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Southold, N.Y. 11971
(516) 765-1938
The Southold Town Planning Board held a regular meeting
on Monday, November 18, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall,
Main Road, Southold.
Present were:
Chairman Bennett Orlowski, Jr.
Member William F. Mullen, Jr.
Member Richard G. Ward
Member Kenneth Edwards
Town Planner David Emilita
Planner James Bryer
Executive Administrator Victor Lessard
Absent: Member G. Ritchie Latham
7:30 p.m. Public hearing on the question of approval of the
major subdivision of Nicholas Schick located at Orient. 20
lots on 46 acres in the cluster concept.
Mr. Orlowski: I would like to call this hearing to order.
The first order of business is a public hearing on the question
of approval of the preliminary maps for the major subdivision
of Nicholas Schick located at Orient. This is 20 lots on 46
acres ~n the cluster concept. We have proof of publication
· n the Suffolk Times, signed by Mary Degnan and notorized
by Anne Abate, we have proof of publication in the Long
Island Traveler Watchman signed by Pat Wood and notorized
by Barbara Forbes. I will dispense with the reading of the
metes and bounds if there is any problem with that, please
let me know. This has been around for a long time, it is
a very large file at this time, everything is in order at
this time for preliminary hearing. At this time, I will aski
if there are any objections to this major subdivision?
Ruth Otiva: Ruth Oliva, North Fork Environmental Council.
I believe the objections are the same as those that we have
expressed in the past with the change of zone. Number one,
we don not feel that any development is the proper use for
this piece of property. Number two, there is a tremendous
water and sewage problem on this piece of property, as the
Board well knows and I think it behooves the Planning Board
to respect what is set forth in the code that you are here
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to protect the health and welfare of the people and certainly
with an experimental project such as this I don't see how
you can approve it and know that you are protecting the health
welfare and safety of the people. So, therefore, we ask that
disapprove this, thank you.
Mr. Orlowski: Any one else with objections to this subdivision?
Hearing none. Are there any endorsements of this major subdivision?
Hearing none. Is there any one out there neither pro nor con
but that may have information pertaining to this subdivison
that might be of interest to this Board?
Mr. Esseks, esq.: We have been here throught the sketch meetings,
and we have brought staff here to explain to the Board, why we
feel that this should be approved. If the Board has any questions
we are here.
Mr. Orlowski: Okay, moving on to the Board's input, Mr. Latham
could not be with us tonight, but he has sent his letter and would
like to have it read off at the meeting. "Dear Mr. Chairman and
members of the Planning Board: Since I am unable to attend
tonight's meeting, I am writing my thoughts on the proposed
subdivision at Orient Point. Until the last few years, this
property has been farmed continously the late 1700's most if
not all of the time by Lathams. Unfortunately, this is not
so now. A subdivision of this size would have a grave impact
on the land and the whole area. The only road is already
overused because of the ferry and Plum Island Ferry Traffic.
An adequate supply of fresh water is lacking, excessive pumping
would draw saltwater into the only water table available to
nearby homes. Any heavy water use would effect the surrounding
area. Tradtionatly the point has been used by fisherman and
in the fall and winter by duck hunting. I am sure this would
stop with the development of the project. According to Dr.
Lee Koppleman, Head of the Suffolk County Planning Board,
the County is very much interested in buying this land
as a limited service park. I believe that next to farming,
this wold be the best use of the land. My responsibility
to the Orient and East Marion community and to the Town of
Southold requires my to strongly disapprove this project.
Very truly yours, Ritchie Latham, Jr., Planning Board Member."
Any other questions from the Baord, Mr. Ward?
Mr. Ward: Where do we stand with the water and sewer applications?
Mr. Esseks: Mr. Henderson and Bodwell, the Engineers. Albany
wrote a letter which is in the file, and Health Services in
Hauppauge. W~ had a meeting, I believe that there was a proposal
that meets the approval of the Health Services and it is a
altruism to say that this map can not be approved from the
Board until it has been approved by the Suffolk County
Department of Health Sevices. If you would like specifics about
it, perhaps Mr. Bodwell could explain it.
Mr. Bodwell: The SEQRA report that was filed with this project
highlighted the surface water that is 1/10 the recharge capablitity
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Mr. Bodwell: for the site. This is still under for the drought
year. In a.normal year, the recharge is three times the
normal use there because of the small number of units on the
site and the large surface of the site. (parts inaudible)
We are working on a proposal for a reverse osmosis plan.
We feel that with the system there will be a great water
proposal for the area.
William Esseks: In hearing Mr. Latham's letter, I saw that
mentioned in the Suffolk times, so I contacted Dr. Koppleman
and I visited Dr. Koppleman. Each year prior to elections,
there is a strong desireto induce the county executive to
publish a wish list of land to be acquired. If not every
year, for the past two or three years. When' I spoke to
Dr. Koppleman it was on his wishlist but found no reasonable
expectations that this parcel or any other would be bought.
Local people rejected it when it was proposed as a park.
This is not a reason to turn down either the preliminary
or final stage.
Mr. Orlowski: Mr Edwards, any questions? (none); Mr. Mullen,
(not at this time); Mr. Emilita, (no, my questions have been
answered); Mr. Bryer, (none). Okay since ther ars no further
questions, I will declare this hearing closed and thank you
for coming down.
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios Milhaltses - were present to discuss
the subdivision oproposal to be known as "Sunrise Estates"
located at Mattituck. This proposal is for 8 lots on 15
acres. It was noted that the applicants had proposed
8 two-acre convential laid out lots. The Board requested
that consideration be given to clustering this property.
Mr. Rod Van Tuyl, Surveyor, was also present. He explained
that different options were discussed in laying out this
development. It was felt that the best way to develope
this property for the applicant was the proposal as
submitted. The Chairman stated that they would like to
see cluster because there are other parcels in the
neighborhood which could also be considered for cluster
to preserve significant amounts of open space. Mr.
Van Tuyl stated that it was the applicant's intention
to sell some lots and own some lots. Mr. Milhaltses
stated that because he had a large family, he wanted
each member to be able to have a lot within the subdivision.
The Chairman stated that they will still have the same
density, and the open space will be owned by either
the developer or the association. Also, he noted that
with a cluster, the applicant will not have to contribute
a cash deposit with the Town in lieu of land for park
and playground, however~ with a convential layout he will.
The Mithaltses did not quite understand the concept and
Boardmember Ken Edwards asked if Mr. Van Tuyl could
draw some sketches so they can see the concept. Mr.
Mullen explained that there would be less taxon the
open space and perhaps the applicant's would not even
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Milhaltses cont. -
have to build a road. He also felt that this type of
development would provide more privacy for the lot owners
and the open space could be used for amenities which th
association choose. It was the consensus of the Board to
request that this subdivision be developed as a cluster
concept and the Board requested that the applicant's
review it with the surveyor and re-submit a sketch to
the Board in the cluster concept for their review.
On a motion made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
RESOVLED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday,
December 2, 1'985 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road,
Southold at 7:30 p.m. as the time and place for the next
regular Planning /board Meetinq.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen,
On a motion made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
Ward, Edwards
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the
mintues of the regular meting of July 29, 1985.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen,
Ward, Edwards
Winds Way Building Corp. - The Board reviewed this proposal
for 4 lots on 11 acres at New Suffolk Avenue, Cutchogue.
The Board members made a field inspection of the premises.
It was the consensus of the Board to request that this
proposal be revised as a cluster with the building lots
in the vicinity of Lots 2 and 3. The remaining area to
the North and South would then be the open sapce. The
Board alsorequested that the right--of-way be re-aligned
to provide better sight for egress on to New Suffolk Avenue.
Stanley and Louise Gould The Board reviewed this lot-line
change which was proposed to allow the existing tennis court
to be only on Lot No. 3 of the approved minor subdivision of
Stanley and Louise Gould. Currently, there is an encroachment
of the tennis court. As proposed, Lot No. 3 will be amended
to contain 48,090 square feet and Lot No. 1 will contain
62,180 square feet.
On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve
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the lot line change for Stanley and Louise Gould located
at Nassau Point Road, Nassau Point. Survey dated as last
amended September 17, 1985.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen,
Ward, Edwards
East of Eden (Sal and Benny Caiola)- The Board reviewed this
proposal for 13 lots on 27 acres at County Route 48, Greenport,
which was in the convential layout. It was the consensus of
the Board to request that this layout be re-drawn as a cluster.
The Board also requested that Sound Drive and Inlet Pond Road be
extended through the subdivision. This would eliminate the
need for access from County Route 48. It was also requested
that a common easement be provided for beach access for the use
of the lot owners.
Frank and Diane Ammirati- The Board reviewed this proposal
for conversion of an existing three-family house'to a take
out food and catering business with a dwelling use located at
Love Lane, Mattituck. It was noted that the applicant had
not submitted a site plan with the additional information
requested and the service driveway. The Board had made a
field inspection of the premises. The proposal was pending
before the Board of Appeals for the Use variance, and the
Board of Appeals was requesting recommendations from the
Board on the proposed use.
