HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 366 !J-- g-L_ ? LId-- YU P ~0.0 Tills I~DENTIJRE. made the '3'( day of N..ClI--'1 ' ': in the year ZOOS BETWEEJ\; Jobn Rozsn.k~', Individually aDd as sun'MDg tenant by tbe entirety of Gloria J. RozaDSky, deceased. residing at 1031 Coral Way. SIDger Island, Florida . party of the fin;t part and Kelly J. ROZSDSky, Robert J. Rozansky, Tlmotby J. RozaDSky and Tlmotby J. Rcqansky aDd Kelly J. Rozansky as Trustees oftbe Jobn S. RozaDSky, Jr. Trust elo Tlmotby J. Rozansky,60 Cedar l.ake Road, Den,'Dle. New Jersey 07834 party of the second part. WI1':'U:SSETH, thaI the party of the first part, in consideration of T cn Dclllan; and other valuable eonsid.:ratilln paid by the party oftbe k:cond part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the Sl.'(.'ond part. the heln; or successors and assigns IIf the party of the second part forever. ALL that ceratin plot. piece or parcel afland, with the buildings and improvements thereon ercclL-d, situate, lying lIDd being in the Town ofSoutbold, COUDty of Suffolk, State of:llew York, bounded aDd described as follows: HEGINNING at a point 00 tbe soutberly side of PeenDle Bay Boulevard wbicb said point Is wbere tbe wcsterl~'line of laud ofVeDteau Intersects said soutberly sldr of PeoDle Bay Boul",'ard, and !'rom said polut of IU:GINNING: RUNNI:IIG THENCE along the westerly lIoe of land of Vente au. soutb 18. 4Z' 00" East 440.00 feet to a point: THF.:IICE soutb 49. 07' 30" West 68.1Z feet to land of Plec:ba\'ieius; T11 E:IICE aloog tbe easterly line of land of PlecbavlcJus tbe following two courses and distaDees: t.l'iortb Z2. 06' 20" West IOS.18 feet: 2.l'iortb 19.22' SO" West 327.37 feet to tbe soutberl)' side ofPcconle Bay 8oul",'ard: THt:NCE aloog tbe soutberly side ofPcconie Hay Boulevard nortb 46. 48' 20" East 80.47 feet to the point or plaer of 8EGINNING. 8EIl'iG the samr prrmlses conveyed to Jobn S. Rozall5k~' and Gloria Rozaosky. wbo werr married ou Januar)' 19. 1957. from Katberlne R. PrtrrlOn b~' deed dated :IIovrmbrr 19, 1973. Dnd n'COrded 10 tbe Omee of thr Clerk of Suffolk Connty on November 29. 197310 IIbrr 7540. page 41 O. Tbe said Gloria Rozansk~' died tl'State on ,Ianuary 16. 1999, leadng a WIIi, dul)' probated by the Circuit Court for Palm Rl'aeh COUDf)', Florida. FIle :IIumber CP 99-1 77O-IY. Party of the first parI beclIme tbe sole owner oftbe property MS the snrvlving teDant b)' thr rnll.et)' becaule lIt1e bad previously been In bls name aDd In the name of bis said wife. TOGETHER with all rights, title and interest. if any, of the party of the lirst part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines then:of; TOGETHER the appurtenances. and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the lime of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein. which the party of the lirst part has or has power to conveyor dispose