HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12366 P 241 .. , , NO N.le.S. I TRANSFER TAX . STAMPS REQUIRED U2?Mlo f 2lfl /l6~ 110-& Fnnn HOD.:! (W9'i1 - 20M - 8arpia"'" $;ale 1)cc..I. ..ilh COWCI'l8fU api.... CiranIor"s Actl-lllllividual or CorpanIion. hiaJlc lJIccl) .....LT YOUII a.awyg...... ..._ "11II8 ,_...........,. - na. ~ _LD....-_ L.AIIfta8 GaY. THIS INDENTUKt.:, made lilt 3rd day or January . 2005 and BETWt.:KN HENRY D. OSCllMANN, residing n 695 Donna Drive, Mattituck, New York il952 as surviving tenant by the entirety of Grace M. Oschmann, who died a resident of Suffolk County, New York on August 16, 2004 'I panyorlhefirslp:lr!..nd ELLIS ANNE HOST-STEEN , residing at 448 Ferguson Road, Freeville, New York, 13068; GAYELOUISE CAMILLERY, residing at 3 Alileh Court, Miller Place, New York, 11764; and JANET LEE LEVY, residing at 921 Wellington Roed. Westbury, New York, 11590. a~ tenants in common pany or the second p:In. WITNESSETH,lhatlhc p:Iny or the firs. p:Irl. in considor.lion or len doll.... and olhcr wlu.ble consideration p:Iid by the p:Iny or lhe se..'ond pan. ...... herehy gr"l and rele_ unlO the p:Iny or the second pan. lhe heirs or SIlCC8SSlllli and ...i~M ..r lhe pany or the ~...,.d pan rorever. JoLL IIwI .cnain plOI. pi...... or parco! (lr I.nd. wilh lhe buildings and implllVemen" lhereon .....:1.... silUale. Iyinll and hcinllinlhc Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 67 on a certain map entitled ''Map of Deep Hole Creek Estataa", said map having been filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 28th, 1965, as Map Numbered 4256. BEING AND INT~~ED TO BE the aame premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated February 26, 1979 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk'a Office on March 5, 1979 in tiber 8590 Page 462. RESERVING, however, to the party of the first part the exclusive possesaion and the use end occupancy of the above-described premises for and during the natural lifetime of the party of the first part, with the party of the first part to pay for all maintenance and repairs, water chsrges, insurance charges and tsxea ralating to said premises. TOCiETHER ",'ilh all ri~llI. lill.: anLl il1lcrc"l. ir any. uf Ihe pany ur Ihe rirsl part. in and 10 any slrcch antJ mads abulling the above-cJe~ribetJ pn:mil'lc~ h,- the center line!lllhcn:or; TOOI-:TIlf.R wllh the appunenances and olllhe csl.,. and rillhl' of Ihc parlY of Ihe I jf>1 pari in ond III >uid promi>e_; TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D lhe pro,ni"". herein gr.:mlcd unto the piuty "f the ",..:",.urul pOln, the heirs or "uccc,-"",rJII. ilOI.I alllsignJil. ''1flhl' parlY ..(the lk:l:nnd pan forever, I\NIJ Ihe puny uf lhe fir'il pun cu\"C'nOlnb that .hc puny tlf the 1"1n.lllilrl hil"" nUl uunc ur "uffcrcd an)'lhin~ wh('~hy Ihe- "aid prcn1i"C'1lI huvc bcl."n c,oncumhcn:d in an>' way whalC'\'er, Cll.(Cpt us ilrore~aid, ANI) Ihe parly of Ihe firsl piUl, in \"I.mpliam:c ~'ilh Scellon I) of thr Lien Law, c,'\'cnanl!lo thai Ihe Jlurly nf Ihc firsl pari will trccivc Ihe eunsidcr::J.lion rur this convcy"n",'c and will huld the riFht In reeeivc sU\:h conKit.lC!l- ulion as a trust fund 10 he appli",.,' lir"t rnr Ihc purpm;c uf paying Ihc ("!'ot of Ihe improvement and will apply Ihe same rir~ltu Ihe paymcnl uf I~(, CO!rloI or .he improvcmcnl before u)oi,ng .any pari af Ihe 1(1I;a1 of Ihe ~a.mc fur ;any tuher purp(1~C, The wnro "party" sh;all he eunllllrued ..