HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 73 i- - , . ~ i" .\1 :';' lie. :::...... '.'!.' t:~ '0,; ~ ';." ~;..'R.":' ""';'~:.~()':(~..;'.~!:""i1-1.;,!')"\ ',:;~.':- !:.:~l-I'l'-: tl'.'~~~" I--;....,:.~~ :'~j'=r Ci . , CONSULT YOUR'L.7lWYER BEFORE __lIlISIN8TRIIIIENT-lIlISIIISTRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY \' I , i,: V::,..ltJ".' .,::o::! ,";:,:.0; }'I :,::"~.' :3;" ::-W:.:~':d2. :.:, ./::.!.:!') ..;..;.... .:~_:~ 'I'~ :"J"~':':; I ;t.:;.)'r11ilr......:.::...."". ,)'\;I;'} THI8.INDENTURE;,made,the'..I7., ,day:ofAugUSl, 2005 . '. . . .. . ;.~ur1t '.I-.\'~-!i :;! ;;:\.:-.;'...,;. .H' , ....nfli".. !~:: .... ~.~.t~ /':1,(''\''\''; I~'g':;';:.' ;!.l'" ~'.I'; _.;~ !I'I..t~ .:i..,.,";i\q r.~~ 1iP:~::n. ,~. ~.s;J: :....~l,l1.:; .J'3Jl~'IeYill\ ;': :";"....~ 'BETWEEN ~d';'''''1 ''':' ;- '. ~~ ,";0,' "..." ....;..;.: "~;:.t >.. ....tl-'..: Bri' '-"; i.,;iYi (t~ ;. .1'",1: ",a !oW ('1 (;....'..'..1 'i'1;t:.u:o?;~;>.: ..: ' ~ :,.;1,' i'" . .... ~i.":" .:. .;~I~r~: ~":: :~ .:i .1'. ;:..,...... ;'.:'i~I..~ ,:.!c.; \.., ..:.~. -..,,1 ..r.{" ':, ~i:i;I.ud"."::"'iJ. : ,: :~.~ (\. ..........)~:.... .:~i:..:!::;..:.;.i; ':';' ,~.'. 'MiCHAEl: B~"BICKNEL:L: anli JENliIlFER:PATTbij'i88idirilfatISB7S' Pet:Onic"B3y'BOuIeVil,l'cli laureli'New h::':: ;:. :': ';~~~):~ ~:;~'i.:'5' :':' ~~:;;,:::::~,~:~r,;Y:,~Si.';~~,~~~~ ~;;:'.':?i:'~~~;.~;j.;~~~I.;;~J:; ~I~~:<t~~.;{ ~:i::;:::'!:;:':~;E.~:~~~; f.' .. .:..~!l':....; ~r::' :~~'J.."': .......,. i: ,..~:, .;~...~)...!;.. . ~ -:1 t:-::.o:;i.. :i.~:, 'J..: :: .,'. ...L"":, .L~.~: .;;!.;;:t':.;;')., ;:,"': party of the first part, and ' ;" . ';:l.i::;;~ ...-.'" .'-- .......-.. .. _. .__.....~... ~.... ......... ...~_....-.... .~........ .-~ ....." --.....- ,MICHAEL BEVILACQUA and,~'FOX-8EV1LAc;aUA;lt1is wife.residing at.170 East 87, ,Street NewYorl<, NewYDl1< 10128 ' .::::',,;:JJ ... ,. party oflhe second part. <...1.1"'("" . .:.' '. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of $458,000.00 dollars paid by the party of the seCX!nL!:P.8tt".~i!J!!r!lby.;g~:aJ1l!.18~, llnl!l,l!1.e. ~.ptl!1BJ ~11!l_1~",ll)e. :h!!,i/!l~ "JCCeI8OlS and assignii-oflhil"jJiirtY-ilftoo"Seixiridjliirtfilieve( ,.... ........... .._, ..---.-....--...... .. - ,.- '1,?, ...: "f;;,,!.U..~"1 ,i[(."'(.1 .~; .,....,:i.li r ,....r...:.'b::. lr; 1';i1; ~i' ""I :.LrSZ' ALl that C8I1ain plot, piece or parcel of land, willl Ille buildings end ImpRlV8fnBnts thel1lOll erec1ed, BiIuale, lying and being in the'. ,..~'i!' r. . \ ._I"lC:::::~: i:.'i.;~~l.7.;J.(.:.,.".. ;, .n~.: f~(..I1-:: !~.f.'" ...n~'" '. . o:~.", {!"!! I~r' SEE SCHEDUlE A ATTACHED ..: ~.. ,. ',.'..rt.... .:. I,.. -:1:':1'I::"';".,"~. .:~. ..-a ::! ::::..:'....:.,;. .~; ,,~:; il.\:r( ..:: ..} ,I:,-":i :.:; ..-:! ';'I:"; ,.'J ;,.'. '1~\. I:.,. l't:' I.' . .':-:010.; ~':'..('.c'.' :;.;.. :-:~ ..' ..-~1'. .1:......\....,\ ...,. .,..! . "i.,....j;-r. /..'......./0 ........, .........a.: .....t'...:fl.'......'.;....r).tl!t:-.y..l. 'I'::i'.:,a,'" .j;' .~~: :~:~: ;..