HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12375 P 980 I I ./ L r d.- ) 7 :; P'1fV ,. I I. 7q- )-2-/ .1 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS FORM 8007 CAUTION: THIS AGREEMENT SHOULD BE PREPARED BY AN AITORNliY AND REVlIiWED BY ATTORNEYS fOR SEI.LER AND PURClIASER BEFORE SIGNIN<!. THIS INDENTURE, made the .:~ rd day of ~..bn"l~""'1 ,2005. belweeu George J. Beny, Jr., residing at 10007 North Bayview Road, oIkJa Shellfisher Road, Southold, New York 11971 party .of.~e first part, and . ...,' -... 1 . . George J. Beny Jr. and Malireeii. ; Beny, husband and wife, both residing at 10007 North Bayview Road, aJbJ Shellfisher Road; Southold, New York 11971 party of the second part, , WITNESSE!H. thalll?e party of the firsl part, in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS (510.00). lawful money of the United StaIl:s, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby granllllld relellSC unto !he party of the second part, !he heirs or suecessors and assigns of !he party of !he second Part forever, . " ALL !hal Certain' piol, piece'or pilrecl ofland, siluate, lying and being al Sou!hold, Town of Sou!hold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING al a poinl on the easterly side of a 50 fOOl privale road. North 20 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds Easl 640 feel along said easterly side from North Bayview Road. said poinl of beginning being the northwesterly comer ofllllld conveyed by John Plock Sr. and Anna Plock, his wife to John Plock, Jr. and Carol Plock, his wife; from said poinl of beginning RUNNING THENCE along said easterly side of said 50 foot private road, North 20 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East 120 feel; THENCE along land ofR. Kcrcster. South g5 delll'CCS 19 minutes 00 Seconds East 260 fecI; THENCE along land of R. Keresler the following Iwo courses: (I) South 04 degrees 41 minules 00 seconds Wesl 170 feet; (2) South 36 degrees 07 minutes 00 Seconds West 29.84 feel; THENCE along said land conveyed by John Plock Sr. and Anna Plock to John Plock Jr. and Carol Plock. North 69 degrees 13 minulCS 00 seconds West 289.06 feet 10 !he point or plaee of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed 10 the party of the firsl part by deed daled 11125192 and recorded on 12102192 in Libcr 11582, page 18. TOGETHER with aU righI, tide and interest, if any, of the party of the firsl part in and 10 any streets and roads abutting !he above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenanees lIIId all the estale and rights of the party of the first parl in and to said premises, TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grantccl unto the party of the second part. Ihe heirs or suc:cessors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part. covenants that the party of the firsl part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been eneumbered in any way whatt-over, excepl as aforesaid. AND the party oflhe firsl part, in eompliance with Section 13 oflhe Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the eonsideration for this conveyanee and will hold the right to reeeive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied firsl for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the eosl ofthe improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if il read "parties" whenever the sense of !his indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, .the party of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. '. .{~p,~,j ......GeorgeJ. r.. ~ tN PRESENCE OF: ~ ..... ;';'. : " ' " ' . J~' . ;.~ I' :j ..= ;. ':.' '.'