HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12429 P 173 ~. ~ 2-V1b' L 12 42 9 I Ifn3 I~ - 01r. 0'1, - 013. 7q~q-73 ~ )5 s: ~"Y _:O:,Y.8.T.U.__ ..............____0-......................___> ! _LT TOUR LAWftIl_ 1101II1lll TH..III8TRUMINT. _ __T _UU>>.. UIID lIT LAWftIlI ClllLY TlUS INDENTURE, made the BETWEEN qll- . dayof btC~fV\\lI!r 200S . aiR.IIB h..null LA mud JOHN LONGWORTH AND ROSEMARY LONGWORTH, as Husband and Wife. residing al 900 Victoria Drive, Soulhold, New York 11971. party of tile lint part, aDd illnhM\.' ::11."'. 7J!$ C.n Lane..- . '1lcJ5f KENNED'l.AND CLAIRF1KENNEOY , as Husband and Wife, residing al P.O.. Box J 832, Southold, New York 11971 ' , party of oecond part, WITNESSETH, thet the party of the lirll. part, in co!'8ideratlon of ten doIlan and other vaJ~le coMlderation paid by the party of tho Il!cond pert, dou hereby lIJ'IUIt and rele.... unto the party of tbe second part, tba bein or suc:coeeon aDd auipa ~ the party of the second part forever. . ALL thet cortain plot, piece or pan:a1 oflend, witb the buildinp and improvements thereon erected, situata,l,ying and being in tbe , at Bay View, near Southold, in thc Town ofSouthoJd, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly line ofa private ~oad known.as "Victoria , Drive" with the southerly line of a private road known as "Liberty Lane"; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of "Liberty Lane", South '6S'degrees 27 minutes J 0 seconds East, a dista!'ce of 100.22 fcct; THENCE along land of Edward Nidds, two courses: (I) South 25 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West, a dislllnee of 156.61 fect; THENCE (2) North 64 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 100.0 feet to said easterly linc of"Victoria Drive"; THENCE along said easterly line. North 25 dcgrees 19 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of 1 50.0 fcctto the point of the BEGINNING. BEING the same premises described in d\.'Cd from Edward Nidds. dated 1/2/69. and recorded 1/23/69 in Liber 6494 at Page 323. ' TOGETHER with aU right, title Dnd mtareet, if any,'of the party of.the lint part in,aDd to any streela and roads ebutting the above de>ac:ribed premiHe to the eenter linee thereof TOGETHER with the appurtAn.n..... and an the eetata aDd rigbts of the party of the &rat part in and to said prelllUlee; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pl'01ll(ees l::":r ~ted unto the party of tbo eecond part, the bain or SUCCC880n and a&signs of the party of the eecond 1rt AND the party of'the lint part covanants thet tbe party of the lint part has not done or sull'ered anythi\lg wbareby the eaid premises have been encumbered in any wey wbatever, ""cept as aforoeaid. \ ( AND the party of the lint part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants thet the party of the lint;. part will recai... the "'Mideration for thia """V8)'8DCe aDd win bold tho ript to receive euch coMidention ns a ) trust fund to be applied firet for the purpose of payinl the coat of the illlprovelllOllt aDd win apply the aemll lint to' the payment of the cost of the improvement baforo using any part of the total of tho same for any other PurpGIl!. Tb~ word "party" sball be COMtrued 88 ifit read "partiu" whenever the....... ofthia indenture 10 requirea. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the firet part lias duly llllI!CUtad tbis' deed tho day and year lint above Mittan. IN PRESENCE OF: ACKNOWLEDGMEIlT IN ...... YORK &TATIl (JlI'l.-'1 State of New York, County or .5f.Hlii1t. IS.: On D..c <l'Tlbu 9"', zoo:. before mc.the undersigned. pc=nallyappearedJonn Lo"".l\>>O,<,W\" ~r't l-of'\:\.....r.\UI petllOnally known 10 me <* proved to me on liIe basis of satis- faclory evicleace 10 be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (an:) subscribed to the within instlUlllellt and acknowledged to me that helsheJthey euc:ulied the same in his/berIlheir capacity(ies). and that by his/herhheir signalUl'e(s) on the instnlme.nl. die individual(s), or Ihe perion upon bebalf of wbich tbe . individual(s) acted, executed instrUment. ACK!IlIOWLlUJGMDT omIDE NEW YORK STAn: (RPL 3Of4l) State or , County or 15.: On personally appeaml before me. the undersigned, personally known to me or proved to me o.n the basis of salis- fac:tory evidence to be the individual(.) whose namc(s) is (are) subscribed to die within illSU1lment and ""knowledged to me tIw helshetlhcy =ted the same in IriaIherItbeir capacity(ies). and thai by hislherltheir signalUre(s) on the illSll'WDenl. the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrUment, and IhatsllCh in- 'dividual made such appell1'llnCC before the undersigned in (I...." cI" or poI.l1it'fll ~..b4ividQfl _,rau or CO""" or 0'11" pl<<t GC'WMoWt/pla, IGlnJ (sl_ andO/fluof--' """"'~""l) ~ar9ain anb $ab ~ub WITH CoveNA~7 AGAINST G....~"I'OR. S Acr.o Tl1UNo. 25-5-2114 :J;."", LONGWORTH ~ ~ Lo,~ TO l~ls L. KENNEDY.JY, I CIt.... Po. ~<bj STANDARD PORM Of NEW10RK BOND OPnn.llmuE.r4tnll ,. Dbt,ibll(.d by CHICAGO Tm.E INSURANCE COMPANY ~ l!i I Ill: l!i !I ~ i ! i Ill: I j ACJDIOWLEDGMEHT RV 5IlBSCRIBlNG WITIlaS(U) State of } . County or 55.. 00 personally appeared before me. the undersigned. } the subscribing wilDCSS(es) to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am persoaally acquainted. who, being by me duly SWOl'll, did depose and say thai helsheIthcy reside(s) in (iflll. ,.... of..- is hi. city, iItd_llI. _.... """ Sf.... ..-< if""" . rIww1J}: . . CHRYSA pASQUALONE NoIBry PuIlIIc - Stale at New YOlk No.02p""<'liaS"" . Qualilied in S~lfo:~ Cl'unly NIpeb.JIIIIWiIIt~~! 5. 20~ to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the fore- gailll inSlnlmelll; thai said subscribing witness(es) wu (were) present and saw said execute the !I8I1lC; and"that said wimess(es) at the same time subscribed hislherltheir namc(s) u a wibless(es) th_ (0 V....._NItW__'ruanci.,orpol/tfctllSllbtllvisllM""" ..... or.-" '" aIiI<<"'" ~..... And thai said subscribiDg wimess(es) made sucb appearance before the Dndersigued in .) (s/rMN""""aJIIu of"""""""" /lItI., -.-'-'J 5ECI10N 078.00 BLOCK 09.00 IDI' 073.000 COINTYOR ~ Reoordod al Requt!st of cmCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RE11lJIN BY MAIL To. Alexander J. Crawford, Esq. 8 South Gate P.O. Box 267 5horeham, New York " Zip No. 11786 . . . 