HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12400 P 7 "'~'1~ \1~ . \0, llJ--'-fcO Pocq I~ \ \5.~1;) \ '5. C::.c:::. (.:)1" .01;:0 , . II <; - (e:; - IF mPlf'l \tbbLt COlISUL T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THl8II181Jl1111ENT.THISINSTRUIIENT SHOULD IE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY .. THIS INDENTURE, made the 111: day 01 July, 2005 BETWEEN PATRICK ST. JOHN and MICHAELEEN ST. JOHN, husband and wife, both rasldlng at 975 Water Terrace, Soulhold, New York 11971 party of the first part. and VENETSANOS V. ANAGNOSTAKOS and PANAGIOTA N. ANAGNOSTAKOS, / husband and wife, both rasiding at 4119 248"' Streat, UtIle Neck, New York 11363 party 01 the second part, WITNESSETH that the party 01 the first pari, In COlllIIdera\ion of TEN and no/l00ths ($10.00) llollars paid by the party of th~ second part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or suc:ceas<n and assigns of the party 01 the 88COIld part forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, ......:U. !fie l!u:lilliIlAgl IR~ 1~llrw.tURtRtl tA.,i'r' v--'w. situate, lying end being in the SEE .SCHEDULE A" ANNEXED HERETO \'f'-rTh S6 ~ 'f()() t:Cr\f'Q c.\ i\ e mart i -i:u (Ie N'I BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same praml_ con. to the ~ by dead ffoll'l I ~J~R'A%lA "'lei EL.A1lo/1!"RAZl5, Idlo wthr, dated 4/29/77 aRd recorded 5/3/77 in Liber 8229 page 185. TOGETHER with all right, title and inlerast, if any, 01 the party of the first part In and to any stream end roads abutting the above descnbed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estete and rights 01 the party 01 the first part In and to said preml_; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forevar. AND the party 01 the first part covenants that the party 01 the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said pramlsas have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party 01 the firsl part. In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party 01 the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and wll hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be appliad first for the purpose 01 paying the cost 01 the improvement end will apply the same flrst to the payment of the cost 01 the Improvement before using any part 01 the tolel of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sensa of this Indenture so requiras. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party 01 the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. ~~Jln~R--.. MICHAELEEN ST. JO . Madison Avenue Abatractllnc. Schedule A Deacrfptlon RlIvIMd: OI/UlI200li Underwrllllr No. 588811183 ~.Num~ MAA1~1S02 District: 1000 Section: 115.00 Block: 15.00 lot: 018.000 AMENDED AU that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated all Lot No. 29 on a certain map enlltled, "Map of Deep Hole Creek Estates" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 28, 1965 as Map No. 4256. More particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Donna Drive distant 846.09 feat southerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue and the westerly side of Donna