HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12439 P 90 , !. ;. o. I' !, rb COClS\de..J\O!) TIllIMIIp ])e~il'Dl.'n DiJl'.I000 So<. Ia&'.oo Blk.' 02.00 1.....(.1 090.00' ). ~. -.d-c .- q . J r;r;l ,f~'I""" -;:-k-- 30(1(..,./,,? 011/'1 .ot NYOO.'i - 831:riamdSak: Derd Iloilh Covcnarll:lpiaa o..wr".1\cG bdi...w,r<<CurpantioaISinpSbwot~"YH'ru 1lOO2, CO."iSL:LT 'l'pUll: LA WVI::II: BF..FORI $J(:,Srsc nos IN!tnmlE.Vr. TIllS INSTRU)fL'.fSHOULD BE VSW BY LA\vYl!:R5 o,'d.\' THIS INflIENTUKH, Jruade the ;J.;!. d::J)" of December . in the yew 200S BETWEEN JOliN f. McFE:ELY, residinga1 5900 Peconic &y"DouJevard,l.aurel. New York I 1948. IIId MARY F. McFEELY, hili wife m;w:ns III the 5amC addlea, p.:1nyurlhc'firsc:pan,llDd MARY F. Ml:FEEL Y, midinsat 5900 Peconic Bay Boulevard, yurtl, New York 11948 party uf the second part. WITNESSETH. lhal lhe' pllfty of the fiB!: plUt, in cunsickrltion ofTen Doll:us IUld OlheTvaJUOlbh: ,"uMide-rabun plIid by lhe pnrty of the lOCCOncJ ~n. doa hereby grunl ana.! ~lcilSC' unlo the p3rtyof~ lIt.'aJnd pw1.lhe hein or ~UttC5.l;Or!i and wigns uf Ihr puny of me second part forever. ALL thai cenaiD plot, piece or parcel of lnnd. with me ooildinp and impl'O'o"Cl1JCots d!erton c:rccted, ~'lUak:.lyin8 and bcinS 31 Laurel, in lhe Town of Soutbold, County of Suffolk and Slale of New York, boundftI UJd dcseribcd as follows: BEGINNING ala munumcnl on the IOUlhcrly side orPeconic Bay Boulevard, when the divisiOl~ line bttwecn premises hcrein described :and land now or formerly of Rosin intC'rX'Cta 1M lOutherty side of PeeOl2ie Oay OoukvanJ; running thm<< NOl'1th 460 48' 20" East, along the southerly side ofPttonie Bay Boulevard, 189.32 fccc 10 a monumelll and l:md now or fORnerly of Rozansky; Ihcnec alona said last mmlioned land, lhc followina three (3) courses.:mtl di5tBDC'e.": I. South 19022' SO" Easl 327.31 feet IU. point; 2. Soulh 220 06' 20" East, 105.18 feet to a poiDt; 3. Soulh 190 2:!:' 50" East 6.00 fcellO the ordinary hiJbwatcr mork orGrettI Pcconic Day; thnJec alunS 1bc onlinary bishwaLCr rnark OrlM Gre.. Peconic Hay, B lie line coursc and distaru:1l of South 410 or 00" Wt~Sl, 198.44 feet to land now ur formrrly of Uquori; lbence North 200 04' SO" West, alana said 1111 mtDlioned land and Idona land now 01' . formerly of RosiD, 460.00 feel to the monumenl on the lfOUlherly ,ide of ht.'Onic Bay Boulevard. It the puinl or plllt'C' of BEGINNING. The afore5ll.id premises are shown II In unnumbered plot: on a certain map entitled "Map ofPropcny of Eliu B. Monfort. shuutc' at ~bltit~k. Suffolk County, ~cw York~ filal. in Suffolk County Clnic's Office on 5/11/1910 as Map . No. 506. f E.Jtc.eplrio" -t-here~Ol'I\. So mu.ch of *,e. p~rnl~es. o...c;. INOS con.".lyed. -\-c Slepken O'~""""3hn"'y ",,,d I;II"""loo.iI, O"~"ne"}' o~ deed !'e'or'oee! Oc. +b\'"r ". I~qq It, '-,00 11'1'13 1""'38 ~~3 *' TOGETHE:R with all right. title and inlcrr5l. if uny, oftbr puny of the Iil5t