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2001-2002 Building Department Records
Local Government Records M•gement Improvement Fund Log Nun Grant Project Application 2001-2002 Application Type (Check one): ~ Individual ^ Cooperative ^ Complex Applicant Information DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Local Government (Name) DepartrnenflUnft (REQUIRED) County Town of Southold Town Clerk's Office Suffolk Chief Administretlve OlAcer (Last Name, First Name, Mr.ANs.) Cochran Jean Mrs. TPoe Telephone NumberlExlensfon E-maN Address Su ervisor 1631 > 765-1889 Address (sweet. City: Zip code) 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 Project Director (Lastname, Firsf Name, Mr./MS) ~ ~ Is Protect Director the RMO? ~ Yes ^ No Neville flizabe Title Telephone NumberlExtensbn E-maN Address (631) 765-1800 Address (Street, City, Zip Code) 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, NY 11971 Pro]ect Category (Check fhe appropriate category and sutx:atetaory - no more than 1 category and 1 subcateaorvl ^ INVENTORY AND ^ Records Inventory ^ RECORDS ^ Needs Assessmenf/Feasibllily Studies PLANNING ^ Offlce Retention CREATION ^ Business Process Analyses and Design ^ Scheduling Consultant Survey AND SYSTEM DESIGN ^ Implemendng Recordkeeping Systems ^ ACTIVE ^ Files Management i~NACTIVE ^ Needs Assessment RECORDS ^ Disaster & Business Recovery Planning RECORDS Storage & Retrieval System Devebpment ^ Indexing and Access ^ ARCHIVAL ^ Needs Assessment ^ Physical Fadliry ^ ArrangemenUDescription ^ Preservation RECORDS ^ Outroact/Public Programs ^ MICROFILMING (no subcategories) ^ EDUCATIONAL USES (no subcategories) Amount Requested: $ 65, 550. Number of Grants Previously Received: PrOjeCt SUrnmary (Must be completed in this box. Briefly describe project, including scope and objectives The Town of Southold is proposing to scan records from the Southold Building Department Permit files onto the LaserFiche Program. The Building Department records will be scanned and digitally converted from paper records to a CD--ROM. The Town will be able to use Persona] Computers to quickly locate, view and instantly retrieve data stored in these files. Each CD holds up to 15,000 pages thereby saving valuable storage space The Town received a quote of $65,550. from General Code Publishers for the scanning of standard and oversize images from the Building Department files for incorporation into the LaserFiche System. New York State Archives • GovemmeM Records Services Form I.ORS-1 (72000) Assemble the application in the following order: (* Items marked with an asterisk are required of ap projects) a. "Grant Project Application (LGRS-1) b. Other Local Governments Participating in Cooperative Effort (LGRS-2) c. *Applicetion narrative [consisting of four sections] d. *Records Management Program Questionnaire (LGRS-3) e. *Projects Previously Funded by the LGRMIF (LGRS-20) f. Project Position Description (LGRS-4) [if hiring staff with grant funds) g. Consultant r(;sum~ [if consultant is identified in the application] h. Vendor Quote Form (LGRS-10) i. Microfilm Project Information Form (LGRS-6) [for every records series proposed for filming] j. Indexing Project Information Form (LGRS-11) [for all indexing projects] k. Other required materials: needs assessments, archival and conservation vendor/consultant treatment proposals, floor plans, etc. I. Letters of intent [for cooperative projects ony] m. *Budget FoITn (FS-10) Eligibility Checklist -Ineligible applications will not be processed Records Management Officer (RMO) appointed? 19'4es ^ No ^ N/A Appropriate schedule adopted? BYes ^ No ^ N/A Year RMO was appointed: 8 / 9 / 198 8 Year schedule was adopted: 8 / 12 / 1980 Certification and Approval The following signatures provide cert~cation that all eligibility requirements as outlihed in Grant Application and Reference Materials 2001-2002 have been met and indicate approval of the application by the Chief Administrative Officer and the Records Management Officer (RMO). CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFCER Date -.le~n__w_.._Cochran, Su__ppervis''qq,C...._....... _..._ _-.-.-.-.-.-.--...._,I.dnuaCX.__?5_,._2991----.. 'type ~or piintSie narioe and~~h""tie o7ifie bh~(e7Admtnisi'raflve 6f~icer.._._._.._..__...-----.--.--. _. ... .. . RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER (RMO) 1 Date El.i~abetb..._A_.__Nevi I le..._._Southold..._To.!K n..._Clerk_._......_ ....................._._...__...__.........._........