HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12372 P 533 ~ 1;),)72- If' ,J Dist. 1000 Sect. 128.00 Blk. 01.00 Lot 009.000 1~6'-( -( C',ONSUL T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING 1HI8INSTRIIIIENT-ntll "STRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONl. Y 1MIS INDENTURE, made the 4 February, 2005 day of BETWEEN Manzi Homes, Inc., a domestic corporation with offices located at 701 Route 25A, Rocky Point, New York 11778 party of the first part, and Joseph Pradas, residing at 242-19 Oak Park Drive, Douglaston,' New' ~ork 11362 party of the second part, wrT1IIESSETH, thst the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten I $ 1 0 .00) and other ~'aluable cons idera tion - - - - - - -- ----- - - - ------ - - ---- - - -- - - -- - --- dollars paid by the party Df 1118 HCOnd part, does hereby gl1lntand Allene unlll the party Df the IIlICOI1d part, the heirs C~ SUCC8SllOl'l and al8igns of the party of 1118 IIlICOI1d part fontVtlr, ALL that certain plot piece Dr parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements II18reon erected, situate, Il/ing and being In the See attached Schedule A 1~ogether with a right-of-way for private access to Peconic Bay and use of Private neach'on Peconic Bay along with others as described in Liber 3781 cp 476. . Eleing and intended to be the same parcel conveyed. to.the Grantor herein by deed dated 1/5/04 and recorded in the Office of the suffolk County Clerk on 1/9/04 in Liber 12294 cp 418. 1~is conveyance is made in the ordinary course of business of the c:orporate Grantor stated above and subject parcel does not constitute all or substantially all of the corporate Grantor's flssets. TOGETHER with sll right. IilIe and interest, if any, of 1118 party of the first part in and III any streets and roads abutting the above described premises III the center lines thSntOt, TOGETHER with the eppurtenances and all Ule estete and rights of the party of the first part In end III Aid premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pAlmises herein gl1lnted unlll the party of the HCOnd part, the heirs or succesSDrs and assigns of the party of Ule second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants thai the party of the first part has not done Dr suffered anything whereby the said premises have basn encumbered in eny way whatever, except as afDresaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with SectiDn 13 of the Lien Law, covenants thai the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first III the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the tDtal of the same fDr any other purpose. The WDrd "party" shall be construed as If it read .parties. when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above ",mllen. II~ PRESENCE OF: ~e By: John Guido, V.P. S\andonl N.Y.e.T.U. Form IlOO2 -lloIpin Ind Solo DoecI, with c-nonl ogoinol GrontDr'. Ado - LhliIann AduIawIedgmonl Form 3280 I I TO BE USEO ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of New Yorl<. County of ~ u: Slale o~ New Yorl<. County of On lhe 4 day of Feb ruary in !he yes, 2005 On !he I dey of. in !he yea' before me, lhe undarsigned. personally appeared belot8lne.lhe undefligned, ...-Iy appetlred I John Guido I personally kiiown 10 me or ptllY8d 10 me on lhe basis of peqonelly known 10 ma or proved III me on !he beN of salisfaclory evidence 10 be lhe Indivlduel(a) whole _(a) is utiar.c;to.y evidence 10 be !he ildivlduel(a) whose neme(a) ia (are) subscribed 10 !he within InalrUment end ecknowl8dged 10 (ere) IIUbaatbed III !he within inalrumlm end ac:knowteclged to me !hel heIaheIIhey executed the _ In hill/herllhel, me l1li1 helahellhey eJl8CUted !he _ in hl_lIhai, capeclly(iBS). end !het by hialherllhel' algn8lure(a) on 1111 C8JllICiIYtiea). Ind thel by hlalherllhei, lignalure(a) on !he Inl!lumenl. !he indivlduel(a), or 1111 pellOn upon beh8 of which inaIrum~t. !he Individuel(a). or lI1a person upon behalf of which !he Individual(a) . executed !he instrument. lhe ild;yidll8l(a) _, executed lhe Inatrument. , u: (~nllure and office of lndividll8llaking....nowIedgmenl) ~ TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWlEDGMENT I~ lI.6ne OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slale (or Dlalrid of Columbia. Territory. or Foreign Country) of u: On tha day of in the yea' before me, !he unde'lIigned, personaNyappeered peraonIIily known to me or proved 10 me on !he beaia of seliafeclory avldenc:e 10 be Ibl individual(a) whose name(a) is (ere) subscribed 10 Ibl within Instrument end ecknowledg8d 10 me thel helahllllilY executed !he ume In hialherllhetr capeclly(lea), and Ihat by '"""""/their 1ign8lure(a) on the instrumen~ the Individual(a). or tile person upon behalf of which 1111 indivIduel(a) aded, exlalled the Inalnnlant, and thet such incflViduel made auch appee,encellelot8 !he undersigned in !he I in . (Ind insert !he StatII!or Country or ather p1ecelhe ecknClWlMlgmerrt wealaken) (inSll1!he City or other politic:eJ au_) , (signllUre.nd office of indMdu.118king ~l) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COIlENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS I SECTION 1 28.00 BLOCK 01.00 L<'H 009.000 CPUNTY~ Suffolk STREET ADDRESS I 425 Birch Drive , Laurel, New York 11948 I nUe No. Manzi Homes, Inc. TO pradas (j) SAFE HARBOR TiTt~ ^ {;~NCY 1.1)). 1629 Main Street Port Jerrerson, NY. 11777 I I Daniel C. Ross, Esq. 315 westphalia Avenue P.O. Box 146 , "rttituck, New York : 11952-0146 1M \I ... l!; " z Ii! D U 1M IX ... D .. !!l Ii ... .. ~ ~ ! .' SUNRISE ABSTRACT LLC'. DESCRIPTION Al.L that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lll'ing and being at Laurel, ,Town of Squthold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described' as fClllows: BI!:GINNING at a point on the Southeasterly side, of Birch Dx:ive, distant the f~llowing two (2) courses and distances fx:om its intersection with the Northwesterly side of peconic Bay Boulevard; 1) North 50 degrees 13' 30. West, 190 feet; 2) South 39 degrees 46' 30. West, 140 feet to the true point of beginning; ", R~NNING THENCE South 50 degrees 13' 30. East, 95.00 feet; THENCE South 39 degrees 46' 30. ~~st, 195.00 feet; , THENCE North 50 degrees 13' 30. West, 95.00 feet to the scutheasterly side of Birch Drive; THENCE North 39 degrees 46' side of Birch Drive, 195.00 BEGINNING. , 30" East, along the southeasterly feet to the point or place of TOGETHER with a right of way for access to peconic Bay and use of Private Beach on Peconic Bay'along with others as described in liber 3781 cp 476. , .' , '. , Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Fib 18 10:14:24 AM Ed....rd P. Roolaine CLERK OF SUFFOlK COUNTY L 000012372 , P 533 DTfI 04-29522 Serial # _ Ccn ificale 1/ _ Prior Clf, 1/ _ Deed , Mangage InSlJUmenl Deed , Mortgage Tax Slamp FEES Recording 'filing Slamps :LJ PlIl!C' Filing F"e Handling 5. J!!L ( Mortgage AmI. 1. Bu..ic Tax 2. Addilional1i1x Sub TOIaI Spec) Assi!. or 1'1'-584 NOlalion EA-52 17 (Coumy) EA-5217 (Slale) R.PT.SA Sub Tu131 Grand 1blftl Spec. 'Add. TOT. MTG, TAX Dual Town _ DuafCounlY Held for Appoilllmenl _ Trunsfer Tax ,)().JeT_ Mansion Tax The property covered by lhis mortgage is or will be improved by a onc or IWO family dwelling only. YI.:S . or NO c;umni. of Ed. . Affidavil 5. 00 3oQl.) Cenificd Copy NYS Surcharge Olher 15. J!!L Sub TOlal ~I Dill. 10 Scelion / J. I f NO. SCe appmpriale laX c1ausc (~n page # of lhis inslrum n () 1 810ck 0 Real Pmpeny Tax Service Agency . Verifiealion -. 5 ComlDUDity Pre.ervatiou Fuud ::;; ~o~,!~ 1000 Rtcwo A 7-FE 12800 0100 009000 Improved 6 SalisfacliorlslDiachurgeslRcleascs List Pmpeny Owners Mailing Addrc..s RECORD & RETURN TO: VaeaDl land TO " ~ KUfJIWI Itnd. ~ 11>>., tBdlt 11ft, .....~ , nf4. /1'15";" 7 Title Com 110 lilfonnatioD V Co. Name I Tille # TO TO Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pan of Ihe allachcd ..tu..! "'_ made by: (SPECIFY TYPE or INSTRUMENT) , '~{'WOn1.lJ' pt/c.._ The premise.. herein is silualed in SUFfOLK COUNTY, NHW YORK. Inlhc.Town..hip of Sf'lI.JV+loJd In lhe VILLAGE or HAMUoT of /)Jill.! I BOXES 6 THRU il MUST BE TYPED OR PRiNTeD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. .M TO " 1f.{Jh P~5 (over) 11111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111I 11111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGB Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Page.. 4 Receipt Number : 05-0018649 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 04-29522 Recorded. At: 02/18/2005 10.14:24 AM LIBER: PAGB: D00012372 533 District: 1000 Section. 