HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12394 P 138 '0 ~().; ~ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE 8lGNlNO lHISINSTRUIIENT.1HIS INSTRUIIENT SHOULD lIE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY .. .---. -.---------. ---- 1:21-~-IS,Lt .' Lll~CiY' f I;')~ THIS INDENTURE, made the BETWEEN EUGENE DAVISON and JULIANA DAVISON, ,attituck, New York 11952 ~3("J... day 01 February 2005 residing at 4300 Sound Avenue, party of the first part, 8I1d REVOR DAVISON, residing st NoI Ksnor Lane, Jamesport, New York tt947 and JO DAVISON. rasiding at Route 106, Jericho. New York p&rty of the HCOnd part, WITNESSETH, th8t the party of the flrst part, In COII8iden1l1on of NO CONSIDERATION dollars paid by the party 01 the 68COIId part, does hereby grant end rele8u unlD the party 01 the second part, the heirs or successors slid 88Slgns of the party of the second pert forever, ALL thet certain plot, piece or parcel 01 land, with the iluildings and improvements thereon erected, situete, lying end being In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York SEE, Schedule A Attached Hereto and Attached Her~of. THE Grantors hereby retain a Life Estste in this property. THIS is a correction deed made to correct a mistake in the deed dated July I, 20~ and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, on September 30,' 2004 in Liber 12346 at Page 5t9) WI"" ~ A~c.lI(I"h,;.... W"S ,lot CO"cc/. TOGETHER with ell right, tiDe and interell, II any, of the party 01 the first part in and to any streets and roads abultlng the above described pramilea ID the center lines thereot. TOGETHER with the eppurtenances end ell the estate end righlll of the party of the first pert in end ID SBId premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the HCOnd part, the heirs or 8UCC88SOrS end ..signs 01 the party of the second part forever. . AND the party 01 the first part covenants thlll the p&rty 01 the first part has not done 01 sullerad anything whereby the SBId premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, except 8S aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. In compllence with SectIon 13 of the lien Law, covenanlll th8t the party of the first pelt will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the righllD receive such conliderlllion as e lrulllund to be applied llrel for the purpose of paying the coat of the improvement end wiR apply the same first 10 the payment of the coat of the Improvemenl before uslng eny part 01 the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'plirtyo lhell be.oonalrued as If II reed opllltieso when ever the &8nU of this indenture 60 requires. ". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly axeculad this deed the day and year first 8bov8 wrItIen. IN PRESENCe OF: e. ~ \:')'-V'-' .. _', . EUGE DAVISON . ~UA)f)~ () LlANA DAVISON S/Md.nI N.Y.B.T.U. Fann 11002 . BoIgOln .ncl_IlMd, wIUI CcwenonI 0fIIIn0l G_f. AclI- Unilorm _~......t Fonn 3280 SCHEDULE A BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the southerly side of Sound Avenue at the northwesterly corner of the premises herein described said monument being about 3114+/- feet easterly as measured along the southerly side of Sound A venue from the intersection of the southerly side of Sound A venue and the easterly side of Aldrich Lane; from said monument and point of BEGINNING RUNNING THENCE along the southerly line of Sound Avenue South 72 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 121.20 feet; THENCE South 15 degrees 57 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 314.53 feet; THENCE South 09 degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 32.80 feet; THENCE South 86 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 103.18 feet; , THENCE North 03 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 113 feet' , THENCE North 15 degrees 57 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 275 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. SCTM No. 1000-121.00-03.00-005.004 Town of South old, County of Suffolk, State of New York TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE SIBteofNewYork,Countyof Suffolk u: On 1lteJl.~ d8y of Februuy In the yaar 2005 before me, the undnIgned, personally aPPMf'Bd EUGENE DAVIS ION and JULIANA DAVISON penonally known '" me or proved to me on lhe bUla of 8111h1faclory evidence '" be Iha lndIvidual(a) whoM name(a) la (ara) BUbec:nbed 10 the wIIIln I_ani and IICknovdelfdo.J to me that lleI8httIIhlly executed Iha ..ma In tnIherIIhaIr cepacily(Ie&), and that by hIBlherlthelr algnatUre(a) on lhe Inatrumeni, lhe indlvtdualCa), or lite penon upon behalf of which .he IncIIvIdual(a) _. executed tha lnalrurnent. 2L.,'A'" J~ (algnalunt and olllce of individual taking acknowledgment) NOTARY PUBLIC SlaIa 01 New York, County 01 On tha day of In tha year before ma, the ~ed, ~raonally appeared '. . ." '. . . - .,.. peraonaIly known to me or pRMld '" me on lhe basis 01 l181iafadory evIdance 10 be tha Indlvlclual(a) whoaa name(a) ia Care) lIUIlIaIbed 10 the wtthIn Inllnanant and aclcncM.ledged to ma that hlIIIhaIlhay al1lCUl8d Iha ..ma In hlslherllhelr cepaclty(Jatl). -and.thaI by h.."",.lthair algnatura(e) on the InllrUlIIlIllI, tha nlMdu8J(a), or lhe parIOIl upon bahaIf of which lhe Indlvldual(a) acted. ........Ied the lnsIrumant. IS: . I (aIgnalunt and oIIlca of Individual taldng acknowledgment) EI.AINET. WJ.ANO -... ~ PulIllCl..... of..... ...." No. Q1W1l1 Ii. eIlfaIk 0DuI'AL... r CnmmIlIIIcn Ex;l!!s AuII. .. ,MP TO BE USEIfOHlY WHEN THE ACkNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE SIaIa (or Dilllrict of Columbia, Termory. or Foreign CountJy) of IS: On tha appeared paraonaly known to ma or proved '" me on tha bulB of l181iefBctoly evidence to be the Individulll(a) whoM nama(a) la (are) IUbacltbed to tha within lnalnlment and IICknOwI8dged to me that halahallhay executed lhe uma In h1a1har1tha1r capacIty(_), and that by hIaIharIIhaIr a1glllllura(a) on tha lnallumant, the Indlvldual(a), or lhe penon upon behalf 01 whICh lhe IndIvIduaICa) acted, axBCUled Iha inalrumant. and that such individual mada auch appearance before Iha undanllgned In lhe day of in tha year before me, tha undenlgnad, pal1lOnally in (Inaart the CIty or Diller poIillcel lubdivision) (end InIert Ihe Stile or Country or other pI.Dlllle edmowledgment _ laken) (lignllUre end oIliOI of indlvtdu.lllIking eckmwledgment) Eugene Davinon and Juliana Davison TO Trevor Davison and Amy Jo Davison SECTION 121. BLOCK 3 ~~1NTY OR T&~ ~E~ ADDRESS .' . 1000 Southold .4350; 'Sound Avenue I . . Mattituck. New York 11952 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Tille No. Recorded at Reqll8lll of COMMONWEAL Tli LAND TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY STAfC)MD PORII OF NEW YORK BOMD CIP Tm.I! ................... dlI -by' , o Commonw~tt.!'__.."....... (),IM!l.Inh"WIW.nILANII nllF. hISUKAHn: C:....,.AIft' William C. Goggins. PC P.O. Box 65 Matt1tuc. New York 11952 Il1!8I!ll\/E 1IlI8 SPACE FOIl UR OF RECORDING OFFICI! - .. ... ., Serial 1# RECORDED 2Oll5 J<.n 23 01: 17:04 Pl1 Edward P.Roaaine CLERK OF Sl.FFaJ( COUNTY L DOOOI2394 P 138 (Hi 04-46145 Number of pages TORRENS CenilicUle 1# Prior CII. 1# Deed I Monguge Insuument Deed I Mongage Tax Stamp I'HES Recording / Filing Stamps 3 Grand Total /0C)~ Mortgage Amt. \. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Thtal SpccJAssil. or Spec.IAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for AppointllJPlt=-> J _ TransferTax '-=_~ Mansion l'olX Tbe propeny covered by Ibis mongage is or will be improved by a one or IWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appnlJlriale tax clause on page 1# of Ibis instrument. Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5. 00 Notution EA-52 17 (Countyl EA-5217 (State) Sub TOlal R.P.T.S.A. 00m Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Cenified Copy NYS SurchW'llc Other 15. ...QQ.... Sub lbtal 4 Di51.1000 Section 121 Block 03 Lot 005.004 5 eo_llllity PreHrvatioD Fauci Real Propeny Tax Service Agency VerifiClllion 1000 12100 0300 005004 Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacanl Land ~ 6 SalisfactionslDischarges/Release.< List Prupcny Ownen; Mailing Address RECORD" RETURN TO: TO //) William C. Goggios,PC P.O. Box 65 Mattituck. New York 11952 TO TO 7 Title Com D Information Co. Name TItle 1# 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of the attached Correction Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENl1 made by: Eugene Davison and Juliana Davison The premises bercin is situated in SUl-l'OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO Trevor Daviaon and Amy Jo Daviaon In the Townsbip of In lhe VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Southold Mattituck. (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUP FOLK COON'rY CLERK RECORDS OP'PICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrwnent. CORRBCTION/DEED/DCO Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number : 05-0066380 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-46145 Recorded: At. 06/23/2005 01.17:04 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012394 138 District. 1000 Section. 121. 00 1l!YlUCINBD AND $0.00 Block. 03.00 CEARGED AS Lot: 005.004 I'OLLOWS Deed Jb:Icunt: Received the l'o1.1owing I'ees I'or Above :Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/I'iling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHa $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.50 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm. P.res $0.00 NO I'ees Paid $152.50 TRANSFER TAX NOMBBRI 04-46145 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRtlMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine COUDty Clerk. Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. aWlS Code ,. STA1IE Of NEW YORIl STA1IE 80ARD Of R9L PIlClPERn IERVlCEB RP - 5217 aNQl1lbt JWI PROPERlY INFORMA1lON '.-L 43>0 Loutillln STRUT ItUMIPl Southold Sou:ul Avenue .'-' 1111U'..... Davison Mattituck ...... Trevor I'NTMM! 119>2 2. ..... Nome L QTY 011 TCMN L McaaIi LAlIT......,~ L Davison l.AIT~ IaM"MY NAY Jo -- I. TM ~""b1nTIIX.....lDbeMnl _g ,,__.....__111_.._1 -- LAST MUll , c:cJIlIPAN'I .... -- L ITMITNUMllfllNlD5lllHfNM& alYCIIIUMN .,.... ..- ..~I .. F.....nrr Ixl ..... 10111 .~, .qg I lOnIy.........__.......1y: ..._..__SuIldI_n_E.- 0 48.llollld'__-_...T_ 0 C.__"'__Mao_ 0 4.1ndiute the ~oI ~ RoD...... ..........4 Oft......... 1 I 'of PanleII OR 0 P,rI of. Parcel '" ..... No... L Davison Eugene .....rNlllllleoll'Nft' ...T..... Davison LMT.....,CiCM'llUitV Juliana -- 12. Date 01 ~ I Yr.....r ...... I .., I y,", 02 I ..'23 I 05 ...... ... y- -.... - -...... apply: L 0wnerIhIp Type II Condomlrium I ~ Community SeMee .. __ ConItrucdon on V-.nt lMd J _1aI 'llIl_....._..AI_D_ Ii: __ ,,,_____,_ L _ 1hot..._"In.._lIllllllrlcl 11. CI-* _ .. ............ ..........._ u .......... to ........-: A &lie hIweIn .......... or Fornw' ~ B s.1e a.cw.n RetMed CamPlnl. Of P.rtners In lll...-lneu C 0,. at dID Buvws illIIIo . ....... D luyer or SIller ia GoIMmn..r. Agoncy 01 Lending InMiMian E o..t Type not Win_tv or &.pin .nd SIIlt ($peaty Below. /' Solo.. _ 01"........ Fee lnl....lSpocIly -.., (l S1gnllico.. Chango In _ _ T...bIa __ _ Salo DaIoo H SaloolS_Io_'n&olo...... I Olhoo- U...- F.-. -Ina Sola ...... 'SpaoIly Solow) I - (b<<etbI-~ o o o o J_ CtIMlI: die box below which m'" -netv ........ the _ at the property M..... time eI MIe: A~ One ,.mll. R_ B 2 or 3 F...., ......lLIl C ReIIdM1till V-=anr Lend D Non-_I_ Lind lSALf INFORMATION I. tt. .... Cofttr_ Dele E~AlricullU'" /' ConI_I (l .....,...., H Enltrtlinment I AmuumeN 11. Full .... .... , . .0,0 I , , e IFull 6IIe PriDe ia 1M IIOIaI emounI prIid far the proparty IncIulIng pefIGMI PI'Gl*tY. TbII peyINIlI ...., be In lhe fDrm of..... ather praperty or..... or.... -.mpIion of mortglgel or 0IbIr ~.I ",.... round 10 m. ,...,. wIIoM """. M'MJUftL 0eer1 ,.._.................1 I ,0.0 I ........, ......... III ... .. . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Diot. .hould _ the II.... Fln.1 A._..,... Roll .nII T.. 81n ,,,,Y_of.- ..--....., O. 4It7.T...._v...1aI.._.._1 whIdI L.4.. lout.... , ; , II. ......... C1_ I?" n I-U ,........,j _ Nome I Ma....... hlro"'_(!n..rohngn"" ... T..__'..._C......_......_____I 1000 121 I J 5.4 l CERTIFICATION I I....." _ .. III.... ...... III..... -~ _ ..1bIo r.r. .. _.... -' 'Ill Il1o .... III..,................. _.... I ............ .....Il1o....... 111_ _ __ 111_........ d1........ _ III 1M _......._ III'" . low _ Ill..................... 111"""__ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY --1~ Q ........._llN Trevor Davison Goggins ...- Wiliam C. -.- NO' ~.- Manor Lane *"-" ~W1I!JI"""1 631 -- 298-4200 ~--" Jamesport NY 11947 COY"__ IT... ..- ~~L..--'_ -- Eugene Davison z)n IDr NEW YORK STATE COpy SEL1.ER ....