_.._..._Ja nua.r...y..._Z 6......2.Q.Q..1.._--...._...._._._._._ TYPe or pdnt the name and title of the Records Management Officer Submit an original and eight (13) copies to: New York State Archives Training and Grants Support Services 9A81 Cultural Education Center Albany, New York 12230 (Governments submitting more than one application must send each under separate cover) New York State Archives • Government Records Services rorm LGRS-1 (78000) Local Government Records Management Improvem•Fund Other Local Governments Participating in Cooperative Effort 111StruCtlOt18: Provide the name of each local government participating in the cooperative project. Indicate whether each local government has adopted the appropriate schedule (yes, no, or not applicable). Please indicate the yeaz the schedule was adopted. See the section on Eligibility Requirements in Grant Application and Reference Materials to determine whether adoption of a schedule is not applicable to any of the local governments participating in the cooperative project. Lead Local Government (applicant listed on the LGRS-1 ): Town of Southold 1. Name of Cooperating Local Government: " 'RMO appointed? ^ Yes ^ No ^ N/A Year current RMO was appointed: 1 QRR 'Appropriate schedule(s) adopted? ^ Yes Year schedule was adopted: 1980 ^ No ^ N/A 2. Name of Cooperating Local Government: 'RMO appointed? ^ Yes ^ No ^ WA Year current RMO was appointed: 'Appropriate schedule(s) adopted? ^ Yes Year schedule was adopted: ^ No ^ IJ/A 3. Name of Cooperating Local Government: 'RMO appointed? ^ Yes ^ No ^ N/A Year current RMO was appointed: 'Appropriate schedule(s) adopted? ^ Yes Year schedule was adopted: ^ No ^ WA 4. Name of Cooperating Local Government: 'RMO appointed? ^ Yes ^ No ^ N/A Year current RMO was appointed: 'Appropriate schedule(s) adopted? ^ Yes Year schedule was adopted: ^ No ^ N/A "These two items are eligibility requirements which must be met by the lead local government and by EACH participant in the project BEFORE the grant application is submitted. New York State Archives • Government Records Services Form LGRS-2 (7/2000) New York State Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund PROJECT NARATIVE I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The Town of Southold is rapidly running out of storage space in our Building Department Records Storage Area and access to these files in not readily available. The records storage area for the Building Department is located in the basement, directly below the office. The Building Department staff access these records on a daily basis for public and staff review. The Building Department clerks and building inspectors need the information contained in these files for the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy, the review of past building permits for the issuance of permits for additions/renovations and the historical data found in the files dealing with planning and zoning restrictions, complaints and violations. II. INTENDED RESULTS The Town of Southold is proposing to scan records from the Southold Building Department Permit files onto the LaserFiche Program. The Building Department records will be scanned and digitally converted from paper records to a CD~ROM. The Town will be able to use Personal Computers to quickly locate, view and instantly retrieve data stored in these files. Each CD holds up to 15,000 pages thereby saving valuable storage space. The Town received a quote of $65,550. from General Code Publishers for the scanning of standard and oversize images from the Building Department files for incorporation into the LaserFiche System. III. PLAN OF WORK The Town of Southold will solicit formal bids from vendors to digitally scan 114 boxes of 8 %z X 11, single-sided and 8 % X 14, double-sided "loose-leaf' pages of Southold Building Department files. The Town of Southold will award a contract to the lowest bidder. If the Town of Southold receives a lower bid than the $65,550. quoted by General Code Publishers, the Town will use the remaining unexpended balance to include more images. The Town of Southold has established, in the 2001 Capital Budget, a town wide records management system including document imaging and minute's management to facilitate access to Town records by all departments as well as the general public. The estimated cost of the software/hardware, training, extra ram server, and scanner is $75,000. Once the archival records have been put into the LaserFiche Program the Town estimates that over 450 sheets of paper will be scanned daily into the system. IV. LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FOR RECORDS MANAGEMENT Since our first LGRMIF grant award in 1991, the Town of Southold has proceeded methodically and successfully in completing a records management plan that will preserve the archival records in our inactive records storage facility. With the assistance of six (6) LGRMIF grants the Town of Southold has planned, inventoried all our active/inactive records and improved the environmental conditions in our archival records storage rooms by creating the proper environment for the preservation and conservation of these documents. In addition, the Town of Southold in the process of installing a comprehensive office automation system to create a more efficient records management program. Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM QUESTIONNAIRE FORM Each applicant and each member of a proposed cooperative project must complete this form. Attach additional sheets if further explanation is necessary. Local Government NameO Town of Southold Population Served ® Annual Operating Budget® Total Number of Employees® 20,996 $29,922,538. Full-time: 231 p~_~e; 40 Program Development Records management program has been formalized through the adoption of local Yes legislation, ordinances, or resolutions Records Advisory Boazd has been appointed Records management plan has been written Separate line item for records management has been established in the budget Support for Records Management The level of funding budgeted for records management The number of employees dedicated to records management Inventory Information A records inventory has been completed State Archives inventory worksheets were used in conducting the inventory Results of the inventory were used to complete a needs assessment Totai volume of active records in the custody of the local government Total volume of inactive records in the custody of the local government Volume of active and inactive records with azchivai (permanent) value Continued on next page New York Stale ArchWes • Government Records Services CST Yes O'Yes O~i'es ^ No ^ No ^ No O No $ 32,613. 1 full time C~'Yes O No O' Yes ^ No C~'Yes ^ No 2054 cu. ft. 2769 cu. ft. 4079 Cu. ft. Form LGRS3 (7/2000) Program Activities Records are destroyed when their minimum retention periods are met dyes O No Inactive records are stored in a secure inactive storage azea or facility O"Yes ^ No If yes, is steel shelving designed for one cubic-foot boxes used? ~'~ O No Policies and procedures are in place to ensure inactive records aze routinely p'y~ ^ No transferred from office space to inactive storage A program is in place to ensure the security, permanent storage, preservation, ~y~ ^ No and use of archival records Micrographic processes are used as a records management tool 0 yes. ~No Automated information systems aze used to assist in the management of records IB~Yes [] No ©Local Government: Name of the local government whose information is being reported. ®Population: Data from the 1990 Census or a recent official estimate. School districts should enter total resident population of the geographic azea covered by the school district. Certain special- purpose units of local government may not be able to provide population figures. ®Annual Operating Budget: Local government's total operating budget figure for the current fiscal yeaz, not just the budget for records management. ®Total number of employees: Total number of employees working for your local government, not just records management staff: New York Stale Archives • Government Records Services Form LGRS3 (7/2000) ~I Govemment Records Management Impr~nent Fund Projects Previously Funded by the LGRMIF This form must be completed by each applicant and each member of a proposed cooperative project. Describe all LGRMIF grants your local govemment has received In the last five (5) years. InGude special initiatives. Space has been allowed to enter information on up to six (6) grants. Photocopy this form as needed. Name of Local Government: Town Local govemment has never participated in an LGRMIF grant U ,~/ Local govemment participated in an LGRMIF grant awarded prior to 1996 U Grant year. 1981-1gg2 Category: LGRMIF 0580-92-0170 Award:i17,583. Project's purpose, objectives and results (qualitative and quantitative): The grant award in 1997-1992 was utilized to initate a program of inventory, planning and purchase of steel shelving. The amount of Town Records inventoried in the grant cycle was 1,383 cubic feet.