128.00 BXAKJ:NBD AND $505,000.00 Block: 01.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 009.000 FOLLOWS Deed AmcUDt: Received the Following Fee. For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transf.l~ tax $2,020.00 NO CaaIIII.Pres $7,100.00 NO Fee. Paid $9,272.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBRI 04-29522 THIS PAGE :IS A PART 01' THE :INSTRUMIDlT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County - . .. - - ... . PlEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.Btale.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 14, l. .2-..88 ,I'J * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CT, SWlS Code BrATE OF NEW ,.... C2.1ltd.__ I tfil I I~ IC:~I BrATE IICIAIIIl OF REAL PIIOPI!RIY SERVICE8 CI._ ~C4".1.11<).<3 I RP - 5217 . 1U'aSZ171b'l~ PROPERTY INFORMATION I l'_L425 I lUrch Drive . I ~on :I'1U.1 NUMIlM ~r-..r tiAW I L...!~ilurel I 111940 I ICllV0I'1'CMIII: ........ ....... z. Bur- ~?rll.dilS, Jozeph I I ...... LMI""yt.JCCM"A~Y .....- L I t...rNAa I I il..'ST ",Ayc'/COMMIoY 3. T_ Ind.... wtw. fuluN TIX BiIII .. 10 be lint I ..... I I If 0Ih0r IhIn buyur ~ till baaorn of formJ LbrMAMr/~ - .......... I L I I . I I . tor..., "'''-" AJrI) 81111'1'T ""III' r:1'VO"lTOW'\l 5......W "'1XllII! 4.......... the........... 01 &-----nl I 1 I . ot'PIIn::elll OR D Penof.P.rceI 'llnIw._..._a.-......_ RoI ........ tr........... an the.... .............. __ _AuIhorilyExio!a 0 ........ 4I.__'__...Io<T"""",, 0 - L I xl IORI . . , , .4 .2 I c.__ro.__wIlhMap_ D SI.. '.""TO'" ""'" ...... ..- ~~anzi lIomes, Inc. I I ...... LMI 'ItUIl/CU......IrlY ..... MMl'L L WI """,,-JCQIII'ANY I 0ilIIiiliill: I 7. Check the boll below which moet _..... d~ ... UN 01 the property lit ... time DI ....: a.-...__......_: .. 0wnarItUp Typo. Condarnlnlum D . A ~ an. Fom'ly RnId""'., Ii ~ Agrlcu",,' I ~ Communlly_ .. NM' ConIIrudIon on V..,t Land ii1 8 2 or 31=1mi1y ~ill F Com_ J I_ lIA. Pmpeny I...acIdId within an Agrk:uIru~ DiItric:t D C RGlldonlll1 VICIni Lind G Apartmtn& K p""r~_ _ Buyer r'IOIived . diIcIoIutII naIicI indiclting 0 D Non-Ruidentill Yaelnt Land H EnIIIUinrnem I AmUstrnlllt I. fa...... IhIt _ praper1y .. in 1ft AgrIcutI.nI I*nIc:I I SALE INFORMATION I 'L Che8II: _ or....... fJI--' _......_ _............. ~ ". S". ConIhcrDM:. I 12 117 ,04 I A = So..__orFon"",Ra_ ...... "'" v... H _ BIlle BetweIn ReIItad ComPIIII_ ar ....... In Bu.irwu I 2 I 4 105 I l' _ Onoal.ha_lolllooaSolIor 12. D... at ...., r......... D _ Buyer or Sell... '- GcI\wrlment Agency or Undlng I~tudan ....... ... v_ ~ _ 0IId Typ. not: W.rr.,ty Of a...in n &.It CSpIcIIy 8eIowI F _ _.. F_'III Lou _ Foo 1.......'Spodfy _ '1. FuI 8. Prklll I .5 . 0 .5 I 0 , O. 0.0 .01 G _ SignHlunl CNngo In _ _ T_ _ ond_llo1u . , 11_ _oIl1uo1...IoI_.._PrIoo , , . (Full Solo Prloo 10 1IuI_ ............. for.he _lnducUng ponallll_ny. I _ Olhor U....., _.. AlIol:lIng So.. PricolSpoafy_ Thla paymanl rnIY be In the rorm at UIh. odIer ~ at IIQOdI. or'" -..mption of J I[Jl None mol'1glgll ar cllMr abIlp1lon1.l PIoaa round IG Uto IJDII'fJR whale doIIM 1IJIOUtII. '\..~... __ 01___1 I .0.01 ---.....- . . . . . . . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Doll nuld rellOCl "'.llIlHt Fln.i_me.. Rolllnd TI. Bill I .. ,.. v., .. ... ._4 IIoIIrom I 0 .5 I 17. T___'.......-.._, . , . . B 0 0 I which ..4.......AIt...A...... , , , 18.~CIot. 11.1 . ~-LJ ...___1 Mattituck/Cutchogue/Lilurel I ...T..Mop_'_...._P1....._......_____1 I 1000-128.00-01.00-009.000 I I I I I I I I CERTlFICATlON--"'-1 Ic'l!rlll1 .... 11III .-Itbt lienal oIl1111urDdMa tnkftd ... ... r.... an InIe -4 CIIITtd ~ y.r belli 0111I)" UuwIedp .- WWJ ..... J ....r -.... .... the ......... ...r""1-..... _ 01_ flIrt.........1I MIIlJocl-.........-.. all............ _ ..11II............ .....aI___ ~-- BUYER" ATTORfeY I 2-~":'05 Ross I Danial c. .... OAIT_ ....,- 425 I Birch Drive 631 I 290-1200 STlI[[T"UUIIM S'MIIT ~ 1jy.1LJ1 w.c -..... ,-- :Laurel I NY I 11946 r c;J1YOOlIOWllI aTA,.. ....... ~)kZ" NEW YORK STATE COPY I 2-G-OS '- ..,. --'- - :