Drive; RUNNING THENCE South 2 degrees, 40 minutes, 40 seconds West along the westerly side of Donna Drive, 110.00 feat; THENCE North 87 degrees, 19 minutes, 20 seconds West. 182.00 feet; THENCE North 2 degrees, 40 minutes, 40 seconds East, 110.00 feel; THENCE South 87 degrees, 19 minutes, 20 seconds East 182 feet to the westerly side of Donna Drive, the point or place of BEGINNING. TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of New York. County of Suffolk On the 1ft. day of July in the year 2005 On the day of In the year before me. the ~nad. personally appeared PATRICK ST. bafora me. the undllf8igned. parsonally appeared JOHN end MICHAELEEN ST. JOHN plltSOllalIy known to me or pIIMId to me on the basis of _lICIory IMdance to be the indlvldual(.) whose name(.). (are) .ubscrtled to the w11h1n Inslrwnenl and aclcnowtedged to me that helsheI1hey eqcuIed the same In hlslh8r1ll1alr capaclty(leS). and that by hilllherlthalr slgnature(.) on the Instrumen~ the Indlvldual(.) pel80n upon behalf of which the lndIvidual(.) acted. e " the lnalnlrnenl ~.,t offlce of IndMduaI taldng actcnowIecIgment) (signature end oftIce of IndMdual taking ~gmenl) if / "1t!Allllt F. t:AbbtO'tJ / tJK~1 p....i, S~1E'f ~tetIt.. ItJI,' dleAlI1., ~U14 TORE use:.M~lf~~lsu.nI!OUTSIDENEWYORKSTATE sa: . . Stale of New York. County of as: penonally known to me or pIIMId to me on the be8Is of aau.factory evidence to be the Indlvtdual(.) whoaa name(.) . (818)8Ubacribed to the wtthln InalIumenl and IICicnowIBdged to me that heIaheIIhay exec:uted the same In hI8Ihert1heir capaclly(Iea), and that by hlslherllhelr algneture(a) on the Instrument. the Indlvldual(.). or the parson upon behalf of which the lndIvtdual(.) acted, executed the lnalnlment. Stale (or 01sb1ct of Columbia. Territory. or Foreign Country) of as: On the day of In the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the baeia of aaliatactory evidence to be the IndIvldual(.) whose name(.) . (are) aubacrlled to the within lnatrumant IInd aclcnowIecIged to me that he/ahelthey _led the ...... In hIalherllheir capaclly(1aa). and thai by hI8IherIthelr .lgn81u18(.) on the Inllbument, the Indlvldual(a). or the person upon behalf of which tha 1ndIvIdual(.) acted. 8ll8CU1ed the lnalrumen~ and thel SUCh Individual made SUCh appearance befol8 the under8lgned In the In (and In8er\ the S1a1e or Coo.nby or oIher place the aclmowI8cIgment _ taken) (_the City or _ poIl11ca1 subdivision) (slgnalul8 and offlce of Indlvldusltaklng acknawIedgmenl) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TIUe No. ~4 DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 115.00 BLOCK 15.00 LOT 018.000 ' COUNTY OR TOWN )U f fO'\ V, STREET ADDRESS nO . ., tlorI(b 1>(\ \It:. Recorded at Request of COMMONW~ TH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PATRICK ST. JOHN & MICHAELEEN ST. JOHN TO VENETSANOS V. ANAGNOSTAKOS &: PANAGIOTA N. ANAGNOSTAKOS STANDMII FQRIllX' NEW 'IllIIIC _lll' 1lIU IOO.EINiRlT_ '. llioIrIbuled by o Commo~~~.". OREST DEKAJLO. ESQ. 1900 Hempsleacl Tumplke East Meadow. NY 11554 O>>tMoNWIiALTH l..AJ\1J TrTLE INSliRANc::ECa.tPANY ~ I :l! l!; ~ iii .. III ~ ~ I I. _i~ 