HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12466 P 905 - '. . L' I) Li & ~ f. cfOZ; . . . . 12.1-~-2 . . . BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR (INDIVIDUAL) STATUTORY FORM C THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING INSTRUMENT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD. WE RECOMMEND ALL PARTIES TO THE INSTRUMENT CONSULT AN ATTORNEY BEFORE SIGNING. THIS INDENTURE. made the 7" day of November 200S. between Jean-Marie Trampel and Jolm Gregory Morris, of 68 Chestnut St, Closter, New Jersey 07624. pany of the first part, and Jean-Marie Trampel. of 68 Chestnut St.. Closter. New Jersey 07624, pany of the second pan: WITNESSETH, that the pany of the first pan, in consideration often dollars and other good and valuable consideration. lawful money oflhe United States. paid by the party of the second pan, docs hereby grant and release UDto the pany of !he second pan. the hein or sua:essors and lISIigns forever. all that certain plot. piece or parcel of 1and, with the buildings aud improvements thereon ClI'CC:\ed, situate. lying and being at Laurel. Town ofSouthhold, County ofSulTolk and !he StateofNcw Yorlt, known and designated as and by tile Lot No. 46 Qn a certain map entitled "Map of Laurel Park" in the Town of . SOuthhOld, ColUlty of Suffolk and State of New Y Orlc, Daniel R. Young. P.R and L.S., Riverbcad,' New York, August 17, 1925, filed in tile Office ofiheClcrk of the County of Suffolk on October'S, 1925 under Map 212.; SubjCClto all covenants. easements and restrictions of record, if any. affecting said premises; Being and hereby intending to convey the same premises as eonveyed to the parties of the first part by Deed dated April S. 2002, and recorded in !he Suffolk County Clerks Office on April 26. 2002, in LiberIReel12182 at page 676; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of tile party of the first pan in and to said premises: TO HAYE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns forever. And the party of the fil1t part covenants that he has not done Dr NYSRA's1laidallia1 Real_ Fonl\l (O/OlJ, 02005 101_ _I< C...' IllCmbcr.rl1u: Lc.dN..is GnMlp. ". ., suffered anything whereby the said prcmiscs havc been encumbered in any way whatc:vcr. IN WITNESS WHERJ::OF. the party of the fust part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above wrinen. ~~~ /It ", II~ ~Of: . .......... o..i2::."sc. Acknowledgment by a Person Outside New York State (RPL fi 309-b) STATE OF NEW JERSEY I ) 55,; ) COUNTY OF BERGEN On the 7th day of Novembcr, 2005. before me, the undersigned, persOllally appc:mcd Jean-Marie Trampel personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of SlIlisfactory cvidence 10 be the individual(s) whose s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged 10 me that they executed the sa . their capacity(iesl. and that by their signature(s) Qn the instrument, the individual(s), or n upon behalfofwhich the individual(s) acted. executed the iDstrument. (si IJ r ividual taking acknowledgment) ~-r)l, rZ (J~ ~{W -:fre-;cy' wlcdgmcnt by a Person Outside New York Stale (RPf. fi 309-b) STATE OF NEW JERSEY ) ) 55.: ) COUNTY OF BERGEN On the 7th day of November. 