part of, in aDd toaoy sU'l~ts Ind roods abultiog Ibc . obuvc-dcscTihcd premi~ ro the center linelllben.'Of: TOGli:THER wilb lhe appurtC'I\alK'l."S and alllhcC'$Ulk::an.I righ~ of the p:u1y of the fi"l p:ut in and to said pmni5C5; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihtl prem~ herein smDtcd unto the pany of the second pari. me. htlirs orsucC'euon am assign5ufItK: par1Y oftllC'llCCOnd pan f~. AND the puny'ofthe fim partcovcnanlS that the parlyof the first pan W 001 ~ orsu~ted InylbinB whereby the said premises hu',e been incumbened in any way what~vcr, CACCpt: as aforesaid. AND Ihe pw1y ufthe first pari, incompJiance wilhSc:l.1ion 13 oflhe Lien Law,covenanl5lha1lhCparl)'uftht fin.tp3l1 will rccdve Ihe:; coru;;idrrll.lion forlhiJ: COIl\'ey~ and will hold lhe ri,hr to receive such mn..,idcration:l:5. trull fund III b.: applied rani for lhe PuI'p)Se of payin. the C05I: of the improytmeDl and will apply IhC' ~ first 10 the paymml of the C05I oribe " improvemerlll before usinS 1m)' p:ut of the tnlIIl of the ~lPe for:my other purpose. The- wonl "pany" soon he conslrued lL"I if il rC3d ~pllJtie5" ~..hc=never It.: ~~ of Ihis indenlure so rrquiRl$. IN WITNESS WHI!KEOF, the p:utyofthe fil"Sl part has duly tllt:alttdthis deed the day W1dyClII' first above wrincn. Is PRl'SESt;F. tlFI ~f;fIl7n:j 'T'-:t ~ ~.~~ MARl' . kFEEL~ _ ~~ :n..~ j"~'-.Y-.<~ L/J-Lf39 , p 000 I I .j " ,', " U~w.1JUJG"':NTFOIt.".tt'DW'Wf7lDNNew'rOU'srAlJ!.UNI.r.' S"""X...Vortl,Coomtyol S\Jrlb\~ ).., On 1he~.Joy '" December ~., in ... _ ZOOS .............._""""""'Iy-""'" JOHN F. McFEEL V ~Iy known 10 me or proved 10 m&: on dE lmill ol suiIIal:IDry c\'idrnce 10 be Ihe individual(ll' whale n;unc(S1 is (alii) IIIbIicribed IV ~ within instrument aDd a.-tnuw~ lO me dat hrlsbMhcy net'UDrd the lllIII'IC in. hW1scrhheir '::&pKlty(ic&). ADd that by hillhm'lhl:ir ,;ign;uurcca, on die in5lrummt. Ib= individualtl" or ft pasun upon behalF of..1\ich b= indhi&b&l(s) DaIld. eaccuICd Ihc insIrummI. ~PCIll.A8' 1IDliIIy:.-'" oINM... ~0lClII_ My?-,..' .',,~:,,~ ~=.- ~f AC'DlJWU'JKiJmNTFoat FOIl OK WITHIN Nn' YOlK STAJZ0A7.r: 1N#w)"cri.~ll1/Jwu~c.triJfNtr} S.....,NewVun,Cwalyot ,.., On ~ duy I._t in Ihc yc;r 200 bcflW Inl.'. the undmign-=J. pc:n;unally oqJpean:d Ilk lt~'ribiDl ....;1nOf; 111 It.: lLRltJina iOl\b'UJ1'lent, wilh whom I urn pmll.'I1O.Uy DCquainled. 'tV....'. beina by me duly !M'Um. did depose mJ f:JY thai: hr/lChtllhcy lnid~s) ill (i/tlt.! II/dO! of~.dJ~LY;1 ill II dly. indw rIttt "rn!1 and n"",,,,,,,*,, if (III.'", 11w~; duu: bel*lthey knowf.) tU hr w individwd dc5cribed ill 4Dd woo eKCl."'U1Cd the fon=auiZIJ in1>hUnlent; Ihat 1o;I,idllUboc:ribillC witnesl WIIS JR$CIII. and 1ll.....1lIUd eUC'uU' lhc 113mc:: ld'ld 1fwl SlIid wimcu ulhilllllme time suW:ribN hWhcrllbrir nmnr(liO) as a lldtacD Ibereto. I. ii UAR(;.uN'1t SUit DD'.n w:nlo:m.",,",",~~SIlCll Tnl>:"", ?