- The amount of records destroyed in accordance with the M U-1 Shcedule was 261.2 cubic feet. Grant year. 1gg2_lggg Category: LGRMIF 058-93-0780 Award: 515 5 Project's purpose, objectives and results (qualitative and quantitative): The grant award in 1992-1993 was used to complete the inventory of all active town records and begin planning for inactive records management. The inventory of all active records was completed. The active.records was 1921 cubic feet and the inactive records was 2158 cubic feet. A needs assessment was conducted and policies and procedures were developed for town departments to transmit records to the storage rooms. Grant year. 1993-1994 Category: LGRMIF 0580-94-1552 Award: E15 947. Project's purpose, objectives and results (qualitative and quantitative): by a record locator by row, shelf and box number. n of our inactive vault room half of the g on our computer been organized The grant award in 1993-1994 was used for the start-up and operatio records center. We completed the installation of metal shelving in the and installed metal shelving in the storage room. We re-boxed about inactive records during this cycle. We developed. an index key listin word processing to aid in the retrieval of our records. Records have New York State Nchives • Government Records Services Form LGRS-20 (7/2000) ~I Government Records Management Imp~nt Fund Projects Previously Funded by the LGRMIF This form must be completed by each applicant and each member of a proposed cooperative protect. Describe all LGRMIF grants your local government has received In the last five (5) years. InGude special initiatives. Space has been allowed to enter Information on up to six (6) grants. Photocopy this form as needed. Name of Local Government: Town Local government has never participated in an LGRMIF grant U Local government participated in an LGRMIF grant awarded prior to 1996 ^ Grant year: 1994-1995 Category:LGRMIF 0580-95-2291 Award:Sg316. Project's purpose, objectives and results (qualitative and quanttative): The 1994-1995 grant award was used to hire an archival consultant to prepare a conservation assessment of the archival records and to begin conservation treatment and preservation work on the four (4) earliest volumes of town records dating back to the settlement of Southold Town in 1640. Grant year. Category: Award: Y Project's purpose, objectives and results (qualitative and quantitative): 1995-1996 No grant funds were recieved. 1996-1997 No grant funds were recieved. Grant year. 1998-1999 Category: LGRMIF 0580-99-5644 Award: S24 200. Project's purpose, objectives and results (qualitative and quantitative): The Town of Southold implementated the recommendations found in the "Town of Southold Archival Records Collection Conservation Assessment" by installing a new autonomous self-contained heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems for the vault and storage areas. In addition, the vault and storage area have an ionization and photoelectiric smoke dectors installed that are tied into the existing building to provide an early warning detection. New York State Archhres • Government Records Services Form LGRS-20 (7!2000) ~I Govemment Records Management Impr~ent Fund Projects Previously Funded by the LGRMIF This form must be completed by each applicant and each member of a proposed cooperative project. Describe all LGRMIF grants your local government has received In the last five (5) years. Include special initiatives. Space has been allowed to enter information on up to six (6) grants. Photocopy this form as needed. Name of Local Govemment: Town of Southold Local govemment has never participated in an LGRMIF granE ^ Local govemment participated in an LGRMIF Brent awarded prior to 1996 ^ Grant year. 1999-2000 Category: LGRMIF 0580-01-0157 Award:$ 5,500. Project's purpose, objectives and. results (qualitative and quantitative): The 1999-2000 grant award is for the installation of software systems and training for a Records Management System and Minutes Tracking System in the Southold Town Clerk's Office. These software systems will up-grade and improve the Town of Southc ability to efficiently handle the iricreased demands on the Town Clerk's Office by unprecedent grown in the volume of minutes and resolution. Grant year. Category: Award: E Project's purpose, objectives and results (qualitative and quantitative): Grant year. Category: Award: E Project's purpose, objectives and results (qualitative and quantitative): New York Slate Ncftives •Govemment Records Services Form LGRS40 (7/2000) Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Project Position Description Form Please complete this form for each proposed employee position (including consult- ants) to be paid with grant funds. Do not complete this. form for any position to be paid for solely with local government funds. Instructions for completing this form are on the reverse side. Name of Lead Local Government Town of Southold GRANT PROJECT EMPLOYMENT Title of Proposed Position: ~ ^ Full-time ^ Part-time Hours Per Week _,_,___-__ x Total Number of Weeks ___~_ =Total Hours.-._._~ Houly Rate of Pay ._____._ x Total Number of Hours __ -----•-- =Total Saiary __.__.__.*_ #JUSTIFY SALARY REQUEST IN THE NARRATIVE UNDER PLAN OF WORK i LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT Complete this section if the employee filling the above position also will be employed by the local government at the same time. Title of Position __ .............