HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/31/2008 & 2007S ~ - 03' REC~IV~D APA 2 4. 2008 SrouilacFd' Tt~~:sn C€~rlt~ NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2008 & 2007 IRWIN & ODELL, CPAs LLC 6 Sterlington Commons Greenport, NY 11944 (631) 477-3011 (631) 477-9533 (Fax) March 21, 2008 North Fork Animal Welfare League Inc. PO Box 297 Southold, NY. 11971 We have compiled the accompanying Statement of Financial position of North Fork Animal Welfaze League Inc, for the 3 months ended March 31, 2008 and 2007 and the related statements of income the years then ended, in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Company's financial position, results of operations, and its cash flows. Accordingly, these financial statements aze not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. Joseph Irwin, C~A \~ ,/(~/ Irwin & Odell. CPAs LL NORTH PORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET Assets Cash-SCNB General Checking UBS Pinancial Services-Regular VBS Financial Services-Restricted NFB&T-Savings Petty Cash Prepaid Insurance TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accouat6 Payable Deferred Income SWT Payable Payroll Taxes Payable Disability Withheld TOTAL LIABILITIES Fund Halaace League Fund Halaace Restricted TOTAL PUND BALANCB MAR. 31, 2008 $ 48,495 420,895 284,380 5,637 230 3,389 763,026 --------------- 10,678 15,208 639 680 ( 1) --------------- 27,204 451,440 284,380 --------------- 735,820 BXHIBIT A PAGE 1 MAR. 31, 2007 $ 56,836 401,391 273,866 5,497 230 4,305 744,125 --------------- 13,206 0 569 1,633 0 15,408 454,851 273,866 --------------- 728,717 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 763,024 744,125 --------------- --------------- NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGIIE EXHIBIT B COMPARATIVE INCOMH STATEMENT PAGE 1 FOR THE PERIODS JAN, 1, 2008 JAN. 1, 2007 TO TO MAR. 31, 2008 MAR. 31, 2007 REVSNVES 12,867 $ $ 32,185 Donations 3,425 5,374 Interest Income 59) ( ( 62) Accrued Iatareat Paid 2,831 1,832 Dividend Income 142 5,149 Net Capital Gaias(LOaeea) 0 6,340 Fundraising Events 110 140 Doge 3-N 345 0 Cats 263 265 Cats S-N 1,170 3,965 Memorials 168 109 Rabies Clinic 43,870 43,870 Town Contract 0 247 Miscellaneous Income --------------- 65,132 99,434 TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES 39,812 42,833 Salaries 3,949 4,088 Payroll Taxes 2,191 5,646 Employee Benefits 6,335 6,091 Renael Supplies 3,584 7,713 Dog Veteraariaa 1,121 14 Repairs & Maiateaance 878 474 Auto Expense 885 738 Telephone 295 172 utilities 535 1,196 Office 8xpenaea 3,500 3,000 insurance 165 0 Advertising 586 4 Liaceaaes & Fees 1,707 2,390 Professional Peea 1,800 1,800 Bookkeeping Fees 32 39 Bank/Investment Feea 696 224 Miscellaneous Expenses 737 702 Garbage Removal 122 1,338 Postage/Mailings 0 40 Education & Training 1,849 4,827 Cat Veternariaa 1,483 2,356 Cat Food 0 2,552 Fundraising Expenses --------------- $ 72,264 $ 88,237 TOTAL BXPSNSES _______________ _______________ ( 7,132) -----_---11,197 NET PROFIT (LOSS) ___ _______________ NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGVE PAGE 1 COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT UNRESTRICTED FOR THE PHRIODS JAN. 1, 2008 JAN. 1, 2D07 TO TO MAR. 31, 2008 MAR. 31, 2007 REVENUES $ 12,867 $ 32,185 Donations 2 698 2.197 Interest Income ( 59) ( 62) Accrued Interest Paid y,831 1,832 Dividend income 142 5,037 Net Capital Gaina(LOSSes) 0 6,340 Fundraising Events 110 140 Doge 3-N 345 0 Cate 263 265 Cate S-N 1,170 3,985 Memorials 168 109 Rabies Clinic 43,870 43,870 Town Contract 0 247 Miscellaneous Income _______________ _______________ 64,405 96,145 TOTAL gEVENUE3 --------------- EXPEN3B3 39,812 42,833 Salaries 3 949 4,088 Payroll Taxes 2,191 5,646 Eanployee Benefits 6,335 6,091 Kennel Supplies 3,584 7,713 Dog Veteraarian 1,121 14 Repairs & Maiat seance 878 474 Auto Expense 385 738 Telephone 295 172 IItilitiea 534 1,199 Office Expeasee 3,500 3,000 Insurance 165 0 Advertising 588 4 Liacensea & Feea 1,707 2,390 Profeaeioaal Fees 1,800 1,800 Bookkeeping Feea 32 39 Bank/iaveatmeat Pees 696 224 Miscellaneous Expeaeea 737 702 Garbage Removal 122 1,336 Postage/Mailings 0 40 Education ~ Training 1,849 4'827 Cat Veternarian 1,483 2,356 Cat Food 0 2,552 Fundraising Expanses _______________ $ 72,263 $ 88,240 TOTAL EXPENSES _______________ --------------- ( 7,858) 7,905 NET PROFIT (LOSS) _______________ NORTH FORX ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGIIH COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT RESTRICTED FOR TH8 PERIODS JAN. 1, 2008 TO MAR. 31, 2008 REVENUES Interest Income $ 727 Net Capital Gaias(Losaea) 0 --------------- TOTAL REVENUES 727 EXPENSES TOTAL EXPSN3S5 O NST PROFIT (LOSS) 727 PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2007 TO MAR. 31, 2007 S 3,177 112 3,239 0 3,269