HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 868 L I ;: Lj.2 ~, PCSLe'3 v.,-._ . <:aIIu..TYOUIt LAW\'ER BEFORE S1GN1NC11H111_'!'WIIENT-1HII1IITRU1IEIlT SHOULD 1& UUIl BY LAW'IERI ONLY !I s - ;-;- /7 ,J 0 THl8INDENTURE, made the /3 dtIy.of"'Dec;.... r::l()O~ , / I BETWEEN DENNIS F. PEELING AND BARBARA J. PEELING, RESIDING AT SUFFOLK AVENUE MATTITUCK,NEW YORK 11952 7500 NEW party of the 11m pert. and //J/.IshAfJD'l WIt e JAMES TOZAR AND ELAINE TOZAR,RESIDING AT HASTINGS DRIVE FORT SALONr.A,NEW YORK 11768 party or the I8COIld .. WITNESSETH, that the party of the IIrsl perl, in consideration of II I (1.~ dollars paid by the pe~ or the I8COIId pert. does her8by granlend l8Iea8e unto the party of the second perl, the heirs or ~ 1110rB and assIgna of the pIIrty of the _d rmt forever, . ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of tend, with the buildings and ImprovelTllllllllhereon erecIIId, situale. lying and being In the - J. 11" ~l..eI S' e e ~ "-e cJ lJ e. f1 r;;;~BI-o .~ i BDNG AND INITNDm THE SAME PR~MISE TOGRAN~ /lfED DArF.D ~ /z. RfC "t IN L1B~ PG TOGETHER with d right, lIlIe end 1nl8re8l, If eny, of the party of the 11m part In end 10 eny lI!nIetII end r08ds eIlulIIng the ebove delIcribed premI_ 10 the cenllr 11118II thenIof; TOGETHER with the eppurtenanc18 end .. the 88lBle end rights of the party of the 111'1II pert In end to IBid premile8; TO HAVE AND TO HOlD the premlee8 herein gl8nl11d unto the party or the IBcond pIIrl, the heirs or succeS8Ol1l and 888lgns of the party or the MOOnd pert forever. AND the party or the finIt pert COV8I18I1l8 lhalthe party or the fiI'It pall h8s not done or suflered enyIhlng whereby the seid premises have been ~mbered,l,! eny way wheleYer, except.. eforeseid. ,. .- .~ AND the party of the first plIlt, 'in'oomplillnce with !lection .13 of the Lien Law, COYllnanlllhalthe perty or the 11m pert wlI ~ the oonalder8tlon for thll'oomiey8nce end will hold the right to ~ such consideration as a truIl fund to be applied IIr8t for the purpose of peyIng the cost of the improvement and win eppIy the _ 111'1II10 the ~nt of the oosl of the Improvement berare using any part of the lOlaI of the same for eny other purpoee, T1le word "party" shan be conltrued .. if It nI8d "parties" when ever the sensa of this Indenture 10 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party or the 11m part h.. duly Bllll(;u!ed this deed the day and year llrst above wrIllan. IN PRESENCE OF: 14lI;-1/f' c~___~ DENNIS _. . LING --- N.Y.a.T.U. Fonn 8002 'IlIrgIIn and _ Deed, _ c:o..n.nt.... __ _ _ UniIann AdcnowIodgmenl Fonn 3_ ,. ' "-", ~.,:~. ......~ "::"':':..........- ,",. . .. ..:::-,<.. '.. ';~1":'::' . ': . .... . ", 7':" ,:.:;.?~qrT:~:~'~'\:;?!:?':;,~':"~~::',\i7.:::;,Yi?~,7<;:.' :~F.::-:',':'~~VJ~~K:'::;:,\.~; . SCHEDULE'.A _ DESCRIPTlOJli .... ....... ..... u".::~: -,". '. " ".;:': . '. . . .,' AMENDED 12/07/05 ALL that a!rtaln plot, plea! or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, CoUnty of Suffolk, State of New York, known and designated as Lot Number 40 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Harbor View Mattituct<", and filed In the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 21,1987 as Map Nu.mber 8377, and which said lot Is further bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue distant 200.00 feet Easterly from the most