~~ ':..~~:r.~:~: ':.;; .;: ~::~ :~ ;~:-:.;::..~.:.. : ~'::~.J'" .' ~.~: .~:~., .;.:;. ..:~~:w.:,:./;,~.!; l~ ~..-.;~~ :,:rt:' >,!; t ':: !~;;~;1~;4:r-t_. ". ;:lJ'.'::'''';',r:; ~~. :'~'i :..!~ ! l: : .! ..:~ .1:). c.. ~~:;I .....: i'.J ..:... ,~. 'i~' ):;.1-", 1....1::: ~i.);.;:!. IL!I.. :. ~:.: ".. '~." ': ,~! l1i!.c. J,{ w':";' .:;~..~. . .~~J ~ :"1:,:):,.A.1 BEINO AND IN11:NDED TO BE the same deed acquired by Ille parties of the first part by deed da~ . ;'.~ .", '06JG.IIll999 and,l1llXIft\ed on ll8IH/1999 with,llle Suffolk Counly Clerk in.Uber .11989;.Page.9.15" ",,,b',, . ... --...... ...~ ......~--.... '..-.' ..._.- r. ,. ;.... :::'...._"..1.::iW-:\.::t .~..:I,.O._ii~~;.~:;.'.l.:..'.:.. TOGETHER with all right, litIe and intenl8t, it any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads ebuttlng the above descIibed pllImises 10 the cenIer Ones lheI8of; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the eslale and rights qf ~ party of Ille, lj~ .Ill!!t in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. the premises herein granteihmto the party of tIie sel:ond part, the heirs or sllCllBSllii'rs)andi8sSlgn8:of.llle:partY of ., .. t:' J" the second part forever..... .' ... .. ~.)':;.. :~':if"'''~t.,t,ir1i,; '..:~~..,: \."'1f. n".r6i.~..:',-("::; \,; :..... .:.\, '. ~.' ().' AND the'P.aitY'of ttiii"firiit p;jii"cXiWrilmiS;.ftijd..ti(. party of the first part has not done\or,:8utreilldianYll1lng t .. I ... ...... . '" ~.. ........ ....,.. .... ..,.. ......r ., ." "... , .... '.., :Whereby.die said' premises haVe'bilen encumbered in any way whal8ver, ,except'as lIforesaid.. t: (> ""~:i.,,1}. AND Ille party of the Iirsl part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, 'covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for lhi8 conveyance and will hold Illeirlght to receive:l!uch consideration as a lru8t fu!,d to be appliecllirst for Ille purpose of p8y!ng .~:cqsl'C?"t'"~J"'~I!1~'!t,lII)c!:wi!tapP.'Y.;ltJe:!I!I!"B first iii lh8'payiiienl'ilf lhli cost of Ille Improvement befoni'uslnil ~y'pliit of th8llilBl cif Illli'urii'e'rofany Other purpose,'The wont 'party"-shan be'consi!UBd as it it ~ 'parties" wI1enever'l1ie sense of this Indenture ~ requires_ " J .' :~. , . ;. u. ,k'$~~ !~ :'~ :~ IN PRESENCE OF: :~ ;~ ,. " ~. ;~ .;,' .lENMF -..-.".:......;.;.:.;.;;:;:, ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of Ille first part has duly executed Illis deed the day and year filii abOve '1Ie C ~ n. ~ " .' .:'.;, ,.. , Title No. RH05303868 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION :." AU that certain plot, piece or parcel or land, sltuale, lying and being at Laurel, In the Town or Southold, County or Suffolk and State or New Yor1c, bounded and desc;rlbed as rollows: BEGINNING at a monument set In the northweslerly side or Peconlc Bay Boulevard distant the rollowlng three (3) courses and distances from the Intersection or the northwesterly side or PeconlC Bay Boulevard and the northeasterly side of Birch Drive as measured along the northwesterly side of Peconlc Bay Boulevard: 1. North 38 degrees 27 minutes 20 seconds East, 49.11 reet; 2. North 45 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds East, 164.68 feet; . . 