HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-08/26/1985 ',D T( ~LD SI y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 The Sout Monday, ~ Road, Sol Present Chairman Member W~ Member G lold Town Planinng Board held a regular meeting on kugust 26, 1985, at the Southold Town Hall, Main lthold. 7ere: Bennett Orlowski, Jr. .lliam F. Mullen, Jr. Ritchie Latham, Jr. Member Richard G. Ward Member Kenneth Edwards Executiv~ Administrator Victor Lessard Town Pla~ner David Emilita ' 7:30 p.mJ Public hearing on the question of approval of the mino~ subdivision of Barbara D. Schriever located at Main And~Tabor Roads, Orient-~-~--~ ~t~5 acres. Mr. Orlo~ski: We have proof of publication in the Suffok Times, s~gned by Anna Lekkas and notorized by Ann Abate, we have l~roof of publication in the Long Island Traveler Watchman signed by Pat Wood and notorized by Barbara Forbes. I will d:.spense with the reading of the metes and bounds, if anyon~ out there has any problem with that, please let me known (none). We have correspondence from Suffolk County Planning Commission, and everything is in order at this time. At this ~:ime, I will ask for any objections to this minor subdivis~ )n. Hearing none, are there any endorsements of this min~r subdivision? Charles Cuddy: Good evening, I'm Charles Cuddy, and I appear on behalf of the applicant. As the Board may know the hamlet of Orient, particularly the Fire District held a referendum on the p~op~rty that is the subject of this hearing, and 153 apprgved and 10 opposed so this well passed virtually unanamouSly to buy two of the lots that are the subject ~f this subdivision. I bring this up because we had previously given the Board a declaration indicating tht we would bind as of Ju~y 1986 the road that went into the sudivison and based upon the approval for acquisition that probably won't be necessary. I would ask that this be approved as it is. Mr. Orlowski: Okay, are there any other endorsements of this subdivision? Hearing none, is there any one out there that is ~either pro nor con but with some iformation for the Board. Hearing none, any questions from the Board? Page 2 8/26./85 Mr. Orlc Mr. Lath of way Charles Fire Di Mr. Lat] Mr. Cudd Mr. Vict separate right of Mr. Cudd. wski: Mr. Latham. am: The right-of-way to the South, that is the right or lots 3 and 4? Suddy: Lots 1 and 2 will be purchased by the Orient trict and lots 3 and 4 will remain. ~m: Lots 3 and 4 have the use of the Right-of-way? Yes, but the use is only really for Lot NO. 3. )r Lessard: Could I ask Mr. Cuddy why you put a along the cemetary enstead of encompassing the way on that finger lot. ': Do you mean the flag lot. Mr. Less~rd: On lot No. 2. Mr. Cudd$: Because Lot NO. 2 in its entirety will be sold to the F~re District. The right-of-way is really just for Lot No. ~. Mr. Lessgrd: Well, then it would not have to go to the property line, onJy to the lot line. Mr. Cuddy: This also is the right-of-way that had been suggested a number of years ago and really it is used for only one,lot. Mr. Lessa 50' wide Mr. Cudd, to have doesn't 3, that we thougk Mr. Orlo~ Mr. Lessa Mr. Orlo~ there be you have Edwards, questions for comin rd: Well, if you are feeding one lot, why is is : Solely because at one the Board they asked us t in the event that there was any connection. It ake any difference to us. It could up to 3 or throught as just a planning technique which we followed because t that this Board would request it. ski: We recommended that previously, Victor. rd: You mean there could be expansIon in the back. ski: It could be but we can leave the right-of-way ause it is only servicing one lot. Mr. Ward, do ~ny questions, (none); Mr. Mullen, (none); Mr. (none); Mr. Emilita, (none). Okay, being no further · I will declare this hearing closed and thank you down. 7:45 p.m. Public hearing on the question of approval of the minor subdivision of Robert and Aldona Norkus located off Orchard Lane, Southold. 4 lots on 4.4 acres. This was granted relief from the two acre zonmng by the Town Board. Page 3 8/26/85 Mr. Orlow~ki: We have proof of publication in the suffolk Times, s~gned by Anna Lekkas and notorized by Ann Abate. We also have proof of publication in the Long Island Traveler Watchman signed by Pat Wood and notorized by Barbara Forbes. I will dispense with the reading of the metes and bounds, if there We have and Heal for the anyone h none, is Mr. Rich. J. Cron requlrem~ Boards a complete~ that thi the Chai is any problems with that,please let me know. (none). ~orrespondence from DEC, Suffolk County Planning, ~h Services. We also have ZBA approval on the variance Jot Width. At this time, I will ask if there is ~ar with any objection to this subdivision. Hearing there anyone hear in favor of this subdivision? ~rd Cron: Yes, if it pleases the Board, Richard ~or the applicants. I believe that all the various ~nts of this Board as well as the various other which this was entertained have been succsssfully In light thereof, I would respectfully request Board grant final approval of this map and authorize ~man to endorse his approval thereon. Mr. Orlo~ski: Are there any other endorsements of this subdivision? Hearing none, any qUestions from the Board? Mr. Mullen, (none); Mr. Ward, (none); Mr. Latham, (none); Mr. Edwards, (none); Mr. Emilita, (none). Okay, being as there is no further questions, I will declare this hearing