12-.2 ,-J" . . J :; ,. Number of pages TORRENS Serial II " IlECOROEO 2006 Jan 05 04:26:4S'1'ff CLERK OF SUFFOlK COlIlTV L 000012429 P .173 DT# 0:5-22148 Ceniflcal. # Prior Clf, 1/ Deed I MOl1gag. InsInJmenr Deed I Mangel. Tax SIamI' FEES R!'Cardinl/l'i1ing Slamps . " . 4 I'aga I riling 1'.. HindUng TP-sil4 '. MDllpge AmI, I. Basic :rex Noralion 2. Additional Tax EA:S2 17 (Collnly) EA-S217 (Sfale) Sub T alai SlIh Total GRAND TOTAL Spec.lAssil. Or Spec,/Ad,J, TOT, ~TO, TAX Dual rowo Oual ClIllnry_ Held far Appol1ia~ I __ ""'osferTa~ '.' /4q (') --=: Mansion Tax ----...:....._ _ 11,a propeny overed ~y Ihis monlaga is or will be imp oved by a one or Iwo family dwelliog 001 VE or NO If NO, sea ajl . priata-lax'clallse 00 page /I ~Oflhis. slnllnenl. R.P.T.S,A. <f/JriI Comm.ofEd. s~ Affidavil Cel1ified Copy Rag. COllY Other SlIb Total 1 Rc:all'ropeny Tax' Service Agency Verification Oisl. _Sa.C1ion . D lock ., __ _I 01 ~O~l~ "" "", '00' """ 1" EC I ~~~ . j 7 SalisfacriollslDischargcsiRcleaseS" tin.Property Owne", Mailing Addres ItRCORD & RETURN TO: Dala CPF Tax Duo .. n $ $ IJfllVl !!lamp 6 Gommunity Coi1slderalion Am v Improved -'" V aCapl Land lt1%clwJ .~...6; V '~~,f.O.'~ 267 ~. 1!J- . In8'/, 10 . TD TD TO 9 Suffolk Coun 25.. Recordiri' & Endorsemen J:&.{ . (SPECIFY TYPE OF JNSffiUMENr) 'I . Title Company rnformation Co, 'Nama Tille II nus plige forms part of lIic attached ~li\ LDhtJwwth r . . ~M1 ~"J 1Al~ . to J;. f _ mad. by: 1111: premises herein is silualed in SUFFOLK COUNlY, NEW YORK. In the 1bwnship of In the VILLAGE IIr ~IAMLIIT of {~~L BOXES 5 TI-lRU 9 MUST BE TYP OR PRlJIffiID IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECoRDING OR FILING, . . ,"""...... 11011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 1111 SUP POLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OPFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Page.. 3 Receipt Humber . 06-0001434 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-22148 Recorded. At. 01/05/2006 04.26.48 PH LIBER: PAGB: D00012429 173 District: 1000 Section. 078.00 RYlt,KIHBD AND $547,500.00 Block. 09.00 CBUGBD AS Lot: 073.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount, Received the Following Fee. For Above Instrument Exempt Bx-.pt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO BYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA.-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $2,190.00 NO Comm.Pre. $7,950.00 NO Fee. Paid $10,289.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-22148 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THB INSTRtlKBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL . FOR COUNTY USE ONL V Cl. SWIS Cod. PLEASE TYPE-Oil-PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INST,RUCTlONS: httP;J/www.orps.statB.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 25..s. 211'1 REAL PROpeRTY TRANSFER REPORT C3.8o.... PROPERTY INFOR~IAnON .., c.. P...I /, 7.3. lit STATE OF _ VORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PIIOI'ERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 ltPal7...~ 1. "'-'Y I QOO . Loudon ~NUIIIER J::nnt-hnln C1lvi5iifOWii' Victoria Drive .......