>of} I. f,';)Rf/tf;J. JOHN F. McFE:EL Y and MARY F. Mt'FEEL Y " TO MARY F. McFEELY lI'IDFJ.IT\" NATIONAL nTLK II'8VRA..'-cCK A Cnt.lpA.:'lC\' Ot" NEW YORK W ~'''''''''''I'P'tCJI cW_"'-FW.UJy av~./ ",."._..._Wtln6'~ I ~ I 1!5 III " i:! w ~ .. I I USllA.CU/tWf'll.D6Ml!Nr'rrtJllMIlliUJl/llI'fJ'JaNNItWYauSl'AmONu: Sloteot_Vad;c.u.."ot s..fj;, It. ,.., 0. ...J;!. "'y"''-''ber J,ro5" in.... ~ 200S ....... nu:. ... .""""anod, petIOIlIlly 'fl"'II<d MARY p, Mct'I:.tiLY . pmoalIlly tnowu 10 _ ,r pam:d k1111t on Ihi: bal.is of .lisfackwy nidcnceln br lbe IndlvidwII(S} w1Kl1C' --.sJ ill (1ft) lIUMcribcd to Ihc witbiD ........... "'" IIdnuwIalced to me lI10l hdIl....... .......... Ihc !iaJIIIt In IlisIhntdIeir ..:lpIICil)'CicI)' and IhaI ~-~ MaIlllbR(Sl nil lhe illillUhaL the indMdual(li), or .. (ICIIOII upon 1x-h.lC uf whk:h Iha Indi'viduMlls, IICICd., C'aCUIIIld ~ inllrUmcnt. . _PCDLM .....,. PIIIIIo,...oINM'IbIk ....otClI1_ CMad ~""CaiIIlIr ' ..,Cl.._.l.lf!'BqlhlAuguoI.... ' ArR'..'OM~IIwMFtMVK~N1twraKSTA'tIl0A1.I": In,,,ufSMMM'''r1rripa-''''~C'''r/bN1 ..............................."..................)~ 'f~rVrll...willlSUr. C~,PIY1'W.I""",~' Onlhr dayof. in_~ bcrORl me, dw. lIDI.icrIiptLod. penoAl1Ily IIpptIllCd prnnnaUy knuwII "' II'It or puvtld ID me 011 the bais rlllIIisiilaorY nidmtc 10 be _ indMduaKI)WhoK- DImIlI.) is~} IU~ 10ft within InlDUlDl:'nl iIUI ~ 10 me lhu !WsbIlIIhcy CU'L"UIeIJ Ihe SlImIl in hlllhedlbcir ClpKiI)'("In), m. by biIIhcd their sipaluMS) on Ihe J:nstnune.nr.- IndiYldualf,,).orlhcpersun upoabehu.lrnfwhich 1M indivklualts) 8CI!d, CAa.'U1ed w iasIrumem. nihil SUt"h individulll mlI&JesuchllppCll8.'ebe((fttheraJeraiptr:din lhc. (ht.mI tIw ci!ylJrtlllw, puIitictU AIhdlKrion tmd IN IItIw or COUIIl'YIN ~r pItJu dw acbwtt'~1 KW" mknIJ, DLflllK.T 1000. SI!CI1llN'lo1t.oo BI..oc:K 0002 Lt7r 090.00' COUNTY UK Tow", SufTolk 1tF.("QlmWATII:.y/uESrf>>' IIdcIil)" N'........ nll~ 1..1'1IIICC eo.p.y .tHew York ItEtVRN IY """L TO Ronald A. Pollio. Esq. RedmoGd Pollio & Cuo.llP 1461 Frmklin AVCllIIe Crudcn City, New York 11530 I I --.1 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY PlEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIR-MLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM' INSTRUCTIONS: htip~f WWW.orpB.staI8.ny.uB or PHONE 15181 473-722l! tH, 7. ~ g &'71 Cl.O...Ilood_ L ~f ~ ~~ I C3. __ I 1, -?, L/,..3..E C4. '_1 tJ, 4/, D. (;rwJ- I Peconic Bav Boulevard .".11_ C1. SWIS Code ~ ~'llt REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAn Of NEW YORK . STATE IOARD OF RUI. .....RTY IEfMCES RP - 5217 .'4:I7...JIJr 1'~1 5900 ._~ Laurel D~O'''~ McFeely Uo/I'T fU,1I!IIi ICOM'.....~ - I 11948 .- ~- ...... Mary F. ,..,- ~T_/CQMIoO."Y _r*w 1T.. IndIcMe.........fI.t1nT.,......lObelellil IIatg "DIhor ltW1 buyw MId,.. UIt bonom of forml I -- ~r_/~ "'lIT NAME 1'_'MIIlIBl!Il:~.m!fT_ 4.rndIcM.....~..~_'It AoI PoIlU" trMl...... _ 1'" ....... ClTYQII_ \ I 'ofhrull. OR 0 Pattof....rcel IT.foR ~- . .... . PI-opwtwo I .... '~IUT IxL - looL -. .