HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12431 P 995 _..1.1.:..... . L I 2L) ';i ' 1.', . I l)l)"r .. Till Map o..ipolioll DilL 1000 Sec. 127.00 Bit. 09.00 Lal(1) 028.000 j"'"i7J!_ )0 ^ ^ D ,& NY1I05 -1Ivpin Illd Sale Dee4willl c~...... Gnnlor'I ACII Illdlyidual orColpCl<llian (s..,1e S_) (HYDro 8002) ; . C()IIISUI.T YOUR LAWYER BEroRE SIGNING THIS INSTIlllMENT - nus INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE lISEn BY LAWYERS ()IIILY Tms INDENTURE, made the 'I tJ day of >1~ ,in the year 2005 BETWEEN RAYMOND BROGAH residinq at 9 Warner Road, BUlpton Bays, II~, ,Y9,J;'k, ~19.~ . and CAlI,OLYII BROGAH, res14inq at, 47 T~tliy 'Lane, JamespOrt, New'York 11947, , '. party of tile first pan, and CAROLYII DIRBSTA, f/k/a CAROLYII BROGAli, residinq at 47 'l'imothy Lane, Jamesport, New York 11947. ',' ~. ~ . .t. '~. , . . .. . , . ......h. .' ,'.'. party of the second part, ' WITNESSETH, that the party of the 'first pan, in consideration ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second pan, does hereby grant and release unto the par\)' of the second pan, the heirs or successors and lSSigns of the party of the SCC!Ind pan forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or partel oflam(with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate,lying and being in the .. , , SEE' 'SCBBDULB A A"l'TACBBD ,," I .' , . , J:.. TOGETHER with all right, tide arid ioterest, ,if lilY, of the party of the first part of, io and to any IltR:eIs and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines theg:of; TOGETHER with the appunenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in IIId to saii! premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 'the premises herein grantee! unto the P.a!1Y.ofthe second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND ~ party of the first part COVClllllltS thai the party of the first part bas not done or suffered lIIytbiog wbenlby the said pmnises have been incumbered ia any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first pan, io complillic:c with Seetion 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideratioa for this conveylllce and will hold the righl to receive suc:h coasideration as a trust fiuld to be applied first for the purpose of payiog the cost of the improvement IIId will apply the same fiist to the payment of ~ COlI of the improvement before using aay part of the total of the same for any other pwpose. , The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" wblllleVer the IICIISC oflhis iodenture so n:quires. . ., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party ortbe first part bas duly executed this deed tbe day aad 'year fusl above written. IN ._a: or: ~~ ~~~ ~\.- CAIlDL DIRBS'l'A , f/k/a CAROLYII BROGAN ..:..