HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12388 P 661 L I') z,":< . - ,.r\ /' f)l, r&~l ': . 1I,5~/-;-G.1 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE IIGIING THIIINITRUIIENT-THIIINITRUIIENT SHOULD BE UIED BY LAWYERS ONLY ~ .. THI8INDENTURE.madethe 12thl:dayol May, 2005 BElWEEN HOBERT GElS & JOSEPHiNE GElS 3800 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck, NY 11952 party 01 the firsl part, and ROBERT GElS & JOSEPHINE GElS 3800 De,p Hole Drive, Mattituck, NY 11952; and MICHAEL COLAPIETRO & ROBIN COLAPIETRO 45-04 189th Street. Flushing, NY 11358 party 01 the II8COI1d part, WITNESSETH, that the party 01 the first part, In conlllderation 01 +e. V'\ , dollars paid by the party 01 the I8COnd part, does h8nlby grant and release unto the party 01 the second part, the heInI or IUcc:ellllOrs and lIIigns 01 the party 01 the I8COI1d part forever, AlL that certain plot, plece or parcel 01 land, with the buildings and improvemenlB thereon erected, slluale, lying end beI~ at Mattituck, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk, and State of New York~ bounded and deacribed as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete manumant set on the eaaterly side of Deep Hole Drive marking the intersection of the northerly line of land now or formerly of Fabry with the easterly side of Deep Hole Drive and which point is also distant 1160.63 feet southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of tbe easterly side of Deep Hole Drive and the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue and from said concrete monument; RUNNING Tlll!NCE along the easterly side of peep Hole Drive, Nortb 1 degree::19 minutes 00 seconds East. 125.00 feet to s concrate monument: THENCE South 79 degrees 00 minutes 00 aeconds East, 148.09 feet througb a concrete monument to a point in the creek; THEKCE along the tie line in the creek, Soutb 0 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds West, 129.29,feet to a point; THENCE North 79 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 149.77 feet to the conctete monument set at the eastarly side of Deep Hole Drive at the point or place of BEGUIN1NG. SAID premises also known as: 3800 Deep Hole Drive, Mettituck, New York. BE1KG tbe ssme premises as conveyed to tbe party of tbe first part by deed dated January 12, 1990, and recorded January 22, 1990, in Liber 11004 of conveyances at Page 127. TOGETHER with all right, title and Inlerast, il any, 01 the party 01 the first part in and to any 8IraelB and roads abutting the above dacr1bed preml_ to the centsr linea theraol; TOGETHER with the appurtell8/lCll& and all the lIStslll and rights 01 the party 01 the first part In and to IBid pramil8s; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pramlses herein granted unto the party ollhe I8COnd part, the heirs or IlIcc:elIIIOIlI and assigns 01 the party 01 the II8COIId part forever, . AND the party 01 the first part, in compliance with Section 13 01 the Lien Lew, covensnls that the party of the first part willl'llClllvlltha COIl8ideratlon for lhIa conveyance and will hold the right to receive IUCh considaratlon .s a trust ~nd to be .pplie<l first for.the purposa 01 paying the cost 01 the improvementlnd will apply the same first to the payrnent'oIlhe cost 01 the Improvement before using any part 01 the total 01 the same for any other purpose. The wo~ "11lIrty" shall be COIl8Irued II " It read "pertie8" whelllMll' the sense of thll IndenlurelO requJl1l&. I. . .... , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party 01 the first part has duly Illeculed th. deed tha day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~1~'~ b~-~ }lSEPH E GElS , _111 N.y,a.T.U, Fonn 8001-IllI/lPI1n lll1d Sole Deed, _ Cownont "11....1 GrInIIl/'a Ada - UnIlonn_OOItedgmenl Fonn 3284 ' TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACICNOWlEDGMElIIT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE SllIIeofNewYork, County of Ill: On the I~"" 01 t1~ ') -b \ In the,.... ~!!'" theummlg ,~.ppellr8d ~~L~~ ~i~ on the .... of utIlf8ctDry lNid8nce 10 be the 1ndtvtcIu8I(.) ........ n8ll18(.) 10 (.re) ..b8cr1bed to \he within InlflullHlllllllld --'edged 10 me Ih8t hlI!IIhtIIlhey IX8QI\ed \he ..... In hl8lhllrl\helr copld\yfHll). 8Ild lhet by h1~ 1Ig11lllure(.) on the InIfIu the or upon beh8If of which lIIe Ind' (.) .- ofIIce of Individ Ing ecknowledgr,....lI) .... .. -,~=-..."" . lIiIIIII'la......... Qo.J J 11ph1-3II,2DJ!J SIlIIe of NIlW Yorlc, County of On \he day 01 In tho ,.... before me, Ihe undel'llgned, pel'IOIIIIlIy .ppeer8d peraon.ry known to me or proved 10 me on Ih8 bull of IlIIiIfIIctory ..1dence to be the Indlvldulll(.) ........ rwne(.) Is (..) .ubi... Ib.d ID the within 1_ 8nd lIClu-'edgo.d 10 me Ih8t heIIheIIhey IX8QI\ed the lime In hl8lher/lh.ir C8p8ClIy(Ia), lInd lh8I by h1lihl1rihlfr IIgrllllure(.) on Ihe inIIrum8r1l, \he 1ndIvtdulI1(.). or lhe peI80Il upon beheIf 01 which \he Indlvldu8l(.) lIcled, IX8QI\ed lhe InItrumenl .0: (.Ignature lInd ofIIce of 1n1llvldull11Ulng .cImowIecIIJJ....lI) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACkNOWLEDGMENT.8 MADE OUTRIDE NEW YORK STATE Slete (or DI.ble:! of Columb/.. Ten1IoIy. or Foreign ClUIlry) of On the day of In the yeor Ill: before me, \he undetdly,,,",,, peI'IIOIIIIIy .ppur8d penIClIlIIIy known ID me or proved ID me on \he ball of llIIIafllc:lory evld.nc.. ID be \he 1ndIvId1lll(1) ........ .....(.) I. (Ire) .ubecrlbed to \he within InIlrument Ind iICMoIJI.dllld ID me Ih8t hlII'8heIIhey IX8QI\ed III. _In hlslherllhelr CllPICilY{IeI). 8Ild lIIat by htIIherIlhetr IIgnature(l) on \he Inatrumenl. the lndvIduol(I), or the pellOll upon beh81f of which the InclIvIdu8I(.) 1l:Ied, IX1lCUllId III. inotrument, .nd IhIII11lCh IndIvIdUlI made ouch IlPPflII8IIC8 before the uncIel8lgned In the 'In find inIIrt the StatI or Countly or _ p1lC1lh1llCknowlldglholl1lwnlllken) (1mII1t the City or other poIIllc8IlUbdIvIalon) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITHOUT COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TItI8 No. . I., . ROBERT GElS & JOSEPHINE GElS ROBERT GElS & JO~PHINE GElS and MICHAEL COLAPIETRO & ROBIN COLAPIETRO ITANDMD FORM OF NEW YORK IIOAIID Of" nn..a UlillDehftlUl~ . -by O Commonwealth . ,,1.A.omMIID.:Aoa...v<< ~"''''''''TIn''I_~ ~ o ! ! u II! l!l ! ! .. ! I I.. (Ilgneture and ollioa of Individual taldng ICIcnowIIIcVIleoll) SECTION 115.00 BLOCK 17.00 LOT 006.001 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Suffolk I Southold 3800 Deep Hole Drive Mattituck, NY Rec:onIed III Requ_t of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 't. . ., Num""r of pages lURRENS Seri.11I Certifieale II Prior Ctf. II Deed . Mongagc Insln/menl J Page I Filing Fee Handling :;u-- ~- TP-584 Nowion ;;---- s. 7L .~n Q;? 5...IllL EA-52 I 7 (County) EA-52171Slalel R.P.T.S.A. Cumm. of FA!. Afrldavil _ C 0:nified'C1Dpy"j; Reg. Copy Olher f-= ./ I~ - 115.00 Billet Seclion ~ Property Tax ServiL"C Agency Veriticatioo ( . - ---. '. Deed I Mllrtgage 1ltx SIamI' FF.F~~ Suh Tllwl ;)<1 SuhT1I1lI1 Grand Tolal 17.00 lA'l 086.0015 .. -. -_. - 1000 11500 1700 o06ooi - ~ ------ ...... SalisfaclionlDischargc5IRelea.<ce Lisl Property OWIICIlI Mailing Addl'CAA RECORD & RETURN TO: MICHAEL & ROBIN COI.APIETRO 45-84 I89TH STREET FLUSHING, NY 11358 7 Co. Name Tille II RECORDED 2005 IUy 24 09:44: 18 AM Edward P. Ro...in~ CLERK OF SUFF()(j( COUNT\' L [lOOOI23e8 !' 661 DTI 04-41903 Recording I /oiling Slamps Mortgage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. AddililllUll Tax Suh lblal Spce. I A,",il. or Spec. I AlkI. 