HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12430 P 980 . ; N.Y.S. Real Estate Transfer Tax $1,520.00 L /1 Lf::)C P LJ ~D /..0/1/3'5 C> '. I cot> G'.II!' ~'.0.3 Lr.o(D ...\ 1J6--]-jO FoQll 8002 (9199) . 20M - Sapia ond SlIIe Deed. wllb eo.............. Gnmor". Aao-tad_ or CorpanIillll. (....Ie......1 aDllIULT MU. LAWYIR........... ......... w~-~..111 U-........~.. - no ~...y. THIS INDENTURE, made lhe 27th BETWEEN day or 2005 and October LAWRENCE P. (".oRMAN and ["".IA Plan.. GORMAN, his wife, residing at 2105 Vanston Road, Cutchogue. New York 11935 pany oflbe first put. and CARLOS A. FLORES MELENDES and ANA RUTH FLORES, his wife, residing st 560 Sterling Lane, Cutchogue, New York 11935 pllIIy of 1he second pllII. WITNESSETH,1haI1he parly of !he firsl part, in considera1ion of "'n dollan and olher valuable consideration paid by !he pany of 1he second part, does hcn:by grant and release unlo !he pany of !he second part, the heirs or succesSOlS and assigns of the party of the second pan forever. ALL lhat cennin plOl, piece or pamll of land, wilh the buildings and improvernen15 lhereon erected, siw..... lying and ~ng~ . at Mattituck, Town of Southo1d, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows, ~ B~GINNING at a point formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Kings Highway (Main Road) (Route 25) and the easterly side of Sunset Avenue; running thence South 010 22' 20" West 158.89 feet along the easterly side of Sunset Avenue to the true point and place of beginning, also being the southwest corner of land now or formerly of Tartan Oil corp, intersects the easterly side of Sunset Avenue; thence from said point of beginning South 880 37' 40. East 100 feet along property formerly of O.H. Wickham to a point; thence South 010 22' 20" west 134 feet along property formerly of O.H. Wickham to a point; thence North 880 37' 40" West 100 feet along property formerly of Frederick L. Moore, qow or formerly of Dwayne Rhodes to a point on the easterly side of Sunset Avenue; thence North 010 22' 20. East 134 feet by and along the easterly side of Sunset Avenue to the point or place of BEGINNING. . BEII~G AND INTENDED-.TO BE the same premises' conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated March 27, 1992 and recorded in'the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on April 8, 1992 in Liber 11447 Page 62. TOGETHER wilh all rillhl. li,le and iUlere.t, il' any. of 'he party of rhe lin;t part. in and lu any .Ireell and roads abuuinll the above-de.cribed premi"". 10 lhe eenler line. lhe,eof; TOOETHHR wi,h lhe appunenanees alld all the e'lale and right' of the parry of lhe lirsl part in and to ..id poemi"",,; 1'0 HAVE AND 1'0 HOLD Ihe premise. herein llranted unlo Ihe party of the ""cond part. lhe hein; ur .ueee..on; and a..illns ofthc parly of the .<<ond pari forever. AND Ihe pony or the fir.l pan cuvenan.. lhatlhe parly of Ihe fin;1 pnrt hal nul dune ur .ufrered any thins whereby Ihe said premi!iC' have been encum"""'" in any way whale vcr. excepl". afore!'llid. . AND the parly ufthe !'ir.t part. in compliance with Seclion 13 oflhe Lien Law. covenant.lhallhc pa'ly ofihe fir.' part will receivc Ihe cun.i~eralion for thi. conveyance and will hold lhe risht 10 receive .uch con.ider- alion a. a 'rusl fund 10 he applied lir.t ror the purpo.e of payinlllhe co., of the improvement and will apply the .ame fir.' 10 ,he payment of the eu.t of lhe improvemenl before u.ing any par' of lhe lotal of 'he .ame ror uny olher purpase. The word -parlY' .hall be cunllrued a. ir il read .panie." whenever Ihe ""n"" 01' Ihi, indenlure .u require.