- ~ :. SCHEDUL.E A ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot 28 on a certain map entitled. "Map of Golden View Estates", and filed in the Offiee of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 8/30/1984 as Map No. 7770. BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Woodside Lane where same is intersected by the southerly end of a curve, which curve connects the northwc:sterly side.of Woodside Lane and the southwesterly side of White Eagle Drive; . -. . . . . , . RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning South 57 degrees 26 minutes 18 seconds west 151.43 feet:; feet; RUNNING THENCE; North 32 degrees 33 minutes 42 seconds west 227.01 RUNNING THENCE North 63 degrees 27 minutes 58 seconds east 196.81 fect to the southwesterly side of White Eagle Drive; RUNN ING THENCE along the southwesterly side of White Eagle Drive South 26 degr(~s 32 minutes 02 seconds east 185.00 feet to the northerly end of the curve first above mentioned; RUNNING THENCE southerly along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 25.00 feet and a length of 36.64 feet to ~he southwesterly side of WoOdside Lane, the point or place of BEGINNING. ' BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office ofthe Clerk of Suffolk County on April 12, 1999, in Liber 11956 at Page 735. ," Said premises also known as District I 000, Section 127.00, Block 09.00, Lot 028.000, as shown on the Suffolk County Land and Tax Map with a street address of White Eagle Drive, Laurel, New York. . " ".::: ~... "j' UIIl~___NawJtJa:sur.QwUl s- DINe. Yartl, c.., of SOPFOLK ~ . Ode 21,;., of AvG\J 6, beIn me, die 1IIIIIeni8Illd.1llIIllIIIIlY__ RAYJ10lm BROl;O , pcIIInOy a-a ID 11II cr JlRMd ID IIIll III die '-IiI of -' a I i evideo.c.. ID be die DIMduII(.)..... mme(.) is (..) ..ab...ib.d ID die wtiI~IIIlI~lDme"~-.-IdIe _ill ~ lIIlI..by . . 1ipIIun(')C11 die a....""" die . cr die bcbIII' of'libicb tbe ...~.).... _owl lbe }II.: inlbe)Wl' 2005 IlOIfNA IrAN IIOTARY PUBUC, Slale 01 New lln No.OliUAS11258 DuIIned ill Sullo" Cqpdy I' - Term EJpires Sept I L.3.lLt.1o . ~""_UlrrWillllNNErra.SI:4D'Q\u {NrN r.... rr L ..lbI.,. IJ'bar "........,......., c.../p.-J Stale orNnr Yod, Conly of } a.: ,. 0Il1he day of in lhe yeu bef'ore me, Ihe IIIIdcnIpcI, pcnonally Ippemd . lhel1lblcribiDs wi_tothe fonaoina inI1Iumeat, with whom lam penoIII1Iy III:lJIIA""",,\ who, being by me duly lIWOm, did depose IIlld Ia)' tbu belsheltbey -clcC.) in fi/.p/tJfto/..u-...uluciJy.lItI:IutI.ll...llW1t111t1____./f ....,.. I~ thIII helllheItbey Imow(.) to be lhe iDdiviclua1 dac:ribed in sod who executed Ihe fon:golns ~; tbu aid IObocrlbinl wimen wu pn:sent sod _ said CXCIClIlll!be same; IIlld Ihat _d wimas II the lIII1Ie time IUbscn"bed hiJIhedtbeir IIIIIIC(.) II I wi1neu Ihereto. --- . .." .... .,~. , .- .-::-;:.... BARGAII'I 01: SALE DEED WI'tII C'D'I!NANTS hGAINII'OUNTOI.'S ACTS Trn.B No. RAYMOND BROGAlII and CAROLYI'I BROGAlII TO CAROLYI'I DIRBS'l'A f/k/a CAROLYI'I BROGAlII FIDELITY NATIONAL 'nTLE INSURANCE __ COMPANY OF NEW YORK __1m ~~, """FIM/Jty~ ~,."......,... rw. ,tu ., . f' .r...:..:';- . rI" :"""t. .'. . . . ,1' i 2 i o u I' ... 10 . III I=>> I~ w ~ !!l ~ '. ~ . ~ .:" ,4 "..... '. !":':.. . UIIl~ ---_NIlwl'bU8IlcmGN&&' SImlfNe.Yartl,c.am,If SOPFOLK' }.. 