2 ) . ~ RECORDED 2005 Jul 27 11104.59 AA Edward P.RoDaine CLERK Cf' SlFFOLK COUNTY L 000012400 P 007 DTI 04-50901 NUlllbe; ur pages TORRENS ~rialN t"eniliClllo II Priur Ctf. N Deed I MoFtgog. IIISCrulllenl Deod / Mungllle Tax SUIlnp FEES Reeording/!'i lillg SIIlnl'O 4 I'ogo I I'iiing reo Murtgage Ami, lIandling Tp.S84 I. llasio Tax 2, Addiliunal Tax NOlaliun Sub T 0181 r:A-S2 17 (Coullly) _ Sub Tutal COOIIII. ur Ed. S~ Spoc.lAs.,il. Or Spec,/Add. TOT, MTG, TAX Dual Town Dual Cuunl)'_ Held fur Appuniunment _ Tnmsfor Tax 1'7'1 J. '" liA-S217 (SlaIO) R.I',T.S,A, -go- Affidayil l Reall'roporty Tax Service Agency Vcrificalion Disc. Section D lock Lot , Mansio ax. _ 'Ibe ny covered by this monll8go is or wil e improved by Dune ur tWI,) ramily d lling only. YES orNO_ If 0, se. ...proprioto tax clauso on p"l\e N of Ihis inslrunICnt. 0 r' >res rvution Fund . ,..Il:I1:r2 ~ $ S. 9~() ~ . Ceniliod Cupy Reg. Copy Sub Total OIher GRAND TOTAL /5')... ~l Stamp 11500 1500 018000 CJ>F Tox Due Dot. (mpmyed Initials , 7 Snlisraelillllwl.llscllargeslRelcascs Lisl Prc'pcrty Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vaeonll.and C::;fC::.-t ~~*~\~C\ ttAf0\=,i\{c. 'ADa' II $\..I ~CI~r ~C'C\\)\..,j IN'! \\ TO 10 TIJ TIJ j"'_ q Title Company Information n -J<..()~~lM Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 8 '1l1i5 page limns part of Ihe allached . Oc. ('" r\ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSIRUMENT) Illude by: Jh to'c.!A. OS~. )()"'~ [).(\Q.\ m .C.hClr \ c..c.("'\ ~'r, Thhn '/he premises herein is silualed in SUFFOI.K COUNTY. NEW YORK.. TO /lIlheTuWl~'1hipllr <'<::,0 thc'lld \/cf'\c. \-":)(;. nb~ \I. Pn''O.:Jn C>~ ~ It.b\ In the VII.LAGE U(V\ fClnoj)16 ,.." A~J"C\')1n"-(,~llrH^MLET..f_ ryn4+"turl(, llOXES 5 THRU 91\'\UST DE TWED OR I'IUNTEU IN ULACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. '''In":", 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUP FOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORD:ING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/ODD Number of Page.: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0077751 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 04-50901 Recorded: At. 07/27/2005 11.04.59 AM L:IBER: PAGE: D00012400 007 District: 1000 Section: 115.00 lI!yaHINBD AND $448,000.00 Block: 15.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 018.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO HlIDdling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA.- CTY $5.00 NO EA.-STATE $75.00 NO TP-5B4 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO TrllDsfer tax $1,792.00 NO COIIIIII.Pres $5,960.00 NO I'ees Paid $7,904.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBBR. 04-50901 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRmourr THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOIt CbUNTY USE ONL V C,. SWIS Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:// www.OrPI.itlile.ny.ul or PHONE 15181 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT IY,'7, "1,!?,g,?1 ~'JI ~7/~~1 ,~a71 RP . 5217 C3._k PROPERTY INFORMA C4.P_' * ITA11i OF N1!W VOIIIC STAn! IlllAIUI Of REAL ~__ CZ. DohIllMd Recorded 1IN:I7... 