__..............._.............._......_..._.......___....................................._ ^ Full-time ^ Part-time Hours Per Week ______._._..__ x Total Number of Weeks .___..___._,_. =Total Hours _ ___ Hourly Rate of Pay ____..__..._ x Total Number of Hours _.____._ =Total Sala ry.-.._. the Required Qualifications and Description of Project Duties and Activities (Attach the consultant's r§sum~ if applicable and additional sheets if necessary) The Town of Southold received a proposal for the scanning of 114, one cubic foot boxes of 8 1/2 X 11, single sided and 8 1/2 X 14, double sided, "loose leaf" pages (up to 1,500 images) @ $575 per box fora total price of $65,550. New York State Nchlves • Government Records Services Form LGRS~ f7mm I Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Vendor Quote Form Local governments submitting grant proposals totaling $5,000 or less are not required to complete Vendor Quote Forms Please complete this form to provide evidence that you have contacted three vendors for price quotes. Photocopy the form if you must submit more than one Vendor Quote Form. Instructions for completing the form are on the reverse side. Vendor's Name and Address Descrlptlon of Item State Contract Quoted or Servlce• Number pHCe t. General Code Publishers Scan into LaserFiche S stem 72 Hinchey Road 114 one cubic ft. boxe @ Rochester, NY 14624 $575. per box $65,550. tSee attached) z. NOTE: The Town of Southold received on y one quote on t is proposal, owever, w~': will formall bid this projec to get the best a d lowest price to comp) to the project. 3. "For services rendered, provide more detail in the grant narrative. New York State Archives • Government Records Services Form LGRS-10 (7/2000) G E N E ~ A ~- 7z.I4incbey. Roaa, Rochester, New York 14624 • ~ (800) 836-8834 (71~ 328-181U FAX ('716) 328-8189 PUBLISHERS e•ma-i: jwlg~lt@gelaeralcode.cotn PATES SENT TO: PERSON SENDING: Jeff Wight NAME: Ms. Elizabeth Neville DATE: 01/26/2001 CLIENT: Town of Southold NO, OF PAGES (including this sheet): 1 'p$SCRipTION: Quote fer Oversize scanting pear Ms. Nevile: In accordance with the fax chat You sent to lane Dress this glortlirig, we have prepared the following quote for scanning of standard And oversize image (for incorporation into the Laserl fiche system)- uescn uun. 17" x 17.5" double-sided "loose-leaP'pages $2.50 b1,200 $1 3,000 29'' x 17.5" double-sided"leose-leaf pages $3.00 11,000 $33,000 One cubic fc. box of 8 ~ x 11, single-side and 8 bS x 14, double-sided, "loose-leap' pages (up to 1,500 images). Tdeai 8300 DSY Lange Format 5cantter Scans pages up to 36". wide. MuzirntWn resolution is 800 dpi. Scans at ZSd- tone grrryscale, Includes stand and Adaptec 2940 SCSI controdler. You may find that purchasing a idige-format scanner and hiring someone to run it.for a few months will be more cost-effective thatt outsourcing the oversize (and valuable) documents. As always, please lat us know if there is any other way we can be of assisrance. PU1sLISEIERS Proposal General Code Publishers tivwsvgcheralcAdC-Cow FS-10 Page 2 SALARIES FOR PROFESSIONAL STAFF: Code 15 Include only staff that are employees of the agency. Do not include consultants or per diem staff. Do not include central administrative staff that are considered to be indirect costs, e.g., business office staff. One full-time equivalent (FTE) equals one person working an entire week each week of the project. Express partial FTE's in decimals, e.g., a teacher working one day per week equals .2 FTE. Specific Position Title Full-Time E uivalent Annualized Rate of Pa Project Safa Subtotal -Code 15 Incude salaries for teacher aides, secretarial an Gerical assistance, and for personnel in pupil transportation and building operation and maintenance. Do not include central administrative staff that are considered to be indirect costs, e.g., account Gerks. Specific Position Title Full-Time E uivalent Annu ed Rate of Project Sala Subtotal -Code 16 FS-10 Page 3 PURCHASED SERVICES: Code 40 Include consultants (indicate per diem rate), rentals, tuition, and other contractual services. Copies of contracts may be requested by the State Education Department. Purchased Services from a BOCES, if other than applicant agency, should be budgeted under Purchased Services with BOCES, Code 49. Description of Items Provider of Services Calculation of Cost Proposed Expenditure Scan 174 boxes General Code 114"boxes of docu ents into LaserFiche Services @ $575. per box syster (quote attached) $65,550. Subtotal -Code 40 $65, 550. SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS: Code 45 Include computer