of, whether individual or otherwise, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the part of the second part, the dislribuleCs or successors and assignees of the party of the Sl.'Cond part torever. A.''i'D the party of the flTSt part covenants that the party of the flTSt part has not donc or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. . AND the pany of the first part, in compliance with Seelion 13 of the Lien Law. covenants thatthe pany of the first part will reccive the consideration for this eon\oeyancc and will hold the iight \u receive such consideration as a trust ftmd to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost orthe improved befo.... using any pan of the total of the same of any other purpose, The word ~par1y" shall be construed as ifit read ''panics'' whenever the sensc of this indenture so "-'quires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pany of the first part has cACeul,-d this release the day and year first above written. ll'i PRESENCE m': .-- .~ I!P'~ ~-;r'# rrjJ..... ,........;.<.. ...~-~. " j" "".......-.-- ;r';'- """",;>t'" _..,~ ~~ .. ",' r<("" r .- s". .,.#1.'Il J .' jIIH....-. .~,,"'. /,..~ ~~,,,;..,.,*";i~~"';?r. p~" c. "..... -- ...,....... .:JII"I"'''' Stat~.r Sew Vork. COli_I)" 01 C}S/-; ACI:.NOJf"I.liDGNlilloTf'O/UII/.aOW Jf'/TIIIH HE.. t"ORA" SI'ATIi O.'rlLY. ~ AC".WJff"tJ-:JI(iUf:''''7 J."OJUI S":J.{)If.'If"n'III."l New fORA"' STAn: ONLY: )os: On the dOl)' uf in the)":ar I-oertn me. thr undersigned. personally appeared 1J',"DIJftiIIly knuv.n to me or pl'U\'cd ID m:' em the' buis ,'" sausfaelor)' evidence fa he the indindual(s) whose l1OI1'II(1) illarc) S&&bIcnDcd 10 the within instrumenl md acknowlcdJed to me WI helshrllhey n.ecured the Am(' in hilllht.~r cu.pacilycicsl. and wt b)' hisnacrllhci.r IiIJlillun:(s) ~-.J IlK: insuunxnt. tbt indiviclual(ll. or the prl'S(ld upan Iwhalr or which the imJi\iduaICI) III:k:d. excculc the iruitrunx:nl. 1JS1.: AC.T.\"QM'unCJla.\THJlt.'.IOF'ua MmIClN€N" )'t'MA" SrATE a\'tr: r.Yr.r",*~,~..4(.t..' ~ .e...., Stat~.f N.". l'ork. COIInly or On the day or in the)ar 11c1On: me. the' undersiJ,ned. perlImally appcucd lhe lIiubicribiD. wi..... to Ihe fOft'aoiDJ il\5lnllncnL. wilh ....nom 101m penanally IIC'quainll:d. ...110. brin. by mr duly 1WNn. did depose and SUoy lNIl hclshC'It.hr)' rnidrCs) in rif 1M llUlV uf ~J;1kan i~ ill d cilJ'. illdudr IIIe DIWlIUIII IlIWI ....h<<. 1/ aft", Iiwrro/l: 1Ml '""""'^....'Y kno_,., to he Iht indlyidual dl:xribc:d in AIId who exeL'UIed the fcnlDU1S instrument; that said subscrlbina v.,1ncSoI wu pn:ICnt.and Iil.W liIid executr the 1IU1'IC'; QlIIJ lhPlll&1id ..itnL'SIi II the ~ limr IUhlcllhed hlt'hcrllhl:irrwnc(l) DIll ....ilncss thereto. ADMI:oiI:lt,1L\TUR'"5DuD nnliNo. JOHN H07.ANSKY TO Kelly J. ROzaDSky, Roben J. ROzaDSky, Timothy J. Rozaosky aDd Timothy J. Rozansky and Kelly J. RozaDsky as Trustees or tbe Job S. ROZllllsky, Jr. TrDst JSI StaR.r N.... "ork. c.u.Dty 0' On Ihc day DC' in the )'COIr bor....... .... un<I<mped, _"y opp<on>d Pft'SIX'IIIy koown lei rn' 01' proved to me on Iht buls of mlisf'actor)' evidence to be the individual{l) wtklsc nam:(:!I) ill Care) wbM:ribcd w die "'ll.lun instrv.mc:nl and acknowledp:d IU me Iha& hcllIhcIlhcy cxe..