HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12215 P 3 . , L "to 22- /"5: P OO~ ~l/ 4rJP a.1l9, i' 1)~O ~.oO II ~OO 01' IPlt' f1J?J ~ SI:MIItd~,V..T,~_ FlrfmaDI- ...._5*Dnli. _~lpZIItkicllr'IAtu - ~Ol ~t""'JbIdj ~;;107<i CONSULT YOOll LAW'o"Ell1lEfOllE SIGNlNC THIS INSTRtlMF.NT. THIS lloo'STRUMJl:NT SHOVl.D Illt \JSEI) BV LAW't'DllOllo'LV. W..I.-, THIS INDENTIJRE, made lllis day !lr Sqlto:mber. two lbou.sa.od and IwO BETWEEN AUCE S. FIFE. residing II Jig -1-1 g -3 1000 Ilridg<e Uw. Cwcbo~. NY 11935 peny or the fi"'l pan, and KATHF.RJI\'E F. PERRETTA, miding at 400 East 52"" Stn:el.. Api. lJ. New York. NY 10022 pany or the SL'COJ\d pan. WID;ESSml. lhalthe party or Lbe l1l'lit pan, in cunsilJcratl..... of lI:fI dollars and ollu.'f valuable I;OlISldcraliortpaid by Ihcpany of llle ~ pan. does bm:by grant and releaso: WlIO Lbe pany or Ihc ll:cond pan, the beil'li or SUCWI50rs and assigns of Ille pany of Ihc SiL'COIId pan forever. ALL lhal cmain pIol. piece or plllC1:1 of land, with the buildings and improvmJmIS Illereoo ereaed, siluate. lyill& and being 31 N8$Ull Poim, Town of Soulbold. County or Suffolk and SllIW of N_ York, bounded and described IS follows: SEE SCHEOCl.F. hA" ASNEXED HEllETO. BEIIliG AND INTENDEO TO BE the $811II: pmni$es dcscrlbed in the dMI of lIle panics 0I1hc first pan bcrcin by deed from JOHN D. I'lFE '" ALICE S. FIFE, daled 11/13/90, n:alrdcd in Ihc Suffolk COWllY Clett's OITh.lI on 11/29190, in Liber 11181, Pag.: 17. TOGmlER with all righl. Iillc and inleres1. if any, 01 dlOl patty of 1IJe first pan in IlIld 10 any S_ and roads abutting llle ahove cles.:ribed pmnises 10 llle _ lines thereof; TOGmlER with llle 1ppIIMlal1CCS. and also all the _ and rilll>lS of the pany of llle fil'lit pan in and 10 said ~; TO HA VJ( Al'.'D TO HOW the pmnlsos bcrcin BJlllIUld unIO llle pany of IIle second pan, Ihc hcini or sUCC<:ssors and assigns of llle patty of llle second pan forever, AND llle pmty or llle fim pan CO\'I."IlIlIUS that IIu: panyof the lirst pan bas 110I done or suffered aDyIIIing wbereby IIle said premises bave bo:en .ncwllbm:d in illY WIY w/wever. except IS aforosaid. AND 1Iw parry of Ibe fil'lil pan. in cumpliancc with Seclion 13 of Ibe Lion Law. covenants lhallbe pany oIlbc firsl pan will lL'ttive b: corl$ideralion for tllis c:onvq<ance and will hold Ibe right 10 recoivt sucb considel'llion iii I IttISl fund 10 be llppIied firSl lOr tllo purpose of Jlil)'ing I!lc COIL of llle iq>rovemo:IlIllIld will apply Ibe same rorsllO IIu: paymt'lll of Ihc COSI ofimprov_ be.fore wing any pan oflbe u>lAl ofllle same for any oilier pwpose, The word "pany' sball be. COlISllUed IS if it n:ad .purtlcs. wllencver llle sense of Ibis iIldon_ so requin::s. IN WJ'l'l'<o'ESS WllEREOI'. ll1e party of' the rusl pan bas duly executed Ibis deed llle day and }'L'II' first ahoY\: wrinen. 1l>lI'1lESENCe 01': lJi~'t.4-.L ~ ALICE S. FIFE . .. STAn Ot' J\1::W YOIIK. COUJIoTV OF SUtTOLK ss: To BE 1I11ED ONLY \\lImN THE ACKlCOWutllG.'\tEYr 15 MADE 'lI NEW YOIIK STATE STATE OI'!'.ToW \'OIlK. COlJNT'( 01' SlII'I'OI.K ss, On the Kif/tly ofScplembcr in the ~'lIr 2002, befon: 1lW, the undtnlgned, a Nowy Public in end for &aid SWe. pc'rsonaIly appeared ALlC.: S. 1'1....: pl:rsonaIly known U> me or pro\'C.