software, library books and equipmen! items under $1,000 per unit. Desc ' on of Item Quanta Unit Cost Proposed Ex nditure Subtotal -Code 45 FS-10 Page 4 TRAVEL EXPENSES: Code 46 Include pupil transportation, conference costs and travel of staff between instructional sites. Specify agency approved mileage rate for travel by personal car or school-owned vehicle. Position of Traveler Destination and Pur ose Calculation of Cost Proposed Ex enditures Subtotal -Code 46 ~ Benefit \ ~ Proposed Expenditure ~ Social Security New York State Retirement New York State Other Health Insurance Workers Compensation Unemployment Insurance Other (Identifvl Subtotal -Code 80 FS-10 Page 5 INDIRECT COST: Code 90 A. Direct Cost Base -Sum of all preceding subtotals (codes 15, 16, 40, 45, 46 and 80). B. Approved Restricted Indirect Cost Rate C. (A) x (B) =Total Indirect Cost Subtotal -Code 90 (A) (B) (C) %I PURCHASED SERVICES WITH BOCES: Code 49 escri tion of Services Name of BOCES Calculation of Cost Proposed Ex enditure Subtotal -Code 49 Allowable costs include salaries, as and supplies and materials related to employee benefrts, purchased services, ~ to existing sites. Description of Work To be Performed culation of ost Proposed Ex enditure Subtotal -Code 30 FS-10 Page 6 EQUIPMENT: Code 20 All equipment to be purchased in support of this project with a unk cost of $1,000 or more should be itemized in this category. Equipment items under $1,000 should be budgeted under Supplies and Materials, Code 45. Repairs of equipment should be budgeted under Purchased Services, Code 40. D cri tion of Item. Quanti Unit Cost Proposed Ex nditure Subtotal -Code 20 BUDGET SUMMARY SUBTOTAL CODE PROJECT COSTS Professional Salaries 15 -0- Support Staff Salaries 16 _0_ Purchased Services 40 $65, 550 Supplies and Materials 45 -g- TravelExpenses 46 _0_ Employee Benefits gp _p_ Indirect Cost g0 -0- BOCES Services 4g _0_ Minor Remodeling 30 -0- Equipment 20 _0_ Grand Total $65, 550. CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby certify fhat fhe requested budget amounts are necessary for the implementation of this project and that Phis agency is in compliance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. 1 / 19 / 2001 ~ ~ ~ ~~y.~g,,,ti, Date Signature Jean W. Cochran, Name and Title of Chief FS-10 Page 8 Agency Code: ~ ~ ~ Project # (If pre-assi ned) ~ m g Tracking/Contract #: (Special legislative projects only) Federal Employer ID #: (New non-municipal agendas any) Agency Name: ~ FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Funding Dates: / / / / From To Program Approval: Date: Fiscal Year Amount Budeeted First Payment Voucher Payment First Payment Finance: ~~ ~~ Log Approved MIR •~ i ~t The University of the State of New York THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (see instructions for mailing address) PROPOSED BUDGET FOR A FEDERAL OR STATE PROJECT FS-10 (5/98) Local Agency InfolTnation Funding Source: Contact Person: Agency Name: Mailing Address: Telephone #: E-Mail Address: 001 - 2002 LGRMIF Elizabeth Neville, Southold Town Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road, P.O, Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Street (63~ 765-1800 ~unty~ Suffolk Project OpereOon Dates: 6 Montf'is frdm contract date / / INSTRUCTIONS v Submit the original budget and the required number of copies along with the completed application directly to the appropriate State Education Department office as Indicated in the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. DO NOT submit this form to the Grant Finance Unit. O Enter whole dollar amounts only. 8 Prior approval by means of an approved budget (FS-10) or budget amendment (FS-10-A) is required for. • Personnel posifans, number and type • Equipment items having a unit value of $1,000 or more, number and type • Minor remodeling • Any increase in a budget subtotal (professional salaries, purchased services, travel, etc.) by more than 10 percent or $1,000, whichever is greater • Any increase in the total budget amount. ~' Certification on page 8 must be signed by Chief Administrative Officer or designee. 4 The Federal Employer Identification Number on page 8 should be entered only by first-time non- municipal applicants. 6 High quality computer generated reproductions of this form may be used. 6 Changes in agency or payee address must be submitted under separate cover to the New York State Education Department, Grants Finance Unit, Room 510W EB, Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12234. Please include 9-digit zip code. 4 For further information on budgeting, please refer to the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and fate Aided Grants or call the Grants Financial Unit at (518) 474-4815.