'roT. MTG TAX Dual Tllwn _ Duul Counly _ Held for Appoinlmcnl ~ 1'nm5fer Tax ~ _ MlIOsioo l'oIX The properly ~~)VL'I'Cd by Ibis 1IK.lgage i. or will "" improved hy . (QIC or IWo family dwelling only. YIlS or NO If NO. see appropriale lax clause 00 page II uf Ihis inSln/menl. Communil COlUIldcralion Amounl s s CPFTax Due Improved Vacanl Land TO /() TD TD nile Company InI'ormatlon 8 SutTolk County Recording & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of 1bc allllChed DEED GElS TO . GElS COLAPIETRO (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT, macIr hy: TIle premisis herein is siluated in SU/o,.OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. 10 the Township of SOUTHOI.D In IhI: VII.J.AGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPIID OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR RUNG lover) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COtJNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0055613 TRANSl"BR TAX NUMBER: 04-41903 Recorded. At. OS/24/2005 09.44:18 AM LIBER: PAGB: D00012388 661 Di.trict. 1000 Section. Block. 115.00 17.00 EXAMINBIl AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 . Lot: 006.001 Deed Amount. Received the po11owing Fees Por Above In.trument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCRG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIlIlIl.Pre. $0.00 NO I'ee. Paid $154.00 TRANSPER TAX NUMBER. 04-41903 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUIIBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL Bdward P. Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County . .. . I L/, 1, .3, .8, 8.1, CZ.'- Doed Roc._ I ii. I i'i,t1.S:: a......' /..el...3, C,g,CA.....' " ~, / , PROPERTVINFORMATION 1'''-''1 :l~o I Oe~D u...le- lMMlon .11ltET..-. ~,,~..."iT1Wii ~=:~w I L oI'! \ ^^ l.-..J....J' lAIrNMl!'~ C1.SWIS~ -* REAL PROPERTY TllANSFER REPORT STATE Of NEW YOIUI STATE IIOARD OF REAl.I'RlIFERrY IlERVICES RP . 5217 ~171&ftJlfJ O'l.. I I ((~~ . -::r:. $eA'.,..e:- ...1........ I ((~ Jo rn icL,.~c.'- IIIQr'1..i ..- J. Tu: 1rIdIaD... ...... T. BOIl .. Ia ba...l I .... _"____IM_otlorml -- LMT ...., COlIPAHY ....11IAIMo .'IlIUI-....,.IRIIi'..... CI1"I'OIl'l'QMf "ATI .. CDD[ .. lndIoIte..he nu..... of ~.l AoI....... ..............41 Oft'" deed ",01.....,. OR D '.rtol.-.. ..... 'ORI -. . 1OnIr._ot.____......" "'PIamI"lI_wloII_~~ 0 ...____IarT_ 0 4C.__...-..._...._ 0 .. =..., I SI.. HIClHlflil Ixl G Ei s. I 0 L"'r.\- LAlTMMi'r>/CQMMNV ~ CE"\ ~ 1~.;-~tS~:~~ LAIT.....'COlIl'Mhy ...-r1Mlll 7. ChIIck 1M box ....... whk:h ..... ........wy........... ... 01 ... praperty .. .... II.- at uIr. ca.oIr: ... -.-.... . 'IhIy ......: I.~T.po..~um .. tHMr CoIT- -. n on V"nI Land ...... N... E~ Agricuhural F COtnlMlCilI G .......... H EnlDlUllnmenll AmuIomud I ~ Cammunlly-" J __ K _&a_ L _ 1M. "'-.....- _ an Agricoaaal_ -.......-._-~ ........_IaIn..._1liIIrIcI o o o o ^fFDmI/Y_ial R 2 or 3 F....V' ae.ldentllil C RasidenIIIII YKllnl Land D Non ..--'-__ V_nl UncI I SALE INFORMATION I ". .... Conlnct OM. ...... I Do, , v.. 11. a..III_... ....",...... L..IL... .............-.....: A .. Botwean .....ttv. or Former RaIMivw II -__eam_.._lnllual_ C Dna of... &u.,......Ioa. Sol.... o _ or _10 Gawm... _.. LoncIng InMutian E Dood T_ _ W....",., .. lIo'llllln and .... tsoocIfy Belawl F s..loof_Of~""'Fao'__fy_ o SIgn;-', Chango .. "'_110_ T._ _.nd SaI. 0aIa0 II _of__lslru:ludadln__ I OlhorU........_-.._PriooI~_ J NoM ,2. D.u of ..., T........ 1# ('" ,/.J. ,d I IIanltI 0., Y... . "lid. 0,0 I , , . IFull 51. Price II tM tocsI ~ pad for !hi proPOI1y Includ1nu porIOnll prDPIfty. This ~ mIV be In the tunn 01 cnh. arher ~ or.... or....1IUIIIIIptiDn of morta-III or other obIIgIIiaftI,) ,.... IOUIId ro lite ,.".., ...... doIIIt MIOunl. ,., - IN....."........ I I 0 0 I .........., ......... In .... .. . ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0... Ihauld rallec1 tho ...... Flna' _ Rail .nd TIX 8111 L. 13. All .... PrIce ,.. Y- 01 A_ ....lII RoM from ."" c---: I ..... .............. .... Gtdl---J 17. T'" A--..d V.....W .u ...... 11'I 'IrInIIarI ; , e/. c:::?u '8.___ I mM.J.~c~ I <:r,.J-~J"Vc... , ,1.-,__ 20. r"__I/"""'_ ..........._. _____.11 /6Q() - IIr- 17 - C. 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