0Il1be (~o( >f~ or'l....... iadle)Wl' 2005 beIn me. die lIIIlIIniiIIBI......... .d CAROLYR' m-RBS'l'A- . plIIlIIIIIIy 1aIawn to me cr JlRMd to 11II 1II1be '-IiI If " R , 3 CIIa- ID be die iudi.....I) .....1IIIIIlI{I) is (..) -~ ID die wil1iII DInIIna 1IIlI..:l.~ to 11II" ~. . Idle - ill ~.~..), lIIlI..by............liarIIIIn(I)lII die ;........... the 1IIIiviIIIII(.), cr die palClllIJllIII bI!IIIf' of' 'Iibicb tbe inlIivWII(.).... _A ....1 die dbull'lld. - :.~~ "11 NalIIY NIcr..... .....- ltaAIIGII. 81M ClIII!I'r..-- Co.,..' . .....UIIlIIM. --- AaMP.IIP_""_Ulrr~Nl!Wa._Q\u " (OtIIofSlalu"F~G.wroI~.....~ . ."~...... a............".................. IlL: ~I'_-......c-,..-",..I(-'''l ""J ~~ ~of m~~ before me, Ihe undersianecJ, peIIOIIIIly Ippemd . pcnonaIIy known 10 me 01' JlI'D'ICd to me 011 Ihe bail of atiI&croJy evideD&:e 10 be Ihe indiYidull(.) whose 1IIIIIIl(1) is (_) IUbocribed to !be widria iaslrument 1IIlI1CknowJed&ed to me tbu bellbeItbey executed lhe ~in hillheiftbeir ClpllCity(ieII), 1hIl by hillherltbeir siplun:(1) on tbe iDlll...lwd, tbe iDdiYidull1(.), or !be peaon IIpOIl behllf'ofwhieh the indiYidul1(l) octed,eucuted~inIIrvmeaI,lIlld tblllIICb indiYidUlI awIe lOCh "PI-"kwa before lhe uncIcni&ned intbe {/tIS'" 1M dq Of' 01_ poIlllml ~ IIIId du! 8m.. ",. -177 01" 01_ pI_1Iw lICtnow/"'a-n, _ '*"1. ., '. .; . ."_...: ... ... ;--."..' ...,: .... .~!,:.. t:.&,. - -. DIsnucT 1000 SIlCI'ION 127.. 00 BLOCK 09.00 1m 028.. 000 COUNTY OR TOWN SOPFOLK/LAURBL IIECORDED AT 1lEQlJ1iSl'0F FIdeI1Iy Nadollll11tle I_nace Compuy orNe. York REn.mN.r.ItAII. ro P'OS'l"BR Ii VARDElmORGB r LLP (- ;~4 IION'l'AUK HIGHWAY lIESTBAIIP'l'ON r REIf YORK 11977 I"':l.' . ...... . .- 1 Nlllnh~r of !,lIges RE'_~~ . . TORRENS . i.oob J~. :3..~I:~:r4~' ...'i:' ..:': . . . . . ......: . ,"...~ _(......I-..;~.:,.:......;.~..~! .~.....::,.:.,.:. /". . \......,!.. ,:,'.~!..'<lJ' '~':'-: .: ~. Selllllll J.. ............ 0111 ~1:"_...........,..."v..~.A ,\;..". .:.~,.'....~..II .', :..~...~ 'ioC!.;~.OF....' '''~.". .:.,1 'j" r.r 'I,., k ,t" . ..,'., 'l" . t. " . .... .'.... ~I" \~IS' ;~ : ':\I ~ .:.~..fll"',.. ;'\:\"f~ ;.......~.'i:. .'~' :,:' "/0"::: ~ "r'i~' ~I.l;~;["F)U~~.1..0'.';"1":'~':I".'J..."I/" II:". ':-'!;:. . "",1":"II~"'~:-.",: <..::....:. '"', '.,a\.,_..;", ';.-', oI.t"":"j."~r ~"'~"": .;...;..t....:t..:.;9:,; :1.'P:\;:':..':p:t;l..:,I~~. I ..'<\,: UNIT~. ," . ~~~,".GC'1ifi:CO[l~.1#'''::~' .......-...'i:!.....:r: ,,"," .,-:-..:.~. /..~:'JII._:... . ~'. ':. .... .., . '. ' l:"NIJ012431, . .. d. ... tl',' .t..." :.. '., 0 995 .. . - ~ Priur Clf. 1/ ' )T# G5-24367 i Deed. MO'1gage Inslrum~nl Deed I Mortgllge TlIx SiamI' JJ FEES ~- P;lge I filing Fcc Ilmulling j lKL 5' TP-5ll-l NOllllioll EA.5217 (Cullllty) ./ .:> ,~~ ~- .60. ~ J.1 Suh.Tlllal I:iA-5::! 17 lSlllle) R.I~T.S.A. . Comm. uf Ed. 5. .!!!L Aflidllvil Ccrlilied Copy I B-1) ;}~1r eft Reg. C"py Suh TOI8I IS' Grdlld TOllII Olher 1000 4 Districl Rc;11 I>rol'erty Tax S~r\'ice Agenl'y V"rilicalioll 127.00 ScI:lion 0900 Olock ~8.000 O~194 1000 12700 0900 028000 .