. ..:. , STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK :SS. , j ~'. " ,..... On the 3n1 day of February, 2005 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared George J. Derry Jr. . personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individualllCted, executed the instrum .:,) d :, ,,' .' ......; . . , "; . I', .. ;:.1 I.> -~ . I'j '..:, [:.. :~ I'J ~.~ IJ I/i I~:I 2:1 , . '.. , ,: .:~ . ,:) I'j r,~i 'q ::, j ::'j . "I '""1 " .;', ,.J I~:I .<1 '=~i ::'1 '.; '. , j '\ .;" , ; ~!. .! "' :.;. ' RUDOLPH H. BRUER ,\i~'TARY PUBLIC. STATE OF NEW VORl< NO. 52-0488580 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY ;qMMI88ION EXPIRES MARCH 3O~1 7 ; <t " ......... " , .. ~~! '.! .'.1 ;,1 ':i :,1 ..1 " :,1 ",I J ::1 : .'j 'o" :.; :'1 ;" .~:! . , . " , " ! '. ' ~ -' , . Number of pages TORRENS 3 Serial # _ Cenifieate II Prior Clf. # Ix.:d / Monguge Inslrument =u= Deed / Murtgage Tax Slump FEES Page I Filin,~ f-ee Handliog 5.~ -5- FA-52 17 (Counly) 5 EA-52 17 (Slale) ~__ R.P.T.S.A. ~ TP-584 Notation dt.f Sub Total Comm. of Ed. 5. ..Q!L " Amdavil c;enified Cupy NYS Surcharge Olher ''if Sub Tolul I ~< 00 GfandTOI:tI~c? 15, 00 i<~ED 2005 Mar' 1001:03119 PM EC~ird P.ROkai~ ClERK OF SUF~Ol..K COlliITV L 000012375 P 930 [IT. 04-32162 Recording I Filing Slamp,. It Murtgage AmI. 1. BlISic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlal Spec J Assil. ur . ..- Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX , Dual Town _ Dual Clluril)' Held fur Appointment TnlnsferTux -----11._ _. _ Mansion Tax The pmperty covered by this m(lnga~c is Or will be improved by a onc or IWu family dwelling only. YES or NO --;.._ ...._ If NO, see appropriale t:lX c1au~ ,.n page # or this inslrumenl. , Block O__DO LOI OIU.OOO S CommUDJ,ty Pre.ervatlon J.'und 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name F'be.LJ A/AT"""L r~ . nIle # 0 'I. '7'U~ -1s"'f7~;J-S Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verificalion 1000 07~OO 0500 021000 6 Salisfaelions/J)ischarge~e1e_s Lisl Propeny OwnelS Mailing Address RECORD & RETURj'\j TO: mi.,,~ miS. G&-".e,~ .:T. lku'(,Jk. Itnrfl'/ NocnI .!i4'(V'11!:II ~. S6.,,,./DLD1 "''{ 11&17/ I ~ C p._- ~ ideration Amount $ ax Due $ Vacalll Lund TO TO TO 10 --~~_..- This l?"I!e forms pan or lhe allached lJ/Jcr;'UN IINIJ SAlIlJEd (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) (Jim"/!: .r. Beu'l, :7L. .ma.k: hy: The premiliCs herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YOR K. TO GElller;e: ;r R-~v ..:7:t.. "'AI(j . mllU~ .BLA~ r nf HAMLET of SIIUrNllJu> . BOXES 61"IIRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR ~ILlN(;. In the Township of In the ViLlAGE s:. ~n.ItJ"iJ liI\'~r.) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLIC COUHTY CLERK RBCORDS OPPICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of In.trument: DBBDS/DDD Number of Page.. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0025472 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER: 04-32162 Recorded. At: 03/10/2005 01.03.19 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012375 980 Distric't: 1000 Section: Block. 079.00 05.00 BXAMINBD AND CHARGBD AS roLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 021.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following Fee. For Above Instrument B.v""'lPt Ex8lllJilt Page/Piling $9.00 110 IlaDdling $5.00 ' NO COB $5.00 110 BYS SRCBG $15.00 110 BA-CTY $5.00 NO D.-STATE $75.00 110 TP-SS4 $5.00 110 Cert.Copie. $0.00 110 RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 110 Transfer tax $0.00 110 Comm.Pre. $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $149.00 TRANSPER TAX NUMBER: 04-32162 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUIIENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County - PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM "-- - ---- .-----'".- . . INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.st8te.ny.U8 Dr PHONE (5181 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I Y.7id",?,r I lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT c,. SWIS Cod. STA1E OF NaN YDRX CZ. Dolo _ Ro_ I .e. 3/ <.f 1 C::>J1 STA1E BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES I Y..r RP - 5217 C3._1 "':J....J . ?, STt4...... I , '1. ~.Ol , RP-5.J:17....Jm PROPERTY INFORMATION I \'-"'L 10007 I North Bayv1ev Road I '-Olon .......- 511.UNAIII! L lil/.utho.Ld I I 11971 I ..11MN ....... ..- ..- L ~~,~ I ClII';:e. 1 I ...... L Berry I lIeureen E. I IAITIirMll'/COIIM'fY -- I 3. Tu lndicItD"""',. fUIUl'IT.. .....10 be... I I ..... If__~_C._"fannJ I LAlTIrfAIIII/~ HRlI NMM- ......... I L JTUlTh......IIAND.,~1 NAMI! I Cll"t0ll1'OMl I .IAll I 'C!Kl[ I I 4. 1ndiDIlIi.1hI ~ of "--~nt I I I '01 P.reel. OR 0 P.nal.P.rcoI 1OnIy1_",o_~_Ihoy""'y: Roll p.... tran....... on ... ... . ..._....__~""""'""'e.dnoo 0 5. -.. ,...,j 4f<-.-. 1 010 ..____....IorT........ 0 "'- I 10NI . ....i . I OC'__..._wl"'.....__ 0 5'" ....... L Berry Jr. I George J. I ...... LAlTNAMI!'~ -- L LASTNAMI!/COII/Nt.'fY I I ,...- 7. ChHIr: 1M I.. _low wNch moll Me" ....V....... the ... of.... property at 1M 11m. ... ....: -...----- .. 0wMr1hip Type . Condaminhn 0 Ai Fomlly "-1- I:! ~ AQ_cuMu,,' I~~_~- .. N.w CorWruction on Vaell'd Und 0 H 2 or 3 FImiIy ReIidentIII F Common:illl J IndUllrlll _"-.....-_In..__ 0 c: Rosldlnti.1 Vtclnt Unci G APlrtmtnr . K Publk........ -..... - 0 -.. -.-..na 0 D Non RoIIdentilll V... lIInd II Emerulnment I Amu.ment L _ n.tlho PfOPOIIY II an ... Agric:uIcwIl DIIbIct I SALE INFORMATION I 1&. a-k............ __ ..~............. to 'II'WIIfer. 1'. .... Contll'-'- o.te I / / I A::a Saio BIIwetn AeIItiva Of Form. ~~ - DIy v- II i ... BeIwun ...... CompI.ni. or PartMn in 8uAlneII <: Dno", lho ...... 10 _ . ..... 12. DaI:. aI ...., TNn.... 1 II' 1111 I'nn~ I D Buyer or Seller is GodmmInI Agency ar LMdIng I~ - ... v- I: - Dood Typo not WI...... .. Borgo;n ond Solo CSpoclly BaIowI f: Solo a/ F_I .. lain tN. foil 1_ CSpodIy_ 13. F" .... ... I 0 ,0,01 G _ Signft"_ DIn... In "'-"" _ T...bIo _ ond SoIu 0Iloo . , . . , . , . II _"' __ 10 I""..... In Solo Pra , , . 1 : Dlhor Un...... F...... A_ 5010 PralSpoclly Solowl IFull s... Prico II thl 10CaI MlDUI1I poicI far the property Including pnoneI propIfty. Tt\l1 ....... INY M In the form at UIh. 0IhIr prDPllrty or goadI. or tho llIUmption or J H.... morI~ 01 othlf obIlGldonI.J ",.... round 10 1M,..,....,.,. daIIM ....,.. - ,4. ~ 1M .... af pereonaI I ,0 .0. II I --......- . , . . . . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dolo Ihould ..1Iect tho I..... FlnolAouo.mont RoU .nd Ta. 8UII 1.. v.... at ~1I111-..nt ... from I 04/0' 17. T__V_C............._II . . . . . . 6.9 .0 0 I ..... InIaIlNlIIan ........ , , , 'I. "-'" c-. 12 1 0 I-U '1. __...... I Southold I . . ...T......_'..._C.____._____I 11000-079.00-05.IIII-n21.000 I I I I I I I I ceRnFlCAnON I , cetlIty .... III rllM IIems ~ b6nruIIiun ....... 011 dIilI 'una are truf and rarnct 110 Ibr bill ~ 11'1)' t......,. .... beIW) .... , undI;- -.... .... tbr IIIIIIdIlR III all)' ....... .... IIIInMnlfllf....urtl1l'act .. .11 Mlbjed l1li' ..lilt DIO~~ . 01Il1o___..................I11III01...._ BUYER BUYEJrS ATTORNEY o.~,~1f1~ R"luar I Rnrlnlph ....- -,- 631 I 765-1222 I 1IIIlLlNUIlII!II .,.,. NItIIf lAfofllll u..D .... - 1tL.tPHOt<<..." I /' 1 ClTVDR'I'OIIN ITA" ..cocx: SEUER NEW YORK STATE ~Wt1J~ / COpy I "l.ltJ65' Geor~1lI " crry ..,. go" .- ..-- ------