- Kennedv IAITN~/COMM'IIt' ~_ -r~S M. L([t. I 11971 ...- ....... 2. IIuyor Na... Kcann,::l!L """-, Claire rlRlT~ 3. Tax fndicGto wftoro ("",... Tile "111..10 be... BlI.... IfOllllrdlln_ad_C__oIformll _... l...T......'~ "NINMI[ 5TJlfpr NUIIIP AJtD aT"" NAtA t'IYQllllEMN IiTA'" 7"'C:0DI! .. IndIcnt the nUlllbM' or All........ RaD ,.,.. 'II'Itrwhrnd on th. dHd ., I, 0' Pan::_ OR 0 Plrt of . Percel '.Dood I 1 p....rty I X Siz. FRQNr 'I'IT ...... IORI . . AClII:'1 .3 5 I !Only . Pori 01 . PorooQ _ ..lhoy oppIy: 4A. Aannng Board wllh Subdivllian Aulharfly Exl... 0 ... Subdivilion ApprvvDl WIll Flequinld for T,..,.ror D C. ......'_Ior SubdMII... wilh Mill - 0 &.s..... Nom. T.n"ir~ LAlTlI I ., John' .-- Longworth LASIItAMi/~ Rosemary """'- 7. CIMCl the be. below whlch moe' ........., ........ th8 .... ~ the fN'DI*tY n.... I..... 01 MIr. A~ Ono F.,,;IV _nil" H 2 or 3 Family ReIiden1ill C RIIkIMtIal VlCanlland I) Non n_ldentlal Vac-.t Land l SALE INFORMATION I 11. Bolo Cantroct_ E ~ Agricuhu,,' I ~ Community SoMe, r- Comrnlrdll J Industrial (i AI>orunanl K Public 80.- If Enlenalnrnent I AmUlernenr I~ FOIWat CMck ... __ belDw .'hev' ... a. OwnarIhip Type is Condominium .. New ConIEruCdon on VllClnl Llind 1M. PrapoOY L..- _In on _Iwtol _ .... 8uyw ratived II dIEIaIunt naIIC8 IIdc:atina ..... me PI'GPIftY II in III AgricuIIu.... DiIlria: o o o o 110 - 1 29 120051 DfIy v_ '.. Owd&......... crI "- L ~r _ u wt-..... to ~ 12. o.~ 01.... I r...r., LlJ' IS- 1 I().r 1 .... V_ s... Between ReIatlv8l Dr Form., ReWtiVB SlIe BIMwn Relat8d Carnp.nlu or P-nn.. in ~II~ en. of.ho Buv'" 10 ".. . 8?I1o< Buyer 01 Seller II Govemmtnl Aeencv 01 LendinglRlblulion Oaad TVPll _ Wlrronly" IIorgoIn .nd Solo ISpocIIy _I s.Ie of FrBc:IIoMI or L.ou IfII1R Fee ........ ISpecify BeIcM. Signlbnl ChIng. In Propony Botwre.1 T.liIAbIo SIIll.M nd Sale 0- Sale of BIIIineu illncluded in S.IG Price Olhor U_ -.. AIloctIna Solo Prlao (Spodly_, None '3. Full s... ~ . C;,4 ,7 ,C; ,n ,0, 0 , 0 I , , . (Full Sakt Pricu Is the tolIllmounl paid tar the property Ind.... pellOftll propertV. This peymtnt IMY t. in the fonn of -=-11. aIhIr Ill'OP1rty or aaodI. or 1M UlUmpllon of moftg,lgft or lXher obIgmiona) ",..." tDtInd ro,. ,..,., .,.. dGIIM MnOUnt '..-......_01_" I ,n, 0,0 I --....- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dill. ohould reftlCl 'hololOll Finol _onl RolI.nd To. Bill 1I.V_"'._-._.-......104JO'l" TllloI_V_,...._In_ortl ....,...InIo_...on . , ; 5 2.0 01 , 1'. ....._ au. 12.1, Ol-LDJ ,.._o....t...,_1 Southold ....T..__I'_Ido_,I.____........____1orIoI1 1000-078.00-09.00-073.00 I I CERTIFICATION I I Cftdl) ,.... .u Ill........... 01_ -.... ... ....lIwm ... ..... .... __ lIa.... ..........111)' ........... and boIIIIl and I un-... I.. ."" II1IIIWIa III My .Ilful.- .-. .......- ... ......... ..II....... ... In ... ....._ r4.... ..... low ,,'.'h~ Ill........... and ..... "'_ __ BUYER IIUYEII'lI A~ ~A- \2-(5.of Crawford ..IE ....,- 1 Alexander r J. "RITNoWE QOO I Victoria Drive .T1IIIT InIMIIII .!WIIT MAW. IMTlllIAUII 631 744-0306 -.""'" ....-- Southold ...... TllWN NY .-TAli' . 11971 ...- DA" /2.1.5-0<.. . , NEW YORK STATE COPY ~ 1/k- J~