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appc:mcd John Gregory Morris personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose namc(s) is (are) subscribed 10 the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they CXCCUlOO the samc in their capacity(ics), and thai by their signawn(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted. executed the instrument. '" (gill and bffi~ taking A IlIIsIy 1'ulIIII:" .... JsnIr ., C ' .... EIpirss ........14, IlllI8 wledgment) NYS8A~ Reo;denaiol Ro:oJ EIlaIc FoI1llll t'llOUl -2- Cl200S MaIWw _It Co"......ber orlhc Loois."I..;, G<ovp. . . Deed Tltlf!Nn. Jean-Marie Trampel and Gregory Morris To Jean-Marie Trampel . Secti!,D 127.00 Bloek 08.00 Lot 002.000 John County or Town Town of Laurel, County of Suffolk Street Address 1000 Oakwood Drive Southhold, New York Return Bv Mail To: Adam Kelly. Esq. Law Offices of Adam Kelly I S Main St., Suite 310 Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 Reserve Tbls SDace For Use or RecordlDl! Office NYSBA~ Ibidcnlill Ro:aI Eswc: Fomu (91001 02005 Maahow _or" Co" _ 01... latoN..;. Ornup. ". ." \ .... ". Nilmber of puges TORRENS RECOii:DED 2006 Rug 30 12:31: 13 PM Judi th R. Pas-cale CLERK OF SUFFOLK CUUHT'I L 000012466 P905 OTi 06-;)3699 Serial # Ccnificllle # . Prior Clf. # Deed I Mortgage Insuumcnt Deed I Mongage Tax Stamp Recording I Filing Stamps 3 fiEES Page I Filing Fcc Handling 1)-- EA-52 17 ICouDly) EA.52 17 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. .6 ,5'_ r_ Sub Total ;;;17 Mongage AmI. I. BIL_ie Tal< 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec/Assi!. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County Held for Appointment Tmnsli:r Tal< ~ Mansion Tal< The propcny covered by lhis mongagc is or will be impRlvcd by a one: or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appmpria\c lal< clause on -if page # ofthis ins menl. .1-0 5. 00 TP-584 ,~- NOlation Comm. of Ed. 5. (Xl Affidavit ccniiicd.copy NYS ~urc:harge Other 15. 00 Sub TOIal /.,).s- /5&- Grund TOIllI 4 Dist. Section Block Lot 5 Co_uaily PreaerYatioD FuDcl Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 06005909 1000 12700 0800 002000 'pT S (R SMI A \to-AU --- Consideration Amount $ o o CPF Tax Due S 6 Satisfaclionl'lDischarges/RcIca..cs List Propeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD &. RETURN TO: The Law Offices of Adam Kelly 15 Main St., Suite 303 Hackensack, NJ 07601 " Improved / / Vacant Land TD TO v TD 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name Title # 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page form.. pan of the awu:hed Dargain ~8d ~\\ ~E:a; t. PECI P INSTRUMENT) made by: John Morris & Jean-Marie Trampll1le premises herein is situated in SUI'I'OLK COUNTY. NI;.W YORK. In the Town.ohip of l.a,lIcel In lhe VILLAGE or HAMLET of Southhold BoXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR HUNG. TO JeaR Ha:rie TraRlpel \ (over) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of instrument: DEEDS/ODD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 06-0084715 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-03699 Recorded: At: 08/30/2006 12:31:13 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012466 90S District: 1000 Section: 127.00 RyamnD AND $0.00 Block: 08.00 CHARGBD AS Lot: . 002.000 POLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- CT'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-03699 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County v y, (,. 