HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12387 P 685 Record and Return to: Philip & hnne~ce Gioia 3450 P~conic Bay Blvd. Laurel. Now Yo=k 11948 !Jg-(P')7 L 1.2 :;;) 1 V Cc\") " ~CLAIM DJiZD ~HIS QUIT-CLAIM DEED. exocuLed Shis 11 day of ~,L ,2005. between PHILU G.lOIA and .AHHE2"2Z arOIATnerein referred La as t. e "GRl\N'IOa-", and PHILIP GIOIA and ~ GIOIA;J-as Co-Trust'oo" ~e PHILIP GIOIA 1I!:VOCABLE LIVING TRUST. u:lder Decla=atio:l of :rrust, dalod ,/!.l III. .;>..005' , "" to an u:ldivided 1 I 2 i:'lterest, a:ld AH.lIfET'1'E GIOIA and PHILIP GIOIA. as Co-T,."stoes of the ~ GIOIA REVOCABLE LIVIBG nwS1'. ":ldo= Dtll'la:-ation of T=U51.. dated Ah.J II,. ':I.~1" . as to an ;;ndiv~ded 1 I ~ into=ollL, all having a:> address 0='1<3450 peoonia s.y BaI1l."ard, Laur.l, B." rorlr 1194B, w~t"', t"''' ;Jower and a:..:.r.:.hor~ t}. i..O protect., conserve, a::.ci 1:0 se:1, leaRc, ~ncur.lber or otherwise 1T..6:':6ge and dispose of the real 9=opert~. conveyed; ..hc!'cinafter che "GRA~;T::E"". ... (Wheneve: used he::ein the te!'n: "Cra:-:.tor" r "Grantee" a::.c! "pacty" i~clude all the par~ies to this instru~ent., whethe: s~ngula: O~ plural). WI~SSE~H that t",e said GRANTOR, for a:>d in consideration of the sum of Ten and 00/100 (SlO.OOI Dollars and oche< good and valuable consice~.tio:l, in hand paid by the said GRANTEE, the receipt whereat is hereby acknowlcc!q~d, does hereby !'cmlsc, release and quj.t-clai:n unto the said G~NTEE fo:.-ever, all the rjght, ti~)e, interest, claim and d~JL~d w~ic~ l~C 5~id GRANTOR has i~ a~rl ~o ~he fo:lowinq desc::-ibeC: lot, picco or pax'cel of la:"!.d, sit1.:ate, lyi~q a=-.d boi~!g ~..:l :he Cou"cy or SUFFOLK, Sta1:e of N1IIIf raRl!'. to-wi.:: SEE An'ACHED LEGAL m:saupTIOIl. This is Don inter-family cO::1veyancei therefore rPinim.U1n documen;:.ary sta:rlps are attachec. '[his document i~ being preparod wi ..hout the benefit or Lille examination, as requested by the Grantor. Parcel ID No.; 70 HAVE AND ?O r.OLD The sa:ne -:oqecher w.!.th all and si~~gu j ar -:he ap?~[":...c:':.anccs ~he=eun:o belr,n1Cjir:g or i:: a::.ywise appertai:ting, and all tho es:a:e, rig~... ::ltle i~terest. 1 ien ~qui;y and clairr. w::ut.l:f.Oev8:r- o~ 'the sa:.c GRA:,TOR, e:.t~er ;~: Law or equi:y, tCo the onl~, proper use, benofit and behoo:" 0:- the sa:.d GRANTEE forever. IN WITNESS WHERgoy, the GRANTOR has ~ereunto executed these p~eso~~s the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and dHlive~ed Y/d/!:::;;ence of: Pri,,: ~jarr,e: Nl!',L. 1"'A..1.......;:T ~-4I!t- ~ 'PiiiLIp GIO 3450 Pecan1c s.y Bao1."ard Laurel, Be... rorlr 1194B ,1;;;J;t;. ~ 3450 pecan1c s.y Baolevard Laurel, B.... rorlr 1194B STAT" 0, ,LORInA CCUNTY 0, pALHBEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before :DO, an ofiicer duly authorized in ~he State and County afo~esaid to adninister our.hs and take acknow16dgmencs, pe:r-sc~ully appeared PHILIP GIOIA s~d ANNE~ GIOZA. who have prcducen ~~iVC~S' Licen~os as identifi.caLio:l a~d did not take an oath. but ac~~owlodqod betore me c.he exacut i on or the forego; ~!g ; nstrument ::or t.~('!o purposes 'there; n expressed. wll:'~ESS :ny hane anc.i ...ll/ndSy cf ~ :hi5 official seal i~ t~e COU~LY and State la9t ~foTesaid , 2aOS. ,~ - My CO~i8~ion expires: XO?ARY ~f!l.;C, State of Florida !'al'le:, ;:>".r<;'" Fk",J'F .....!:!... Br)1II1 1'lo1lIkJ ~ 1i'''\~ftI'~IDD025222 i" .:. EJi1iIU ~,:,2llll5 .. AIUlIo IloIIdIDI r.o.. 1& tin =r_____~___'__:_~---......... 1r ~- Ii - " ; . .~~A 4 ,:-:=:==-~~ ~ , 1 I I ~ j ALL d,.al: l:trtain plot, pie:e or parcel of land, with the buildings and in1provcm~nts ther.~ol1i erected, situate, l' Jymg tiLnd being in the ~~own of Southold, County of Suffolk. and State of New York, bounded ! and des c:ribed as follows: BEG:INNING at a point on the southeasterly side of Peconic Bay BoulE~vard, where thE same is intersected by the easterly side of land now or fonnerly of Batt:enfield I at thE northwest corner of premises about to be described; running thcnCf~ a,lon~J the southeast- erly sidle of Peconit::; Bay Boulevard, North 320 49' 20" East, 86.05 feet to the westerly side of a 20 foot right of way; thence along said 20 foot right oJ 'Nay t.he following three~ courses and distances: (1) South 570 10' 40"1 East, 10.0 fee':,; (2) South 120 32' 40" E:astl 117.88 fe.et,; (3) South 10 00' West, 1.30.0 feet to the n()r-therly side of a 10 fe,ot right of way; thence along said 10 foot right of way, Sou1:.h 310 40' 40" West, 54 . 5~ feet to the e,asterly side of land,.now or fOrIIlerly of Batten:cield; thence along the E!asterly side of land now or. formerly of Batten.field, North 120 29' 20" West, 230.( feet to the sOllthea.sterly sic;ie of peconic Bay Boule~vard, at the p4)int Ole place of BEGINNING 'rOGE:THER with .a non-exclusive r.ight of way feu' foot passage l)nly running alo,ng thE eastE!rly side of said premises for access between s:aid premises a:ld PeccJnic Bay Boule- vard described as f,:>llows: BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly line~ of Peconic Bay Boullevard, 86.05 feet northeasterly along said southeast~rly line fI'om the westerl y corner of the prem- ises hereinabove described, said point of beginniru;r being the northerly corner of said premises; from said point of beginning running along said southeasterly line of Peconi< . Bay Bou,levard, North 320 49' 20" East, 37.97 feet;; thence the following six courses ant distances: (1) South 120 32' 40" East, 154.05 feet; (2) South 10 DO West, 144.39 feet; (3) North 580 OQ' West, 23.33 feet; (4) North 10 OOt East, 130.00 feet; (5) North 120 32 ~lO" West 117.88 feet; (6) North 57010' 40" WE!st, 10.0 feet to t:he point or p~ace of BE~GINNING" '~ ~:::, '~~ rOGETHER with a non-exclusive 10 foot right ()j: way for foot passag,e only from t~e southeasterly corner of said premises to the beach hereinafter described and described as follows: BE GINN ING at a point on the boundary line bet\llreen land of the Warrlens and land of BattE~nfield, 230.0 feet southerly along . said bound.c:~ry line from Pec()nic Bay Boulevard, ...-- -.. -...... ,.._---~,....__..-.- ..--..... .... ---. ...-- -.-- - - -,......." ,.<-~...- said point of b.eginning being the southerly corner l:>f premises hereinabove descril:?ed; '. .:~ from said point of beginning running along said premises, North 310 ,40' 40" East ~ 54. 5.~.~ feet; .tht:!nce the following three l::ourses: (1) South 580 00' East, 10.00 feet; (2) Sou~~t 31e; 4()1 .~O'I West, 50.41 feet; (3) South 120 29' 20" East" 288.51 feet to a point 1.9 . ._::~ feet sout.heasterly ()f a bulkhead; thence on a line 1.0 feet southe:asterly. fro~. s:~;~' .:::':-:~~i bulkhead, South 330 13' ~est, 13.SJ7 feet to the said line of Batte:nfieldi' t~~~~e~~,~;9~~~~3.1 sa:..d lin1e, Nort.h 12 " 29 '. .20" 'West, 302.32 feet to the point or pla,ce o~, ~q~~~~N2.~~~~~~~~-:;~i} TOGE:TIlER with i! one-third undivided interest, wi th the" oWt)en' 0 ( Lot~": 2 '~~rtfirw~ . . : ".' ". . . '-. .. .:'lII'~~!:- .1:t'f.J1 the beach described as follows: . . :':..':'~"~"<;;;.-:.~~',"'..'..!~' " ',', ;..' .:.:....~,Z:L::\.r.'..~.:1W~ BEGINNING at a point on the boundary l:ine between land of ~e:;_w~x:;.~~~~;'!~:~~:{~~; Ba-:.t.enfield, 532.32 f7et southerly along, said boundary line. f.rom.'rP:~cC?,~i.9,~\~~:.~~~~~ja3 running thence on a hne 1.0 feet southeasterly from a bUlkhead'~9r'~~""'~~"~;J'~:2~~Nff~~~~ feet; thence South 120. 29 I 30" East, 1~6: feet~ more or .le.s~, ..to~..,~.~~:t.f?,~..~.r~~~l~:-~=ili~I' of PE!coniC' Bay; the;oce southwesterly along sa.1.d high water. ma!,k,' ...6~";9.::.~~~>>.t:;~~~.t~jpa~S~ to solid land of Bat"tenfieldi thence along said' land North 12'" 29.'. 20~~.~,~~.~,;:;tt.:~~~.~~~e,!! ,. . '1 f' . ....~...-: 'I~" :.k....~I~ . more OI' less. to the poJ.nt or pace 0 B~GIN~~NG. . . '" 'C;:, <:;:~~.:..&.~:,,~~:..,,::; '. . I ~ . . . .... ..'. , -:'~I ,~\,;!::~:~~:'~':J~~~;f:~~~~I'" -. .... SuBJECT tc> a mortgage held by SOUTHOLD S~VINGS ~!< '~at~d:.~t4(j~:~~';.te~2.!,~ea~i:n .1ie Suffc>lk County Clerk' 5 Office on 9/15/76 in L~er. ~71~ :Pg ';'~-?_3A~~~riW);~~~;..~~Joftil$l0~:. . 0 ~ AND mortgage dated 11/25/77 and record~.d 12/19/,77.; J..~'}~il?ef'~.~~~O~:~~!?~tl~.~~~I~ su . $8,302. 45 ~hich two mortgages were c~nso~idate(r ~p.c;1. ~~?'~~~~~~I-~~~_~~~~~~~1aa~e ~ ' and I:'ecorded 12/19/77 in Lib.er 80.72 pg. ~6l' ~a.!<~n~/~~. ~<?t~'~~~/~~~'~r;~~~~e~!.t~.m~\'. · or which mortgage there is now due and 9.Win q". t~e:~sum"""9.~/i~,~;~~g~~:t~i~-'1i " , . '. . I.: " ",.~I.r.:..",' ". ......~.~I..n ::1. ;;.:' '.)'.' '~~~3..:~~~.~.::~:.;~t~~~~~::. \ ~'.. :~,... ~t. ..d,..--:,~...~~....~. :~~'~i:"'J..-:'.' ',." \";~'" ::;:r,Jr~~~\~i!~t1~~~ r ~ 0 ~':~, rJ':~~-"i~ .:~!f?"i~ 'I'~'" - : -: 0 O~~J.2. '9~{1 . ~ .g,l ;';r~J!..; "::'~ t"' ~1..& .:..~~, ; '.""'~-:<;~~W:;:: ~ I -" !:)~:.\. ~lo:t..1"~~.':'~ . ". :.t ~~.-~"o("""~.~1:"...' ~~~ ""11.~:";: I ., , -.. '.~~1 "f . .J 1 , " Number or pages 3 TORRENS ilECORDED 2005 rial.! 17 02:14.51 PH Edward P.Roaairw CLERK OF SUFF!l.k COUNT'! L D00012367 P6a5 DTI 04-41143 Serial # Certilicale # Prior Clf. # Deed / Mortgage 1n.~lrum"n1 Deed / Mortgage Tax Slamp Recording / Filing Slamps 3 I'EI!S Comm. of Ed. 5.~ I Mongage Anll. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOIaI SpeeJAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTQ. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for APP"inlrMn0 Transfer Tax 'f!- Mansion Tax The property covered by Ibis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or IWo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriaIC laX clause on page # of Ibis inSlrurMnl. p..lBe / Filing Fee Handling 5. J!!L ~- TP-S84 NoIalion I / EA-S2 J 7 (Counly) ~ _ Sub ThIu1 ;:;; 'I' EA-S217(Slale) ~ R.P.T.S.A. ~_ Al1idavil ::=--== ~ Certified Co NYS Sun:hutge Olher IS. ~ Sub TOIaI Grand TOIl1I 5 Real PRlJl"rly Tax Service Agency Verification ~OS:~8~~53 1000 R Kll A 7-MAY -- 12800 0600 027000 Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S Impn.veU Ii SalisfactionslDischargesIReJeases Lisl Property awnelli Maili ng Address RECORD &: RETURN TO: fl-ll ~ I P C;, 0111 AAlP&frE t:" t) 111 '4-.1'0 fUotlll" 1311'/ d.;...~ J-111/~1fJ-/ (v.V 1I"I1ff" Vacanl Land I{) TO TD TO 7 Title Com an Information Co.NUrM nUe# Suffolk Count & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of lhe allaChed _ f H I J.-.I f . 1:... I () I J4 The premiSc!S herein is silualed in A 11I/11 e "'-'rJ! C.rl(}J It SUFFOLK COUNTY. NJJW YORK. TO In lhe Township of JaJ.../tP t J Ikll.' p. Cri""lI ~~f/o,'iI/JJ,j] 1-1 '111'16- -ft,"'S>7- In lhe VILLAGE /Jrvrv(!Tre,r!.:'~IA Rev..,,-,..~& J.1t';'V6-TIl......f' orHAMLETllf LItIA.fl.':I- BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: 111111111111111111111111111 11111 1111111111111111111111 11111I111111 0111111I1111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument. DEEDS/ODD NUmber of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0053191 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 04-41143 Recorded. At. 05/17/:l005 02.14.51 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012387 685 District: 1000 Section. 128.00 B7_'UlJ:NED A!lD $0.00 Block. 06.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 027.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees Por AQove Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Kancl.ling $5.00 HO COE $5.00 NO RYS SRCHei $15.00 HO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 HO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 HO SCTM $0.00 HO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CCIIIIIIl.Pr8s $0.00 NO ree. Paid $154.00 TRANSFER TAX HUMBBR. 04-41143 THIS PAGB XS A PART OF THE IHSTRtlMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Rcmaine County Clerk, Suffolk County r PLEASE lYPE"bR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:ll www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY 1'1, 7,..3:& , 8, Cf, lit REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SW1S Code ./ STAlE OF NEW YORIl C2.DmlDood_ ,6 I/? I t;.s I ITAlIlOARD OF REAL "1IUI"aI1" 8EIIVICU , .' I MonOI IMy v_ /" RP . 5217 0._1 /, q,.a g', 7ICUo..I~, g,.s, , I IUl-JZn....~ PROPERlY INFORMATION I 1.-1 ~ I .fJ(!.CONJ". r..- Blft &1- vb , ~ '11lU.T I '-Q. IAff l.,- I ...... I v.2V-i'1 CI OR' 2._ I '-l- I 0/14- I PHil.., () I Homo 1.MT.....,CCIIII'MC'i' ....l'NMIt I~.~- 1 A~U-r:;-,; 1 I. T.. 1ndaIe....... hdure Te. BilllMlIo bill'" I t:.'''i~ 1 fHiI..,fJ I ..... 1I_......._IIl_oIlomll -- IAaIIWft/tcM'A"f'I ....- I 3.~L..f.~~.:... /Jill &11111 f- t4/A (;:! 1-- INYI II.VI I art 011. RAil .. 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I ".T__Y_I",..~.._I . . . . . . . . . 01 ---- , , , 1& "--=- I~ .Ol-LJ ,........._,..,;,.1 fI1H'",,'n.U:..K 5C./iOtli- I ZlI.TIll__/IIoU_I.__......_____1ol1 I 1000, aR'()~ tf4ClJ; (j,?J 740dJ I I , 1 --.J I '1 I CERTIFICATION I I m1lfy 1I0oI011 dI... _ dllnI"..- -...I ....Ido..... .... '"'"........... 110....... dllII1 _........ _ 0IId I _1I0oI ....1IIIIIdaj\ dI.., .IIN ..... _ dI _...... ....... ......... mi ..l1li wo" . ellhP ..... .... nImh.. to thr ......... ... ... vi'" ....._* ,,,-~1J~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY I 05/U/o..t' f~ ~ I ...- ... DATI I .....- ....- ~I,f"{ 0 I f{!.C.ONI C ~;1'f !JJ,..lIb I ._ET~ .,lU,IMMIlW'llllIlAllI' -- TtLE............ . ~ !.I ~11./,- I t:,'J.- I ~1f- y crrvOll'lOllllN ~df;..,~<:~ NEW YORK STATE lo.s/N/(I/ COpy t~.~ .-...---