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. lhe parly of the firsl part ha. duly execaled Ihi. ay and ycar Iir.1 alK...e written. .IN PIIF.5Ii~n~ n..: Page 2 of 3 Acknowledgement I8l18n In New York SI8te Slale of New York, County of Suffolk . S8: On the27th dsy ofOCl:ober , In lh8 year200S ,belore me, the undersigned. personally. appeared LAWRENCE P. GOlUWl and DALIA PRADA GOlUWl personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihe basis 01 satial8c1ory avkIBnca 10 be Ihe Individual(a) whoall name(s)-le (are) subscribed 10 the wllIIln Inslrumenl and acknowtedged 10 me thaI I......h.:lhey executed Ihe same In Itllrlhefllheir capaclty(ies). and Ihat by hlellte<lIheir slgnalure(s) on the Instrument. the IndIvklual(s) or lh8 person upon beh811 01 which lhe indivldual(s) aded, 8ll8Cllllld lh8 l/l8IrumBnL ~!~ ~t::"::":""-a1""- ... "II ~D'.lIllIaIIQlun(y Ct.....~.e.-_Ifl_' 9r1J'" Acknow\Bdgemenl by Subscribing _1811en In New York State Slale 01 New York. Counly of On the day of . in the year the undersigned, personelly appeared , belore me. tho subscribing wIInosS 10 the foregoing instrument. with whom I am personally acqualnl8d, who being by me duly sworn. did depoeo and say. thaI haIlIhaIIhey resIde(s) In lhat helshellhey know(s) to be Ihe 1nd1v1du81 deecrlled In and who eXBCUled the foregoing instrumenl; that said subsCribing witness was present and saw aaId execute Ihe same: end thel seid wllness at the seme lime subscribed hialhBr/lhelr neme(s) as a wllness.thereto. . TilieNo.:_J.31 \0'1 ) LAWRENCE P. GORHAN end DALIA PRADA GO\lMAll TO CARLOS A. FLORES MELENDES end ANA RUTH FLORES r Distributed by I Chlc:ago TItle Insurance Company PaRe 3 of 3 , .. I I w .. ~ ~ ~ 2 2 I ""." . . . . . . ". AcluICJWI..d\jl>..18I4..11en In Newv..JSta18 State 01 New York. County of '-"1 I . SI: On the dey of . In the year Iho undersigned, personally eppeered , belore me. personally known to me or proved to me on Ihe besls 01 satial8CIory evidence 10 be lh8 Indlvldual(s) whoae nerna(a) Is (ara) _ribed to lh8 within Instrument snd acknowleclglld to me that he/shellhey executed the same In hlslherlthelr capaclty(les). andlhat by hls/herltheir slgnatura(s) on Ihe instrumenl, lh8 IndividuIIl(s) or !he person upon behalf of which the inlfMdual(s) aded. aXBCUIed the Instrument. Ac~lJ8IMnIlall8n o~ _York S_ , ss: . Slate 01 , Courity 01 . ss: . (or Inserl District 01 Columbia. Territory, Possession or Foreign Counlry) On the day of , In the year Ihe undersigned. psrsonally appesred . balore me. personelly known to me or proved to me on the basis 01 sallslaclory evidence 10 be lhe 1nd1vidUa1(s) whoe8 name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowIedgecIto me thst he/shelthey execuled the seme In hls/herllhelr cspacily(ies), thst by hislherlthelr slgnaturels) on the Instrument, 1IIa indlvldua\(s) or 1118 person upon bahall 01 whICh \he Indlvldual(s) acted. llXIICuI8d lh8 Instrument, and Ih8t such Individual mada such appearance before lh8 