3M N 1._1 9lXI lkJnna Drive ........ ...., ....... ......- ~ld ~tttn"" '1M. an 2._ ~'&t"knc ....VlBltf~ 'I. - ".' ... Anagnostakos Panagiota N. LAIr NAMl/CQUNNY "'T~ 3. Tu: IndaII whirl fUlurt Till Bill .rlla bI unt I IIIIng if 0IhIr thwI buyor IdchIIIIl bCICrom of fonnJ . _. ./ 1'4!:.i1-.a..~_ Sr, ) A IV/!.. ~ Nt) .<: r "" J..zc. <:;. I LAllI N.-.. COMMH\' L..h-fl~ ,NU<<. an' alii 'RMW i.:;.., L\~,..., IxLl~' .. ...... I St. John HI.... .....TIl;AW'ICOMNIIV IORI . .0.4. 61 ..... 1J t:.7Ve-rS -"t'AJo".!i. -.- 11f...Y1/'~'"!:I D .. 5utG'L..... ApprtMI_....... for TrMIfIr 0 4C.Po...._""__MIo_ D 4. ...... .... numIIIu ", A-.......... 1 Roll perceIs "L1lJlW4ld _1M...... I , a' Parcel. OR 0 Put of . PIICII \lIoIyl........__..Ihov_ 4A.PIInnI",,_____ PS'kk -. St. John Hlchae 1 een .l1li,.... I.HIT JIlMIll! I CClMI'MY A~ On. F__nUoI B :r or 3 FuniIJ ....,.iII1 C Relidtnl..1 Yae.nt LlncI I) Non.RoIidemlll V..nt Lend I SALE INFORMATION I n. .... Contr_ Del, E~AgricuII"" F Commorclal G ApIIrtmern II En"....I"""nt I AmUMnMHlt ( ~ CclmrnuNIy- J I_rial K Public SeMcII L ...... ~....-_..__: .. 0wnerMip Typo II Condominium L New CansbUctIon on VI'*" Lend 1DA. PropetIy LOCIIIld wiIhIn In AQriCulurll 0iItrIc:t ___.__I......1ng thIl...prclpII1Yilin..~C*lricI D D D D 7. Ch_ the box below which m... .ccurltely duCI...u.. .... of the ....., I' the tlm. of ....: 13. FdI s.s. ...... . . , 0 .01 , , . (Full SIlo PrIca .. the lotll unounI _ for 1M property kducIng per.... propMy. T1'IiI fMIrI1MI"llTllY be In thI farm of CIIh. 0IhIr propeny or goodt. or 1M.-npIlDn of _Of_obIlgo11ons.l _1'OuIIQ..rho_~Ir_ ...-.....-..- I 0 0 I property ......, In ... .... . I I ,. ,. ~ _ I _ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Olio .hoold r_lhe !a10ll Flnll_ RoIllnd TIX lill (!; / ~ 1 no; ....... v_ 07 1 7-1 (!; ...... DIy v_ 4 4 8 0 0 0 11. a..- _ or men of..... .-llIlIIb_ _....... ID trInIfer. It. SIlo Salween RIIMivM or ForrIa AoIa1Ivet B BIle s.w... AofIcDd Com~ or ,....... in Bull,*, C One of &he ..,.. . .1aG . Soller o Buyer or SlIer II Ga.arNNI11 Agency or lIndIng Inatilu1ion Il Doad T_ ... -1IIIlY Of 8IrgoIn ond Solo ISpoclly Balow' I' Solo aI F_' Of IMo Ihon foG ....... ISpodIy _, G 61on_ CIIanga In "'-'Y -. T....... Slalu. on<! Solo Dafoo H ... 01 Buslnau II Included in SaIo Prk:o I 00... U......I F-. AI_... Solo Pri<o ISpacdy _I I None 1Z, 0.'- at ....., Trlftlf... ,.. YeIr of "-~_mllllDll from 10 I 4 I 17. TOUI-'--adI v......... ,...In.......... ~ which 1nL.. IIvn tIIIMt , ; 5 7 .0 .0 , ... _ CIooo 12. 1, Q-LJ ...___ I Mattituck CUtchogue 20. T..__oI 1__liioi 11___._____1 1lXXl-115.00-1S.lXJ.()18.0XI I I CERnRCAllON I I corIIl) .... oil "'U>o "-", blIbnllllC.... ........ dIIo r_........... __ Clo........ '" my............. boIIoII oad 1_-.... _ IlIo __ fllllII)'___",........lIld.........wtlJllIII,Jod........ ....,__or............. _.......--.oad...",IlIIoo_ BUYER BUYER.. ATTOIlNEY }j .) A J(~"~r-jo""~\ .,,~ V .J"TI 4.!..:J:J ~1.J:'..~51. L/-f+-/e ~I A) I cnv ~ ICMtI ITA'" ~ ~K- 7-7- IJekajlo lh!st ...,- ....,...... 516 542-9300 -- --- / /Jh3 ....... / 7.J 1--(21 NEW YORK STATE COPY ....