-d LO me OIl the boi$i.s of SlIIisfll\:U>ry evidenc" LO be Ihc indivIdual(s) whose nanwts) Is (are) subllcribed U> the wilbin ins1:n.unm.I end aclmowlo:dged Ie me !hat beislu:llbey execlllCd same in hislbcr/lheir capacity(!.,,), and IbaI by lliSllwrllheir aignaturc(s) on the iOSln.III'IeRI, the individual(s). or 1M ""non upun b<:half of whicllthe individual(.) acted. exe.'tllod the ill!JUUJr1elIl, - c I -~'f^~ a. ~ (Signature an 0 0 the pc'r5On I g ac"lllcl,wlodpnl) ~ ~"'DDI'Y :=O'Nk....ol_V.... ... 11ft 11'1. "'c:o..tr ':' ,...........,..~. Bargain and Sale Deed WITH COVI!NAI'lT AGAmST GIWIo'TOR'S ACTS TITLE NO, ALICE S. t"fE TO KATlIERINE F. PERIlE'lTA On the day of SepIember in the y= 2002, before me. the undmignod, a Nowy Public in end for said SlIll~. penonaIIy appeared p<<sonally known to me or proved U> "'" 00 Ihc basis of satisfllClory evidence to be the indlviduaI(sl whose name(s) is (are) subscribed 10 the WiIhJR llISIl'lIIDCIIl and ~ to me !hal be/slJchbey encuted same in hislherltheir capacil)'(ies), and thai by IIWbetflhelr sPure(s) on the insIrumelll. the individual(s). or Ihc JIl.'I'IIOR upuo behalf of whielllhc lndlvidual(s) aclCd. CXl.'l;ull:<llhc insuumt:R1, (slgnawre IIlII off'1CI: of the pl:rson 1d:lng acknowlcdpnmt) DIST. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN 1000 118.00 01.00 OI8.00J Suffolk1Southold Ila:'rnll>lll> AT lleoc",," OF RlmJIlN By MML To: D.'boralt DillY, Esq, P.O. Box 1181 CulCbogue. NY 11935 . SCHEDULE A - DESCRIP lION '...."_0 m,,24/02 ALl.l2l1lt ~I'l plot. piece or perce! of land, sItUate, lVlnlIlII'ld being at ~ Point. or Utile Hog NlIck . RoIId, Town or SoutIIOId, CO\llltV of Suffolk, end StlIte of New York. beilllll\nDWn Ind desllIRItecl _and by l.lIt 210 and pert of lot 2,09, on a certain I'I\IIp entltled, "M1Ill of NIla5au PoInt qlub Property, Inc., ArrliInded MlIR B. of Sed:lon a, - end filed In the Sl/ffoIk County C1erIc'a Offlce on September 28, 1924 lIS Mlp No: 789, and beillll boUl\!Ied and described B" follows: , ; 8EG1NNlIIIGi aI: a point on the w_rIy sldll of Brtdge Lane said point belri!l lJllI ~ lXl!'f\lll'ofthe herlIlll 8bovtI mentioned LOt; . . '. . i . RIJMlng thlIl\ClI southerly end _Iy lIlong the we5b!riv and tIOl'l:halv ~ of BtId~ lJme lIlong!he arc of a eLlIVe hailing 1I radius of 260.00 feel: an arc dlstllllal or 129.98 feet to a'poInt; THIiNCI! lIIclng a .CUI'Ie haVing 1I radius or 115.00 feet an arc dlstllr>ce or 89.22 feet to B point; TH9ICI! on a IIl1 fine South 82 dllllnr.e 29 minuteS 10 5lICOllCl$ WllSt 79.4<4 feel: to a .poInt; , TH1!NCI! tIlrou!Ill otIlar lands or 301m O. and AlICe S. Fife the fullOWlnll three (3) C;OUl'llU and dilII:llI'ICeS: 1). Nortll35 Ilagrees 43 minutes 50 secolKls West 170.00 Iftt; 2). 3). Pond; North 47 dIllll'8lls 57 minutes west 58.00 feet, . 'j North 61 degrees 40 rnlnutes West 110.00 f&et to the ~ side of WUnnllWd . THENce. along the eaaterIV side QlWulIl'IeW8la Pond the follcwllng ttuu (3) COIl_end dl$tBnc:es: . 1). 2). 3). North 30 degrees 44 minuteS east 57.20 tllat; Nort:h 14 dIlll- 15 mlnutlll 40 uamds East 58.!14 Ifttb a point; Nor\:Il S5 d41grees 4S minutes 40 .