HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-04/29/2008LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: John Sepenoski, Chairman (left 9:30 p.m.) Ray Huntington Chris Baiz Michelle Zaloom Lillian Ball Members Absent: Eric Keil, Monica Harbes Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison Stephen Searl, Peconic Land Trust (7:15 p.m.) Benja Schwartz and others from Group for Cutchogue attended meeting at 7:00 p.m. re: property in Cutchogue known as Heritage. Presented letter dated April 29, 2008, to Land Preservation Committee. Benja noted that proposed project will degrade the work LPC has done to preserve rural character of Town. He read parts of letter to Committee and also several quotes from different newspapers articles. He asked Committee to consider purchase of the property. The LPC was amenable to continued outreach and asked the Coordinator to seek any recent news from Town Board. Commencement: ?? The meeting began at 7:10 p.m. with five LPC members present. Applications and Inquiries: ?? CHARNEWS PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-63-1-25 Zoned: R-80 Location: 3005 Youngs Ave, Southold CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 23.5 acres (23.27 GIS) Subdividable: Yes Discussed Reserve Areas. Went over Melissa’s staff report. Stephen Searl explained that PLT had reviewed their original request for two 1-acre areas for potential future farmstand use. PLT has decided that eliminating these will reduce the amount of the final purchase price and therefore, PLT decided to eliminate these areas. They would like farmstands to be allowed within easement in future if Code is changed to allow retail farmstand use within PDR areas. LPC asked Melissa to review this with Lisa Kombrink, Esq. PLT requested an increase in the size of the Reserve Area around the existing house from 3 to 4 acres. LPC in favor of increase as long as C&R is placed on the property prohibiting further subdivision of the 4-acre lot into two residential lots. ?? TOWN OPEN SPACE (f/k/a REESE Property) SCTM #: 1000-45-5-5 Zoned: LIO Location: 70380 Main Rd, Greenport Preserved Acreage: ±47.31 acres Discussed activities on adjacent property (1000-45-5-2) and unauthorized use of r-o-w on Town property. New owner of property adjacent to Town open space has cleared parts of his property and has placed fill to provide access to r-o-w on Town owned open space. LPC reviewed Melissa’s staff report and photographs taken by Melissa Spiro and Ray Huntington. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Lillian Ball, to direct Melissa Spiro to send letter to said adjacent landowner requiring that landowner remove all fill located within the boundaries of the Town property and that all use of the Town owned property and r-o-w cease immediately. Motion carried: 5/0 ?? WESNOFSKE PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-69-4-8.1 Zoned: A-C Location: s/s CR 48, Peconic CPF: Yes Total Acreage: ±8.235 acres PDR Acreage: ±7.19 acres Reviewed updated appraisal [executive session]. The members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION. LPC reviewed existing appraisal which was an update to an outdated appraisal. LPC concerned because there was a significant difference between the outdated and current appraisal and the 2008 appraised value was not in line with other current appraisals the committee had recently reviewed for other properties. MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by John Sepenoski, to direct Melissa Spiro to order a second appraisal on the Wesnofske property Motion carried: 5/0 ?? DROSKOSKI PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-18-4.7.1 Zoned: R-80 Location: 28105 Rt 25, Orient CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 21.25 acres (22.04 GIS) Subdividable: Yes Reviewed appraisal [executive session]. Appraisal was reviewed and discussed after John Sepenoski had recused himself due to family relationship to landowner and left the meeting during discussion of this project. MOTION made by Michelle Zaloom, seconded by Chris Baiz, to direct Melissa Spiro to present a purchase offer to landowners. Motion failed: 3/1 (Ray Huntington) due to lack of majority vote of LPC members. Appraisal to be discussed again at next scheduled LPC meeting when absent LPC members return. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION General Land Preservation Items: ?? Discuss appraisal process and meeting PLT and Melissa had with appraiser. Melissa told LPC about meeting she, Tim Caufield and Stephen Searl had with an appraiser who is doing work for PLT. Appraiser had interesting statistical information. It was decided to invite appraiser to meet with LPC at a special meeting. ?? AgPDD: annual purchase price for AgPDD. Review of appraisals. Melissa did not have time to prepare information for discussion. HOLD for next meeting. ?? TDR – Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement accepted by Town Board. th Informational Meeting: Tuesday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. th Town Board public Hearing: Tuesday, May 27 @ 7:30 p.m. Melissa and John gave brief reminder and overview of the TDR proposal. Encouraged LPC members to come to the informational meeting. nd ?? Suffolk County Farmland Meeting: Melissa’s update from April 22 meeting. Melissa reported that at the meeting it was noted: County undergoing review of County Chapter 8. This involved definitions, clarifying o procedures, dealing with policy issues, etc. Expected to be completed for review at next County Farmland meeting County adopted greenhouse policies at January 2008 meeting. o One new Southold project came up under new parcels – property owned by Wickham Fruit o Farm The members re-entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION. ?? Melissa Spiro’s status report [executive session re: status of offers] Confidential Status Report distributed to LPC members but not discussed. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Informational: ?? PARADISE POINT HOLDING/VJ DEVELOPMENT CORP. – Town Board Public Hearing to be held th on Tuesday, May 6 @ 4:35 p.m. th ?? DEMCHAK – development rights easement closing scheduled for Tuesday, May 13 @ 11:00 a.m. Next Regular Meeting: ?? The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 13, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the Town Hall Conference Room. Adjournment: ?? The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. by the four remaining members. Respectfully submitted by Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator