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Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 The Sour the Sout p.m. Present Chairmar Member W Member G Member R Member K Executiv Planner 7:30 p.~ conferen with exi has gran Mr. Pres purchase of the b to the r, store, o the amou~ ws based lold Town Planning Board held a regular meeting at hold Town Hall on Monday, October 21, 1985 at 7:30 ~ere: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ililam F. Mullen, Jr. Ritchie Latham, Jr. .chard G. Ward ~nneth Edwards ~ Administrator Victor Lessard Iames Bryer Mr. Ed Pressler has scheduled a presubmission ~e to discuss his site plan for a parking layout ~ting retail stores and apartments. The Town Board ~ed a waiver with regard to the business moratorium. ~ler was present and stated that he had planned to the property and move down to the original portion lilding for his antique shop. He located the parking ~ar of the store. The building contains an existing ~fice with two apartments upstairs. The Board questioned ~t of parking area and Mr. Pressler explained that this on 1 parking space per 100 square feet of retail and office a~ea, 1 handicapped parking space and 2 spaces for each apartment. Mr. Pressler also planned on putting a ramp from the park%ng area to the store for handicapped access. Mr. Bryer stated that he had reviewed the parking and it met all the requirements. The Chairman questioned if Mr. Pressler had spoken to Mr. Thompson who was planning on building offices (m the adjacent lot to the West. It was felt that an inter~.or road could be built to service both properties, to provi([e access from the rear 6f the buildincs. Mr. Pressler stated t}~at he had no problem with this concep{ and a road could go all t}~e way to Bousseau Avenue. Mr. Ward also recommended widening the driveway to 15' to provide room to back up and turnarou~d. Mr. Pressler also stated that if the Town was to build a road parallel to the railroad tracks, he would provide .he land. However, the Baord stated that it would not be a Town road, simply a road for interior circulation. The Cheil'man questioned the surfacing in the parking area and stat(.d that it is the Board request to have btactop pavement in the parking areas. Mr. Pressler stated that Plannin¢ Board Page 2 10/21/85 Site pl eventual not econ that the to see h with Mr. location requeste possible they wou as quick Frank lfor Ed Pressler cont. ly he would pave the parking area, however, it was omically feasible at this time. The Chairman suggested Board review the plan for Mr. Thompson's proposal ow the road for interior circulation would line up Pressler's property. Mr. Lessard questioned the of the cesspools for the two apartments. Mr. Pressler that the Board make a recommendation as quickly as as time was a problem to him. The Board stated that id review the site and the plan and get back to him ly as possible. Diane Ammirati were present for a presubmission conference to discuss the site plan for their property at Love La~ M~ttituc~. This is known as "Ammirati's Cupboard. Mr. Ammlratl explained that this proposal is for a r~tail gourmet ~ood store, they will not be serving food. Mr. Ward questioned the parking calculations and Mr. Ammirati explained that they are required to have 7 spaces, however, they show 10 altogether. They would have 5 cars for the buSiness and 2 personnel cars. The actual proposal is for conversion of a three- dwelling Mr. Ammi~ driveway which thc he wante~ the park~ prepared by the n~ would ma] 18. Michael.--~. conferen¢ Antiques was to c¢ This site moratori~ damaged~ this new Mr. Domir on the p~ the build for store determin~ area and required. a field i review or ~amily dwelling into a take out food store with a use. The dwelling use would be for the Ammiratis. ~ati also explained that there would be a service which was omitted in error from the present survey Board was reviewing. Mr. Ammirati stated that to save the trees on the premises and would blacktop ng area. Mr. Ammirati asked if the Board would be to make a recommendation to the Board of appeals ~xt meeting and the Chairman stated that the Board ~e a field inspection and have comments by November ~nd 3oy Domino were present for a presubmiss~on e to discuss the site plan for Crackerbarrel located at Main Road Greenport. The proposal nstruct a storage building with sales area. plan received a waiver from the business m. Mr. Domino stated that the hurricane badly he existing building, therefore, he proposed building which would be an expansion of that. o stated that there is an existing business o operty and the existing building is 8' X 17', ing will be expanded to 40' X 32' and used primarily ge. Mr. Ward questioned how the parking was d and the Board requested the breakdown of retail storage area so they can calculate the parking It was the consensus of the Board to conduct nspection of th premises prior to any further recommendations. Plannin¢ Board Page 3 10/21/85 On a mo RESOLVED November as the t meeting. Vote of On a mot RESOLVED minutes Vote of On a mot RESOLVED of the r Vote of On a mot RESOLVED of the r, Vote of On a mot RESOLVED of the r~ Vote of On a mot RESOVLED of the s Vote of ion made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, 18, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall ime and place for the next regular Planning Board the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards ion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the Df the regular meeting of May 20, 1985. the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards .on made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the minutes ~gular meeting of June 10, 1985. lhe Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen,Latham, Ward, Edwards Lon made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the minutes ~gular meeting of June 24, 1985. zhe Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards on made by Mr. Ward,seconded by Mr. Latham, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the minutes ,~gular meeting of July 8, 1985. zhe Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards .on made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was that the Southotd Town Planning Board approve the minutes )ecial meeting of September 6, 1985. ~he Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Planning On a mot RESOLVED of the s Vote of Robert J located a public the Suff with con the heal and all not rele Planning and requ On a mot RESOLVED conditio~ 1-4 incl located Vote of On a mot RESOLVED a subdiv Island ~ and, fil WHEREAS, and plat at 7:30 WHEREAS, Town of NOW, the J. Mille~ Board Page 4 10/21.85 ion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the minute 0ecial meeting of September 26, 1985. hhe Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Miller - The Board reviewed this minor subdivision ~t Fishers Island for 3 lots on 15 acres which had hearing. The Chairman read the correspondence of )lk County Planning Commission in which they approved, ~itions, this subdivision. Mr. Edwards stated that th department has granted approval to this subdivision, hhe lots have adequate access, therefore, the this is ~ant in the County's comments. He suggested that the Board override conditions 1-4 of the County's approval, ~st that the applicant comply with the other recommendations. [on made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board override the ~s of the Suffolk County Planning Commission numbered ~sively regarding the subdivision of Robert J. Miller, ~t Fishers Island. 2he Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Lon made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was that whereas a formal application for the approval of [sion plat entitled "Robert J. Miller" located at Fishers cas submitted to the Planning Board on March 27, 1984 Lng fee of $100 was paid on March 27, 1984 and, a public hearing was held on said subdivision application at the Town Hall, Southold, New York, on October 7, 1985 ).m., and the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the ~outhold have been met by said subdivision plat and application, ~efore, be it RESOLVED that the application of "Robert ~" for approval of said subdivision plat prepared by Chandler. Palmer, andKing dated as last amended December 26, 1984 be approved and the Chairman be authorized to endorse approval on said-~ubdivision plat, subject to the following conditions to be completed within six (6) months from the date of this resolution: Plannin¢ any man] Town Pla shall be edge of developm easement to insur pay prop when dev the subd into any to that intent o site as ] stormwat~ 6. ( restirct~ the granl Vote of Mz.~Isad set-off Route 48 intent fl Mr. Krups as one lc two-acre decided at that strongly such as 1 had made Board Page 5 10/21/85 ~o lot shall be subdivided or its lot lines chanqed in er at any future dated unless authorized by the §outhold nning Board. No residential structure or sanitary disposal facility constructed or other located within 100 feet of the the shoreline of Middle Farms Pond. The unlabeled parcel shall be restricted against future ent and/or subdivision by requiring that the conservation be in perpetuity and additional measures shall be taken e that it will not be sold in the future for failure to erty taxes. The parcel should be assessed as open space elopment is prohibited. ~o stormwater runoff resulting from the development of [vision or any of the lots shall be discharged directly of the adjacent bodies of water. 21earing and grading within each lot shall be limited lecessary for siting and constructing a house with the preserving as much of the natural vegetation on the )ossible. Limiting clearing and grading will minimize runoff and erosion. londitions 1-5 inclusive shall be filed as covenants and .ons in the office of the County Clerk on or prior to ~ing of approval tothis subdivision. .he Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards ~e.P. Krupski was present to discuss the proposed f two acres from nine+ acres located at County Cutchogue. The Board questioned Mr. Krupski's r the remainder of the property which he owned. ki stated that the remaining 7 acres would remain t for now. Mr. Krupski was intendinq to sell the parcel to be set-off to Mr. Thompson-and if he then e needed more land, Mr. Krupski would subdivide it ime. The Chairman stated that the Board felt about using agricultural land for service businesses andscaping. Mr. Ward stated that the Planning Board a recommendation to the Town Board to change the zoning ordinance to allow 10 acres for services businesses such as landscaping. The Board informed Mr. Krupski that if the parcel is sold for such use, it may not be permitted down the line. Mr. Krupski stated that he is only applying for a set-off at this time. The Board stated that they only wanted Mr · Kruspki to know that if the lot is created it may not be able to ~e used the way Mr. Thompson intends to use it. Mr. Krups~i stated that the property is bordered by a gun club, the Town Landfill, and accross the street there is a landscaping business. The Chairman felt that the Master Plan may be able to address this since Mr. Krupski felt that the property would not be adequate for residential use since there is a LILCO easement through the property as well. Planninc Board Page 6 10/21/85 Isadore Mr. Tho~ P. Krupski, cont. Lpson, the prospective purchaser of the two-acre set-off was also present. He explained to the Board that he intei ded to propulgate plants under plastic as well as stockpi]e. It ws the consensus of the Board to take this znto cor.sideratlon with regard to the proposed Master Plan, prior t¢ any action. The loll Dwing new proposals have been set for a field inspection: 1. Wit s Way Building Corp. - 4 lots on 11.8806 acres at New Suffolk Road, Cutchogue. The Board also asked Mr. Bryer to compute the amount of wetlands and uplands. 2. Stamley and Louise Gould - lot-line change at Nassau Point Road, Nassau Point, Ctuchogue. This proposal was submitted in ordez to elminiate an encroachment of a tennis court. 3. East of Eden - 13 lots on 27.5 acres at Middle Road, Greenport. It was noted that this was previously applied for unde one-acre zoning. On a motion made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a 90-day extensio~on the final action for the site plan of The Cove located at South)id, pursuant tothe request of the attorney for the applican-. Vote of zhe Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Mr. John deReeder was present to discuss the minor subdivision of North Raod Associates located at Main Road, Orient. 4 lots on 16 ac~:es. Mr. Orlowski questioned the applicant's intent for lot Ilo. 4 which as proposed contained 8 acres. The Chairman stated t]lat the Board would like to see covenants and restr~ictions stating ~hat there be no further subdivision in perpetuity. Mr. deRe~der stated that he could covenants that there be no further ~ubdivision unless applied for as a major. However, the Boar no furth stated t! with the pertpetu~ people 1¢ provides sized lo~ . stated that it would ease their minds if there was ~r subdivision at all in the future. Mr. deReeder Lat he would draft covenants and restrictions in accordance Board's request regarding no further subdivision in ty. Mr. deReeder explained that there were many ,oking for various sized lots~ which is why the proposal for the large, 8 acre parcel, and the other smaller Planning Board Page 7 10/21/85 On a motion made by Mr. Orlowski, seconded by Mr. Mullen, the followin~g action was taken: WHEREAS~he current nature of the site is substantially the sam~ as when a previous change of zone was r~quested and an environmental review was made, and WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of Southold accepted an Environmental Impact Statement, and made specific findings related to the mitigation, of the significant impacts associated with thc project, and WHEREAS, of the t WHEREAS~ Enviro~ applica~ a Draft outline( NOW, TH~ cluster on 48 ac of Sout~ a sign~ DECLARA9 Co provisi~ Act. the current project is in accordance with the findings lanning Board, and this resolution is based upon the review of a current ental Assessment Form (EAF) Part I, submitted by the ~t, and EAF Part II prepared by the Planning Board, EIS and public review coments, and for the reasons in the SEQRA Report dated 16 October' 1985, REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in connection with the subdivision of Nicholas Schick consisting of 20 lots res, situate at'Orient, the Planning Board of the Town old finds that the proposed subdivision willnot have ficant effect on the environment, and that a NEGATIVE ION be sent to the New York State Department of Environmental ~lon and other cognate agencies, pursuant to the of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Vote of The follo as per th Board: Ayes: Orlowski,Mullen, Edwards Nay: Ward Abstained: Latham ~ing is the Negative Declaration which was forwarded above resolution: MAJOR SEQRA REPORT SUBDIVISION - Nicholas Schick at Orient FINDINGS AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION for the purpose of Article 7 of the Environmental Conservation ~aw, pursuant to the New. York S~ate Environmental Quality Review (SEQRA), 6 NYCRR Part 617, and the E ~ironmental QuaI~ty Review Act of the Town of Southold, Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold. LEAD AGENCY:. Southold Town Planning Board Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Town Hall, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 (516) 765-1938 Planning Baord NICHOLAS SCHICK CONT. SEQRA APPLICABILITY: Page 8 10/21/85 The project consists of 20 residential units not proposed to be connected to public water and is located on Orient Point. A %oraraunity" water system is proposed. The site is the subject of a prior zone change request denied by.the Town Board. The DEIS for the zone change was submitted for the proposed project, and a supplement prepared and accepted for review. Location of Project; Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County. Bounded North by Long Island Sound, East by land of the United States of America; South by Gardiner's Bay and land of Huq Latham and Wysocki and Long Island Lighting Co, West by Lands En~ Subdivision. Zoninq: Residential-Agricultural PROJECT/SITE DESCRIPTION: The project is considered to be a major subdivision in the cluster concept under the Rules and Regulations for the subdivIsion of Land in the Town of Southold. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION; Subdivision of 46+ acres into20 lots ranging is size from 40,000 squre feet--to 165,000 square feet with remaininq area to be common area. These lots would be for single family residences. An off-site road approximately 300 feet long through the adjacent acre parcel that included {he old Orient Point Inn will also be constructed for access to New York. State Route 25. The project will also contain four tennis courts'and other areas of open green space. The site is located at the extreme eastern tip of Long Island. The Long Island Sound and~Gardiners Bay delineate the north, south, and eastern boundaries, and a residential subdivision marks the western site boundary. Major access onto the site is from NY Route 25. Direct access to the site is provided by -Latham Lane.and Lands End Road which are two residential dirt roads bordering the western site boundary. The property is currently abandoned farmland and is zoned as A-Residential and Agricultural~ Such a classification allows for the development of single family lots on a minimum lot size of 80,000 square feet. The proposed site plan includes lots that range in size from 40,000 to 165,000 square feet, and approximately 11 acres of open space. This cluster arrangement has the same overall yield as would be obtained by developing standard 80,00 square foot lots, but has the advantage over such a layout by providing 12 acres of common open space, representing about 25% of overall site area. Planning Board Page 9 10/21/85 NICHOLAS SCHIC~ CONT. - FINDINGS AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION: Based on the followiD~, the~.So~thold Town Planning Board finds that the proposed subdivision will not have a significant effect on the environment: 1. The subdivision and lot layouts conform to the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. 2. The subdivision is compatible with the proposed Master Plan future land use recommendations. 3. Structures will be set-back 100 feet from the tops of the slopes to minimize hazard from erosion and storm damage. 4. First floor elevations will be required to meet FEMA minimum requirements. 5. The conditions stated in the 2 May 1985 communication from the State of New York Department of Health Office of Public Health, and in the 3 October ~-1~85 comm~icati~n'~f-/~he Suffolk County Department of Health Services, regarding water supply and treatment, will address u~e'issue.6f water supply for the purposes of SEQRA. - ~ · .... ~ 6. All road-s and drainage facilties will be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer and the Superintendent of Highways, prior to final approval. 7. Individual sanitary septic systems must be approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. The subdivision will be reviewed by that department, prior to final application. 8. Fire protection facilties will be provided in accordance With the recommendations of the Orient Fire Department. 9. An Environmental Assessment Form, Part I, has been submitted by the applicant/s engineer, which describes the project and makes reference to the previously submitted Environmental Impact-Statement and Addendum. 10. This report is ful~ findings and attached is the resolution of the Planning~ Board which resulted from the review of an Environmental Impact Statement for~ a 20 unit residential development proposed for the subject parcel. Henry Arbeeny - Mr. Arbeeny and his attorney Patricia Moore were present to discuss this proposed major subdivision at Kenny's Lane and County Route 48, Southold. It was noted tht the survey 'was amended to show three in the "A" zone and three lots ~n the B zone. The Chairman questioned the "proposed zone change" which was indicated on the survey and whether the applicatn was intending to request a change of zone. Mr. Arbeeny stated that the map was amended at the request of the Board to show three Planning Board Page 10 10/21/85 Arbeen¥ cont. lots in each zone. Mr. Lessard pointed out the Board cannot approve a change in zone, the applicant would have to go to the Town Board. However, the way the lots were proposed, the applicant would not need a zone change becuase the residential property which is included in the business lots could be used for business since the larger zone is the dominant zone. It was the consensus of the Board that the applicant would not need a change of zone and they requested that this notation be eliminated from the survey. The chairman also suggested that the applicant follow the zone line and use it as a property line for the proposed lots, this may avoid any confusion later. It was the consensus of the Board to conduct a field inspection of the premises with the amended survey prior to any furthr action or recommendation. On a motion made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the lot-line change application of James Bailey located at Fishers Island, map dated August 16, 1985, subject to: 1. The .014 acre parcel of Jansen Noyes, Jr., being merged to the parcel of James N. Bailey. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Frances Frisbee - The Board reviewed this proposal for a lot line change to eliminate an encorachment of a tennis court on a lot. Mrs. Frisbee had previously received a minor subdivision to create three lots on the property. However, a tennis court from 1 lot was encroaching on another. On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was RESOLVED that the SouthOld Town Planning Board declare themselves lead agency for the lot-line change of Frances Frisbee located at Nassau Point, under the State Environmental Quality Review Act. An initial determination of non-significance has been made. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made byMr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the lot-line change for Frances Frisbee, located at Nassau Point, to add 989 square feet from Lot No. 105 to Lot No. 106, survey dated as amended September 30, 1985. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Multen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Planning Board Page 11 10/21/85 Emilia Pike - The Board reviewed this set-off located at MainRoad, Mattituck. This application was pending before the Board of Appeals for an insufficient area variance. This application was previously submitted to the Board of Appeals with a different layout and the Board of Appeals denied the variances. Therefore, the map was revised, that the Planning Board was asked to make a recommendation on the revised layout. Mr. Ward suggested a proposed layout to provide Lot No. 1 with a lot width of approximately 125' and asked that the map be re-drawn as suggested. On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the following recommendations to the Board of Appeals for Emilia T. Pike, located at Main Road, Mattituck: That the proposed layout be re-drawn as indicated to provide a lot widht of approximately 125' and an area of approximately 37,000 square feet in pr.oposed Lot NO. 1. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Virginia Hairston - The Board reviewed this proposal for a set-off for 2 lots on 1.5 acres at Carroll Avenue, Peconic, following a field inspection. This proposal was also pending before the Board of Appeals for an area variances and the Baord of Appeals had requested the Planning Board comments regarding the lot layout. Mr. Ward stated that presently the proposed layout favors the larger house and consideration should be given to moving the lot line closer to Lot No. 2 to provide adequate land for possibly increasing the house. Mr. Lessard stated that they should leave room for expanding on the smaller house since it currently does not meet the 850 square feet requirement for livable floor area. On a motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board declare itself ~ad agency under the State Environmental Quality Review Act for the set-off of Virginia Hairston located at Peconic. An initial determination of non-significance has been made. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOVLED that the Southold TownPlanning Board make the following recommendation to the Board of AD~ reqardinq the set-off for Virqinia Hairsto~ located at Peconic: That the layout be re-drawn to provide more area in Lo~ NO. 1. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Planning Board Page 12 10/21/85 On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board request that the subdivision of Sunbow Associates be amended to show three lots, instead of the proposed four lots, each with a minimum lot width of 150' to meet the minimum lot width requirments. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards John Zuhoski Jr. - The Chairman, Bennett Orlowski, abstained from the discussion regarding this proposed set-off since the applicant is a relative. It was the consensus of the Board to call the applicant in to discuss his intentions regarding the remaining property. "Sunrise Estates" (D and K Milhaltses) - The Board reivewed this proposal fro 8 lots on 15.832 acres located at Bergen AVenue, Mattituck. It .was the consensus of the Board to make a review of the surrounding area and call the applicant in at the next regular meeting to discuss this proposal. On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Board of Appeals that the application of Anna Loria for a set-off at New Suffolk be denied since the proposed lots woudt be significantly less than the 80,000 square foot minimum lot size requirement. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend that the property of Wallace McCarvill remain as one building lot, since the proposed subdivision for 2 lots on 42,911 square feet is not in compliance with the current two-acre zoning. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Rollins and Andrews - The Board reviewed this proposal to re-divide two existing lots in order to lesson the non-conformance of the premises. Currently, there are two houses on one lot and the lots are less than the current two-acre zoning. Planning Board page 13 10/21/85 On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the lot- line change for Mark L. Rollins and Beverly Andrewes located at Mattituck to re-align the lot-line from East- West to North-South. Map dated as amended September 9, 1985, lot number 1 containing 33,588 square feet and lot number 2 containing 25,307 square feet. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Charles Bowman - The Board reviewed this proposal to subdivide and create two lots on 7 acres at Bayview Road, Southold. It was noted that the property contained wetlands and where the applicant has proposed to construct the houses, they would require fill. This would crea~e a significant impact on the lots. It was also noted in review of the file that the lots owned were part of a prior subdivision. The Board requested input from the Town Trustees and CAC regarding a determination on the wetlands. A review, will also have to be made to determine the amount of buildable upland versus wetland. On a motion made byMr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board request that an application be made tothe Southold Town Trustees regarding the minor subdivision of Charles W. Bowman, located at Southold, since this proposal would require filling in the area of the wetlands. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made by Mr. Mutlen, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board declare themselves lead agency under the State Environmental Quality Review Act for the minor subdivision of Charles W. Bowman located at Southold. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Cecil Younq - The Board reviewed this proposal for a set-off of 80,000 square feet from 24 acres at Main Road, Mattituck. The Board noted that this proposal will need articls 6 approval, and amended surveys indicating a conforming lot depth on the 80,000 square foot parcel. The Board questioned the applicant's intent on the remainder of the parcel. It was the consensus of the Board to request clarification, in writing, on the applicant's intent for the 22.169 acres remaining after the two-acres set-off. If the applicant proposes further subdivision, the Board requested an overall layout to review. Planning Board Page 14 10/21/85 Gerard Doroski - The Board has not field inspected this proposal, therefore, it will be held over until a field inspection can be made. This proposal is for 3 lots on 7 acres located off a right-of-way from County Route 48. Sterling Ventures The Board reviewed this proposal for construction of professional offices located at Main Road, Mattituck. This proposal received a waiver from the Town Board regarding the moratorium, however, the Board was nQt in receipt of the amended surveys as previously requested. Therefore, the Board will hold this proposal until they are in receipt of the surveys. Papadopoulos and Maraqos - The Board reviewed this proposal for 5 lots on 14.374 acres at Kenny's Road, Southold following a field inspection. It was the consensus of the Board to request that a road be established parallel with the LILCO easement, that could tie in with future development to the East. The Baord also requested that consideration be given to a cluster subdivision, whereby, the lots could be clustered down to one acre leaving the remainder in open space. (Section 100-136 in the Town code). Community Christian Fellowship - The Board reviewed this site plan for construction of a house of worship located at County Route 48, Mattituck. Mr. Ward questioned the storm water drainage being piped to the Suffolk county Recharge Basin and suggested that correspondence be received from the County regarding their approval of this matter. Mr. Lessard stated that the applicant was anxious to start on construction and further delay could hold this up considerably due to the beginning of the winter season. The Chairman noted that it was not a good precedent to set since there were items missing on the site plan which were needed. Mr.L~ssard stated that they would not get a certificate of occupancy until a site plan was approved. Mr. Mullen felt that the Board could approve the site plan with conditions noted and there would be no certificate of occupancy until those conditions were met. Mr. Lessard stated that they were primarily concerned with completing the foundation. On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the site plan for the Community Christian Fellowship for construction of a church located at County Route 48, Mattituck, subject to: Planning Board Page 15 10/21/85 1. Revised site plan indicating the following information: - Grading in the parking area - Surfacing in the parking area - Approval from the Suffolk County for use of the recharge basin Ail other site plan elements not already included on the survey. 2. There will not be any certificate of occupancy issued until the above requirements have been met. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a 30- day extension on the action on the subdivision of Cranberry Acres, located at Southold, pursuant to the request of the agency for the applicant. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, following a site inspection, recommend to the Building Departmlent that the certificate of occupancy be issued for the site plan of Bertanl and Koke subject to: 1. Striping of the parking area 2. A six-month review Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Mr. William Mullen informed the audience and the press that the Planning Board is looking for input on who requires affordable housinq. He stated that he hoped the newspapers could request that input be sen~ to the Planning Board stating the name, address, and occpation of individuals who might benefit from affordable housing in the Town. Planning Board Page 16 10/21/85 San Simeon site plan - The Board reviewed this site plan for condominiums located at Chapel Lane, Greenport. Pastor Ettlemeyer and Don Denis, the architect were present. They indicated that the first cluster of homes was completed and they were in the process of beginning onthe second cluster. When they made application to the Building Department, however, they were denied permits because the site plan had been amdended from what the Board had previously approved. Also, the Building Department had questioned the Health Departments approval, however, they project was served by the Village of Greenport. Mr. Ettlemeyer stated that the parking and road has been changed to provide an ease in backing up, however, they were not aware that they needed an amended site plan approval for this change until they went to the Building Department. Pastor Ettlemeyer requested that the Board approve their proposal for Section 2. The Chairman noted that in the planning Board records, in 1984, they passed a resolution approving Section 1 which was 2 four-unit buildings and he did not recall granting any other approval regarding this site plan. Therefore it would be a new application for Section 2. The Chairman suggested that a site plan for the entire project be filed for the Board to act on. The Chairman also noted that any change from an approved site plan would require filing an amended site plan, therefore, if any further changes were contemplated, they should be indicated on the new submission to avoid having to re-file. Pastor Ettlemeyer stated that they had received 200 various inquiries from people interested inthis project. This project is for elderly people and the selling prices are for same. Pastor Ettlemeyer mentioned Jane Porcino who was working with them to gain support personnel for the project. Her office was in Stonybrook and he thought the Board may like this information regarding their input on affordable housing. On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board declare themselves lead agency under the State Environmental Quality Review Act for the minor subdivision of Eugene and Juliana Davison locted at Laurel. An initial determination of non-significance has been made. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Edwards, the following action was taken : NEGATIVE DECLARATION Pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Planning Board Page 17 10/21/85 notice is hereby given that Southold Town Planning Board as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION The minor subdivision of Eugene and Juliana Davison, to be known as "Strawberry Fields" is located at Sound Avenue, Laurel. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. Because there has been no response from the Department of Environmental Conservationin the allotted time,it is assumed that there are no comments or ojections from that agency. Because there has been no comments from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services in the alotted time, it is assumed that there are no comments or objections from that agency. The project will meet all the requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold Subdivision of Land Regulations. Further information can be obtained by contacting Diane M. Schultze, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board, Main Road, Southold, New York, 11971. Vote of the Board: Ayes: ©rlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Homestead Acres The Board reviewed this proposal for a major subdivision which included a curb cut onto County Route 48, Greenport. It was noted that the County Department of Public Works had denied a curb cut for this road. Therefore the plan will have to be amended to eliminate this road, or eliminate the intersection with the County Road. It was the consensus of the Board to have the survey amended to eliminate the intersection and re-submit for the Board to review. Planning Board Page 18 10/21/85 Being no further business to come before the Board, on a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Latham, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /~? / ne M. Schultze, Secretary ~f~/~,-~/Jr~, ~/airm ~outhold Town Planning Board kECEiVED AND FILED BY ~-~:~ ~OU~z~:LD TOWN CL~J~ .~.~~~.. Town Clerk, To,.m of Southold