On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board forward
the following comments to the Board of Appeals regarding the
site plan for Frank and Diane Ammirati:
The Planning Board has no objection to this proposal
for conversion of an existing three-family house to take
out food and catering business with a dwelling use. The
Board noted that therewould be no adverse impact to the
neighborhood and there would be buffering along the
residential property.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen,
Ward, Edwards
Michael and Joy Domino - The Board will not review this
prposal as they are not in receipt of the amended surveys.
Henry Arbeeny - This proposal will not be acted on since
they have not submitted the amended surveys as requested.
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The following new proposals were set for a field inspection:
1. Richard Duchano - 2 lots on 22,500 at Champlain Place,
Greenport. This proposal was also pending before the Board
of Appeals for a variance. David Kapetl, agent, was present.
2. Thomas Schwerin - Lot-line change at Fishers Island
3. Karl Franson - Lot-line change at Fishers Island
4. Gretchen Heigl set-off; 2 lots on 3.24 acres at
Soundview Avenue, Southold.
5. Nickart Realty - 3 lots on .801 acres at County route
48, Southold. It was noted that an application has not
been made to the Board of Appeals, the Board will hold
this application in abeyance until an application has
been made for a variance.
6. Watsie Stepnoski - Lot line change at Main Road, Cutchogue
7. Norman McCullough, et. al. 3 lots on 5.9 acres at
Cox Lane, Cutchogue. This proposal is pending before the
Board of Appeals for insufficient lot-depth and the Board
will make a field inspectionprior to transmitting any
Richard Cantwell - This application for 4 lots on 11.424 acres
at Main Raod and a private road, Orient has been withdrawn by
the applicant.
Mr. Donald Denis, architect, was present for a presubmission
conference to discuss the site plan for the North Fork
Country Club located at Main Road, Cutchogue. The original
building was destroyed by fire earlier in the year. This
proposal is pending before the Board of Appeals for a
special exception for the club house use and parking variances.
Mr. Ward requested the landscape and grading plan for the
proposal. Mr. Denis explained that the parking was based
on 1 space for every two members and with 400 members, they
required 200 spaces. He noted that there is overflow
parking to the south of the Main Road if necessary. Mr.
Denis explained that the currenty proposal is larger than
the previous club house. The Board questioned if there will
be any living quarters and Mr. Denis stated that there would
not be any living quarters. The Chairman stated that upon
receipt of the landscape and grading plan, the Board will
forward comments to the Board of Appeals.
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Richmond Creek Farms - Mr. Rudy Bruer, esq. was present
to discuss tis proposed subdivision for 42 lots on 46
acres in the cluster concept at Main Road, Peconic.
This proposal received relief from the two-acre zoning
from the Town Board. Mr. Howard Younq, surveyor was
also present. Mr. Young stated that they had submitted
the plan with the roads interescting in a "T", with a
stop sign, in order to prohibit speeding on the road.
He stated that they had also complied with the Board
regarding the location of the open space within the
cluster. Mr. Ward stated that the Board ws in disagreement
with the flow of the traffic and requested that Wells
Road continue through the Richmond Creek Farms subdivision
with out a stop. He further explained that since this
property was a peninsula, a loop road would be better
planning. Mr. Bruer stated that he would like tosee
a stop sign in a residential area. The Chairman noted
that in most residential areas , stop signs are ignored.
Mr. Ward felt that the road would serve as a collector road
for the subdivision.'
On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
RESOVLED .that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the
sketch map dated October 15, 1985 for the subdivision to be
known as "Richmond Creek Farms" for 42 lots on 46 acres in
the cluster concept at Main Road, Peconic, subject to:
1. Revising the layout for a continuation of Wells Road
eliminating the "T" intersection.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen,
Ward, Edwards
Proposed LocalLaw on Accessory Apartments - The Town Board
requested that the Planning Board make comment's on this
proposal. This proposal will be held over until the
Board has had sufficient time to review and make comments.
Nick Ippolito - Mr. Gary Olsen was present for this
Board's review of this set-off for 5,500 square feet
from 12,000 square feet off a Private Road,Southold.
This proposal had received a variance from the Board of
Appeals. The Planning Board had denied however, and
Mr. Olsen presented documentation to the Board to
request that the Board reconsider the denial.
Mr. Olsen stated that there is a house, pre-existing,
on each lot and by dening this proposal, Mr. Ippolito
would be forced to sell both houses. Mr. Olsen
presented a letter from a former Southold Town Building
Inspector, Howard Terry, indicating that the parcels
were considered separate. Mr. Olsen also submitted an
appraisal of the property indicating the value of each
of the lots and the hardship it would create for Mr.
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Ipplito if he could not subdivide the property. The Board
questioned the ownership of the right-of-way. Mr. Oslen
stated that it is owned by Mr. Ippolito subject to the
crossing of others. Mr. Olsen stated that since he
had presented correspondence fromMr. Terry and the
Board of appeals had granted a variance he would hope
that the Board would reconsider. It was the consensus
of theBoard to review this proposal again and all the
information submitted and get back to Mr. Olsen.
DR. Ciletti and Claps The Board reviewed this proposal
for office buildings located at County Route 48, Southold.
Mr. Bryer hadreviewedthe site plan and noted that there were
some site plan elements missing. It was the consensus of
the Board to request that the following information, pursuant
to Section 100-134, be added to the survey: Number of
office ans square footage of each, type of plantings on
the buffer zone which is required on the North property line,
exterior lighting, drainage.
Founders Villaqe The Board reviewed this site plan
which had been aproved for condominium sites at Young's
Avenue, Southold. The applicant was ready for certificates
of occupany for buildings No. 18 and 19. The Board had
made a field inspection of the presmises and Mr. Kostrewski
had met with several of the Board members.
On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the
Building Department that a certificate of occupancy be issued
for Buildings No. 18 and 19 at Founders Village at Southold,
subject to the planting of street trees.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen,
Ward, Edward
The Board also reviewed a site plan which was previously
submitted for this site for a pool and ~bathhouse. This
plan showing a pool and bath house was presented to the
Board for approval in May of 1984. Thereafter it was
certified by the Building Department for a pool and club
house. However, the Planning Board resolution did not
specifiy a po01. The project director, Mr. Kostrewski
submitted a new plan to the Board showing the pool as
proposaed with a chain link fence as required by the Code.
It was requested that the Board approve the site plan to
include the pool so that they may begin to get the building
On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the
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amended site plan for Founders Village for construction of a
swimming pool and bathhouse, plan last amended October 31, 1985.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, . Ward, Edwards
On a motion made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board accept and request
compliance with Inspector John W. Davis' report No. 484 regarding
construction of the access road within the minor subdivision of
Mohring Enterprises, Inc., with the following amendment to the
Item No. 2 regarding construction of the guard rail to
be amended as follows: The guard rail is to be constructed
to the NYS Department of Transportation Specifications.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, _ _ ~ Ward, Edwards
The Board requested the guard rail to prevent cars from going
into the pond adjacent to the access road, therfore, a guard
rail to the NYS Department of Transportation Specifications
was requested. It was the consensus of the Board to also
request the Town Engineer prepare a bond estimate and request
that aperformance bond be posted for the installation of the
guard rail.
Ed Pressler - Mr. Pressler was present to review his proposed
site plan for a parking layout for an existing retail store
with dwellings at Main Road, Southold. Mr. Pressler explained
that he was agreeable to proposing a road to tie in with the
site plan of Mr. Irwin Thompson, an adjoining owner, however,
the plan of Mr. Thompsons was not complete enough for Mr.
Pressler to review with regard to lining up a future connector
road. Therefore, he requested that the Board proceed with
a notation that he would be agreeable to this road.
On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the
site plan of Ed Pressler for a parking layout for an existing
retail store with apartments above to the Building Department
for certification subject to receipt of surveys indicating
a proposed future conncection to the adjoining property to
the West and the project title.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, _
.Ward, Edwards
Howard Hoe¥ - The Board reviewed this proposal for a minor
subdivision at Main Road Orient for 2 lots on 38 acres,parcel
No. 1 containing 61, 000 square feet. The undersized parcel
received a variance from the Board of Appeals. Mr. Glick~an,
Planning Board Page 10 11/18/85
Hoey, cont.
attorney for Mr. Hoey was present for the Board'srevlew.
Mr. Glickman stated that this property was in the Hoey
family for 50-60 years and the remainder of the land would
continue to be farmed. It was noted that the Hartman
parcel was previously set-off so this new proposal must
be a minor subdivision. Mr. Glickman stated that the
children may want to subdivide the farm, however, Mr.