-ulcd the Ami in hislhftfthtir caplCil)1lel). and lhat by bi&lhert\hetr IlpllR(s. on the il1llr1lmC'rlt. the indiYidua1(I). or Ibc pnNI UpcII bdtIlr or v..'hich the indivldual(l. KtaI. c.vcutc the il1lll\lDUll. )011: 11SF..4f'1:....,'M'LJQJGJI,.:ATJ-'OMMI\M 1I$1:.'OIJ'r.SIDEA'EW t"CJ.tKSTA1E'D.\I.r.- 'UwI1{"""o1I,......GaMl/iIdlIr.' r ~ ::r.JllV-"\ '" _ _ _ . S.... ors... """ ct.lIIy.r .'-U(v~ I '") "SO rl".........,...... 0...,,-. ~",""".pdi(rI Un!he ~'\ dayu! \-\..c:.....'-l i.....)...._ bolun: ...,,'he uncl.:mped. pcIJOIlDIly ppoo.... JOHN 5.1lOZA..'1SKY pmonaJly tno..lI to me or proved 10 me on Ih: bbbl ur salislKtNy aidcnc:c 10 be Ihc- indMd....IC.) wboR name('1 is CuellUb.cribed to tbr wllhin InlfrwnCnt and IICknowk:dp:d k) me 1bI1 ho'sho'thcy neeu.... the amr in hislherltheir eapacit)'C'ic:!I). and lhal by hilil'hcrllhcir sianaturell) an me illltrUmcnt. the indh.idualCl). ... thr pmun upon bohulf or which .... individu.~.) _. ....u..d .... insaumrnt, and lbat such mdhidu:ll rnadI: liUI:h uppe;Il'IIII.'C" befOR' lhe ~in"" _ ......r IIlt~"'knlllyor ~ ~ ~.'N)''''''''~''''''' ... ",.....,.,... l....w.~'r...___ ____ (..... . t" r. lIiIIls, &110 . ';, .. AIIDnIIJ at... If 1M :~ ItIlI If......., 00.....,. Sl!c.'-rKIN IlLO<'lt IDr C'1\(1).'TV 01 TOWN Surr..k Co.nty. ~cw Y.rk REC'ORnF.D AT RF.(}UF.sr OF' .....ty Sallo." nde l...nHe CODlplDY IlI:WIW&rlLtlL 7rJ ADDMalie P. Smits. Esq. Fox aDd Fos LLP 70 Soulb On~ Avenue U,"IDpton. Sew Jersey 07039 -' I~: I ~....:n~c~;'iof pases TORRENS RErolDED 2005 Jun 08 03:00,Q;' PM Edward P.ROIIlaine ':t.ERK ()f SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012391 P 366 DII 04-43989 Scr:a! " C~.i1!i.;,;;.~,: :f i'ri...\r Ct( rl Dc:d I MOi..ago: ;:i5:r~:nc:ll D.;~;.' ~,'i"".)~': 1.1\ ~I~I;:':"\ :;"~:-:-'~'':Ui;:: 11'1'; ~':.';I::, ;:EE5 P.l;e,' Filln&, ree :.!C:1~:'~~ r,':i\ H.ndling : D.1~;; 7.:., . T?~g~ ~ A'::.i~t;(,:'iL1I':.H No:..io~ 5;:;l T:.:;.I 1\ (";,-: .~ ~.- ...."';.,~... ...', .",.' .'~.,"!,c:. ~"/' '..'.~ .:;,~ ,~""'... ..., ~.: '. :.\'. ,0:..... "~..~~ \';;- "-' , ": . 'I; P /'I'" i: .Ir-l!i ,,~.I\... I 4"11'!' ~.~~.." ~~...:...;. ~.' "- .;~" ~.). .':.' .,'::'''i';;'' I:::i~~ Sp~.,; 1;',j$I~. 'Jr Sr:-:~ l.:--,.::.. EA.~: :7 (Co"or;) S..:a 7(1~~1 EA.~217 (51':') K.P:~ S.lo.. .DW T')"[ i.iV: .~ ~:.; Cc:no;. of E.:. Dl....i. 7':'\~'i'_["':.. .:.:.....;':__ H~I..: ;".;' i'.~.j('.... ..:-:-~::;'\ __ ....IliCJ...!t .. . .:::n'!Il-:' ;.:.... :3:),:).() ._~_ C:n::~c;: CC:j)j' ----- .-.- :-n~ ;'~t\;>-:r::. ';)."::r':''': ::. . I:. :....'r.:.'_.:.:, .j :.~.1I~j,: ;'1' -:- ~'. Rc,. CcP/ S..JC ';:.:.:~l ~ill ~.