~ P T S IReMC A ~-NOV.(l 6 SalisfllclionlJ)ischarg~s1ReICllse Lisll'n'perty OwnClS MlIiling Address ICECORn & RETURN TO: fOSTER & VANDENBURGH, UP 4 Monfauk Highway Weslhamptan. NY .11977 Tel (631) 288-5550 7 ... Co. NlIllle Tille II - Recording 11'iling SlIImps '- Morlgage Amt. I. Busic Tax 2. Addilionlll Tux Suh TOlal Spec. I Assil. Olr Spec. I Add. 'roT. M,.o. TAX Dual Town _ DUlIl CouJ}ly _ Ileld lilr^I'POilll~ Trllnsfer Tax . Mansion Tax The property COy~red by Ihis motgog~ is or will be improved by n on~ or IWO family dwelling only, YES or NO If NO, see: lIppropriate lax elllu~ on puge #. _ of Ihis inslrument. .- I/o l{ - rJj 5 reservatlun Fund , CPFTax Due $ $ r ml'n)V~d Vacllnll.lInd TO TL> TO Tille Cumpany Infonnution ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page fnrms (Klrt of the lIlIao:ho:d Deed (SI'ECII7Y TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) mmlcby: Raymond Br'ogan and Carolyn Br,ogan '111e premisis hc:n:in is silualcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO Carolyn Diresta III the 'nl\vnship of Southold Inlhe VILLAGE or I lAM LET of BOXES 6 THROUGII 8 MUST BE TYI'IID OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG Laurel 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 SOFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGB Type of Inst:ruments DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 06-0007165 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-24367 Recordeds At: 01/23/2006 01s04.04 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012431 995 District: 1000 Section. 127.00 EXAMINED AND $0.00 Blocks 09.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 028.000 POLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer ta:1< $0.00 NO C02IIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $242.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-24367 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL ~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEII! WRiTiNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;JI www.orps.stllte.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~ I~- SlATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL ,_ERTY SERVICES FOR COUNTY USE OoNL Y . 1'1,r.3.(~91 , cz. D... DtooclllM_d 1 . I I ~3,. () (r; I Month II V....r.."., ~1. 'f.-.J, J I C4.pog_11, f.'::', RP - 5217 Cl. SWIS ~ C3. Book PROPERTYINFOR~TION KNJI7....JM "__1 Loco1Ion SJIl[[IIlU..." I WlUTE EAGLE DRIVE i'''.' NMIII!' LAUREL cn'f'~~ ~....... I 11948 I ZV'c;ow z. IIuyor N.... DlRESTA f/k/a BROGAN CAROLYN LAlIT IMMEIClJIIII'AhY ""STNAN" .AST NAlfl, CftWA..v UIUUhAM! 