~ ~ I IOn" I r.t ~...... a.cll: _ tMy.".tr: 4o\.P\nlingBonIlidlW:lcStrlUDnoUharllyEQQ. D _SubdIvilion~_II_lu"'fDrT'I'" 0 C. hn:uI Appr.-d tar S~411on with _ PruwIdId 0 .. s.I. ...... McFeely LAST_/~ John F. -.- M~~~~ 11MU' 7. ca.c:.1tT. box...low whIttI m", _~I'" d...... 1M ... ..... prap.rty lit ................. ,J.FuIS...,.,. o . '" 0 . 0 I , , . iFuII Sill P,l~ is tII.- ~llmOllnt _id lor the PTOfM"Y """lIIIing Pft'OIIIII prgperty. lbill paymllRl m.,. bl irlll'll form gfr..... oth.-pnIpIltVOl'ggods, 0l'1t'II neumpdon of mootgagISorom.robligltianl.l """nJlllldfollT.__~ctoMMlmcMI"'. CI-*...................,...,e,: "1JwMrsh1p Typo" ConcIIHMUum F. ~ AgrIcuIIul'IIl I ~ Commun/ly Setva .. ~ ConIlruClion on YIanI Und F CamlT1tlreilll J Indultrlll 1M. Property ~ MIhln.,. Ag.1cuIinI DlIIrIcI. G Aplrun.nr. K Publics.NicI 1D1....,..~.dIIclo.urlno&iminllir:Glg H EnIIM"'''''''''''-_ I. For.... tMlheprol*t'fllm"J\(IrbrIlu"'DIItricl: 1!5.a.._..rnoreof__cIdrnI..........to~ A ~ St. ~ "-'-ti_ or FormH RalMhIetI 8 I-- s.a. ~ fWmd Comprri119 or PM,...., auur- C~ an.ofthll Buyw.1:I", s.tIIIr I> EluyerorSeatrI:lGovomrnllrn~Ol'LendlngInslJtubon E ~ DMd TyPO nat w.rr.nrv or s.rv-in __ &'-ISpocify BeIowI P s... of FrKllorW or ~ tMn "" In1wfWIISplIdfy IWowl G ~ SJgn/fbnt ChMg. it! ~rIV IIMwBan T.~bIe s.u..,., Stll 0.- H 611.. or Bull,.. .. IndudMlln.S1111 Pnc. I ~ 0lMr Un..... FIlCIO.. AfIoctIng !iM Plio>> ISpocily &.Iowl J '-- No.. o o o o A~OI'lllF""jly""~1 R 2 Of 3 Family RMldINiI' C ~YKeIlILand D ~..VlClnlllMld I SALE INFORMATlON I 11. .... Contnct o.r. ~~ "., f2W!5 I .. 12. Dtohl ....../T,....... 12 f ;;l';lf 20051 "., ... ..... ,...,...................... L . .0.0 I pI'CIIJ4rIy........In........ . ASSeSSMENT INFORMAmN - 0. should refIec:t the letm FiNlI Aueument ADlI end Tu Bill I 1&. ::"of..:=:" u:: frvra LJ2.~ 17. TlIUlI "'-d V......lof III PI.... In.......... I 11. '""*" a.. I Ol../.I'JI-I-.J ,.._~.........._I I/.'7!3 '1 fP1. 1.:2 5001 '...... ~ ~ .... d; &U-v{'-'-TL-~ 20. T_ Mlrp ....~.I 'AalIdInIfft.w II'..... U- 10.... eIbch..... whtr......__ ~I Block:2; Lot:(ll!ijlOI I Dlsh~t: 1000' Sed.Dn '. 1~~."O I I CERTIFICATION t I Cft1d'y I11III .. 01 UIt __ tllaIUncUDn ftIInId all lbIh ronn 11ft lnII' _ nII'1t'(t 110 lhr bell oIlD1lulow~'" -..n ... , ......... dIM till! ........ olaay wilfDl r....~ olnuk'l;"'" hrrtIn _II ..bJrd _10 UII' _1dUn!I tJI......... .... m.d,"t lit........... OIr.,vllblR...".n1tJ115. ~JYER BLlYER'S AnoRM:.! REDMOND, POLLIO & CASO. LLP ~'r.~ f? 7N ~-, I ~y /2...0.r" Pollio -- t Ronald A. -- li900 '1""5T"~1I P"c,gn1c_ Bav Rn..l"v:lrd 1'_T~~ILIlI" c;,1t;; ll~kACDDl ?48-,iiQ2;_~" NEW YORK ST':! COpy ~ d\.'UT' !iV'B i1~8 !!!;!I.[!! ." ~~. y(J cjh.~ fhJ.... . n_ ?J~~..(j ~-;hlj ) -.. '. Number IIf r;111..'S TOKRr"'1S .3 !krialll Cl,.'nili...-alcII IJriur Ctf. # _ Deed. Mongagc Inslrumc:nl 3 Page I Filing Fff I handling 5 .lllL 5 TP-584 Nouuiun E."~5117 (Cuunl)'J t'-i\-5:!t7IScOlh.'1 . 