HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12374 P 290 , .. . N.Y:S. Real Estate Transfer Tax $932.00 I [1/ , ( d- 3, 7'-f c;Z q () II~ -4- 2-( Form K002 19,f9CJI) - 20M _ BllfJwn UKI S31e: l>eN. .-;Ih CovcnlIRIS apinN Orua', Acu-lDliivadual or Corpnnlioa. hiJ1&)e Ioheec) CIOIIIULT YOUR LA1FRII..... ...".-. TIIII__IWMIIIIT -...- -....-r.....LD - --.. ~ ~Y. THIS INDENTURE, made the 14th day of February 2005 Illld BE11NEEN ANGELO J, BARBETTA and SARA R. BARBETTA, residing at 39 Brougham Drive, Pennfield, New York 14526, aa Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the BARBETTA LIVING TRUST. dated November 21. 2001 and any amendments thereto partyofthelirslpart.llJld MARY R. RAYNOR, residing at 2'75 Cardinal Drive, Mattituck. New York 11952 party of the second pan. ' WITNF.8SETH. thatlhe pany of the lirst Pari. in con.idcruliun of ten dollars and other VllIuabll: cunsideration paid by the party of the .....,ond pan. d""5 hereby granl and ...1..... unto the party nf tile second part. lhe heiJ$ or 'UCC:1:SllOJ$ and ....igns of the party of Ihe second part f"",vc:r. ALLundividedlone.-third intfreot in ~_ bu'llIi __.. ' .~-- ' , Ifiil~"CiUln p at. piece or parcel 0 land. willi tUIO I ngs w:w Improvement!i UICI~on ertf..1ftI. 5llUale. lying wu:J being in Ihe Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: ' ,; BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of a private road known as Beachwood Road at the northeasterly corner of the premises heretofore conveyed to Harold W. Olsen and Hilda F. Olsen, his wife. by Deed recorded in Liber 2800 cp 154 in the Offi,ce of the Clerk of Suffolk County'; running thence along the southerly side of Beachwood Road'South 810 55' 50" East 35 feet; running thence South 50 10' 00" West to the ordinary high water mark of the Great peconic Bay; running thence along the ordinary high water mark of Great peconic Bay in a general northwesterly direction to a point where the easterly side of land now or formerly of Olsen as extended southerly would intersect the ordinary high water mark of the Great Peconic Bay: running thence along the easterly line of land now or formerly of Olsen North 110 25' 00' East 195.50 feet more or less to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH all right, title and interest, if any. of the party of the fi.rst part to land beyond said ordinary high water mark and under the waters of Grea~ peconic Bay. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated March 11, 2002 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 27, 2003 in Libel' 12253 page 48. TOOETHF.R ..'ilh .1I.;ghl. lille .nd ill.e"'M. if .ny. of the pany of Ihc Ii"'t p.n. in and III .ny .Irecls .nd mads .bulling ,he above-descrihed p",mise. IlIlhe cenler lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appunenance. nnll .lIlhe eOl..e .nd righls or Ihe p.ny of Ihe lirsl pan in .nd 10 >oid premi""s: TO HAVE AND TO HOtD Ihe premi... herein gr.anle..1 unl(l the party (If the ~r:t:ond pan. the hein. or !'UCCC'S!lOni :lnd u!'Io5i,nlrt of the parly uf the 5Ccund pan forever. AND Ihe p."y or Iho Ii", p." cuvellunl' Ihullh. puny or the Ii"'l p.rl hus nul done ur suITered .nylhing wherehy the said prrmiscs han: been encumbered in any way whale"cr. except a~; aforcs-aid. ANI) Ih" p.rlY ur rhe fir.1 part. in compli.nce with Seclinn 13 or Ihe Il.i.n I..uw. co,enunl. .hullhe purty of the first par~ will reccive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold Ihe riltht 10 receive such con,;hJer- ulion as . trusl fund 10 be applied Iir51 fur the purpo~e of paying Ihe cosl of Ihe improvemenl and will apply the same first IU (he payment of the cost of the improvement be fare using any part of the 101011 or the same fur any \llhcr purpu!lOc. The WON "party" shall he cun!iuucd OI!