\ it" it R:i1d '.parlics'" whcncy&:'r the !rlo~nsc \If .his indenture !in I'C'quil\:')o. IN WITNr.ss Wtn;K~:O~'.lh< pany or the lirsl pari h.. duly c.eculed Ihi_ ~ced .he day and year Ii,'.. ,,"''v. ..'ritlen. IN PMI:'''I:SC U! UI:: ~~/{)~~ Hen "D. scluaaun Page 2 of 3 AclInDWledgement b1ken In New York &bile SlelO 01 New York. Counly 01 SUFFOLK Aclcnowl"'s-nt b1ken In __ SIatIt . II: 51010 01 New York, Counly 01 .55: On Ihe 3rd day of' January, In the year 2005 before ma. Ihe undoralgnacl, perllOnalty appeered HENRY D. Op~rl~r, known 10 me' or proved 10 me on Ihe besls 01 salillaclory evidence \0 be lhe Indlviduall.. whaso namo~ Is (/lIB) subllcrtbecl \0 lhe wllhIn Instrument and ackllowlecIgad \0 me that ho/.a".~"l'Y executed the ..me In hl&l&l.JI~ capacllyliBB). and Ihal by hlsAlerllllelo-slgnaluralBl' on Iho inslruman\, Ihe IndivIduaI(a) or lhe parson upon bshaK 01 which 1he indlvkluallel actlId, llXllCutacllhe InslrumsnL ~,pll~ ~~~~ Notary Public IIAIIIMA IlIACIUl IlDNaII,Otr.=-- .,,."'* 1.......CIIoIIlr Q...... -',.,.... OIl l1.lIlIII1o , - AcknDWledgement by Subscrlblng _s"ken In New York SIatIt On Ihe day 01 , In Ihe yeer Ihe undersign"'. personally appeared . before me, personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihe basis 01 salisfactory lIVldanca 10 bs Ihe IndlVldual(s) whose nemell) is (are) sub8cnbacl \0 Iha within instrument and a_gad \0 me Ihal he/shelthay s.eculed Ihe same In hlslhsrlthelr capacily(iel). end lhal by hlalharlthelr slgnalure(s) on the inslrumllnl, Iha incflVidualla) or lhe person upon behIlK 01 which Ihe IndivicIuaI(s) actacl, llXllCutlId Ihe Inslrumsnl. Acknowledgs_ Iaken oulslds _York SlabI Slelo 01 New York. County 01 . II: . Slals 01 , Counly 01 , SI: . (or inaerl Dillricl 01 Columbia, Torrilory, Posseslion or Faroign Counlry) On lhe day 01 . in the year the undersigned, personally appeeracl . before me. the subscribing witness to the Iorsgoing Inslrument, with whom I am personally acqusin\acl, whO bslng by mo duly sworn, did dcposa end lay, that he/8he/lhay relldell) in thsl hel8he1lhay knOW(l) to bathe Indivtdull descrlbeclln Ind who 8ll8CUIBd Ihe Iorsgoing inlllumllnl: thaI Slid lubsCtibing witness WlS presenl end .... said execule Ihl alml: and thll aald wllnell at the same tims subscnbacl hl8lhlrllheir nlme(l) as a wlln..s _. Title No.: HENRY D. OSCHHANN TO ELLIS ANNE HOST-STEEN, CAYE LOUISE CAHILLERY, and JANET LEE LEVY , I I I I I I I I a: l!l ~ 2 I J . I .. . ~ - Distributed by Chicago nOe Insurance Company Pale 3 of 3 On the day 01 , In Ihe year Ihl undersigned, personslly appesred , before me, personllly known 10 me or proyed 10 me on Ihe balls 01 sallsfactory lIVldanca to be the indivldUllls) whosa name II) is (are) subscribed 10 Ihe within Instrumenl and acknowIaclgad to ml Ihal he/ahalthey aXllculed Ihe same In hlslherlthelr capacily(loll, Ihal by hlslher/lhelr signa lure III on Ihe inaJrurnenl. lhI inclilridull(11 or lhe person upon blhall 01 which the IndlviduaJ(al actacl. execullld lhe inslrumenl, snd thai such Individual made such appesrsnce balore tho undelligned In the lldd Ihe city or polllical &ubdivialon and the slale or c:oun\ry or other place lhe scknowledgement WIS laken). SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR lOWN RETURN BY IIAIL 10: LARK & FOLTS, ESQS. P.O. BOX 973 CUTCIIOCDE, NY 11 935 Zip No. ~ I. .. Numbe1"of pageS TORRENS Serial' Rc"CORDED 2005 Jill 14 OS:36:3S PH Eaward P.RG...ine ClERI( OF SUFFOLK COl.ttTv L 000012366 P 241 DTlI 04-24660 Ccnificatc # Prior CU. # Deed I Manguge Insullmenl o,:ed I Mortgage Tux SlUmp FEES Rccarding I Filing SlUmps 3 Puge I Filing Fee Handling q-- EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (SlUte) R.P.T.S.A. .r)_ 7'- 30 CQ... Sub Total c2t/ Mongage AmL I. lJw;ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TolII1 SpecJAssiL or TP-584 5. ..!!!L 1)"_ Notation Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX DuulThwn _ Dual CIHlRty Held for Appointment Transfer Tax 0 Mansion Tux The property rovered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or lWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see lIpproprialC lalt clause on page # of this r.1A!U~nt. Affidavil Ccnilied Copy NYS Surcharge Olher I 5. ..!!!L SUhTO\UI~ t> Gl'lInd Total / II (j ...... Section 115.00 Block 16.00 Lot 006.000 5 CommllDity Praervatioa I'uDd ( Real Propcny, Tux Service I Agency Verification I ! 11500 1600 006000 Consideration Amount $ 0 CPF Tsx Due $ N/A Improved x 6 SlltisfactionsJDisehargcslReleases Lisl Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD &I RETURN TO: TO V.acant Lund 10 LARK , FOLTS, ESQS. P.O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 TO TO 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name Title II 8 SutTolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of the attached Deed (SPECIFY TYPH OF INSTRUMENT) mucic by: HENRY D. OSCHHANN The pn:misl!s herein ii siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. Southold TO III the Towll5hip of , ELLlSANNE KOST-STEEN. GAVE LOUISE In the VILLAGH CAllILLERY and JANET LEE LEVY or HAMLET of HatUtu!:" BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Page 1 of 3 (over) \ 15-!C,-Cr L i 7.3&,0 f /4-1 111111111111111111111111111111 MIIII Iml 1111 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~I ~II SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0005658 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER; 04-24660 Recorded. At. 01/14/2005 03.36.38 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012366 241 District. 1000 Section. Block. 115.00 16.00 tn:NaNBD AND CKARCJBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 006.000 Deed AIIIount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument BxBlllpt BxBlllpt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO D.-CTY $5.00 NO :&:A-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIlIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFBR TAX NOMBBR. 04-24660 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THB INSTRtJIIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.llCJmaine County Clerk, Suffolk County -- - -- . ' , PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpa.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 f'OR COUNTY USE ONLY /il??fg,<11 * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. awlS Code C2.o.mDeodR~"'_ I J " It! , 05 5TAlE Of _ YORIC aTAlE IIOAIID Of IlEAL I'IIOI'IiIITY IIIMCIII , . Mornh Day V..r RP - 5217 C3._~C4.P_~ lIN1I7 ... ~ PROPERlY INFORMA11ON T I 695 Donna Drive 1.