HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12414 P 85 . , ,.- . 1 :i Y' I ", I, ;,,:, r,' I...l /~ ( THIS INDENTURE, made the 14th day of April, 2005 BETWEEN R. PAUL CAREY. party of the fust par1I, and t..2~ k/t:JTE.e..>1 DE L-l1plt- KEf. f:; V 1L.t.. E. V F+ ~S',:p JAMES M. CAREY, and D . r DOROTHY C. QUIGLEY, partY. of the second part. B oirt f- E:::>l 11 I ""_'1 p. "3 RoSE.... ]I II E. E/'lS.TtlIi E:sTE e. IV '/1 () '74 'fJ WITNESSETH, that the party of the fust part, in consideration often dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, docs hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of rhe second part forever, ALL of the undivided one-third interest of the party of the first part in that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town ofSouthold, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York as shown on survey indicating "Lot #6" and "Lot #1" dated December 28, 1960 attached hcn:to and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A", to JAMES M. CAREY and DOROTHY C. QUIGLEY equally. BEING and intended to be the same premises as conveyed to Frederick S. Carey and Dorothy F. Carey, his wife, by deed dated the 20th of February, 1961 and recorded in the Officc of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 3rd day ofMarcb, 1961 in Liber 4954, cp 590. Frederick S. Carey died on the 16th day of September 1986. Lot #6 was conveyed as a gift by Dorothy F Carey to the parties. Dorothy F. Carey died on January 23, 2003i. The remainder of the premises including Lot #7 was conveyed to the parties in accordance with the Will dated June 15, 1998 by deed dated February 5, 2004 and recorded in the Officc of the Clerk of the County ofSutTolk on April 29, 2004, in Libcr DooO 1 2.3 16, page 271. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, ifany, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above: described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second pI!rt the heirs or ~sors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenanllS that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. , ' , AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first 10 the , PAGE 2 INDENTuRE dated April 14, 200S payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pari of the total of the same for any other pwpose. The word "party" shall be construed as ifit read "partics" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party ofthc filst pari has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN THE: PRESENCE OF: R. PAUL CAREY 1n~ (J".,ho,7;tL .&.~Ak Commonwealth of Virginia 55: On the 14th day of April in the year 200S before me, the undersigned, personally appeared R. PAUL CAREY personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of 5atisfacto1)' evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or thc person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument, and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the County of Northumberland in the Commonwealth of Virginia. ~~ I '. , ( Tille No 161686-5 r ...-/'. ,,\.. \J ~ ,,~~. '. . O~\C ?~C . > . f AllJ/;Nl'III?!. bfr.'w -4P.f'IL /-1 P1t1?~- , EYNliSlt A "'':l \,.0\ \ .,:) ffG 0 / 0 \,.0.\ 0- ~ '\ 9. \ O~ "O,*- .... o~ ~.. ~ 'J.. G" ....0 ) ) /. /' . .: --~ // \ ., SURVEY FOR FREOERICK S a DOROTHY F. CAREY LAUREL TOWN OF SOUTHOILD SUFF. CO.,N. Y. SCALE' '"=40' DEC.2.!3.1960 <Sl .~ Cbo- ~ \~ NDTE. . I YONUM[.n LDT NUlI9ERS REFER TO. IIAI' DF . EDGEIIERE PARK~ FILED IN THE DFFICE OF THE CLEIiK OF SUFFDLK CDUNTY. GUARANTEED TO.. GUARANTEED TITLE a MORTGAGE ~:"o. (TITLE No.161696"S I f2Mwl?:~~lA'f I'ROFESSIDNA@G~NEf;I( ANO LAND SURVEYOR,N.Y.S. LIC.NO.IZ845 RIVERHEAD, N. Y. Co, Name' TIlle II s- s- Suffolk County Recordillg & Endorsement Page Thi8 page forma part ,of the attached ~ made by: (SPECIFY l'YPE OF INSTRUMENT) . lGil . . Number of pages TORRENS Serial/I , f Certific8te # Prior Ctf. /J Deed I Mortgagc Inslrument Deed I Mortgage 1'81[ SlamI' 21 PBBS Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 '. . J ") ---I--L= - ~oo ~ 4)1- Notation -./- BM' 11 """'" = 1~ BA-S217 (Slafe) _ _ R.P.T.S.A. -..:.. a,--=- Comm. of Ed. _~ J!!L SUbTblal~~ Affidavit --- CerlWcd Copy NYS Surcharge Other --- 15. ...QL ~ d&loU I Seclin~ 00 I Blog (,,0 t) [!.otlQoOO - - .- . -_. ... 05040141 1000 12800 0600 020000 ~PTS ROTY A l'I-OCr-ll Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification . , -;1 SotisfllClionstDlschargcalRcleUCII LiBrPropcrty Ownccs Mailing AddJ:CS.!l ~ RECORD & RETURN TO: WI 1'd1Qel F, HorgAn, ~s~. 7 P0l1c:1fle1d Qro.J p, 0., 60)( 3iO~ BYVnXviJ/e, tJy IO'7or 7 J fZ. PillA I ('ll~ RECORDED '2005 Oct 12 02:03:55 PM Edward P.Rooaino CLERK OF SUFFOlK COUNTV L 000012414 P 085 l>T# 05-10504 Rcaarding I Filing Stamps , ;;liD Mortgflgc AmI. I. BuJo Tax 2. Addidonal 'Thx Sub Tbtal . . I '. Spec,IAuil, or Speo. IAdd.: TOT. NiTo;TAX Dual 'Ibwn ~ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax Mansion Tax Thll propciiY:ooveicd by this mortgagc is or will bc .improved by a one or two flif!1ily dwclllng only. " YES ' or NO : ,'.,..... ~. . If NO;'lcClIpPlllprlBllllaX clausc on pagc #r . ," of this inslnlmcnl. ~ 5 Community Preservation Fund Consideration ,Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacant Land I'D TO TO The premises herein is situsted In SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In lhc'Ibwnship of SOu. ~ h.2ld Ja W\t & M, ,r jj,~J In thc VILLAGE ~YI'ltl1y C. r.J1).l'8-'e..y orHA~of I-Qu..re..l DOXF.S 6 TURD R MUST BB TYPED OR PRINTED TN BLACK. INK ONLY PRIOR TO Rl~CORDINO OR PILING. . 111111111111 111111111111111 11111 11111 1111111111 I1111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOL!: COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECCIRDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number' : 05-0106938 TRANSFER TAX: NUMBER: 05-10504 Recorded: At: 10/12/2005 02.03.55 PH District: 1000 LIBER: PAGE: D00012414 085 Deed Amount: Section: 128.00 EXAHJ:NBD AND $0.00 Block. 06.00 CHARGBD AS Lot: 020.000 POLLOWS Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/piling $12.00 NO HaDdling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO ms SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-en' $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $152.00 TRANSPER TAX NUMBER: 05-10504 THIS PAGE IS A I1ART OP THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine COlmty Clerk, Suffolk County . -________h__ -PLi:ASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM - ---- INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:// www.orps.stale.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUiIIlY USE ONL V 1</, 1,..3,t,g,~1 * ,() /' - CZ. D..o Dnd"""onIIod I 1&, Idf/C/..!:. I ,'-. Mufti', c.y VOIr J. ;; l.f. I ,'-II C4_ POgo I tP . ~, .::. -: ....L..-..J \;. . _'I CT. SWlS Code REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE SOARD 01' REAL PROP!;IITV SERVICH C3_ Book I PROPERTY INfORMATION RP - 5217 1t1'-!UI7.... J.'t7 T. "'--"" I Loc.w:lOn 315 /375 SI'N'PT~1l Macdonald Road srNoLl NAN[ Southold errv 0II1(JWN Laurel Y1LLAGI:. -""aD 2_ .... Nom. Carey LA6TNAMf/CCNPANY James M. ~lllliT"AW ~u1gl~ IMMIIlI 'Nl'f 3. TlIx IndicUe whll1I fulwe TiDI Bi. are lD be IInI: IIUing if GeM' than auy.r add~ (lit bauom of farml I -- _I Dorothy C. ..anNAIIE LAST JrtAM[ I COlIANoNV HA6r 1llAW: STltRT NIAU~ ....'110 sr"""r NAMIo C,TY OIllOWN sr... llPCODl: 4. Ihdlc.te 1M number at A_ -..nt RoI paR.a ....n....red DIU thli dMc:I L------.iJ , of Parcels ORD Part of II Pilrc:ot ..