-: u':~\~-';""':',j ~\:....: .,'-: .I~' .~.: {.:d'I-: 1':'.lo-~I=IJI' ;:'"..:; ':'=~_., '-,,~:- I: !.'':. ~':~ ~r';:: .'~~'~:-: :.'. (. :,.::.,: ,:1 '. :~.; :: Ct ,,., GM~D T..)T....L - -, :".:i ?i!T';;6?~ Real ?r,,~rty T.1.\ Se:'Vice A~e;:c:o Vt:'li:':J:iJ" Disc St::clio~ i !) :~'"=~: !..t\: - .. -- ---...------- --\ ':: CO~::lU:l:::: ?:-~.scr... .Il...':: ~:u:!.; CQ:1S:c'~ra.li~:, ..:..m..\'.....,~ S () Lao- Slir.it' 1000 12800 0200 008000 C?F T:\:< Due , ',"_"'ll"- --~-- D.le ., ::11:.,:.....:.: e.7 .: J';,:',j L .~~ In:li.ls 1 Sati5ia~tio~s/DisC:hir&esl^.;.e3se5 L,it ?:.)p~:::7 O'.~;:e;; :':.ii,;~.~ ~::,'.i::m RECORD .5< RETl'R.... TO: . '~!:J /&tJb 'i:1 IW,J,...~.(.,. R-x i'~,,- (' -7 tJ .s '" ~ f,l.." ()/ />-r' r ~"'" t.. . V'''''j5).''' ;</r ~ 7031 (' P. 5,.",4- ( -r:""\ .,J u.J' , D , Suffolk Countv Recordin2 & EnCiorsement . Tille Compan)' Informalion ;,..:' N'0OMM T:l;o,: J: P~Qe Tr~s ~ge for:r's ~a.'1 or:he ~~t.::cr.cd II' :..~: I;.. r.SPEaF~' 1"';1'2: 0;: :NSTRU!.':i:,')ITJ - ..). t, ,J t.~,j:~ ::,e p:em.s~s h~rci:\ is ~~r-.L:lI~.j .il TO SlTICCKCOI..~T\', ~.iE'.v ';'OR.K. ~~/J.. L./J . . - , ~ l~ t=-,~ .I C'.l,':"'.s:'~;:: O~ ~''7 Il..-u...slcy I t:'~~ t kz-f "'..!.dJ...1 p.~~ I K~ ~-z--<7 AI ~~:li:1..[iZi .;,:' BOXES 5 TIiRU 9 MUST 6E TYPED OR ?R1:-'1'EJ~' B:".:-.C;': r:,,: O/;~~. ?R':G'. .~O :>.feOF,:):]"'J IJR ;:!L:J';C; l~ l:!'~ 'iIL:'AG:: /nV~R\ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111I111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFF:ICE RECORD:ING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number , 05-0061400 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-43989 Recorded. At. 06/08/2005 03.00.07 PM L:IBER: PAGE: D00012391 366 District. 1000 Deed Amount. Section. 128.00 EXAMINED AND $880.000.00 Block. 02.00 CHARGED AS LotI 008.000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $3.520.00 NO COI\IIIl.Pres $14.600.00 NO Fees Paid $18.272.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR. 04-43989 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRtlMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County . . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY wHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.Orps.atBte.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUIIlTY USE ONl V c,. SWIS Code I. 'I ,1 ,3, t{,.i. '1 C2. Do1o IlMd Reco_ 1 /" / ~ I (!) ~ 6 l>>V "..r ca._I./..i?.3.1, J 11:4......'..3,.(1. ~ ,. REAl PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE OF NIW YORK STAlE IlOARD OF _ PIIOf'ERTY _VICES RP - 5217 JlPa5l1"_,,,JIIn PROPERTY INFORMATION ""-1 .....- 5980 -- Great Peconic Bay Blvd. S1JlUT ...,. Qrfst5iJ1Q1d. \IaIMIl ZlPCODI ....... Rozansky Kelly J. Name LASluelUllelliY N1K1NJe r 't. oJ. Rozansky Timothy J. ~~ 1 ROa3.Rlik)- aRB Kelly J.1 A8jliUklfllty as TEystees sf ~Re 3. Tax Indoo.._f.....T..IIi,r~'?'l.~ Rozansky. Jr. Trust _ .