\ if it read "parlies" whene\'er the:' ~~n~ ur lhi" indenlure' su requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ih. pan)' of Ihe Ii",' pan hu. duly cxccUlcd Ihis lIe.d Ihe duy and ycur li"l uh(lv~ written. IN l'kH~liSf."l;' en:; BARBETTA LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 21, 2001 By ~LL~~ ~. arbetta, Trustee By ) R. ~h71A-. Sarli, R. Barbetta, Trustee PlIge 2 of 3 Number of pages Z lURRENS Serial # RECORDED 2005 Mar 01 03.00.23 PI1 Edward f>. Rom.Iim ClERK OF SlFFOLK COUNTY L D00012374 P 2~0 DTi 04-30855 CcniliclIle # Prior Clf. # Deed , Mongage Instrument Deed , Mongage Till< Suunp FI:i1:S Recording' Filing StlllllpS 3 Grand Total p.f '1 Mongage AmL I. Basic Tux 2. Additional Ta., Sub Total Spt.'CJAssit. or Spec. 'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County Held for Appoinunent Tl'lIIIsfcr Thx q '3 d- Mansion Till< 1De propeny coven:d by this mongage is or will be improved by a one or lwO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see approprillle lUX clause on page # of Ibis instrument. Page' Filing Fee Handling 5. OIl TP-584 NOllIIion EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (StoIC) Sub Thtal Comm. of Ed. 5. ..Q!L R.P.T.S.A. -~- _-i..AJ - Affidavit C.enilied Copy NYS Surcharge IS...illL Sub Total Other oI\i.... 4 OlOOO 151. ,.. - -- n", nnn 5 eo_llllity PnIUrvatiOD J'wul 11&00 0400 021000 Rcal Propeny Thx Service Agency Verificalion Consideration Amount $ 233.000.00 CPF Tax Due s 1.660.00 Improved X 6 SalisfuclionslDischargcsIReleWiC~ LiSl Property Owners Mailing Addl'CSll RECOIW" RETURN TO: / Vacant Land TO 10 TD LARK & FOLTS ESQS PO BOX 973 TD CUTCKOGUE NY 11935 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name N A TItle # NIA 8 SutTolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of lhc allached Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: BARBETTA LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 21. 2001 The premises ben:inis siwllled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of _ In the VILLAGE Southold MARY R. RAYNOR or HAMLET of _ Cutehogue BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Page 1 of 3 (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0022219 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 04-30855 Recorded. At. 03/01/2005 03.00.23 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012374 290 District. 1000 Section. Block. 116.00 04.00 RV"XINBD AND CHARGBD AS I'OLLOWS $233,000.00 Lot. 021. 000 Deed Amount. Received the Following rees I'or Above Instrument Exempt Bxempt Page/rilins $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRaG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $932.00 NO Camm.Pres $1,660.00 NO I'ee. Paid $2.741.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER. 04-30855 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRtlMENT THIS IS HOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County .- . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 . FOR COtJNTY uSE ONL V C,. SWIS Com C2.