3. T.. lndiclut wherll futwl rlx BII. ..10 be lint Billing if OIher thon buyer 8dl:treg (II boIlom of fatmJ I Ad.... ~1'NAMlI'tC........V nAS"~f meET ....IIW.... Ah~ .TIII'PT HAM!! QIV 011 TDWN srATE ZII'tQUI, 4. lndIc.I..he n&lftlber of~"'" RoIll*ClIIt ........rnI on the cIMd , of P..rcals DAD Part of I PRrQl ..DeW ""'- BIH ---l X I rnDNr...H "'P'IH I OR I "ACJII!S' . IOnIw I 'M '" . '...11 Choclc . ,hay IIIPIY: 4A. Planning Bolwd with Slb:IivWiion Al4hodlY b_ .. Subdivision Approval was Required for Trlns'er .cc. PMCII Approwd for Subdivilion wilh Map PruvidId o o o '0 s.u.r Nom. BROGAN wrNAMlFfCOWA..... RAYIIORD .....TNAMl! Q:rRR.ClTA f/t;./a BROGAN LAST PMM!,'1!NiIJItj;; CAROLYN ,...TN..... 7. ChMk the bo. below wtdah mod KCuN'bIIv MscrIbeI the 1M of _ property -' the Ii.... of ..18: ^ ~ One Family R.ltid",tiel K 2 or 3 Famlly Ruidenhlll C Rllidllflllal V.~nt lJand D Non-Rltsidenlial YDC8nt lJand I SALE INFORMATION l 11. a... Contrut D... E ~ ",,"wow,., I ~ Community Service F Commen:IaI' J Indu.lrt.1 G ApMmlnt K Public; Service H Entarralnrnent I Amuumonc I. FOIMI Ch_ 1M box. billow _ tIwy IIppIr. .. Own..hill' Type is Condominium . 9. New ConstrUCIIOn un VlICanl Land 1QA. PrOPOI'Iy l.ocGted within .n AQric;ultunal DiA'1c:r: 111. Buyer racolwId D d....... nocica IndIc:aIIng tNt the ptOPII1y II. In an Agrlculblral DisIncr. o o o o ....... , Day , -.J V.. 11. ChlICIc .. ar ..... 01..... 10......... -r r" L I, to tnI..r.: ,\ SlI, BIIlW8en Rellldves or Form., RDlDtiva. B Sale ....... RIlImd Companln or Plrtnors ill Bulin... e One of the Buyers. eIso . ,..rer . D Buyer or SaMer Is Ciovemmenl Agancy or Lending InMJlutlon E Oocd ~ not Warranty or BIIg.n and Salo IS.-:Ify Below! F 511" of FrKlionallJlr t.a. thlin Fee 1n1Dl'll. (8pKify BeIONI (] Significal1l Change In Propeny Botwoon T.XllbIe SiMUI WId S111e DIm II S. of Busl,.... i. InclPded In Sale Prle>> I OIIIor Un.... r:.cton Affectlng 58.. Price (Spedfy Belowl I Nan. TRANSFER BB'l"1l.15J511 HUSBAND " FE PURSUAHT 'l"O AGBEBMEI!IT DI ,FU.tl U.l.VUICI,,;.rii 12. om. of .... IT,........ II, ...... !. I 05 -.J v... 13. Full SaI. Price , . -:0,-.11.01 , , . IFull s.w Price Is the tlJ'(ll amount peid for lhe proporty Including PlJrIOl'llI praporty. Thill PlY"'IM may be U,I Iht form of cuh. other property or goods. Dr the ~ of mortglglll r..- othClr oItU".ionl.) I'IUUD ttJUnd ro the ,...,.., wIIfW do&r M1OUnr. '..1_...._.._ I ... - 0 II I __Inlho_ . -; ", ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Doto .hould reflect tho 1_ Finl'AuaImont Ralllllld T.. Bill ,1.::.:::;.;:.:.::_, 1'7.T...._V....I...._In1r_11 ';' ; (J ,1.___ L:3./.II-LJ '..___1 ,/73Y/;l. ~ ; ; 20. T.. __11Io&1011 RoD _rioIlI............... __..... _140._1 1000/127.00/09.00/028.000 --l I I CERnFICAllON I I .'fttIlY ..... oil .or ...1..... or ............... _ .. ..... rOl1ll .... '"'" uad __ (In'" ..... 0111\)' 11-..... _ MWl.... I __ ,.... ... IIlIlIdnll WIlIlY wIII\II ...... ~""l dI....KIIIII\kt htft'1D ... NIIIIJat .. 10 ._ DI'OtNl:_ '" tM .... law ftIaIIw to U. ......... ... .... or raN ....1'IIIDeIIIIC. .!!Ym IiUYER'S ATTOIIIlEY c~~-,~u.~ \1-'t.CI~ CAROttlit"'Mb:STA f/kl a OA" CAROLYN BBOGAIf 47 I TDIO'l'BY LANE POS"I'ER Ji'R1mRJUC LAST MMIII ...... N'" 631 288-5550 8T"ff1'IWUMGU II"" NUll' W'1DI s-u) _. couc =-....... JAMESPORT, NY 11947 t:ITVOIITOIlVN ITAI. "'lXXlt (l~~1!wS r"" --- NEW YORK STATE COPY ...... ......""" DAn