3. North 46 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds East, 182.33 reet and from said point or BEGINNING; RUNNING THENCE North 43 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds West along land now or ronnerly or Robert m. and Kim E. Costanlnl 250.00 feet to a monument and land now or rormerly of Henry A. Pollak; RUNNING THENCE along. said land, North 46 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds East, 35.00 reet to a monumellt and land now or formerly of John G. &. Flo,rence A. Krlvacsy; RUNNING THENCE along said land, SDuth 43 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds East, 250.00 feet tD a nlDnument set In the northwesterly side or Peconlc Bay Boulevard; RUNNING THENCE along the nDrthwesterly side or Paconlc Bay Boulevard, SDuth 46 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West, 35.00 reet tD the point or place of BEGINNING. '-. TDgether with all of the grantors right, title and intereat, in common with others from Great Peconic Bay Blvd. to Great Peconic Bay over a strip of land 12 feet 'in width lying between the weaterly line of lands of Edward H. Stoehr and the eaaterly line of land origlnally of Higgins, later Df Carlton K. prankard, which right Df way ia aet forth in libar 2404 of deeds at page 346 and libar 11682 of deed a at page 336. CertIfIcate Df 11lle , ", ~.:., .i . .. TO BE USED ONt Y WHEN THE ACKNDWl..J!DGMENT IS lI&ftE IN NEW YORK STATE '," 'r: f .":'1:' .~", ...1';. '. ..' _ ..... . .. ~I. '. .. of .:,' "d, . I.... "..".; -t.' .." . .J', :. .'~ ., " .. . ..... .. .'" , St8Ie of ~ork. County of SUFFOlK as: On the I day of Aug.... in the yeer 211C15 before me. the IlIIdenlIgned, peI1OI1lIl1y &ppe8IIld M1CKAEI. B. BICKNELl. & JENNIFER PATTON pe/8Onely kn-. to me or PRlV8d to me on the buis of P8/8Cln8Uy Icr-. to me or PRlV8d to~,me'.'on ,the basis of 88tiaf8dory -.,. \0 be the IndivldueJ(e) whole _(e) ie 8IIII8fattory evldenoe \0 be the indMdueI(e) whose ~neme(e) is ;. ...(e",)',~IC!lI1elI~ ~.inll!UlI!8!!'.e!'d'~~.!l! d~).~ ~ l!:lB..~!~!.~,~~.18dged \0 me Ih8\ heIIh 8X8QI\ed the ..me In hillherllheir me Ih8\ hellhellhey 8ll8l:Uted the ..88me '.in,.hiIIhelIIheIr cepadty(i . by h18111er/lheir Ilgnelure(e) on \he C8P8Ci\y(Ieo). end \hot by hl8l11erIlh8lr" iVi8tuill(o) on the In8lrumen\. (e). or the peqon upon _ of which 1n8lrumen\. the IndIvId....(e), or the pIIIIOll upon beh811 of which the in . . ....:uted the lnotrumenl the indlvIduaI(e) 1ICl8d. "'"'Cld8d the In8lrument :. ;. ":, ,::c;,..] ~:",'i ".:::! i: I .:.' ,-.:: j: S1IIe of New YOlk, County of ..: .: ',.: .~. t On \he day of Mey in the yeet '.beIore me.'the underlignilG;,jIeroorieuy 8ppeBred' , e 'ofIai of individuel takklg acIIniJwIedgriIei1I) ,,;J..'... (BigneIuiIi end ollice of IndMdUel,taIdi1g'eiclcniJwlectgment) " :,. .~~; . '.; :.: .... .~. ~,:.:,'., " SIIIIe (or Olobicl of Columbia. Territory, or Foreign Country) of 88: " ":":~I;."~ .....~.,.:1.,:111~ 'i"'="<-:'':I~'''I~;I.,. ,:~,,:,,':',..'.:. r,.-,' """"\':.''";':''.v," ....,i'..~..,:...' l~ .}.~i On the day of in the year b8beme,lheUndMigned.Jl8IlIOIl8IIyIlppllarec\'"", ''',:' ','..." .'.' ">A~ LISA LUBRAIiII ',. ' 'hle It_"" . tHew (QnI . "J~"" ~.u.I'" ..........Nota'Y'Pub\it.Staleo . . .... .....",.......... ~677rrz-SIl~'" , . . ,'- "', r.o OlU.;.>\t ... I" '.. _. \ 1__ "')' 1.\Hi~,~..\.:..~~ .~\....~h ----- 'Ii [xIi1l!:)d 21. "~" .,1.... .... _~:~ '. ,'" ; .."'J.~,.:G~..........,.::i;.:t,:..il..;:~.<:-:,.'!~.!. J';:..!(.... .......:i.' t".'_~"}:,::",-::~"" :"1::.'\:"':.~:.:'i:'.";;.. ~ . TO-liE USElfoNlYWHEN THE ACKNcriiLEDGIIENTi..~6nE.~DE.N_~VciRK ~iTA~:~:" t ". ~".":' ,'::I". "'. ....,.~. .: "._....' '. ". '.~. . . r', ~"".. 1'\;. .~. ",' .-.;. ..:':".',. ~ " L:~"~. ..:"r:. '''. J~;,'.~':s.....AJ ::.::.~ :~ Il8f8OII8IIy knllWll \0 me or proved to me on the be8is of 88lIof8c\ory evIdenc:& to be the 1nd1viWal(1) whole 1181I18(1) is (el8) oubecribed \0 the wlIhIn lnellm18nlend 8dc00wtedged \0 me lIIeI helohellhey -'l8Cl1Ied the _ In hillherllheir copecity(leo). Ilnd lh8t by histberilheIr lIgneIure(e) on the InI\nmenI, the inIIvidu8l(e). or the pIIIIOll upon beheIf of which \he lndivldu8l(e) ecIed, .......d8d the II'IIlrumenI, end lIIeIlUch 1ndividU81_1Uch _ beIor8lhe wIde.......e.t In \he . Inf.; :.;....1; '.!1', 4 :.,":: .: ~.: '."..; .:..' ,._,';, -, 0',::: :,' I". ~. ....:- " . 1.:;....:rJi:.!I::~,...1 t,;".~~:I.. (inoeltlheCity....OIheri>oUticallllllilivilion)_, . ::';;, '(Iild Inoiirtlllio.SI8\e ai-Countiy Or'olher.pB>>'lhe ectcnOwiidiImiiiiw..lIken) (8Ignature end oftico oIlndividue1 \eking ~ . ;(,'1 ~." .:.... ,~.. .fl,. _~ ~,,'. '.~, O~ ~"!i'~~:,;,.: :'i':l',:...,:. ~ , .... ... "l,', l1 ~'.'1 '1 ,{;~';.'-l .(. .. " ~.;' ! ..,.... ., '..':.,: '-:[... :>:. ';.1 I :.: ~:~'"':.'. ':_'\.., .~~:.I .::''':''' ,.:,\" .: " :.:.'.' ...,;. .\' '_: .:"'!. ..1.,,: ,."I.!I....' .) ;",. "'r, ._;'. ~. "~~"" . ~ :!.:~. I' . 1 '-, I: ,'~ '.1 . '.. ,,'l ~ <. .. :\i '.. .;> :" '. I ..,' : ,; "'. . '" '.' "SE,CTI0N .' ......." .,128..,. .:'. .. _. . .... BLOC'K' .., ........ '01:00.:" ,:' ,..::." :,.::- LOT 003.000'" ,. . " ".. .: '" TIt!e No.,RH06303888 ; ,. .,,-: ;i' 1 ....,.; "~I;; '" . ., ;': 'p'OI,IN:TYJ~R I~ : SutfoIk, f:l.!lul!told,.., ,.';," Micheel B. Bicknefl'&'Jenniler.Patton """"'.",'" .. ,~EE]':.AD!;lR~$S...., .5l!751:'~"jc'.~.Blvd...,~aurel -,., '>~I'::f :;:, l'i:.\"~'/!.~' .';~ ....~ '......" ..... . :-. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED '. ." ".;, WI'Ill COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS '-:'; ~...~ ~",: ~..; : .: .:',"r".:' ,.'TO ...-.~,_: ri~~'.~ ~'l. i.. ~ 'a.l~_ ..:. H;.... .:.....:..,...:.:.1.... r: O'.-MicbBel BevUocquaii.'MIlriSl Fox.Bovilll:qUa .',. w,.. " :., 'i.;. .~., . ..:, ,;,' ,.') ".'." ..."'