___ I '-I, 1..3, '& g,1. . -' I ", I,?"::' I ~ o.y ~ 1,'-11 C4. ..... 1 if , , 0, * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE Of NEW YORK STAlE SOARD Of IlEAL I'IIOPERTV 8EIIYICIS C3. _ I !. Of":;, PROPERTVINFORNLATION RP - 5217 ItNlZ" ... "" '.=1 575 'lftiiT~ Beachwood Road lnow_ Southold art CII1DWN Cutchollue ....... UjJ5 z._ _. R~or LMT I CQMM.'\IY Ma2,. R. -, LAlIT ...... I COMPAN't ....,NoM-. '- Tu bdc:a....... futun Ta 9IIII1fO tD be ... I IIIIIInI ,,~.... ~ Iddr_. bottom fA fonn) - LMI......,~y HIlIoTNAMI STRUT MUMKR AND _n fMWI!: CllYCJIIl10il1N I1AU ""CUll ..0I0d "'-" II.. .-l x I -..., ....... IORI AClU .2.01 -.,.."'.----"""" 4A. _...__Subci_ _~ 0 "U.'~~lIiOIiApprQlltlll_RlquhdtarT"" 0 c.__ror__MopPnwldod 0 4. IndlClte the ....... 01 AlMUmIlll: ADI ....... ........ on the dlld 1 I lofParcll, 0., D Panof,'an:el ..- Nom. Barbettu1 Berbette I ...., , under the Ba=bette Living Trust, dated I I.MT ...., COY'M'I Trustees -- November 21, I or their successors in tr 2001 and any amendments thereto I ,-- A~ Ono 'ornilV_ 8 2 01 3 FemiIv AeUbdilll C ""nUal VICIft1 LInd D Non nll'1kntlll VDCIInI Land I SALE INFORMATION I "..... Cant,.. DMe E~_ F c:ommo..;.l G _ H Enlll1IlnlMnt I AmUlemlnl I ~ CllInrooNIy Solv,," J IndUlUlo1 K PuOl"'_ L ...... -....----"""" a, 0wnInhip Typo iI Condominium ., NIw ConItruc:tion on V..::amlMMl ,OA. ProslIrtY l.Dc:ad'" an AoriC&*ural DIIlrICl _ .... rllGlhed I dIIdDIIn notice IndIcIIing that the property 11 In 11'I AgrIcwlluflllJlIbidi o o o o 7. Check the boll below whIch...-t .-.ndlIty....... the Ute of.... ".....ny -'........ claale: 12. O~ at.... I T......... 2 ...... , 14 "'" , 05 v_ ,... ChecIl ... or ..... 111__ COlI 8' a .. .......... to tr..-llr. 8111 ....... 1WaII~ or Fonner ~ Sill ......., ReiDd Campen_ or PIIrtnDrIIln BuIlnIa Clno 01.......... Is_. Sol"" Buyer cw SIIIIr is Governmenl Agency or Lending Ir1Il1wtian DellI Type naI W..arwy Of a.rpln and &.Ie CSpadfy BaIow'I ... of FracIionIlI or lDIIthIn Fee..,... ISpIdfy Be&owI SIOnII1cl... 0IInp in Property BeIMen TIDlIlbIo SIIWS and s.II 0... _ 01_10 lncIudod" Solo "'''" 0Ch0< IJ_ ,..... -Illl _ Pric:o C_ IloIawI - one-third interest 2 ...... , 14 "'" , 05 v_ '1....__ . 2. 3 .3 ,0 .0 ,0 . 0 , 0 I , , . . (FuI hie Prim litho tDlIil amount _ for the property Inc:IudIng peqonaI property. ThiI PlY"'lIrlt rMY ... In tho Iorm of adt. 0IhIr property or goada. or IhlIIIUIftPIion of mortgDOGl or Olher DbIiptio...l ".".. round 10 rhI ,.,." MIoIe dollar MICJUIII. N/A ,.._--"'........ I ., 0 . 0 I prcII*ty ........ In .. .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 001. Ihould ntf\ect tho ...... Flnol_.n' RoIllnd rox 8111 ,..v_'" a ._~IloII_1 0.4 I n.T....__IaI..,....._IL....- which i.oiL......M.n '*"" . . ; ; 4,4.0.01 ,.. "'-'" a.. L1....LJU-LJ ,.._ _~ I Hattituck - CutchoRue UFSD ... T..__I'....Idoor._P1__....._____1011 116 - 4 - 2J 1 I CERTlRCATION I I m1Iry .... oil vi"" _ allnf_ _... lido...... .. _... __ ,...... _ """ k-". uad _ ood I ----''''' ....1llIIklolc III 00)' _u1_ _.. III _1Kt honIa ..... ....... ........ ....._ al......... low ........ IDIIIe ....... ood ..... al__ !!!!!!!! 8UVEWS ATTORNEY Lark ....,- Richard F. -,..... 275 '1IlII.T~ Cardinal Drive 101M'" JMMlIAFJDt UI.2I . 631 -- . 734-6807 -- liattituck CITY .._ NY ITA'" 11952 ...- NEW YORK STATE COPY HW!! BARBETTA LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 21, 2001 By ..!".~~J';lO ~tta.1 :r{{-::"~