6 e. g, .9, C2. Il8Ia Dud R..-cI I' t / <; tUJ (p I MDnIh ElIy v.,,,,.., C3. _k ~ L.(. /0, (pJ C4. ""II" 1 I/, f), J. , PROPE~TVINFOR~nON REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE IIOAIID OF REAL PROnIlTY _VICES RP'.5217 Rr-D111tn'''''" ,. == 1 1.sJl.o..-. I Oakwood dr. llIIIUT_ Z.lIuyer NIl... 'l!i'm.Jil f la u r e 1 1'~~ ~hhold _aD la~MJ:I~ip. L LAliTIilMl'f/CCIIIIP'M1Y FlMThAII'! 3. T.. IndaIe whirl lulu", T.. sw.... to be... ..... 1'___-Io.-oflonnll -- LMT~JCCIItII"IoN'l" l_T NAMI ITJlI:I.r NUMIIfII AND IIJIIHT NAY! ClT'l'0II1QWN "AII ZPCCXICi "~I - HlaNTFUT Ixl 0UIll lOR I .~. . IDrdyI_",.._a-k__"""" ... PIon,,;ng _ _ _ AudooriIy ExiIII 0 ... _ ApjIrovol_ _bod ror_ 0 C.......~fat_n_Map_ 0 4.""''' the ......... 01 ...........,.." ___on'M_ 10.0." D " "_" U 'oIhrcall OR Plrta..p.n:eI ..- - L Morris ....r.....'toIIPANw' John G. FlUT NAIl[ L .....lliIMIEtCQllPANY -.- A~Dnof__lIoI 8 2' or :I F.mlly Reaidenaial C -.. v..... LMcI o NOII-Rllidlnliat V.canlllnd l SALE.IN~MATION I 11. .... CoaIrMt o.a. E ~ Agd...l.ur.1 i ~ Communlty_ F CommorcLll J Indu.wLlI G Aptrlrnent K PUbrlC Service II Enlartllnrnllntl AmUMmonl L ForaII -.... _ _ _.hoy.ppIw: .. awn..ttip Type Ia Condominium I. Now CanIIruc:tion on VecaM lAnd 1OA. Property LocIIDd whbIn In Agricultural DiIUk:t -8uyor_._-- IhIt Iht propMtV II In an AgriGuIwtAl 0IIIrIct o o o o 7. Ch_ thI ball IMIow wfllcII mal' KC......' dele..... the .... at the proparty 8t th. tI~ at ....: 12. Date 01 ....., Tr.... 11 I - nlJ .... I ?nn~ V_ 11.. ChIcII_ or.... 01 u....DCI- ~a . _.......... to""""'-: s.a. a.w-n fWItI..... or Former ReIatIwI S8Ie 8eIwHn RelIIIad Campluti.. or Part,.,.a In BuIi.... One 01 tho Iluyoro .. _ . _ Buvor or SolIe, II Gavornment Agency or Lending InIClIutlon Dood Typo _ Won-onty or 1Io"",ln ond _ ISpocIIy _ &.Ie 01 Fractional or Lea Ihan Fea Inl8nlM CSI*IfY BekNl) Signl..... ChIo1go.. __ -. T...bIo _.nd _ 001, Sale of BUll...... ..Included In SM Prlel ClIhor Lh1uouoI ....... _. So.. """" ISpoeiIy Solow! J _ Transfer pursuant to Property Settlement Agreement 11/ ...... 07/ 200$ DIy ..,.., '1.......1._ - I , ., 00.0 I I I . O=ull Se" Price Is the total amount paid for U. Pf'O!*tY Including ...... property. Thlo poymont_ bo In... form 01 cooh. _ _ at goodo, or.... _million of mol1glgM or other~) Pfe3I TOUIId to 1M,..,."'" doIW.moum. ,..-....-"'- I .0.0,01 __In........ . ASSESSMENT IN~MAlION - D'l.Ilhould reIIOCI 1M 1_ An.i_mont Rail .nd To BiI' ,.. .. of --- 1_1& RaIIlrom I 0 wIIIIh ...... 11o-t tIbn . ; ~_~__ L-~ A1:JJ.j"Ue:. t:: I 11. T_ __ V"". 101 .......-. _,I , ; &-- :to. T.. __oI/RoO_ ur..-.............................. __ _101' Lot 46 on certain map entitled I Liber/Reel 12182 at P2. 76 "Map of Laurel Park" . . I ieetlsft 127.QQ e19Bk ng.QQ Let QQ2.0QQ I CERTIFICAlION I I m1II'y .... d "'.... _ '" 101......... .- OD liiio ronn on I........ _1101hr ..... viIII)' .......... ....1Iolioll..s I _ .... Ihr........ "'..y ..1IIlUI__ vI_Ilod........................... .....t_"'.............. _.................. ..."'................... !!l!E!! BUYEII'8 ATTORNEY r~-2i~~ ~!o6 NlloTv. Dol. I ({ ds''1fJl ~~I cmr OR 1tIWN a TA" ~rt.L{ . I J\(D~ {;;\ I 4~l-1t{1q: NIL\ CODe T!LDHONl M.IIIIIP t>7(}, f ..- "m!&!! t:---.-. . . -Ilk. Ji fJ4..c . .....'l\JII . '. ~ . ,. .....; '. .1 .dJ~ I;' Df'1. ,. NEW YORK STATE 'COPY