-1 -to .. ..': i~) .;.....; .;. ~ i:!.........~. .,: '.." ~~.-. s ,: ~,I .:l~ ,.,;,...' .:~ : SfANDARD ~ oP' NI!W YORK BOARD OF TI1l.E lilt..- .._Ir;n;t ':J~; . '.: ..,! oC); :~.: .-...,.IliIbI......- '~.", ..::.'.....~.'.,:.........,..: ...'...:......:::.: :~. . 'l._O'" .~." i.:. ;: . .., . ~ : '. . :.::,! -':~~..~~~ ~.....~/:~.: ~,. ~~ :.; r_---,;, .R.~~~~s~:~iC~~:= :~.:::' . . , .: :. :I;': I ,;:..:.... 0 '. ,. ',' '''' ....... :.. .'\ . . . ~ ~r. '''t..' : .' .... ..!~ . .'.. :". 'j.' '-.. ....;.: ~.: '.' . .~..-:_/r-;:: =,~.k~. . - . .... .:: _;_:, . :. ~J".~ .... ':~. i..;' . ....,. .. !t ~ .. 0 I .,. l!l .... - .. !l a: 2 rl If . ~ i III J , ..,. .'~ j:l, .:.' ..-.-. 4 "~: ; -=;; :. ..... '. ., .~~!. "F! :J~' , ,-- .:: :101: .: . ~.J"',: :--t1 :,~:':;~j.::..~\i: ::.,'::- ~:~t1 n:,-;:I ~r ,"::j: ....: '. Number or1'8&"" TORRIlNS Serial 1/ CrrtirJCall: 1/ Prior Clf. 1/ Deed . MortgIlgc InllUUmcnl Deed I MCJII&8&C 1U Slamp Pa:s 3 Page I Pilill8 Pee Handling S JIlL TP-584 Notation EA-S217 (Counly) Suh 10la1 EA-S217 (Slatc) K.P.TS.A. ~Cl) Comm. or l!d. S..JllL Affidavil Certified O>py Keg. Copy Other Suh Total Gnnd Thlal /6i Scctitlll 1 ZI\JIO Block 01.00 LoI ooueo 5 Real Property Tu Service Agency Verification ~~ ~~ 1000 12800 0100 003000 6"1 SatiSlilc~i8Cha'l~1casc Us!~; ~ Mailing Address RECORD .. IlHTVRN TO: WIllIam C. Goal... E.q. 13105 MaiD Rd. PO &oK 65 ~tdtucll. NY 11951 RECORDED 2005 SeD 01 03:33:08 PM Edward P.Rcnaine CLERK IF SUFFOLK ClllHTY l 000012407 P 073 DTI 05-04909 Kcallding I Piling Stamps Mortpgc AmL I. Basic TalL 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spoc. I AssiL or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual 'lOwn _ Dual County _ Ilrld for Appoin~l~ TnnsrcrTax /,Ih~ Man..ion Tax lbe propcI1y covered by this moIgagC is or will be impnwed by a one or two ramily dwelling only. YES or NO tr NO, see appropriate laX clause on JIlI&C ,1__ or this in.llUmenl. Commanlt Pnserwlioo Flmd Consideralion Amouol $4!IIUlOO.1Il S 6.160.00 Improved CPF TalL Due TD 7 TIlle COIDpIIDY Inrol'llllldon Co. Name eom......waItb L.nd TItle TItle #I RB053OJ8Q\ ~utTolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This JlIl&e rorms part or the allached .opIn III Sale Deed made hy: (SPIlCJIlY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENT) Mi..h... II.. ...Inlllll' A .J.nnl'.r Patton The prcmisis herein is oiluated in SUI'POLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Thwn.ship or South..... Mlch.... llevil...qpa III Marj.. Fe" IlevIlHQua In the V ILLAGIl or IIAMLh-r or ..$oath..... BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BIl TYPIlD OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) . . 1111111 111111111 1111 III II Ilal III 111I I11I1II 11I1I11 SUJ'POLlt COmrrY CLBRlC RBCORDS OJ'PICB RBCORDING PMB Type of IDst:nmumt: DBlmS/DDD NUmber of peges: 4 aeceipt NUmber : 05-0092402 TRANSPBR TAX HUMBBR: 05-04909 aecorded: At. . 09/01/2005 03:33:08 PH LIBBR: PM! : D00012407 073 Deed AmoWlt: Section: Block: 128.00 01.00 ""B.JaNBD AND CHARGBD AS I'OLLOWS $458.000.00 Lot: 030.000 Di.trict, 1000 aeceived the I'ollowing I'ee. I'or Above In.trumaat -~t Bx~t Palle/Piling $12.00 NO BaDdliDg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS &RCBG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATIC $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO aPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO TrlU1sfer tax $1.832.00 NO c-.Pre. $6.160.00 NO I'e.. Paid $8.144.00 TRAHSnR TAX N1lJIBBR. 05-04909 THJ:S PAGE IS A PART 01' THB IRSTR"OIIID1T THIS IS ROT A BILL Bel.arcS P........... f ne COWlty Clerk. Suffolk COWlty PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUcnONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I c{, 1.3.f. g,ql C2.D.oteD.oed_ I d, . J ,As! ~~ lJ~ ~r C3._ I ,.;,q;,'l.t!,11C4.P_I#, 7.3, C1. SWIS Codo PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. ,,"polly I r:: f}1.~ I ?e t Ot\ .: e. Loadon ~'~... 5':'111F1'NAIIE L _u-nto~~ '........ ........ L &'1' I Attil...,A- N8me ILAST..AMtI~on L i- Fox- Be".l~"A ILAST.....Jc:oMI'AJr." BA.'l I. Tn indicia ..re 1Iml.. Tax B111111'C!' fa bo lIUI'll I ...... if other tMn buyer ...... (II' bottom of fonnJ . Adm- .......1 NMIl/CO'W',"^"" L :1"""I~"""'~IIIH1oUru.Mf. C' TV D" TtIWN ~ ~.~ STAlE OF NEW VORl< STAlE IOARO OF REAL 1'Il0000TY SERVICES RP - 5217 ~n... ..", &th) Ie",,, .,. c! LAuN ( VI."", M..#.L. 0.... L ~ (\'\ 4"'-\ t 4_ -- I ,"Nfl ....a... fIIIII'l''''AIII' IIA... ....""" 4. ......... m. nu...... at AM........ Roll ~ tr........ on 1M... IJ "of Parcols OR D Pin of . Parcel u.. PLlMing Board wilt! SubcIviIion Authorlly Exi.. 12-*"'__..__ .. 0WnInhIp Typo III Condominium Ii ~ Agricultural I ~ COOImunlty Sarvlc:o .. N.w Construc:don on V.-.nt lM1d f Commercial J lndultrlDl 1..... Propartv l.ocIted "Within an ,AgricUKuI'lI Dtltrlel G ApIIrtmonl K Public s.rvlce ,.. B~r ~ .. dIcIaaIl'I nodc;e inciadng H Entenlinment J ~ I. FonlII lhIt lhI property illn ill AgrcuIturII DIMrk::t 1" CMIk ... or more at_......... _.......... to......w.r: s.Io Between RllltivM or Former .....tiva S.1a Butwuon Related Companies or Partners in Blaine.. 0.. or the auv.. .. .110' Seller Buyur or Soller iI Government Ageney or Lonc:ting Inslitution Ilood 1yPo _ Wlrromy or ...,..,. .nd _CSpeclfy BuIowl &1110 of FI'8ClIonII or u. thiln Fee lrarelt rSP8Cify Below) SIgnIfIcant OIInge In Pruporty Botwuon TUIIbIu s.u. and &.1'0 Dell SMt of Buai~ II Included WI SIll Price 0Ih0r Un....... F...... AIIoCling Solo Proco ISpocil'y So_I No.. &.D_ L ""- Sl.. I X I lOR I I'JIONTP'6!T DH"TH ........ e. .... ...... L,~,~.lt L,~,!~o ~ IOnIr H hrt af . ...... a.ctI: . 'IMV IPPIv= o ...s-.._.._......'rsdforTr_ 0 C. PlrceI Approved for Sl.dxfrvilion with MIrp Provided 0 ~I 1!J~e. ~ \ >.1:1\" . fe r I'lIr.' B 7. CMak ttlll beD: b.-ow which most ICCUrately ...._ _ ... of thl propmy .. 1M time of ..1.: .fl, 0,0 I . ta should r.flect thelatell Fin.. 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