- Prep.rty 51Z11 ~xl nONTrEtT --.J OR I ...,," '4C"[s .~ fOnty If .... of . p..... ChKk .. u..,. apply: 4A. Planning Board with SUbdivision Authority Ellilh aI. Subctiviaion Appl'OVlal WIll FWqulrod for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision wid'! Map Provided o o o 5. Sol... N..... Carey LAS' MM1[ I CI:NiNtN'( R. Paul 'I'ISTNAME LAST NAY! ICOWAHY '"151 ..AMI 7. CllIICII. tt. bOB below w11lch mOlot ~urd"" d.Kribes tb. ... of Ih. prop.rty d the 111M of ..I.: 13. Full s.a. Pric. , , ,O.JL.JIJ , , . IFull Saki Prieo is Ih. lOl.1 Mnount ~ld fnr the properly Including perlonal Ploperly. This pIIYl1lllnl may ba in lho lorm of c..h. QlMr proporly or goodt, Oflh, 'Rumption of mort~g811 or DlMr obligations.) Plulso round to t~ IINIWI wholo doH., 'lIfJchmL L. 1O~ """""."..1 I ~ Comm_ S...;,. F Comnlorcl.ll J IndUllri.. IlIA Proparty LocaI.t within an Agricullur&l OisIricl (j APlrtm.nt K PubliC Service 1GB. Buyer reclivect, dilclolllre nocice ~ II EnlOr\llnmenll Amusement L Forn, Ih.a the prapeny .In In AIIrlcufturll Dilllict 15. ChecIa 0.... or more r1Ilh.. _ _. _ _1IppIiGabI. tD 'Ir8fIIIeto: A Sal. BelWettn ReIaIi..... or Former Rellltlv. n s... Ekrtwaon Ralatad Compeniltl Of P.rt.,... in Busi"..s C One 01111. BllVtrl is a110 a Seller D Buyer Dr SoIlor hi GOYOIMlOnl Agency or Lending Inetll"llon E Deed TVpe not W......nty Of Blrgein and Sale (Specify Below) F SIIe uf FrflCbonul' or L.aIIs Ihan Fee Inter... (Specify Below) o Signitll;ant o..nge ill Property a.lwllon Tax.ble Stet.. and s.le Dales H 511e of Buline.. is Included in s.'" PriCI I 0."... Unu.ua1 Faac1Ono Alfcx.1ino S.1e PrJoe fSpeclfy B.law) J None '"-...----- & Ownership Type is CondominilMT'l .. Now ConIIrucIJon on VICIni Land o o o o A~ 0.. F_ Rosidanlio' B 2 Of 3 femily Rtsidel\ti,1 C R.sidenli.1 Vac.Int lIInd o Non-Fll'Sidenliel V.Clnll.nd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. s... Cona_ 0._ ...... , OA, , --1 Vur 12. Date 01 541.. I T...nsflT 4 , 14 ... / 200~ ,- ...... 14. Indlute the v.luo of J*'SO"" I I . 0 I .IL..JLJ . prapeny Included In 1M .... , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. D.g should refloct the latest Fin.1 AuBI8mB"' Rolland Tax Bill 16. V.., of ~t 110.11 from r:---... 11._ . I whkh InlonlM'don In.n ~~ 17. ToW A.....ed VaIu.IGl all p.rc... III tr......r). ;' 1.. _,COon ~~-LJ 1I.Sch..IDIot...N.... L .-J ~ , .-=\-.8'.0 ,0, , 20. T811 M8p ldenlifllrlsll RoU Iden1IfierC.'11f man th.n fou.. 8Ihah IhMI ,whh 8ddltlonllldentlfl8lis)1 Section 128 . Block 6 . Lot 21!!...J ~ ---1 I I CERnFICATION 1- 11.'l"ftIf)' lhat. . ~r the ilern., ur iurormaaloa rn&tnd 'IOth. rurm 1ft Inlt :lIIIIIl'Wnl.11.J I'" bed or _, kDIJMIfdIr IIIId bcWf'J and I und&'NaDd lllal thr maldnR: uf'1101 Milllul r. ~lL'lDnIllIl nUllrri....... hnvin MID lIUhJu't mr In IIR 1JI"fWI.'Ii1ln!i or thI DnUd iii.. nlad,,, tu 11M.. mwkinglUld rlllar: of..... Mrumml5- BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ----.J f~ JAMES M~"'a~'r''''' R/;~' ,f~a~ I 1/11/1;6 DOROTHY . au I C[ ,y6 .M' Horgan, Jr., Esq. .....,- Michael "F.fT NAMf 375 Macdonald Road .TI'lfn'........WI...~' (914) NIl'" COO! 961-4441 I"FIF""DNFNtI"YIr" 51".' "IIUMeEI1 Laurel CITY(JIl.r(JW" NY STAT' ..""" UU..IlGttAILJlIIE R. PAUL CAREY 8f:q los- NEW YORK STATE COpy !ill.!&!!