HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12431 P 352 - 1/0. I--Cj,) "I ,-I I":" }, ., V}"L .......... eo...NIW'tliIrs+AtI1eriean -rifle. :w.S. Co. o4J NY tntAn\ldC8ll'_." . "?JODI ~ (05/ if' 188'EalIII'OIIRaId 101101' Pis.fric:.+- 1000 _ PIIdnI. NlWVaIk slt.d.. 0'" 119.DO (914}42&3433 l8OOllMl-11118 8loc-k. ol.DO I-Or 007. DOl BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) C ):2'4 3,1 STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 (,AlJno~: TillS AGRF.EMF."T SIIOUIJlIIF PREPARED BY AN A'rI(lRNI:Y A.'oID REVIEWED R\' '\nORN~YS FOR SEIJ.liR .\"1) ~ PI:RCHASF.R IU;I'(\RE SIIDIINII. l\ THIS INDENTURE, mad~~e -vo day of December . 2005 b..twe..D HUNTER MURTAUGH aDd DEBORAH MURTAUGH, husband and wife, residing at 162 Newtown Turnpike, Westport, cr 06880-1018 pany of the tirst part. and KDRPIIY NASSAU PODIT IIOAD, u.c 9905 BU88U Point Road, Cutchogue, IIY 11935 party of the second pan. WITNESSETH. thatlhe pany of the first part. in considcll'8tion of Ten Dollars and olher lawtill consideration. lawful money of the United Stales.. paid by.the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release umo thc party oflhe second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party oflhe second part forever. .4LL that certain plOL piece or parcel ofland. with Ihe buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being at Cutehogue. Town "fSouthold. County ofSulTolk and State of New York. SEE SCHEDULE'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The grantors hom:in Bnllhe same persons as Ih.. gran...... in Deed dated 1112101 recorded 11f.!9/01 in Ubcr 12155 Cp651. TOGETHER with all right, title and inlerest, if any. oftbe party ufthe first pan in and to any streets and roads abutting the above deseribed premises 10 the cemer lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party ofthe first part in and to said premises. TO HA.VE A.ND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the pany oflbe first pan. covenants that the party ofth" first pan has not done or sullered anything whereby the !iBid premises have been encumbered in any way whate\'Cr. excepl a.~ aforesaid. AND th" party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants thatthe party of the firsl part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the righlto receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cosl oflbe improvem"nt and will apply Ihe same first 10 the.payment oflhe cost of the improvement beli're using any pan of the total ufthe same for any other purpose. 'Ibe word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ihe party of the first part has duly ..xecutcd Ihis deed the day and year first above wrilten. ~ J :!~-L ~~ DEB RAH MURTAUGH NYSnA Reside-nlial Rea' E!III8te I-"nnn, on IIUlOucsJ (ljrJUn) .1. Cl'P)Tight (;;Ip>lJil11)evdopllM.'D1 \ .\.n'le. _~' . .~ """ First Ameria11111tIe InsulflllCB Company Df New YD'" Title No. 3001-105146 SCHEDULE "A" ALL ~T CERTAIN PlOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF lAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING AT NASSAU POINT OR UTILE HOG NECK, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, AND KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NUMBER 80 ON fl:1AP ENTTTlED "AMENDED MAP A OF NASSAU POINT, OWNED BY NASSAU POINT CLUB PROPERTIES, INC., SITUATED IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, LONG ISlAND, NEW YORK", SURVEYED JUNE 2B, 1922 BY OTTO W. VAN TUYI.., C.E. AND SURVEYOR, GREENPORT, NEW YORK, AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, AUGUST 16, 1922, FILE NO. 156 AND PART OF LOT NUMBER 81 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT SET ON THE EASTERLY UNE OF NASSAU POINT ROAD AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT NUMBER 81 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT NUMBER 80; r~ "'I , . RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID ,tINE 121 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ALONG THE UNE BETW'Eer~ AND 80 NORTH 780 42' 10" EAST, 335.00 FEET TO PECONIC BAY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG PECONIC BAY, 137.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY 82" 51' 50. WEST, 260.00 FEET (DEED 27B,12 FEET) TO THE EASTERLY UNE OF NASSAU POINT ROAD; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID UNE 18 FEET TO THE POINT OR PlACE OF BEGINNING. THE policy to be issued under this report will Insure the title to such buildings and improvements erected on the premises, which by law constitute reBl property. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY: TOGETHER with all the right, lIlIe and Interest of the party of the first part, or In and to the land lying In the street In front of and adjoining said premises. Io/!'\ I~'~' . --- - - . " " . , , " STATE OF CONNECTICUT COUNTY Of Fit, R F. eLf:, ) ) 55.: \,Jt'~.r\- ) oJ . On the .)~ day of I:lcc:ember, 2005 before me. the undersigned. personally appeared HUNTER MURT AUGII and DEBORAH MVRT AVGH, personally known to me or proved It> me on the basis of satisfac:tory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within insb1Jment and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity. and that by their signature on lhe instrumenl, the individuals. or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument and that such ~2bO~,"--~'di'" NO ;t,.RY PU DEED Fi{'ef- ,4"",e...; eA.Vl 11+l~ rule No. 3!>> 1-105/1/-(. ~~ THOMAS J !<AClN.,' Notary I'UIlIIc SIaIo of Corineciicut ' , ~..._- '- ...- MURTAUGH Disfric..+ 1000 Section 119.00 Block 01.00 Lot 009.001 County or Town SUFFOLK To Mu.ryh'{ N~S&:Ll,ol. Poi nf- f<.Octd.) I...k.c... Return Bv Mail To: JOHN L VNCH, F.8Q. 200 OLD COUNTRY RD. MINEOLA, NY 11581 Reserve This Space For Use Of Reeordinll! Omec NYS8A R.csidentill Real E.s&alc Forms on IlotDocslr (9100) .l- C.'P)'ri8/11 clplon' Dc:v<lopmrnt '. .. ...---.., Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Cenificate # Prior CIf. # Deed . Mongage Instrument Deed I Mongage Tax Sl8mp FEES 3 Page I Filing Fee Handling 5. ..!IlL ~ TP-S84 Notation EA-S217 (County) '5- 12-_ 90_ a1 Sub Total EA-S217 (Stllle) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. ..lIlL Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy 1;;.5' 6J. . Sub Total Other /5-_ Orand Total . Ilq.OO Seetlon Bloc:k 0 r . 00 Lot oc1t. 00 1 Real Properly Thx Service Agency Verification 11900 0100 009001 6 SatisfactionIDisc:hargeslRelcase List Prol'C'rty Owners Mailing Address RECORD &< RETURN TO: ~ohn R. ~~~~1~5~ f)j)O 0 (cL Cou-n-tr1 Roa.a.)S~+-e "310 ~ Pa..vili'on MiVl€,o(a..) NY II~OI 7 1lEc,u!<DEI) 2006 J~ 19 11:22:54 AM ClERK OF 5UFtOLK COUIIT\' L DOOO12431 P 352 CoT' 05-23855 Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. I Assit. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment_ Transfer Tax rJ, 77/bO --::::-. Mansion Tal< Jh-- _ .I ~ :r1nI .~ The property covered by this motgage is or will be improved by a one or lwo family dwelling unly. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate to., clause on e- .page # of this in30G;:L Communlt Preservation Fund $ 48')0,000 CPFTax Due $ 3f ~ Improved Vacant Land /1) . TO TO m Title Company Informallon Co. Name Fit" f- -r: nUe# 300 - 105" I tf~ 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of Ihe auaehed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: The premisis hereio is situaled in DFo Ioora..h MLU"-h... S"" I NU;~4I1lllWl1eSUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In Ihe Township of So lA..~ d.... MlA..rfhy Na.s;sa..lA.. Poi",+ IntbeVlI.LAGE R.oQ..d.) b./.....C_ or HAMLET of ~~IA...~ . BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED 1:-.1 BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR RECORDING OR FILlI\G (over) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 StJlI'POLK CO'UNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of :InstrulllllDt. DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber . 06-0005857 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-23855 Recorded. At. 01/19/2006 11.22.54 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012431 352 District: Section. Block. Lot: 1000 119.00 01.00 009.001 1I!YJUaNBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount. $1,850,000.00 Received. the FOllowing Pees por Above :Instrument Bxalpt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS BRCHG $15.00 NO BA- CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $7,400.00 NO Mansion Tax $18,500.00 NO COIIIDl.Pres $34,000.00 NO Pees Paid $60,052.00 TRANSpBR TAX NUMBER: 05-23855 THIS PAGB :IS A PART 01' THB :INSTRtlMBNT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL - -.--- PLEASE""'fYiiE()lfPRESS FiRMlvWHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 - FOR COUNJY USE l)NL Y 01. SWIS Code f~?,3.g,g,tl' * q I/,!' 'C:= f '...1 .. '3 ,S-;~I \i'~ . ";I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CZ. o.te Owil R__ STATE OF NEW YORIl STATE _ OF lEAL PIllIPBTY SERVICES C3. Book PROPERlY INFORMATION RP - 5217 ....,ZI1....w 1. """'-1 990S Lee..... SllID.r_1I Nassau Point Rd. ...." - ~nll..hnld cnv..._ Cutchollue ........ 1193S ~"'". 2. IIuyor Nom. Murphy Nassau Point Road. LLC LASl .....,COM'Ntt HRlnH"" LAliT MA" I CDIIMNY '''TIIAI'o"I; 3. Tea tndicatli wh.. future Tax Bill .. ID be I0I'1l: Blllnl rr ather thll1 buyer ,delrwtllal boItom of fann) I -- !.AIl......-r./COM......y ...., NIlMt 1''''[1' NU"':II QD 5"'1!T NAMI! arv OK TOWN Ir~1[ Z11'aa; .. Indian, the Mlmber 01 ~ RoG ~,.. InIndwnd an 1M deed l.J . of Parcll. OR D Part af I Parcol .._~ "0_ X I 8_ . ?~?'" IORI "'"" 'AC;fC1j' . 1OoIv1,.,.....____1ppIy: 4A. Planning BoIrd wIItI !klbdMeion Aulharlty ExiIII 0 ... $ubdivilion ApprM ... Required for TrMl'ler 0 C. P.al AopnMrd for SutdvWan willi Map Provided 0 '.Sol_ N.... I Murtaugh lAIllM....' CCMPNtt Hunter ,l1li1 NMIl L Murtaugh LAlINMIIl/CDIII'MIY Deborah ,..T....... 7. Ch_ .he bOI b.-ow wIIlch mOIl _urm.ly ..... tt. ... of thI properly II .... time 0' ....: ^~ One Family _n,101 8 2 or 3 Flmlly ReIidIntl.1 C __ V.....l.llnd o Non-Rtlidential VKlnt lind "'SALE INFORMATION I n. 801._ _ Ii ~ ..""".,.1 F Commercl.! (i ~nl II . Enlarlllnrnent I Amusement I ~ Cammundy So..... J lndIa'llill K PublN: SoNico L Farnt -...- - --1ppIy: .. OwnarIhlp Type r. Condominium .. New eo....uc:Iion on VlClnl Lend 1M. Property ~ "'"tun an Agricuftur. DiItrict, ,.. Buver rlClived . cIItcIos&ft ncniot Induting t1111 Iht proptl1V ill in .. Agricu.UlII Dlllricr o o o o 11.. CheaIl. OM 01'..... III __......... _ .. - .. 'IID.....r: 12. Date aI .... I Tr....r L J I 6 lloy I OS y- - lloy y- A H C D Ii F a II I J Sole 8elwean AoIatIve. or Fonner ReIaINeI s.It ~ ReWil:IId c:amp.,., or PIM'tn.... In BUlIn... One of tM EIuyera iI.1so . s.u... ...,... or SeIor is COI.arnrnanl Aganc:y or lancing Instilution Oood T_ _ W....... '" IIoIgoIn ond Solo lSpoclly IIoIowI SIIe of Frar:r:ionlll or ..... than Fee IIIIeNlR (Specify BIkJw) Significanl Chlnge in Properly BItwpn Tuat* SlalUI .nd &.II 011 SaIo of BulaneIl..1naIuded In sere Price Other UnuMNII FadOr. AHactlnu Sale Price (Specify Below) None I '0 I"" 11. Full S... PrIce ,I ,8 ,5 .0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0.01 , , . (Full Silo Price i. Iho lOCal amount Plid tor IhI property Including ~I property. _ poymom may be In Illo Ionn 01_....... -"" '" goodo. ",Il1o _ 01 mortpg.. 01 oIhor obIlgalona.) PINIII round ro ",. fIlMr.., .,.. dttIIIM amount 14. Indial.......... 01 ...... praperty indudIcIln III. .. . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Delli Ihould rallecllh. "1011 Finll_mlnt Roll Ind TI. Bill ,.. ="~=i:~= hem I 0 . G7 '7, T..... ___ Vetu. ear all ......... ........, I ~-U ".__No... , ; /.(') (;..D.(')I , 18. "'-.... c:-. 20. Ta Mop _101 I 1loII_.1 II .........._. .......___1..... _loll 1000-119.00-01.00-009.001 I I CERTIFICATION I ~ II10l 011'''.......... of _ ._ DO'" runn on' 1nIo.... ......... .10.... _ of nay ........".. ond brItof).... I ............. 1Iwl'''''1IWlinR of"",. .....u1I'o1loo~.- "'~.~ ~........ ...._ of ,lit ...... .... _1..1................. ......'"Iidr.o 1"'-, Mfl.rpl..y NOSSO~\I" J ~L.C... BUYER"UnoRNEY Nu....,AJ' """~"'~ 1.2 '#uI'-~...tt' .ty . ~,. h'/.!'~ J,. ~hV1 S-Ifn _. ca. R. :;;l".t.8- c,~cn TtIUIIQN[ .....R ./ NEW YORK STATE COPY