Easterly point on a curve connecting the Southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue with the Easterly side of Meadow Beach Lane; RUNNING THENCE North 83 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, along the Southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue 245.00 feet; THENCE South 5 degrees 46 minutes 20 secon.ds East, 213.92 feet; THENCE North 84 degrees 13 minutes 40 second~ West, 203.28 feet; THENCE North 6 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds west, 164.51 feet to the Southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue at the point or place of BEGINNING. . , ~ 'i ! :;".4 ., .. ;~ 1.1 '~i f~t ~I ',' . '1~. Certmcate 01 Title TO BE..... aNLYWHEN THE AI!I('NOWI--..,.. U.,... ... NEW YORK STATE SlIIIlI of New YDIIl, County of IJ ~S-tJ () II: SlIIIlI of New YDIIl, County of Onthe I?,dayof ])e.v t~theyeer~Or(' Onthe day of Intheyeer befonI me. the unclon....-.l. pell101l811) 8ppeIINCI beranI me. the undersigned. ptKIOI1l11y a~lId DENNIS F. PEELIN(,,~ BARBARA J. PEELING PMlIOll8IIy In:IWn 10 me or 10 IIl1I on - t!iII bIisIa of perIIllIIlIIy known 10 me or PIlMId 10 ma on the bnII of ~I '......... lIlIkI8IlCllIlo bit the lndIvfduel(l) ~ neme(1) Is .,, CIllo. lI\1deIalo bit the 1ndIvIdueI(1) __ 1l8IlIlI(1) Is (..) 1llbec.1b.d 10 the wIhIn InIll'urnenl end 8dlIKIl.~.lIgN 10 (811I) auIIaatbed 10 the within Inatrvment end __..U 91110 me tII8t ~ -*d lhe _ In tnIl8r/Ih8Ir me 11III hellhtI/lheJ -*d the _ In hI8.'hen1htIlI . clly(lea). end th8I by IIIsllwIII18Ir 1fgne\In(1) 011 the , I ~. and that by 1I1slt...'U... Ilgnan(e) 011 lhe InIIIIument, thelndlvlcfu8t(l). or the upon b8heIf of whk:Il InIlnIrnMl, lhe lndlvlcluaI(l). or lhe penon upon b8heIf of wIlIdl the 1ncIIvIdue1(1) IICllId, 8DCUIlId the lhalndlvldual(l) adlld, IIIllICIIted the 1IlIlMnenI, II: nINE D, MICHR NOTARY PUBliC, STATE OF NEW Y01lIl AUTHORllfD IN SUFFOlK COUrm. #4788580 TERM EXPIRES MAY 31. 2007 TO BE U81!b ONLY WHEN 1IfE ~ ~IIENT IS .Am! OUTBIDE NEW YORk STATE (11gmdure and ofIk:e of Indlvlduetlllldng ~adgmenl) (afgne1u18 8ncI ofIk:e of SlIIIl1t (or DIIIIrIct of ColumbIa, TanlIoIy. or FlII'lIIgn CounlIy) of sa: Onlhe appllllMCI ~ Ie.- 10 me or pnMd 10 me on the bIIIiI of 1I8lIIl'llcIllo. lIlIkI8IlCllIlo bit lhe 1ndIvlclueI(1) whou nem8(e) Is (811I) albIoJIIld Iolhe within InIlIumenl end IICIlnIl1.J1adllNIo malllll hMheIlII8y-*d the _In 11.111.,,111.. ...,rc/t1(la). end 11III by hIeIIledII_ ~a) OIIthelnalrUmenl, lhe 1ndIvIdu8I(1). or lhe perIIllII upon beh8If of wIlIdlthe 1ndIvIdueI(1) lICIlId. 8DCUIlId the InIlrumenI, end thelauch individual medtt IUdllppe8l__ before lhe underalgnecIln the day of In lhe ~r before me. the uncIeIaIgnad. permnen, (rn-t ltnI en, or_....m.... .~): ~. 1 : .' - .- - ~.~C .. , , ", ,'....-."') Ir ,""'''"! l1A . ~..Iu~. ..... ..0.1.... ....:. "".~ "...~ \-- "'ll't the SIIIle or Country or _ p/aoa the ac:lmo.Alldgmant _taken) lafgnlllUnlancl oIlloa of Indlvldlllll IIIIdng -.-..McIgII....lt) iARGAJN AND SALE DEED secnoN 115 mH CCM!NANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS BLOCK 17 . 00 LOT 017.026 'lie No.LAND AMERICA COMMONWEALTH,...RH05304414 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK STREET ADDRESS 7500 NEW SUFFOLK AVENUE Recorded at Request of COMMONWEAL 1ll LAND Tm.E INSURANCE COMPANY DENNIS F. PEELING AND BARBARA J. PEELING JAMES TOZAR ANJ~LAINE TOZAR DIlItrIlUIIclIlr o Cornn~~_~._ ~... .....D1'In.IINSuIw<alCOOlNNY RETURN BY MAIL TO: DEBORAH DOTY,ESn. 670 WEST CREEK AVENUE PO BOX 11Bl -CUTCHOGUE,Nffif YORK 11935 srANDMD ....OP'IIIWWlRKIIDMD OF mw I.IND!R~..._.~ - .1: 111I._ _ UI1!OI' 11--' 0_ 1[iJ ~:': . , Number of pages TORRENS tf RECORl)E[l 2llO5 Dee 22 09: 54. 34 ~M Edward P. ROIIai"" ClERK OF SUFFOlK COUNTY L ??oo12426 P 8';8 DTlI 05-20345 S~rial# Certilicale # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortgage InSlJUmenl 3 Deed I Mortgage Tax Slamp I-"EES Recording I Filing SUlmps NOlalion EA-S2 17 (Counly) .5- = ~ EA-S217(SlaIe) ~_ R.P.T.S.A. ~_ Comm. of Ed. S. OIl Sub Total 017 Mortgage AmI. I. Basic Tux 2. Addilional Tax SuhTolal Spec:JAssil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual C<llInly _ Held for APPOinl~menl Transfer Tax '==-- Mansion Tax ~ The property eovered by this mllrtgag~ is or will be improved by a one or IWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate UIX elause on page # of Ihis' s~~~ 5 Co_UDity Prel'. ...&8 J'uDd Consideration Amount $ / P-dge I Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 S. 00 6= Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge G....md TOlal /d 5"" /!Ja -Ie( IS. J!!L Sub Tola! Other 4 Disl. .... ..:.-- .- Real Property I Tax Service Agency Verilication 1700 017026 CPF Tax Due i $ I Improved "..- VacanlLand 6 Salisfaclion!l!DischargeslRelea._ List Property Owners Mailing Addres., RECORD" RETURN TO: . National City Bank of Indiana . P.O. Box 8800 . . Dayton, OH 45401 TD //) . TD TO . 7 Title Com Information C!t>. NamcLandAmerlca Commonwealth TiW:# Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the anachcW -Bar:gain . Sale-Oeed ( IFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made hy: .--oeflflis F. 8f1d-Barbaf8 J. Peeling . The premise.~ hen:in is situaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In lhe Town.'lhip of . Southold . .Iame$ ~.,d EI6ine Tn7~r "'1I!il."~nd...& WifellLLAGE or HAMLET of . Mattitllclc BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 1111111111111111111111 Hili 11111 IIIIIIIIIII~IIIIII 1111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0132248 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-20345 Recorded. At: 12/22/2005 09:54.34 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012426 868 District: Section. Block. Lot: 1000 115.00 17.00 017.026 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $1,046.073.00 Received the po11owing Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Illxempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $4.186.00 NO Mansion Tax $10.460.73 NO Comm.Pres $17.921.46 NO Pees Paid $32.720.19 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER: 05-20345 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRtJMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County U PLEASE-TYPE OR PRESS FiRMly WHEN WRrnNGcilli FORM-u U ---- - -- INSTRUCTIONS: http:// WIIIIw.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (51SI 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY ----- . C1. SWI8 ~ I ~ ,?,J,J?,..g,91 , ~ ~- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I I;). / a.~ / Or-I 6;iji D'Y v.. C4.hll8l ,Sb" J? STATE 01' NEW YORIC STATE BOARD 01' REAL .-&R'TY SBlVICES C2. D8te DHd R.