__....._..._oIlormll Addre" IMTNMIl/COWAN'f' 'IIIIT__ .1~1 ~MDITRRTNAMi cnv G111VWN 11 , of Percell OR D hI'!: of . 'arcel "All ..- '":::""1 - jllKItfTPQT I X I ...... IORI 'ACIIIS . 7. 51 10000....oI._I~.__: ..............___Ao'hc.lI.exa 0 ...__...._rc.T_ D 4C......._fDr~wl.......__ 0 t. Indlcdt the numblir 01 ............, _...... __ an tho_ 1.- N... lMI~= John ~NMII lAST ......1 CDIIMN'I ""NAIII. A~o..F__'" it 2 or 3 Fernity Ruldanlllt C RoIidInUlt Vec:lflt LInd D Non....ntlll VICIInI LInd I SALE INFORMAOON I 11. SlI. Contraal ... I:~ ....rtcullUrol I ~ CommuniIy- F Comma..... J.........., G ____ K l'ubl'c_ H E_IAm_ L _ ChIc*: 1M __ below _ thIy apply: I. Ownol'lhl. Typo hi CondorM1I"," .. New Conarucdon an V...... Land 104 Pruperty Lcated within 11ft Agric&Mlurll Dillritl 1. Buyer I'IItOMd . dIIcIoaure .... indaIing thltu.prGIlIrIyilinanAgtll:ulluraIOlltrIct o o o o 1. ~.k 1M boa below wNcIt mOlt .....raIaly ........... 1M UN 01 eM prapuIy .w: th. lime 01 MIa: ,1. o.te 01 SII. I Yr...... t.I ,if) 1051 iiiifIi c.,. v... -S- IrH IDS) ...... ""' - 11. a-k _ _ ,.......... _....._ ......... tIt-""": 13. FuJI SIIe 'rice . 8' 8' g' g. ,'9' 0, 0 . 0 I , , . (Full SM PIa . tn. tDI8I .-nount Plid lot the prgPMfY InclucUng pmont,l property. This ~m"" INY be In the form of cuh. other propdy or goDdI. or Uw ..urnptlon of rTlOf'tII...- or ather obUgItIons.) ",..,. IOUIJd fO Ihtt neII'Mf whole.,. iII'ftGIUIII. '''_'''._01_' I 0 0 0 I praperIy ......... In .. .... . ' ~ - I _ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dill Ihould nrftoct lhe 111011 Finol &.- .....1 Rolllnd Tax Bill L A II C D E F G H I J &.Ie BaIween ReIItNu or Formw ......... 8* s..w.on Ralated ~ 01 PwtMrw In BuMou Ona of lhe EIuyvI . .-0 . Seller Buyer or Seller III Gcwemrnenl Agency or landing DIlMlon ~ Typ. II1II: W.manly or 81rpln _ 5* (Specify BeIaw) hie of FrlCtionlll or u. ttwn Foe InIerac tspec:ify BekJw. SJonI- Chonge In P_ _ T_ SID....nd ... ""'" s.&o 01 ..~ Is lncIudad In SIlo Pra Other U,..."I FKlDN AllKting Sokt Price (Specify Below>> N.... 11. V... ell "'---"II81II: RaIl from I O. 31 n. Tml ...... v....laI'... pMClIIIln tnMIIrt 1 which hlt-......... 'c.bn , I 8.8 0 0 I , ,.. Pra_ CIuo l.J. 1. Q.U ,I. _ _...... I Mattituck School 2ID. TM MIll 1dMdIIIMt.. , RoD ....-Islllf m.. than lour. ..... .... with ........... 1dantlW11II1 U361l' I~"'- 128-2-8 I I CERTIFICATION I '....wr......"'...._"'__..IIIII................_'..........."'ooy-.........botidlMd... ..........-.. .r..., ..1IIIlII...._"'_..............wIII...Joct_1u1l1t Dh......_"'.... .10..._...................."'...._ lIYnB BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~':z 1:-""'" Cora e:y I 4""(rt/or- DA" Smits" Am&rie P. LAI'I NAIll FMI' NMII! 973 597-0777 .11lttT~ ITIlI(T NAIll CoIlI"I_1AW ....... .............-. Singer Island, FL 07834 ""'GO""'" ...n ..- ,'-~.A ~ ./ -...u. ,,-,UIlI DA . .- NEW YORK STATE COPY