Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affjdavil Certilied Copy Reg. Copy Olher Sub TOlaI Gr.md Tulal 1000 4 Oistricl Seclion IIS.00 Block 11.00 LUIOI1.ooS Real Propcrty Tax Servke Agcru:y Veriliclllion ~ ~ 1000 11500 1700 017005 6 Salisfacli011lllDise;hllrgelllRelcases USI Propcrty Owners Mailing AlkIn:ss RECORD" RETURN TO: IJIIJi,i>f1'1 1. RrJ)scJ, Est IUD iodH 23 .H6t/'4 s,,:H I~O W"-f"" N.J: 07 C,70 RECORDED 2006 Jan 10 02: 17:53 PM CLERK OF SUFfOU( COUNTY L 000012429 P 857 DTt 05-22657 Re.:onIing / Filing SlIImps , Mortgage Ami. 1. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tux Sub TOIIII SpecJAssil. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX DUIII Town _ Dual CuuDly _ Hel~ for Appoinune~I...-.nn_- TranslerTax 1~- Mansion Tux The property cov.:ml by this mongage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see approprillle lax clause on .p;lgc# oflhisins .O( 5 ColDllluaity Pr.lervatioD II'1uuI K?<Df;rf Improved Vu.:IIDI LWI<I TO TO TO 7 Title Com an Information Cn. Name lie. III T, If.. .,.. TIde# IUS-OS-332.'Z7. Recordin OfllJ.. (SPECIFY TYPJ; or INSTRUMENT) 8 SutTolk Count & Endorsement Pa e This page limns p:Ir\ of the atlllChcd made by: _J(,m f. B'IlJo'1' /J,rJiJ"'~)c ~: TIle pn:mis.:s herein is silUllIed in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In Ihe Tnwnship IIf _?~_'!..!l.~/).._._._ ______ :Jc~'(I/.. Cr~I'1 In Ilk: VILLAGE -.:J,JI ()rl4"Y orliAMLE:Tof 17 , BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BtACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SU1!'POLK COUNTY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Numbsr of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 06-0002760 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-22657 Recorded. At. 01/10/2006 02 : 17 . 53 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012429 857 District. 1000 Section. Block: 115.00 17.00 In'llMINBD AND CHARGBD AS POLLOWS $875,000.00 Lot: 017.005 Deed Amount: Received the Pol lowing Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.s $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tr8J18fer tax $3,500.00 NO COIIIIII.Pr.s $14,500.00 NO Pees Paid $18,149.00 TRANS PER TAX NUMBBR. 05-22657 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY IN. f. ~ t',. g', ~ C2.D...___ I ) 1/ t1,&tll ~. lloy V.' C3._ I.:;' a?Y ~ , cu_1 g S:7 PROPERTY INFORMATION &'lATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL .-..ural. , IERVICE8 Cl. _ COM REAL PROPERTV TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 1INl1' ... :wr ,. ......-. I ......1... 21$ '~~\J cnvOlll !:~~ L....L ",,~,~(t ....... i1..~ ~ cf.. I( f11111T..... .CODII 2._ N.... G-r~{.... tMT NAIll! I w 3. Tu: lndk:ala wtw. futunI Till. EUPI.,.1O bellnl _. K _, III.. buvor _ .. -. 0Ifann1 I -- LAST NAIll lCOIIIHW't '.,...... .UIBTNIIIII8IR/lHJS1I1U.T..... CI1YQlIlTOWN IT~TI! .."""" 4. Indicate .... ........r 01 ........ Roll....... _ on...._ . \ I, 01 Po..... OR D .... 01 . ...... 5.~_1 SI.. tv" MONT..., Ixl A DI"'" I OR I 'M:o' . IOnIy . _ 01. _ Chook _ _ _: 4A. "",...n. _ _ _ -....,u;. 0 .. _.... ~ _ AaqWod lor T_ 0 4C. Po.... App_ '",S_viol.. _ Map_ 0 K, :v, to...,'" 1:_ I. ..... Nomo ~rll"'" - g6-IJ IW\ t sel, : LAlITlIAMI/c:aIIlINfY I.MT NAMI'COIII"AN't "'TNMIII A ~ Ono FomOy AooIdonlial B 2 or 3 Flmlly Ruicllnlill C Roo_tiel V..... Lone! I) Non ....Idtnd.. YKanllIInd , SALE INFORMATION I. n. .. CantrKt DMe E ~ AgricuII.... 1 ~ Community SONl," I' Com_oJ J IncluotrloJ G AporImon. K Publlc_ H E...-.....'_ L ..... -...- -- - - oppIr: .. OwnerItIlp Type it CondominIum .. New ConItruction on V8ClnI Lind _ "-V LocoImd wllhln on _...1 Dol... 1GB. Buyer ........ . cIIdDI&n nociCIIlndlGlting 1l1li. the propIRY " in III AgricuIIurll Diltrlc:l o o o o 7. C........ 110. Wow whidI mod -- ....,. cIeIcrIa.. the... III the IN'GI*IY -'..... ttrn. of ..Ir. '2. u... of "I. I Yr......, ..i , / 'l , O~ - v_ 11- , 1$ ,0.5 - Iloy V_ '" c:e.at _ .. ..... of .... _ ~ _ _ ~"1If tell'llllf.-: '2. FuU Solo Price .~ .7 .5.6.D. 1:>. 0.0 I , , . IF'" SIIe PrIco ia!he _ _ pold lor !he JIO'-'Y -.. __. _ _ moy'" In !he Ionn 01_ _ _"" '" goodo, or !he _mpllon 01 moRpg. or other obIlg1tlonl.1 ,... round 10 ".. ,..,., ..,.,.."., MIOUnt A B C I) E I' (J H I J Solo __ Ro_ or Farmer Rololivoo $lie ~ RaIIIIDd c:amp.,1as or hrtMn in Bainou Ono 01'" Buyono 10 _ . Sol.. IIuyor '" Sollor 10 _....... _ or Lonlirlglnolilulion DIed T'IPI_ W.rrpty or e.rv,.in encI S.1e tspKify Below) Sale or Frec:donIl Dr Leu thin Fee I_rest (Spodfy IGIowI ....~_. Chong. In .......... _n T._ S_..1Id Solo 001 SIiIe 01 Bull.... II IncIudId In s.Ie Plica 0Ih0r Unu_ F...... ..--.. Solo Prlco ISpoclIy _I _. '.._........ol_1 I . O. 0 . 0 I .........., ........ In a..... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dolo_lei "'-the ...... Fln.llwaIm.nt RoIII11d Tlx Bill 'I.V_ol_--I/').5'1 1 ....Ioh........-.._ . 17.T_I_V_IoI._"_ ; ; .q.q.o.o I , ,I. _..... 1'2... \ .OI-LJ ..........__ 1 473817 .s"fh.IJ .. Tax Map ~/1IoII1dInImerC1I PI ....lIIMfour.lIIIIdI.....wIdI Jt.~.~ 111.........1) dODO. IIS.Ob 17.()o. 017. OoS , . . 1 I CERTIFICATION I I....,.... .."'..._"'_ "-_ ...I11III__ ___11...._"'111)''"-......_ __1__............ olllll1"lIIIW .... _ or_1Io:I be..... will...... _10'" ........... or.... _I low ......... II.............. .... or fIN _ !!m!! BUYER'8 ATTORNEY /'S/1Y.1 Ru $50 ..., owe: AII';'!,,,,,-., 1II111TJU.Nif./ .... ....... ...... 1TIIftT.... ~.1AlI1 ...""" -- ~~ .... , . NEW YORK STATE COPY