~llrded C3._ PROPERlY INFORMATION RP - 5217 1tI'.n1'71W 1Nf "~I 7500 LaAtian SlA[[t '\I~ NEW SUFFOLK AVENUE .1.....'....... Mll.TTTTUCK cnv .. ""'" "1l.1oCI' f11952 .:II'~ 2. Buy<< Nom. T9#ll.R I tJMI'/~ I JAMES ~.... ....... TOZAR LA'STtM./C'OY'A.W I ELAINE H...'...... 3. TM tndiaIlo whDrII futul'll ru .1. ... 10 t. aenI I IIIIIIng lIathor___.._allormJ Ad_ .qT~'~'n ....l~ 5'.....' hUIIMIlA'lDI"'''''PTfIAlI8l ClT'lQIIIQtwN STAT! ZIP coca: ........... ............oI...~._hl RoD _ ~_.......... on tho_ U . of Parcela OR 0 Plrt of . Percel .. ..... "-'Y - nlOfur[l.1 Ixl ....,. lOR I .",.... .!~ lOnIy' ,., a1.,_ _ _....., oppIy: 4A. PllMing brd Wtlh Subclvlsiun ~thDrtly EIrim 0 ... Subdl.tsion App.....1 ... R..,uIrod "" Tronalof 0 <<:'1'11...1 Appruvod lor _ ""'" Map Pn>vldod 0 ..- Nom. PEELING LAllI NMiII/c:DIIM'ft' DENNIS -,- PEELING BARBARA LAST NAW/COMPA"fY ."'"'..... It.~"" Family FkrIIidontial R 2 Of 3 Family Relidentitll C RnIdenlill Vacant Land () Non-RelIdanliIll V8C8nt l.Jand I SALE INFORMATION l 1'..... ContncI Dde r; ~ Agriculturol I ~ Comrnunlty Sorvlce t: Comm-mll J IndUlbYI (i ApartnHtnl K Publl.: Sc!rvlco II EntertlinmenrI AmUlIl'Mf1t L ForosI Ch........_____ .. Owmnhlp ryp. Ia Candnminium 8. Naw eon.truatton on Vacent Land 1M. Prnperty ~ wilhl'l an AgrlcutlurDI Dwrict 1" Buyer r8CIivId . d'-*-n not1co ~ that Eht pruporty II In an AgricI.IIwal ~rict o o o o '7. ChllClc m. bIlK b.aaw whiah ..._ .......... ..... the .... of the property . the time of ....: 12. _ a180I./ T_ 112 -, / 13/20051 Dor v_ 11. a.cl_ or..... 01_ ........04 -IIPP~~ to trInIItr: A S8Ic &mw.cn RlillrtiYu 01 Former Relltlvos 8 Sulo OaIwDan Relm.d ComPlnill or Pam.l"lln BuainG81 C One of the Buyers. .11Io u Sellur D Buyw or SaIl... I. Gnvwnment Aoancv or lending II\IIIIUIIorl F. Daod lyPo not _only .. 8019lln ond Solo ISpocIIy Solow) r= Slle of FrBCtionaI or Lou 1tw1 Faa IIWIttQt (Specify Belowl G Sgnlflalnt CMngI in Property BolWOun TiIIlCIIbMJ StIIu and Sale 0-. II Sale of Bullneu I, IncIudod In 5DIa Pric:8 I OCher UrIUlU.1 FDClUI"I AffKIing Se. Price (Specify BolowJ J no 10 / 06 /20051 MnnIn ~ v.. 1'. fuN 8010 "Iao . 1 . 0.4. Ii. n. 7. ~ .0, 0 I , , . {full Sale Price iI the total ernounl pallcI for tho property Including PI.-mII property. ThiI payIIWIt may be in the form 01 cash, othor property or goods. or the IUUmptlon of mortveIa or am. obIigatlol'lU ",.,. rwnd to tho,.."., whoII doI4<< MfOunt. 14. In_ tho ..... aI ......... I 0 0 I ___In""_ . ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMA11ON -DolO ohould _mo _ Flnol_monl Ron llId To. Bill '1. T.... _ v....1aI ..........'n "_11 ; , . / .3. O.C. Q , 1.. v..... A_ .....IIt RaIl from which 1nIonnoIIan_ '1. "'-"" a.. 1:1.. r .0 I-U ,.. _ _ Nome Lln.J:t:l:. I..Q... 211. T.. Mop .......dllorl.11 RoIId_II..-__._ _ with __I L-/WD - (f~ - 17- 17.?~ I I CERTlFlCA110N I I <n1fI1111ll1. rI.... ...... rI_ ....- on lIdoo !'arm ... ..... .... __ lID Iho .... rimy ........... .... bIIIlIIl.... I undo....... IIIoII11e nllllllaK "'_" 1- _ or..-.. "",~..lIlH1bJwt mo 10.... ...._ rllIIe .....18w _ to............ _..... af............._ ~ ~ BUYEWS ATTORNEY ~~,_\.... /Y,l,\ ....,- J/9 1I./J.~-fJ 4J'~ smEtTNUUIlILN .. t<oAMl!'CAm'Il' h,. t ~tU JJ 'if LL I IV YI an TCWIIN ~ STAll /4J~ .",~;, ~ r!o, <=-~.~ .. ~ ~ ~1.610. ......... .....\R' DA'. / :Dr ~11 {~&.I-L.~L{.,r' ~ ClXlL 1PLI!JIHON: hUMlCR //7~( ~conl! NEW YORK STATE COpy , '-