=, I I ......._11 mar_ I Southold I ~i~l1r..k I 1j.'Uj I CITY OlI_ o..... I Host-Steen I Ellis ADne I ...... LMI NMII/C'IIII"IIWV I'IIIr..- Camillery Gay. Louise I 4~/aJWlUN I J.lV::" T .~~ o.T.. 1ndcMt...... lulu.. Tu BUll.. tD bet... I Oschmann I Henry D. I .... w _...n...... _fa -'''1ormJ I.AIT~'~ ....,,.,.. -- 1 '695 Donna Drive I ~latUtuek 1m: I 11952 I 'TIIU' "'-"NmS_PTlIAM' l;It'YOfIlTOW'll IIAIII ..- ..~"""""""'''''''lTn \~il I 11 OR D Ponol._ 100000S_".__..__ W........_......_ , 'DfPllrcell 4A. 1'IInn" _ willi SuIldIviIIun AudlarfIy E.- O .. IlMd "SuIldIvIoIon~__"'T_ 0 -... 1 I X I IORI . , 'AtRU ..6. ,F, I 4C. PI.... AppnMd lor ..........iIkln with MIp!tnMdld 0 ... _'IRT ....'" 1.- I Oschmann I Henry D. I _. LAtIIoAW Ir:tJiIIINNt ..rNMA I LAlTIUllE/~" I I -.... J. CUck.... bale t.Iaw whIah ..... MGUrMIIIv'....... the.. rtII.........,.." -' 1M IIrM aI MIa: a.-...._____ I. ""'-MIp TYllllIl:ondomlnlum 0 A~ 0nI F.m'ly_' E~_~ 1~~_nOy- .. New Conmuc:don on V..n: Land 0 8 2 or J family ReIIdentIII " ea.nn-:JoI J IndUllrill -'flopony L-.l wIIhIn on........... DIIOtI:l 0 C _, V..... LInd G _ K PIA>"_ 111. Buyw ,..., . cIIcIoIul1lll'lGllc:a hIl:WIl'CI 0 I D Noft..AesidentII VICMII ~nd I' Erun.......' ~ L Fa_ thIllho~lIin",Agricl&.aw.IDiIIrIct I SALE INFORMA1l0N I ,1. ~.. or ..... rtII_ ....111...__......... to........-: ". .... CanImat!)Me N/A I , , 1 t\ ~ SMt Balwaan Ratllfw. or r=om. ReIetIvH - eo, v... B ___~..or..........In- - 01 ~ i c .... 0nI 01... IIuyoto 10 .... . Sol_ 'Z. Dell of.... I T.._ I lU , , I I) - Buvar or s..r Ia Go'.......... Agency or L8ndIng InItItuIIan - eo, v... E - Duod Typo ... WIIrronIY or &orp;n ond 81I1ISpooI.._ F - ... 01 Fftc:Iionll or Le. thoIn Feo I,.. tSpedfy &.kIwt ,0,0.01 G .... Slgnlllcll" CIlIngo" _ _ T_b1. _Inci SIll DoloI 11. Fun .... Price 1 . , , . I , II.... ... 01 BuII.- illndudrld In SaIl Price , . (full SIll Price it the tataI -..ounI pilld for the properly induding ponlOnIl pI'Of*ty. I. Ii 0Ih0r Un_' F..- _.. .... PrIcIlSpucIIy _, Thil pwfmft rMV bIIln the form of UIh. odIar IMOPMIY or Uocm. or die ~ or J.... - m~1 or DIher obllpUona.1 ",....1OUIid 10 rIM ....... wIKW doIIM M'IOUIIL 14. ....... tile .,..... 01 ......... Gift-retained liie estate ........,. ....... In..... I , , . . , , ,0, 0 1 . rASSESSMENT INFORMATION .0010 """"lei nII1....... 1_ Finol_nl Ronond To. Bill I ,1. V_of a ._OW_I n ,4 117 T...._V_I..........._I 4 8 0 01 , , ..... ......IlMIcn..... . , , , ,I. -... CIllo ~~-LJ II. _ 1IIIIIIct...... I Mattitu~k-CutchogueU.F.S.D. 1 20. T...Mopw..-.W/W_II___.____....-.1toI1 1 115-16-6 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I CERllRCATION I . ~...... or... _.,_.-.. ...........____..... _fl.., -.......... _lOll' . . .-...--. oruy___fl_...._..~_Io........LJ or the ..... low _ .............. .... or.... ...._..... BUYER BUYEII"lI ATTORNEY &11: ~ 0.....-.. f!.b..t: - " I.IIIIL- Lark I Richard F. IUVM IIGMUIM Ellis AIUll Host-Steen ....,- -- 695 1 Donna Drive 631 I 734-6807 IfllEl.TNUUII:" llHU.l ~ IN-IUI W\LW -""" 'tUl'OOC _ , Mattituck I bo'Y I 11952 CIIY"_ ITa,. ...- ~ NEW YORK STATE ~-- 01/03/05 COPY I'~ Henry D. OYchma~ "OL .- -