undersigned In \he (add \he city or poIl11ca1 subdivision and the stale or country or olher place the eCknowledgement was lall8n), SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RI!l'URN BY MAil. TO: GARY FLANKER OLSEN ESQ OLSEN & OLSEN LLP PO BOX 706 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 Zip No. " ; . . - ." .r ..... Number of pages TORRENS RECORDEl> 2006 Jan 17 04:08:38 PI! Serial # CLERK OF SUFFCU COUNTY L ??oo12430 p 980 Dr. 05-23540 Cenilicalc # Prior ill. # Deed , Mongage llIlitnllncnt Deed , Mongagc Tax Stamp !lEES Recording' Filing Stamps 3 4 Dist.1000 Section 115.00 810ck 03.00 Mongage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJ Assit. or Spec. 'Add.. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County Held for ApPoin t Transfer Tax Mansion P-dge' Filing Fce Handling TP-S84 S. J!!L. Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-S217 (~talc) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Toeal Cumm. of Ed. S. J!!!.... covered by this mongage is improved by a one or two lling only. or NO ~::::. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15. J!!L. Sub Toml Grand Toral ~ proprialA: tax c1ausc on of this instrument. Othcr 5 CPF Tax Due t $ 380,000.00 S 4,600.00 Real Pr<lpcny Tax Service " Agency Verification ~06~T1~81 ~MA A 1 1000 11500 0300 010000 Improved Vacant Land x 6 Satisf actionslDischargcslRelea.scs List Property Owners Mailing Addl'C5S RECORD" RETURN TO: TO 10 GARY FLANNER OLSEN ESQ OLSEN & OLSEN LLP PO BOX 706 'CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 TO TO 7 Title Com Information Co. Name Liberty Land Title Agency, LLC Title # L391395 (05-38-0256-000997) 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pallC forms part of thc attached Deed (SPI;CII'Y TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: LAWRENCE P. GORMAN and The I""mises herein is situl1led in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. DAT.TA 'P'Dana. GORMJt..W TO CARLOS A. FLORES MELENOES and Southold In the Town.ohip of In the VILLAGE ANA RUTH FLORES or HAMLET of Mattituck BOXES Ii THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Page 1 of 3 (over) 11111I1111II1II111I111111111111 111111111 1111I11111111 111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt NUmber . 06-0005019 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-23540 Recorded: At. 01/17/2006 04:08.38 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012430 9S0 District: 1000 Section: 115.00 EXAMINED A1IID $380.000.00 Block. 03.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 010.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 11'0 Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 11'0 NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO !:A-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CQIIIII\.Pres $4.600.00 11'0 Fees Paid $4.749.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-23540 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMBIl'T THIS IS NOT A BILL c PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRML V WHEN WRrnNG ON FORM --- - - - -- - - - - - INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1.SWlSCodo 1~,7.3,r?.g,'11 C2. Del8 Dood _rdod I~ I I Z I ~ I C3._ C4.,,-1 ,9,9,01 PROPERlY INFORMATION REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAn OF NEW YORIC STATE BOARD OF REAL ........n.. SERVICES RP - 5217 ap.,a17 ... JIQ ',_1 225 Leallllan 1iTN.!T Nu.l1I Sunset Avenue .I....I~ Southold an' DI ",.... Mattituck ....... , 11952, Z1Paxx. 2._, - F1Qre~elendes LAlT NMII1C Carlos A. ..., NMI: Flores LAIT NMI./CClM'MY Ana Ruth -..... 