HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12399 P 633 ~ l' . 'ft , -. ....q'3 ..,0-' 1)."};17 ~}} CAI111ON: 'IIIIlI ""_IiIlOULDRI'IIIlP_n AN A'l'IOIIIIIKY AllDIIBVIIlWID8Y A1'I'OIINIMI_ .....AND..~.--1Ia08R1IGNING. -- THIS INDBN7'fJRB. mlldc the \ '\ day of ~""...., . two Ihouaand and five. betw_ m /., \( MICHAEL L. KOHLER. residing at 10 Loll8view Drive. East Quoglle. New York ud CARMELA () 11 ~OHLER"Ir!' Q\RIIII!'- _ __I I WJII__'''VtirD. AlsidlngatlOODonna Drive, Manituck. ~ewYork pany of the first part, and JOHN MANGELLI, Alsiding at I Tulip Drive. Glen Cove. New York 11542 pany of the second part, WITNESSETH. Ihat the pany of the first part, in consideration of Ten dollars. lawful money of the United States. paid by the pany of Ihe second pan. does hereby gnnt and relcuc unto the party of tbc second pan. the hein or SUlXCSSO/lI and assigns of tile party of Ihe second part fon:vet. ALL lhat certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements theRlon erected, situate. lying and being at MA TTITUCK. Town of Soulhold. County of Suffolk and Stale of New York SEE SCHBDULE "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADB A PART HEREOF Heiug and Intended to be the same pn:mises conveyed to the Grantor by deed dated September 30. 1994 and recorded September 30. 1994. in Liller 11696. Page 464, TOGE'I'HER wilh all right, title and inleAlSl, if any. of the pany of Ihe first pan in and to any sueeu and roads abutting the above described pn:miscs to Ihe center IiIlllS tbereof. TOGETHER wilh the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of Ihe party of tbc fi/llt pan in and to said premises. TO HA VB AND TO HOLD the premises MAlin granted unto tile party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of Ihe pany of Ihe second part forever. AND the pany of the lirst pan. covenants lhat the party of tbc lint pan has not done or suffered anylhing when:by !be said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. except as aforesaid. AND tbc pany of the fi/llt pan. in compliance wilh Section 13 of the Lien Law, COVClWlls Ihat the party of Ihe first pan will receive the consideration for Ihia conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a b1ISllUnd to be applied fint for the purpose of paying the cost of Ihe improVClllClll and will apply the same flnt to the payment of Ihe cost of the improvement befon: using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be conSlnled as if it n:ad "parties" wheacver the sense of Ihis indentun: so n:quircs. IN WITNBSS WHBREOF. the pany of the first pan has duly executed Ihis deed the day and year lirst above writ CARMELA KOHLER fIlii' - __JUl. _PJ~~u"..AD NYSBA PRACTICE FORMS 3103 RETlI67.16 I '.. ALL STATE ABSTRACT CORP. Title No. 870593-16 SCHEDULE A ALL that ccnain plot, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being at Mattiwck, in the Town of Soulhold. County of Suffolk and Stale of New York. known and designated as Lot 22 on a cenain map entitled. . Deep Hule Creek Estates. filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk Cuunty on J3IWary 28. 1965 as Map No. 4256. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Southerly line of New Suffolk A venue and the Weslerly line of Donna Drive: RUNNING THENCE along the Westerly line of Donna Drive Sowh 2 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West 176.09 feet; RUNNING THENCE along the division line between Lot 23 and Lot 22 North 87 degrees 19 minules 20 seconds Wesl 122.00 feet; RUNNING THENCE along lhe division line between Lot 21 and Lot 22 North 2 degrees 40 minules 40 seconds East 180.75 feel: RUNNING THENCE along the Sowlrrly line of New Suffolk Avenue South 8S degrees 08 minules 00 seconds East 122.09 feet 10 lhe point or place of BEGINNING. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY The policy to be Issued under 1IIIa report wll Insure 1IIe thle to auc:h buildings end ImprDvements erected Dn 1IIe premia.. wblc:h by "W conatl1ut8 reel prDperty. TOGETHER with 8I11IIe right. thIe end Inter. Df 1IIe party Df 1IIe first pen. Df, In end to 1IIe lend lying In 1IIe atreet In 'rDnt Df end eclJDinlng aeld premlsea. : , Slate of NEW YORK ) 55.: County of SUffOLK On the \ -\ +'" dayof ~ "'~ in the year 200S before me, the underslped, personally appeared MICHAEL L KOHLER and CARMELA KOHLER flJlf/A &dtf.JI!IM!. JC.0Rtc.R YN9l!W:/88B .,enonally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the buls of satlsflCtOry evidence 10 be the individual(l) whose name(1) il (are) lubscribed 10 the within insuumem and lIl:know1edged 10 me that hellhelthey executed the same in bislhedtheir capacity(ie8). and that by hi5lherllhcir sipalure(s) on the instrument, the indiviclual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(l) acted, executed the instrument. ~.^~ (signatlft and omce of indiv' !n& lIl:kn ..;:~ ~ftD." .~ Acknowledgmem by a Sub8cribilli Witness Stale of County of ) ) 55.: ) On the day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared the lub8cribiD& witnelllO the fon:goin& iDstrwneDt, with whom I am pmona1ly acquainted, who, being by me duly SWOrD. did depose and say that helshe resides in (if the place of residence is in a city. include the street and street number. if any, thereof); lhat belsbe knows to be the illdividual(s) described in and who executed the forqoinS instrument; that said subscribin& witneas was prcICIIt and aaw said execute the same; and lhat said witneas at the same time sub8cribed hillher name as wilDess 1bere1O. (signatlft and off'u:e of individuII takins lIl:kDowledgment) Ilo\. \ G:'/L "T\) ~oII~c:,i. --\o.t Ie .... "'"lO'S'",?' RECORD AND RETURN TO: Sb'-" K""""'~C:\\' 12'::>..... \' ~..'\"t<:" l Tv. . p (:.I-c" L...:>"'~ tv'\ \ 15"L. REr067.\6 2 NYSBA I'IlACTICIl FORMllJOl NlIlllh~I' u" pages ~ C~11ilical~ H \ P.ECOR{'ED ~J5 J~l 2~ O~:32:3~ ~M Ed.......r.: P. Pl)hl:iine CLERk OF SUFFi:l.K CIJlIIi7Y L DOOO 12399 P ;3:; DTI 04-50593 Tt)~RENS SCli.1I H I'ri"r Of. H l'lcc<ll Mlll1llall~ 11I.lnllll~1I1 Deed I Mlll111"llc 'lbx ~101l11' I{L~lll\ling II:i1inU Sl\UIII.~ J I'I!ES Palle I Filillg F~ l'lalllllillll r EA-5! 17 (C"IIIIl)'l__ ._.5__ .. EA-:'i~17(SI"I~1 _.____7..~~ %.. SlIhTowl dL M,lngag~ AIIII. I. R".ie '1'". ~. Addili..II,,1 '1'". Sllh1ol,1I SpedA..il. or SI1~. II\,hl. TOT. MTG. T,\X :'i. UII -_...--- TI'-.'1H~ - ......._._D._ Nlllilliun CIIIIUII.llr~ll. 5. 110 _._-- nuul.lhwn _ ()tlill CllIImy _. H~I.. ror ^l'l'uhIlIllCIII_...._, Thlll.rer 1\.. f2.UfJ.iLUl.- M:II1:>>iou Ta" lU'.T.S.A. AfII,llIvil Ulher (jralld 1'0101 _... /..5;;2 ~ 'nl~ 1""OpCI1)' covcr~d hy Ihis IIl1u'lgilge is ur will I'lL.' impruvell hy a nne ria' Iwu r"mil)' dwellillll onl)'. Y[!S__. or NO__ If NO, """ "l'l'rolwilllc lax d'lIIse 011 page 11_._ .__ ur Ihi. in""l1l11elll. Cellifical CUl'Y NYS SlIreharge _----1i .!~L SlIhTnlal -I S . \\~.cp . c:cllllll Bloek 015',(.)1:0 I.Ou.,.t.:PCl ....11 5 Community Preaen7atlon Fund IlclIII'ruIIC11y '1l1A SCI vice A~cllcy VClilic:llillll ~~ ~~~ -- 1000 11500 1500 026000 Conaidcnuilln Amounl $ _ cpr. 'rIlK Dlle $ -37~a _ hUI"'l1\'e,I_. 11'_ 0clJro, (Y\~~~f\C ~~ \ \Ll".p Dy G \c. /" (p \J~ /'o.Y'-i \I ~ '"i '- 7 VilC~lIIll..iI1l1l TD ---L!l_~ 'I'D 6 . ::!",i.fil~liulIslDi.ch"fg~s1Rd~a".:s Li.1 Pr"~rly Owners M;lilillll AJ.lrcs. . ImCOlm & RETURN TO: 'I'D ~ c'\~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page _' _~~ __.. _ _. __ _ __ lIulllch)': ISl'liCIFY TYPE or INSTRUMENTl . ~7)f"""T '111i:li pa~c 1t.1lI1l:'i I'ilrl ur Ihc OIUal.:hcll _ .B~c..Yl~__.(...._ ~\0 \ ~ (~rr>c:--'A _.~~~ 'fh~ premise. hercill i. .illllll"" ill SUFFOI.K CUUNTY, NEW YOllK. Illlh" 'Iownshil' of _~.~~c(. _._ 111 Ih~ VII.I.AGE ..--_....___n._ I>rIl^MLm'"r___~.A~~.L ___ !lOXnS 6 TI.IRlI K MIlST 111.1 TYI'P.D OR I'RINTIlLl IN R1.I\CK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RllCOlmlNG OR riLING. TO _ :)OyY-.,_..H~c<..\\" (Il\'l.:r) 1lllmlllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~llm 1111111 11111 11111 1m IIII SUPFOLlt COtJN'1'Y CLBRlt RBCORDS OJ'I'ICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inst:n=8Dt. DBEDS/om HUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0077103 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER. 04-50593 Recordeel. At. 07/26/2005 09.32133 AX LIBBR: PAGE: D00012399 633 District. 1000 Sectionl Block I 115.00 15.00 BXAKIJIBD A1O) ('IlaJtGBD AS FOLLOWS $339,000.00 Loti 026.000 Deed AmoulIt I Receiveel th. Following Pe.s Por Abov. Instrumaat Bxlllllpt Bx-.pt PaS'e/l'il1nS' $12.00 NO HaDell1ng $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HrS SJl.CHG $15.00 NO BA-C'l'Y $5.00 NO :sA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Trll1l1sfer tax $0.00 NO C~.Pres $3,780.00 NO I'e.s Paiel $3,932.00 TRAlfSnR TAX IIItIIIBBRI 04-50593 THIS PAGB IS A PART OJ' THB IJrSTRtlIIIUl"l' THIS IS ROT A BILL Edward P.Rc:mla1n. County Clerk, Suffolk COunty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRiTiNG ON FORM. - . INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:// www.orpa.state.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONL V I I .- ...:==--..- ~ \. -- ndJ~I""(') .... .____111_"'......' LX I - 4oa..~nrYJ ~' J{Ja1:h' [- II ,or p..- 011 0 Pln.l. PlKOI C1. _ Code I y,?.3IJ1',~,~1 , (J../')/ if / "n -. .6.3.31 C2. D.te DMd RIUL4I4S 1. "'- ~ ..- ....... to .............. of .& I." Roll""" .._..4~...d on...... ..- I _. - ....IM 10111 Ixl ..- ....... .......... ~~~ ~ * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT nATE OF NEW VOllIl nATE __ OF IIEAL~ SIIMCU RP - 5217 IIN.ZI711ft 1NI ~II~ '.tCIIII' 1OnIy1_".__-..........,., OA-Plonnl.._____E.- 0 .--r-. .._.....-__'..T_ 0 . ~ - I c. PIal ApprOIId tar a.-'-..I!.1iIIon wIIh MIp PravIdId 0 I~ c- I~ -....---...- .. 0wnIrah&p Typo II Condominium .. Nell c...... ~'o- on VIlCoMt Land IM._~_..~_ ,..~_._--.. IhII .,. praperty ill in an AgriI:u.....1 Dillrlct 1. a..- the box ...... ....... maat: - "'~...... the ... .. ........." dIU" III ..iii: E~ _.... I ~ ConoInuIMlySo_ F C&....._.... J.......... (; _ K _'SIMco H Enaortelnmenr I Am~""nt I. Fo..... .3.?~ .ooc 0,01 , , . IFuII_......dlt__............_.................._. _ _.... lII.n ....larm "..... -_no........ or dlt__" rnortpgeI or OIlIer .....icnw.J ",-,.."., ro"""",,""'" doIIIt IrmOCHIL 14._-=~= I. ,,~,O.OI ....-rlY , I . I ASSESSMENTINFOIlMAnDN -1loIa..uld """" Iho _ FInoI". II ._RoIII1ld Tu Bin I ,..._". ._._-~ I1T__V_1oI........._1 , ...... "'__L. ...... . , ...-.a.. 1~\,OI_LJ '1.___1 HA-t\' / C\..~/l..of'\"'.,c.l A~""""" -..w B larJFemlly"'~ ltiIII C _ ....nI LMld D Nan"""""" YICtt'II' lind I SALE INFORMA11ON ~ ,," .... c:..tr.-.. ~l , li,'?:J' .., I (.(2 / 1+ /e.t;1 - DIy - U._,,_/T_ 1I.FuI__ o o o o 'L QIlIIII:... ..... ....... _...... _............ tnnIIIr: ^ .... 8eIWMn RIIIIIw. ar Former RuIItivB B ... BIIwIlon RIIII8d Com....... or p..,.. In IMineu C _"'tho_Io.IIoI_ D Buyer or SeI...... Go JIM._' ~ 01 LInding InIIiIudDn Il ~ T.... ...W....."'..__ Solo __ I' _olF_or~"'nF..___ (; &IgnI_ CIIIIlgo In __ TDabla _ _ Solo DoIoo H SoI."'_lolnd_In_PrIco I UnuouotF__....__Iy_ J No.. LI.C) ,0 '? , II. TIX Mop ..........1toI1 __11....._.... _ __ _ ..........,.11 , - 2.k2 (~~lb- \'/- ~ L~ 2b 1 I CER11FlCATKlN I I m1II1......".... _.n......_......__ ............_ ___,........... or..,.............. _... ,__........... or_.._ _ _ or_III<I_........ _....... .._...... or... _ low _.............. ....or_ boOtl.__..... ~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY '- ~II~I 1t'l~} !lrlVe ...... WtIII MLlI IIJ..J fjYfL .." " ~ 517-60if .........- NEW YORK STATE COpy a ._" - - -