Hoey had no intentions of further subdivisions. It
was noted that the existing house was very small and
not worth very much compared to the land. Mr. Latham
had made an inspection, however, he was not present,
so this proosal will be held over until the next
meeting and the remainder of the Board will inspect as
William Nedeszytko - The Board reviewed this proposed
set-off of 80,000 square feet from 29.934 acres at Aldrich
Lane, Laurel. This proposed set-off has insufficient
width, howver, a variance was granted by the Board of
Appeals. The Board noted that there was enough land
for the set-off parcel to have sufficient lot width,
thefore it was the consensus of the Board to hold this
application in abeyance until the lot width is conforming
to the 175' minimum requirement.
On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hold the
set-off application of William Nedoszytko in abeyance until
the lot width is conforming tothe 175' minimum requirement.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Ward, EdWards
Ruth Enterprises Mr. Joseph Cornell was present to
discuss this site plan proposal with the Board. This
plan for construction of offices located at ~orth Road,
Peconic had received a waiver from the Town Board for
offices uses. The Board noted , however, that the site
plan showed office use as well as retail and warehouse
use. Mr. Cornell explained that he had received a
special exception from the Board of Appeals which stated
that he could have offices and warehouse with retail.
It was noted that the moratorium and decision by the
Town Board overrutled the Board of Appeals by not allowing
retail and warehouse uses. The Board recommended going
back to the Town Board to obtain permission for the retail
and warehouse. It was also noted that if the plan was
revised to show only office use and not retail there would
only be the problem of the warehouse. Mr. Emilita stated
that according to the waiver, the plan which he was
reviewing dated 9/15 did not receive a waiver and he would
have to get clarification regarding this.
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Ruth Enterprises, cont.
Victor Lessard pointed out that theproposed zoning is
Limited Business, therefore, he should be allowed to do
anything which would be permitted in that zone. It was
noted, however, that the resolution of the Town Baord
was specific in allowing offices only. Mr. Emilita
stated that if the plan was revised to show only office,
the Board could accept it. Mr. Cornell stated , however,
that that is not what he wants for the proposal. It
was the consensus of the Board to hold this application
until clarification is received regarding the waiver and
proposed uses.
Walter and Maril¥ Gatz -
Mr. Garrett Strang, architect, and Mr. Peter Danowski, attorney
were present to discuss this site plan located at Sound Avenue
Mattituck. This proposal received a wavier from the Town
Board for the moratorium for office use only. This propoerty
is proposed for Limited Business on the Master Plan Update.
Mr. Ward stated that in the Limited Business District it was
the Board's recommendation that there be 35% landscaped area.
Mr. Strang explained that the proposal has 36% landscaped
area including the plaza which would be landscaped area.
Mr. Ward also suggested placing the parking on the interior
the the property so the visual impact would be lessened.
It was requested that consideration be given to this matter.
The Board felt that the overall concept was good, however,
requested a survey in 20 scale so they Could review the
details. It was requested that this plan include all
the site plan elements of §100-134 of the Town Code,
specifically the landscape schedule and building elevations.
Upon receipt of this requested information, the Board would
consider final approval. Mr. Strang informed that he hoped
to be in receipt of the curb cut approval from the County
in the next few days.
John Zuhoski - The Chairman, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. abstained
from any discussion on this proposal since he is related to
the applicant. The other Boardmembers reviewed this set-off
for 8 acres from 41 acres located at Oregon Road, Cutchogue.
It was requested that the applicant submit an overall layout
regarding his intentions with the remainder of the premIses.
On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a 30-
day extensio on the final action of the minor subdivisio of
Cranberry Acres, located at Southold, pursuant to the request
of the attorney for the applicant.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Edwards, Ward
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On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a 90-
day extension on the filing of the preliminary maps for the
major subdivision of Frieda Crowle¥, located at Southold,
pursuant to the request of the attorney for the applicant in order that
the Health Department approval may be obtained.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Ward, Edwards
Homestead Acres- The Board reviewed this major subdivision
proposal located at County Route 48, Greenport. In review
of the file, it was oted that the access onto County Route 48
had been denied by the County since they would not issue
a curb cut on to the County Road.
On a motin made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board request that
the subdivision map of Homestead Acres be amended to eliminate
the road onto County Route 48 and revised to have Willow
Drive connect with Homestead Way so there is no access onto
County Route 48. Lot No. 3 will be relocated to the open
space area and the area of Lot No. 3 would then become open
space. In this way, no alternate means of access would be
needed for this lot which would otherwise be landlocked.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Ward, Edwards.
Being no further business to come before the Board, on a motion
made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Ward, and carried,
the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
/~7 / / ~ // Diane M.
~ ~/7~// // Sou thold Town Planning Board
Bennett 0rlo~ki, Jr.,/~hairman /
..... AND FI :i BY
Town Clerk, Town of Sout~old