3. Ta: IndicatD wtIara f~ T... BUll .. 10 be .nt BIIInl If alhlr thin buyer Iddr. (It boaDm of forml I -... I.AlTIUMI'~CClIIPANV F..r....... 11MIiIi'_IIA..oI1'ltEET.....1! ClIY 0tI10iWt 5":'''''' ;:~ CODl 5- =..., , s... FJIONTFl:ET Ixl ....... IORI '14:IIf&' . 3. COnly . IWt .. . '.... aWClII; _..., .~ 4A. Pllnrmu BoItd wlth Subclivilion Authorily &iItI 0 ... Subdivision ApprvwII WDI Rlquirud tor Trll1ll.,.. D <C. p_ -.,...lor Su_ wllh Mop _idad 0 .. IndIUIe tile nu.... .. ~Mt: Roll .-raII trII""'" on the dMd 1 I 'of Parcell OR D PII,t of . Parcel .. ..... No... Gorman LAlT MAW I ClOMIWft' Lawrence P. ,..-r1loWl' Gorman LAST NAMl/COMNNY Dalia Prada NlIIT~UIlr. ^~ 0... F.mily Re.idenlill B 2 or 3 Familv' Re.ldentlel C "-idnlll v.... Land D _-....dofttlal v-" Lond I SALE INFORMATION I 11. .... Contract Oat. !; ~ Allrleullu..1 ~ Communlly Sorvl... f' Commen:l.1 J IndUltrllI G...._ . Public __ H Enter1llnment, AmUMment L F~ CII......__......_: I. Ow_lp Typo Is Condominium .. New eonsruc:don on VKlm lAnd 1M PmpMy lacDd wllhln an Agrfculbl'aJ DiIIricl 1G8.Bu,..-.___ _die prGDtrty III" .. AgrtcuIIU,. DiIlricI o o o o 7. a..1r. the box Wow which m'-: ........,. ...... the ... of the property -' the tIm8 of ..Ie: ,.. a...II_ er............ _ -. _.. IIlr- ---.....-.r. 8 ...... I 17 I 05 OIly v.. 12. Dme af S'" , Tr......r , 10 ...... 127 Iloy 105 v.. ^ II C D Il I' G II I J Solo -.. 110_ Of Fonnor__ S11e a.twMn ReI.-I CampM_ or Partnanl In BulIn.. One orm. Buv-tllIllIIo........ BuVDr or Sellar Ia Govornrnant AgDnCy or Lancing InllituliDn o.d TYPe naI Warramy Dr Barpln and SIIIa ISpegIfy Below) Sale of Frecdorl.l or Lau then Faa Inl.... (Spadfy Balow! 51gn1l1cont Chongo In P_ _ T...bIo 51.... _ Salo Oat Solo of ...1.... 10 lncIudod .. _ Price Olhur Unusuel F8CI.CIN Affecting SIIe Price ISpecHY Below) Non. '3. FUI Solo Pri.. ,3.8,0.0, , , . (Full Sell Price II the lotIIlITIOW1I Pilei for the propIRy indudinll penonII propmy. ThlI PIYft'III\I may bet In the form 0' cub. OIhIr propIny or goods. or the .lIUmpdon of rnar1gIIpI or oUtIr obliQllioM.1 "... round to IN ,..,., ..,.. dtJIW amount N/A ,0. -.. ........ of ......... I 0 0 I ___111"'_ - ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Oolo Ihould roll... .110 I..... Flnol_' RoIlond TI. Bill ,.. v_ at &_-- ..... RoI from I O. 5 I 17 Total ___ V.....lof .. _ In........, I which InIanutIoII _lIbn . ; , 4 3 , o 0 . '1. "'- CIoIo 12.1.0 I-U '''_D__I Mattituck Cutchogue tlFSD :Ill. T, Mop'_ol'...._ool8I.......__._____ool8Il -# -115 - 3 - 10 I I 1 I CERTlRCATlON I I mnIf)' _ II of.. _ or _ ........ GO ..... r.... _........ __ (10.... .... or IIIJ .....-.. .... ~... I _. ..... _ .... -... or..y .1IIlIoI r.... _ of........ _ ...... wI1I !IlIbJerI ... ..the _v' . . - or tho..... .... ........ .. .... ....... oed IIIIna of _1_ BUYER" ATTORNEY ~~~ r~ Il.MR tlQNUUM .E-~ S~ t'\ · c)Q., M. 10/27/05 Olsen lMT .... Gary Flanner .......... ..... 631 -..ClIIlI 734-7666 ,-- '\51. S'An: lI1ClD1X. 10/27/05 NEW YORK STATE COpy ....