-wIs W... 17.80 retit; .' . , '. '. . TtI1!NC1. South 65 degrees 27 m1l\Utas 10 $eCCl1KIs e.t lIUllI9 the dIYI$Ion line batw... Lots 210 aOO 211 on said map 490 .01 feet to the weWlrIv stde of BrIdge Lane the point or plAce of IWi:INNING. " MIA l.o<In Policy IlIBlIrt 1 , .. I, 2 , . l "Numher Hf J>>Igcs ,. . . I TOHHF./IIS Occd ,I Mt>rlPll~ In.lmm~1Il . RECORDeD 2002 Oct 16 O'JI:26:~ 'lI1 Edward P.Rol.laiM CLEIlK OF SUFFOLK I:ooHTY " l 000012215 1'.003 11 02-11336 ' R~"'D'ding/l'lli"g SIAI.ps Scri~1 u_ L'~rhficnh: fI l~j..rar.II___, 2J IJecd I MOI1~ Tax SlamI' FI1ES I'llgo/Filing!'"" /.2- S -S- MUrlgall" AUIl. Il."dling TI'-S84 I. Ilasi" Tax 2, Adclilionall'a. , ,! . Nulllli.., Sub Talel liA. Yo! 17 (Cu'..YI 1lJ\-S217 (Sla".) 5. _._ :;."1',.w:1 a7- SI''''' J Assll. DI Spec,!AdiL TOT, MTG, TAX 0,,111 Tow" o..al Cnnnly_ n"jd fi!!J\f'llCllI-- ---..:.- ",.....,.r..,1'. .~ 9 q &,. - , ". IU','l:SA .;l~ _ ~- CUlllrn,..rl'.ol. 5 QQ-. AfJidu'Ifl (.'.,nillet! Cory' IU-g. CUl'Y 0h~ IS~ Sub .....lal 7S- /P;) - .tL. MlIllsiOl1 Tax The IlRlJ'Orly....ered by IhislllUll1ll!llC ls ur will be improved by a ..n" or IWQ r...ily dwellinll NUl'. . YES orNO_ lr NO, see lfllll'Ul'rial" In c1~se Un Pas" 1/ _ _ ..rlbls illlllnl"_. 'I GRANI) TOTAL Sla"", R'"IIII'n~l<.Tly Tax Service A!Illllc)' Veriliealiotl '''"''''" ~.....;.wt Ai lndc 1.01 1000 118'DD 0100 018003 ~ -:;U"-tJ;t . , , COllunullit /'rc.~Cr\'8Iiuil l'ull~1 Conalde Alion A,"!>tlilt $?1!1li11!:101)-I!lJ F Tax 0 $ ~-----:.{!V I ~ 'nilial. 7 Salislu.:li"nsll>ischurgesIReh:lI5C5 List Pf"Pcrty OWlIers Mailing Addm, kl!ctlltU'" ItEl'Ultl\l TO, ~ j)o1yl ro- p CJ Box.. l/gl (:uJd?o1UU!.-; NY 1113.5 ,/' , hUplo\1l\I ~ V...m I"'nd It)' 1'0 'I'D TO A//'le S. hI<. ":,?~ .TilleN rfr~ol.{Jh( Sutlblk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'l1USPllbOCloollSpnrI\.r,hclItll1l.i1I.'lI Dt?P"'; . _ ._ . (SI'a1FY TYPE OF INSTR,UMENI') I 'Ihe 1X\'lUsJ lwn is silUlllcd in SUFFOLK COUNIY, N~W VO,tK. InlheTowl1shiror So..t.f4tJ 8 ~ , .j ~ mu.tle liy: KM~JV-<- TO F.J>e-r~ 11I1I1Il VILl.AGE or H^MU~T or C u~: h ~ c:J' UJl..' , BI)XI$ 5 UIRU '} MUST UE 'I)'PED OR I'IUNTEO IN ULA('K INK ONt Y I'R/Olt TO lUiOJRDINO OR'FJUNO, lOVER. . 1 Imlml I 1111I II Immlll 1IIIIIIIImr III 11m IIIIIIIIIII~ StJII'J'OLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OI'I'J:CB RBCORDiNG PAGE Type of r:a.tZ'\llll.4mt: DBBDS/DDD Humber of Page.: . TRANSI'BR. TAX NUMBER: 02-11336 Recorded. At. LiBER: PAGE: 10/16/2002 09.26.29 11M D00012215 003 District. 1000 Section. Block: 118.00 01.00 BXAKIHBD .AJID CllARGBD AS POLLOWS $999,000.00 Lot: 018.003 Deed Amount: Received t.he Following Page/Filing COB BA-C'1'Y TP-584 RPT Tran.fer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $3,996.00 Fees For Above InstZ'\llll.4mt Bxempt NO Handlin.g NO NYS S1:J1tCHG NO BA-STATE NO Cert . Copies lIfO SCTH lIfO Comal. Pres Fee. Paid $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16,980.00 $21,078.00 Bx.."t NO NO NO NO NO NO TRAlIISFER TAX N'llMBBR: 02-11336 TJlIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRtIMENT Rdwarei P.2omain.e Cou:a.ty Clerk, Suffolk Cou:a.ty '-'. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT .. ... PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.n EN WRITIN6 ON FORM .us or PH0NE1518) 473-7222 STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD''O!' REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP.S217 Rev 3/'n 1. P,operty I "1000 location STREET NUMBER Bridge Lane STREET NAME Sou1:bold Cutchogue 11935 CITY 0 R TOWN VilLAGE ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name t'Elrretta LAST NAME I COMPANY :Ral-~ Katherine F. fiRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I Address LAST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY 01'1 TOWN STATE ZlPCODE 5. Deed "'- Size FRONT FEET Ixl DE"" lOR I 'ACRES' 1. 7 1 I (Only if Part of . Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning BOard with Subdivision Authority Exists G. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. ParcBI.ApprovBd for SubdivisiOn with Map Provided o o o ".Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels trall$ferred on the deed 1 I # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel 6. Seller Name Fife Alice S. lAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the ~im8' of sale: A[ne Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C - Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land .~- 11. Sale Contract Date E ~ Ag,;oult"al I ~ F Commercial J G Apartment K H Entertainment / Amusement L comm~nity Service IndustrIal Public ~ervice Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 1OA. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District o o o o 15. Check one or more of these conc:fltions as appIic8bleto transfer: 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 08 / 30 / 20021 Month Day Vo., [' 2. ~) :;2 1 / / Month Day Year A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify B~low) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 13. Full Sale Price , 9, g, g, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be. in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other l)bligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 16. Year of Assessment Roll from 01 O~ which informatiDn taken - 17. Total Assessed Value l-of all parcels in 18. Property Class 2 ,1 lIl-U 19. School District Name I ;; I 1 4 3 0 ; ; eU JrJ1C<j ue 01 1000-118.00-01.00-018.003 , /f~- (-19.3 20. Tax Map ldentifierlsl / Rollldentlfler(s) (N more than four, attach sheet With additional identlfier!s)) .... . .. ~r~ I certify that aU ot:the items of information entered on t:Im form. are troe and correct (~the best of my knowledge and belief) and I-understand that the making of any wiJIfuI false statement Of. material fact herein will subject me to the Drovisions or - oenallaw relative to the making and filing of false instnnnents. BUYER I BUYER'S ATTORNEY y " V <) (",-- 1- I. if... L I ~ 40cy Deborah BUYEA SrGNAtu~E DATI' LAST NAME FIRST NAME 400 East 52rrl street, Apt. 3J 631 734-6648 New 'lor!<: ~ 10022 -I I ! /' STREET NUMBER STREET NAME rAFTER SALE) AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER CITY OR TOWN STATE .. ZIPCOOE CI'M"~ MSesSOR COpy SELLER ,:/ --"' SELLER S'GNATUR~~} (.. _ { "} "/ ,~ I !C' fP< tl