5 7-:; ---.-'---'- - 30 Q.Q . ...--- --.-- R.P.T.S.A. Cumln...fE..J. _.______J, tilL All1da\.it C~nifiN Cupy " Ke,. ~up)' , Othl..'r /s 118.00 Block 1000 12800 0200 009001 009.001 5 Rl'al I'rop<ny "Pol" Scrvi.... ,\gene)' Vc,'rificOIaiOl ~ pT S REAP A Deed I Mor.ll"S" Th. Slamp FEES Sub TUlal ~~()ti;,~- ~~>~ :i.' 'Ji' ',:. ~~ "'\&';' ~ -- : .~ ~,,, -. " .:~~ SutlTolal Grund Total 6 SUlisrIlL"lionfDi!i('harg.\'lIIKd"'IISl' Lillol l'ntJ'IC.'rt)' Owner" Maihn!! A..tdft's,," Rt:ClIRIl II< RETllRN TO: Rl'dmond Pollio & Caso.I.I.P 1461 ..runklin ,\"l'nul' (;.rd.. Clll', NY 11530 All.: Kunold A. P.llio. t:lIq. R&lIRCED 2006 Kar oti 021.37141 PH Clfl\l( Of 5lJrraK ~TY L [J(j()l)12439 P 090 ()Ttt OO-2i'9..6 RL"\.vnling I rilin~ SlUmps MonS"!:" AmI. I. DaMC'Tu 2. Addiliunall'olx Sub TUI:II SpC'e.'Assil. or Sl"-~'.I Add. TOT. MTIl TAX l>Ual Tnwn __ Dual O"IUnI)'_ H,,"1d fur Apf'I')il1llllent ~ "l"mn..li..rT:I~ . .._.~._ \li.ll1silln Tal\. .n1\.' prllpl.'ny ..'m'cR.,,1 hy lhi:'o mnl!:.I~~t: I.. Uf will hL' impnlV.:d hy :1. nnt: ur 1"'.11 filmily dYr.'C'lIing onl~'_ YES or NO If NO. !k."e apprt'priab: W:\ ....Iausc IIn p.lg!: -II of this in~lrW1lC'nl. CunsiWnniun Amoum Community P~..n.ullu S. CPF Tax Due Impro\'t'\.l .._.___ VOIeantl.:tnd ~ ~ 'Ill ----LLL- '1'1) 11) 7 1111<> Company Inrurnwlion Co, N..... t"lnl Am.ric.n 1'111. I.sunnc. Co. lille' 3001-112442 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This p:lI.e forms pan uf Ihc allaChed 1lIhoJ'._i\tc.Ec.ly B.d Mary F. McE<<I)' Tel M.ry F...1trt"<'tI): . _m_.m -' Dfol!d _______ made by: CSPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 1'ht: prcmi:dll herein ill SiIUOII<<t in SUfFOI.K cou:-rry. ~i:W YORK. In Iht: VII.I,,\(iE In the TUYr.'II:'ollip Itf -5.Q.lII.t)oJd._. . .... l'rll'\MI.I~l'lIr IJOXES 6 TJIM.OUGli 8 ML:ST liE TYlIED ()K I'H.I~TEI) IN liI.r\CK I~K ()~I.Y IIRION. TO RI:C()H.I)I~(j (,It "'II.1~U lI1\'~'rI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ""11111111 1111I111I11111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of :Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages 1 3 . Receipt Number 1 06-,0022527 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-29926 Recorded. At: LIBKR: PAGE: District. 1000 Section. 128.00 DAM:IHBD AND $0.00 Block 1 02.00 CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the FOllowing Fees For Above :Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO page/Filing COB BA-CTY TP-584 RPT TrlU1sfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00: $30.00 $0.00 Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTM Ccimm.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-29926 TK:IS PAGB :IS A PART OF TBB :INSTJttJllJDlT TK:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL . 03/06/2006 02137.41 PM D00012439 .090 Lot. 009.001 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $149.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO