HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12368 P 804 nErl 41J%-~ PI '60 q I 1'~-_3- ~,I T8gt-~s\.II.ru ~~:Hlq:uA."""'d. .........._~ ......~....-hl_...,.,:..-pc*"=L 11.11II ~1tY-' ~cel5lor.lnc.. N'l"C 10013 CONSULT 'l'OUR LAW'I'D IEFeRI SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD II USED 1'1' LAW'I'DS ONL'I' THIS INDENTURE, Rladr on January ,L. 2005 BETWEEN MJ:'1'CBELL E. MENAKER, residing at 77 10012 and NOllNUI MENADR, residing Rockaway, NY 11691. Mercer Street, at 619 Elvira New York, Avenue, NY Far party 01 !be fi.. pan. IDd MJ:TCBELL E. MENAKER, ~es~ding at 77 Mercer Street, 1001.2. New York, NY plrly of .be _d por~ - WITNESSETH, thBl tho plrly of the fi..t port. inQajderltion of Ton 00111.. Ind othor ,"Iuble conliderBlioD poid by the par.y of the second pari. d... here"Y.'ir!~!. ''l.nd rol._ unlo .he parly of the second port, tbe hei" or oucceolO.. lad ...il"o of the pari)' of the -;r~loret'or. ALL .hl' corllin plot. pi';" or porcel of Iln~S tht huilclin"" and impm..men.. .horeon oreeled. ,ilul'o. Iyinp and ~" in the' , f.{!(~1 Town of Southold, Co~nty or SUftOlk~S::f Slale of New York, k."1cwn and designated as the easterly part of lota~122/;.O/).24'~~qClusivc on a certain cap entitled, "Amended Map A of Nassau PoinL" and~fr!~d ~~ ~h. 9ffice of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on /lugust l6, 1922 as Map,!jO~'l56,,\bOunded, and described as followa: "\\\ "\\,"\\ I BEGINNING at a point on th~X~S;!!f~Y\'~~dc of Nassau Point Road where the sa:ne Is intersected by the d1vi.ion line between,loLs 124 and 125 on said map. RUNNiNG THENCE along said diVl\~n\}}~:outh 89" 07' 20' West 206.1 feet: ~\ \1\\"' 'i ,U:Nt;TG 'rHEf'CE southerly 93.9 feet ,'0,0 toe divbion line between lots 123 and 124 or. ss:d. n:ap, at a poi:'.tt cil~t:ilnt 205\;1."4 )feet wests!'ly ~rorr. the westerly side of Nassau ?oi~~ Road, whe~ measured along ~aidiviston line between lots 123 and 12'. on said 11ilp: -'V....,.~ RUNNIG THENCE South 7" 37' 40" East 189.7 feet to the northerly side of Clearwater Lilne: RUNNTNG THENCE easterly along the northerly side of Clearwater Lane 200 feet, ~re or less, LO the easterly end of the curve connecling the northerly ~icm of Clearwat.er Lane with the westerly side or Nassau Point Road; H.li~NING THENCE northerly along the WGsterly aide of Nassau Point Road 230 feet, 11'.o!'c O~ ~CBB. to t~e point or pldce DC BEGINNIKG. S.uid premises being known as 7900 Nassau Point. Road, Cutchogue, New York 1~9J5. B:;: I NG AND INTENDED TO BE the sa:ne prelillses co..'"1veyed to t.he Grantors heroin by deed dated 6/17/83, recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. TO:;I-;I"IIEH ".ith ull rillhL titJr And inlfml!sl. if BIIY. III dll" p.UI~. (If Ihe fin-t .J!!Irl in an.' Il' :In)" ::-treels muJ fnltl!" .banin@ Ihe lIIHl\'e dP.Sll:rihefl prp.n1iIe5 II) Iht: cenlr'f lillf'~ tlactlmf: TOCI:.,.IIER ",.ilh the upvurh:IID.JlI~ anti all lilt" eMalr. arul righltl nf thr. pliny .)f Ihe 6fl1t port in tinct Iv ".id f'rcrni~: TO IIA VI:: ANI> TO HOLll Ih.' p",mi~ herein ,;raoted IIn", Ih.. purly IIf 1I1e !IocC'llml Ilarl. II". ht'ilto lilT !IICf."'~>>nN allll Ulivip'lII' ue Ihl~ IJar1r flf ,hi: l'r.,'c.IUfI plrl (crre\"l:r. AND th.~ 'Iorty Itf the fir~ ,Iart "'uven.lIl~ Ihollhe I.art). 'If lilt" fint JUlrt '18. nOI tlnne IIr !ufl'..n.-n an}'lhin~ whtH'eh~. lhe wid ...relni~ hove heen encumher~1 in an~' "'a~. whalenr. t"xcepl. or. nforev.aid. J\NIJ rh" pan~' nf Ihe fihll p.rt, in ('nml'lilmc:c ....ith S~inll 13 fir Itwo U'm I.a..... t.'CI\'I'lIanl# thallhc:' ~II). tlf th,' final part will ref:eive thi: ':f'tn'ltlrratjun rnr thi" f:on~t')'anr.e allll ...iII hnltllhe ri@:hl III recei\.,~ 3Iouf,.h cc.uwicleratiun u a tru~l lund to be applied fir$l f,)r lhe purpc.l5c uf IUlyill! the l..~1 t.r thl" irnprU\"eDuml and will app)- lhc same finft tu the Jl8)"mrnt uE ItHo ':011 (If the imprm.rlJ1f:lIl before uaing IIn~. ,Ilrl flf Iht~ Inial 01 thl~ ,.allM' fur an~. utht'r purpclIC. The wnrtl "ll8fly" ,h_1I he c'cmlll:rueclllfll if it read "parliP.f.'. W'henl'\'er..h~ !U:nlle nf Ihi.. intlenlure 10 R.'CJuirelo, IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, lho par'r "f Ih. fi~' pori .. d"l~ ....,."'..,II~i. ,I....d th.. .I.~, a"o ,'.ar firs. .hm'" wnUell. . ,LP . INI.......N"..lfi A- 0_.1 . 4;i VdJ,U..I...J..UA.o.Cl.u::l.. ~.lairc. Cor-dQri) U MITCHELL E. MENAK ~9~JL' ~~ ~~ 'aj-iJ78.......wrl<.,. NORMAN MENAKER ' ACICNCMLE_IN _ YORK ITATE IRPI. ~ SIBle 01 New York, Counly 01 New York u.: On January ,,z, 2005 befem me. Ihe undel5igned. pen;onllly appeared MITCHELL E. MENAKER per.oona1ly kmwn III me or JlI'IM'd 10 me m .... basis or '!IIi"'ac- 101)' evidence 10 be lb. individual(s) wIIOIIO IIIIII1O(s, is lon:l ...bN:ribed 10 .... wilbin insllUmrm and a:knowJedsed 10 me 1hal helsho'lhey execuled lbe lI8IIIO in hillhaflheir cllpllCity(ies). and lb. by hWhen'dlrir siJl'llftlm.) 011 .... inslrwtIent. die indi- viclua!(s). or .... pmon UpaI behalf of which .... individua~s) IICIed. ....uled .... illS\JUment. KIT WAN QWJ . ~ tJ ""- Clv...- N-, ~~~rl~..::t'!I., :ojiodi.iJ.., rut.,. ...bw...w:..,...l 0uaItIIed In Naw:ftlrlc ~ ~_ ColI........ &pInI8Ju1V311JU:"DS ~OlmIII&_YOIIIIITATE(RPL_ S_ of Coumy of ss,: On penoonally lIpIlO~ l:lef"", me. .... undel5igned. pcrionally known In me or proved 10 me ... rho basis of sari... flldory evidrnc:e 10 betbe individualls) whose IIIIIIO(s) is (are) subacribed 10 Ibe wilbin inSllUmcnl and lICknowlodpd 10 me rhal he/sbel1hey 0JIeCII1ed Ibe lIlIII1e in hiilhelfrhoir cllpllCity(ies). and rhal by hislbrrllhrir sigllllwels) mlbe instnlll1Oll~ Ibe indi- viduaJ(s" or Ihr pc'""" upal behalf or which Ibe individua~.) acled. ellOCUled rho iDSllUmcn~ and rhal'such individual madl: such Ippelll'llJ1Ce before the W1der5igned in (11UBf t:ily or pulidrtJl nJ.rJ/ri.GtHl"M MIUI' Dr n,." 4"''''Iwr plant ",."._,. '.....' ...'" InJ.'ftl'I." ~Itd .'./Iicr t.tIw,......11tJkiq acbtrlWlft/pwlll, "rpiD InIl ..., .. 'WftB Co"P'AIIT AIlOAnlJ'l' CaA1I'I'OII'. ACTI TITLE No. Mitchell E. Menaker and Norman Menaker TO Mitchell E. Menaker ACKNDWLEOOIlIENT BY aUBIKf11a1tlQ WlTfEIS(E8l SIBl. 01 County 01 I...: On pel50Dally appeared '-'fore me. Ihr undersigned. lhe subscribing wiUleSllleollo the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainled. who. bei"ll by me duly sworn, did de"".. and Sly Ihal hel./lbey re.ide(s) in W',,,. p/lkY nf ",xi.",,".. ii lit tI ,i'l. i,.rluJr t/w ."IW'" alld Mt'U, .,.""", if.",. Ihnwq~ lbl' helsheJrhey know(., 10 be !he individuaJeK/ described in and whoexeculCd lbe rore- goil1ll illSlJUment: lb8lsaid sub!OCribing wirnesS/esl was (were) present and ..w ...id execute rho same; and WI ...id wilneSS(es) I.lh. '"""" lime subscribed hislherlrheir namels) as a wiroessles) thereto. ' ( 0 ifrullrt,IIIIsiJrlVnr rMll: SlIIIt bumn"""p'.lil;':III..Wtdi.uhlwllIMI! .rn,.",........ .............~..... And Ih8l saicl<ubscribintl wilneIs(es) rrud: such 8Ilpe8l""'" before lhe undersignod in l.li,fflll1'lrN' aflll "l/it.., If ;,wh-iJwlt IId:/IIJlIld;mw/fViNrrlrrtll SECI10N ,I I oJ BLOCK 3 lDl' i. 00 I COUNTY OR TOWN S"..,+h:> 1 cI . RBTURN BY MAIL TO: Zip No. ~ o It :;; II l: III 11 .. !I .! .. I It j .. 't I .. I "So. I' ;0 , . . Stale of New York ) ) 55.: CountyofNcwYork ) On the 7th day of January, 2004 before me. the undersigned. B Nouuy Public in and for said Slate, personallyappean:d NORMAN MENAKER pcrsonaIly known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within inslrUmcnl and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signat~ on the instrument, the individual, or penon upon bchaIf of whid1 the individuil acted. executed the instrument. ..........t.~.7-..~.:f::~.:::=. (Notary Public) My commission expin:s on: (AIr", Nocmy Slamp or Seal) IlARYI. GIlMIAIllT...... NlIlIIS'.............oI_.w~ Mo._I. QIIIIIod" _'/bIIlCllunllr CloDlh' . ......I'eIIIIIarJs,.. &.""-' G:2 J Number of (lilies TORRENS v RECORDED 2005 Jan 31 09,24: 44 RII Edward P.Rom.ine CLERK Of SUFFOLK COUNTY L 00001236:8 P 804 DTi04-26604 Scrialll Certir_e II Prior Ctf. II Deed I Mortpge InstnJrnenl Deed I Mona.. Tax Swnp FEES Recordinlll Fi1inll Slampl 4 P8ge I Filinll ree Handlinll TP-584 Mortc.. AmI. I. Buic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Tolal !!A-52 17 (County) __._ Sub Total !!A-52 17 (Slale) GRAND TOTAL I\S;l iJ / SpecJAssil Or . Spec. IAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_Dual County_ Held for Apportionment ~ . Transfer Tax ~ ManliOll Tax . 0 The property covered by this mOftll8lle Ls or will be improved by a one or two fam i1y dwelling only. YES orNO_ If NO, lee approprillle laX clau.. on PIlle II ,_of this instrument. R.P.T.S.A. =~= Comm. of Ed, _---.:......1~ Affidavit Certified Copy ReI. Copy Other Sub Toral l Real Property Tax Service AaencY Verification Di5l. Sectlllll B lock Lot j' - 05003ii6S' looiiJ:i'800 0300 008001 I : ~ I " CPF Tax Due '~~ I \~~ 6 Communi Preservation F.: nd Consideration Amount $ S1amp DoIc s Improved Initials 7 SatilraClionslDischargesiili:ie8Ses Liit" Property OWnCri Mailing Add , RECORD '" RETURN TO: Vacant Land /0 Goldf.C!.~b Abru.nd-l- S~I't'Y7"1.,~j(,-,h.;,.., 0'50 FiJ: -I-h A(e'J "S\.li.+e lIDO ne~ '1::>t"t, lie" V.,r/::. I':>I/-l 1D TO 1D 9 Suffolk Coun Till" II ~ Reconlin & Endorsement Pa e -rJ-e.(' cI (SPEaFY 'IYPE OF INS1RUMENf) The patUes herein is silUated in SUFFOlK COUNIY, NEW YORK. In the Towosbip of ~DU+ho I d [n the VlILAGE or HAMLET of A-l-V,. 111".-" E. <;....."'-.,,...-1- E::.'j... 8 Title Company Information ~-r; +1 This page fonns part of the atlal;hed ma!le by: {),;./- c he) I E. nl..nq ke.... II Dr lo"'Y")P II 11"18,'" ~.k'~.... TO n'1; },.. h.. I ~ nlenc k'E'.- BOXES 5lHRU 9 MUST BE nTEDOR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO REOORDING ORFIUNG. Inv..AI , J (,) 0 I / y'-)., '::l' " " i I 111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1111 1111111111111111111111111 I " . r cj ;; , VI) ,~ StJPFOLlC COOHTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0010895 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-26664 Recorded. At. 01/31/2005 09:24.44 11M LIBER: PAGB: 000012368 804 District: 1000 Section: 118.00 BXAMJ:NBD AND $0.00 B10clu 03.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 008.001 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Ex-.pt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.CopieB $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Tranefer tax $0.00 NO Comm.pre. $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER, 04-26664 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRlDIENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.u& or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY Cl. SWI& Code ca. Book PROPERTYINFOR~TION ""_1 7"<:)00 I Loadon Sl,....~" I S;:;:,.;"hoty'e.. z....... 1 H e..,n4...k/l.. N.rne 11l8r......'CtlMN.'IIy 1?-.7, ?,F'!'f' * flI. I ~ Iq,ti .' CU_I ,lr.o,rl '" . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2.~D___ STA11i OF NEW YORK STATI! 1IOARII0f' _ -.nv 8BlV1CU RP - 5217 aNl17 .., .WI N~$~<U.A. IlIlklllMl,. GJ~-t R~ I 1 M'i1c.../'....LL NMT JMMI 1 \ \'BS; ..CCIlI E... IAlTNAMI'/COIIM.W "Tox _whooo'.....T..Bi........_ I HenQ..~il!. ...... if oth... thin buyer'~ f-. boIIom of forml . Addrees WTNQII:/_. nAIY 1 t3:...Cj.~~ .s-h<.~..:t 1 JJ :;;;,'ti.~/:.. &. Indicate the number of ............nt Roll ....11 t,........ on the .... ...r_ H i+c:.hc.(.l r..r....... ~: . I fJ. Y I SIAIIr. 1001;)..1 "'''''''' / I . of Parcels OR 0 Part of . PIrceI 6. =... I - foM)'\lIt+.' .J X I ""'H 10RI 'AtfIHI' 1DnII'. Port... _ ChocIIoollloy_ 4A. PIonninll_ wilh Subdl_ Aulharlly E"JII. D .. SubdMllan Approval __ Floqulrod for Tnlnnr 0 /. "'l.'tl 1 C......,......'..UorS_...hMap.._ D I /-'1; +,- L e...L/ €... "'''~ I 1\101<..1--1 AN """'..... s._ "'m. I .!VJ"u,o..k~~ I AIT "''''''''/COMPA'W I i1~ "....k l2... LAsrNNllL/~""'Y 1. Ch-* 1M box t.iDw whI", mMI .e..r...., ........ the ... of .... pI'ClI*ty ... ttt. '11m. of ..Ir. 13. Full S......... L.... a.t .. ball. blIIaw _ ...., ..-v: ..000000Ip Type fa Concbninlum ~~ ~~~ J~ :=s.rva ,: ::..vCMlt~:::u,::. mltrit1 G Apartment Public; Service ,. auv.r ~ . dildoeurt notict lncfa1ing J I Enlartainmont I AmuIDmI!nt I. Fomt. I!hII m. propDIty 11m an Agri:ullural DiItric:t 1L ChIok one or ..... 01_ _ -. _......... to -.....: SeIe Between RelMlvos ur Formar ~ Bile BeIweon Relatod Companl.. or P.rtrutl'a In Bullneu One of the ~ '-.180. Seller Buyer or Sell..- is Government Agoncy or landing lrwtItution Dwd Type not W.....nay or B'fUll" .xt Sala ISpacify BoIowJ SIIIe of Frec:doneI Oil Ln. IhIn Foe ........ ISpacify Below) SIgnInc.lt CIwngu In PrapMy a.twNn T...bIlt Slltus...d Sale Decu SIM of Bull.... Included in 8M Pric. r Unusual' Faors Afr.ctina Sale Price ISpeclfy BeIowJ _. ~;.(T D D D D A~ Ono Fllmlly RnkianliIIl B 2 or 3 Family R"nU.1 C RuidPtill VHilnt 1.100 D Non-Rftidlnlial VllGllnt lind I SALE INFORMATION l ". ... Contract D... ..- I /'2. I O~ I OIIr v... 12. D_ 01 S.I. I Tr...r.r I I /2... I 05" DlIr YNr ..- t- , "C\, II , II I , , . (Full Salo Price i. the nil. .mount p.ld fur mo proporty Including pMSOnIl property. . This ~ may be In tho Iorm Df UIh, at... proJ*tty or llood1. or.... ~ of mortgagH or ottt. obligM;orw..1 "..... round ro "',.".,r whtJ. tIoIIM Im(IUnt. ...=;::::.::=::.= I , I, n~ II, III ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 0018 ohould roll..."", I..... Final_.n, Rail Ind T.. BIll ,.. =chaf~:'-.~..6...~=fnNn 10, Y I 11. TotaIA-.lVaIue(af..~In...........1 ; I .'1 Lf , ./ 11. PraIMty ca.. Si....l....J2J-U 11. "_1_ _. I Sou+h,.., ILL- 20. Tu Map IdIntiIi..-(.J I RaIl ..ntlflerra) elf..... hn ...... ..... IMIt wIIh -.uaIonII............1 D~;"DO s~ I' i I '&~ 3 L. ~,OOI I CERTIFICATION I I rntlfy .... ... III Ibt limit ollafor ........ IIIIInd 011"" ftrm are .... und 4XIITtCt IIa Iht .... "my knDw.... .... WIeI) .. I, J ~.... dull dlllIIIkIna I"." wilful..... JdIdL...... vi......... lid bm4a. wIII..bJrd 1Dl''' tbllM~.w... oldie -.. ....-an.........w.a_... fIl"" lalCrunnIs. - ff/ /. :2' "I !!.\!m BUYER'S A1'TORNEY Ift,ftA "';/-. <""AtL;>_ AA...... ......\ ~~"":'<;L /. rr~..1 c:. - 1--1 ,~~~~ Z. M<':"",-~e.R.. -:::;--:::;- .J..-1e..e.c.-e.;e ~€/- .:l.1:l. .3'2"'7- "d '-f<::; 2> rIlEETNLMiI.1t UIllU.I uaA waK IA...loI """'COlIC I....~..~ Ne.-.-v'/o1C!.l<.. c;rTY LIt!. low-. INY STAn: 1001.::J.. ...- NEW YORK STATE COPY