closed a]ld thank you for coming down. Mr. Rich~rd Cron presented the filed covenants and restrictions for the ~ajor subdivision for James W. Dawson. Bruce No 'ris - Mr. Henry E. Raynor, consultant, and Mrs. Abigail ~ickham, attorney were present for a pre-submission conferen~..e to discuss this site plan for construction of condomin:.ums located at Camp Mineola Road, Mattituck. Mr. Rayn(,r indicated that he wanted to preliminary discussion and some conceptual comments from the Board. Mr. Raynor stated tt~at this is a multiphase project which will result in the c¢~nstruction of 33 buildings of 4 units each for a total (~f 132 units which would be situated on the existing property on the south side of New Suffolk Avenue, off Camp Mineola }~oad, Mattituck. Mr. Raynor stated that the on s~te construction for the snt±re project will consume 19% for building coverage and the amenities. The project consists of two p~ rcels which are already zoned M light on the zoning map of tl.e Town and the proposed density falls considerably below th~ density requirements. Mr. Raynor noted that this proposal was initiated and filed through litigation back in 1974 the proposal still falls below the zoning density. Mr. Rayn~ r explained that each unit will have its own garage and parking area. The water, sewer and environmental impact statements as well as the traffic studies were completed and are in Town files from years ago. Mr. Raynor stated that they would be happy to file any additional information which Page 4 8/26/85 Norris the Boa] field i~ and road parking of Youn¢ done by done by study o] date bac since th that som The Town in each on one p may be p- Board. Raynor s' of the p~ followinc ont. d may request. Mr. Raynor requested that the Board spect the property andreview the basic lot layout layout. Mr. Raynor advised that the road design, and building configurations were done by Howard Young and Young. The drainage and sewer systems were ~2M. The environmental impact statment had been ~ink Wells several years ago, and t'here is a traffic file which was done John Jacobson. These reports to 1974. The Town Planner questioned the properties, zoning map shows two properties and it appears of it is in M and some is in A residenital zone. Planner requested the amount of acreage which was ~one. Mr. Raynor indicated that there are covenants Lece whcih stipulates that only residential homes it on the property, this was a condition of the Town The Chairman questioned the total density. Mr. ~ated that the current density on the multiple phase ~oject is 132, however, 156 units could be built the current density requirements. Mr. Raynor noted thgt the is only addressing the multiple phase of the project ~t this time. However, the original proposal called for a clustering of lots in addition to what exist as well as the r~tention~ of the estate on the premises, these areas have not[been addressed at this time. Mr. Mullen questioned the acre~ of the property. Mr. Raynor stated that acreage of the M and A is 72 acres~ The question was raised if this project ',ould be affordable housing. Mr. Raynor stated that the mark~ting question had not been addressed at this time, however, if the Board felt that this was a good location it could be considered. The square footage of each units living a~ea was proposed for between 1500 and 2300 square feet, so they would be two-story structures with a garage. The Chairman questioned the total acreage in the M zone only, Mr. Rayncr said that this acreage is 39.8. The Town Planner suggested that the Board review the materials which Mr. Raynor indicated were in the files.The Town Planner also recommended that the Board compare this site plan with the site plan checklist to see what else will need to be submitted. The Board noted that this is one of the few existing M zones which ex st as a vacant parcel. Mr. Raynor explained that this was a recommendation under the original land use plan, whereby ach hamlet should have a multiple zone. It was noted tha the site plan before the Board is not complete and.was a site plan which was addressed through the various studies w~ich were conducted. Mr. Raynor stated that he was aware that the site plan was not complete and it did not have ~ signiture from a surveyor. Northfork Bancorporation - Abigail Wickham, attorney was present. ~his proposal is located at Main Road, Mattituck and consists of renovation of a shopping center into the bank's corporate offices. Mrs. Wickham stated that she Page 5 8/26/85 North FQrk Bancorporation cont. had pre~ented a landscape plan, which the Board had requested. The Chairman noted that the proposal is an improvement to the current shopping center which is now vacant. It was noted t~at the Kite plan shows all the site plan elements. Mrs. Wiekham stated that the landscaping is the minimum amount of land~caping which would be done on the site. The Board request~d additional copies of the landscape plan. On a mol~ion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVEI~ that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site pl~.n of North Fork Bancorporation, Inc. to the Building Departm~nt for certification. This proposal is to renovate an exis~.ing vacant shopping center to an office building, located at Main Road, Mattituck. Map dated august 20, 1985 as last amended. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards The following new proposals were set for a field inspection: 1. Frar.k Zaleski - 3 lots on 1.2 acres at Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck. This proposal will also require variances from the Board of Appeals. 2. WilJam Chudiak - lot line changes at Cox Neck Lane, Mattituck. It was noted that the applicant had agreed to covenants and restrictions that the property will merge with the existing lots and not be considered for any residential dwellincs. As per the Town Attorney's advise the Board can handle ~he application as a lot-line change since no new lots will be created and the existing 80, 000 square foot lot of b~r. Chudiak's will be dissolved by the lot-line changes. 3. Ali¢ Berqen - 4 lots on 11.086 acres at Mill Road, Mattitu~k. 4. Isadore Krupski - set-off of 2 acres from 9 acres located at County Route 48, Cutchogue. 5. William Nedoszytko - set-off with insufficient lot width, located at Aldrich Lane, Laurel. This application is pending before the Board of Appeals for a variance. 6. Salvatore DiChiaro - set-off of 2 acres from 31.989 acres at Main'Road, SoUthold. The Board noted that there is currently a house at this location and the Board would be legalizing what is currently existing. field inspections 7. Ger'ald Doroski from Sc will ha the acc the su Howard approva Road, O from th inspect also ma noted t existin On a mo RESOLVE~ lead ag Richard Quality has beel Vote Page 6 cont. 3 lots on 7 acres off a right-of-way und Avenue, Southold. It was noted that an application ye to be made to the Board of Appeals for 280-a on ess since it is not within the metes and bounds of bdivision. ~oung - This proposal for 3 lots on 5.334 acre received . from the Board of Appeals. This is located at Main ~ient. The Board reviewed the conditional approval Board of Appeals . Mr. Latham had made a field ion, however, he requested that the other Boardmembers ~e a site inspection prior to any 'action. Mr. Lessard hat the right-of-way is a macadam driveway whic is .ion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board declare itself ~ncy for the set-off of "Manor Hill Vineyards", applicant Carr, located at Ma~tituck under the State Environmental Review Act. An initial determination of non-significance made. of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski,Mullen,Latham, Ward, Edwards On a mop,ion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Ward the followng action was taken: 8/26/85 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Envirionmental Quality REview Act and 6NYCRR part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of'the Code of the Town of Southold, notice ~s hereby given that the Southold Town Planing Board as lead,agency for the action described below has determined that th$ project will not have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION The ~inor subidivison of Richard Carr to be known as "Manor Hill Vineyards" is for the c~ of one two acre lot from 117.9 aqres at Mattituck. Tax Map No. 1000-1~1-1-4; 101-1-3; 100-4-p/o6. The ~roject has been determined not to have a significant effect On the enviroinemnt for the following reasons: Page 7 8/26/85 A t Ti Further Schultz~ Southol~ environmental Assessment has been submitted which indicated hat no significant adverse effects to the environmen5 ~re likely to occur should the project be implemented planned. cause there has been no correspondence from the Department environmentla Conservation, it is assumed that there no objection of comments from that agency. cause there has been no correspondence from the Suffolk )unty Department of Health Services in the alotted time, is assumed that there is no objection or comments from tat agency. le project will meet all the requirements of the Code the Town of Southold Subdivision of Land Regulations. information can be obtained by contacting Diane M. · Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board· Main Road, , NY 11971. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a mo~ion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVE! set-off Route 41 Map dte( Richard review Vote of ) THAT THE Southold Town Planning Board approve the of 80,000 square feet from 117.4945 acres at County · Mattituck to be known as "Manor Hill Vineyards." [ March 8, 1985 made for L and R Vineyards Associates, Carr applicant. This approval is subject to the ~f the Suffolk County Planning Commission. the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the sketch ~ap of Walter and Marilyn Gatz for 4 lots on 24.54 acres located/at sound Avenue, Mattituck. Survey dated Julyll, 1985, this approval is subject to receipt of covenants and restrictions indicating no further subdivision in perpetuity. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Coach S~oppe Addition - The Board reviewed this site plan for an addition on the existing Coach Stoppe Restaurant located at Main Road, Mattituck which is proposed for use as a tanning salon. Members of the Board made a field inspection of the premise~ and noted that there is an existing paved parking area and~ the addition will fit into the existing building. Page 8 8/26/85 On a mo- RESOLVE] plan fo~ to th e] is for ~ for use Vote of ~ion made by Mr. Ward, secDnded by Mr. Latham, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site Roy Schoenhaar to be known as "Coach Stoppe Addition" ~uilding Department for Certification. This proposal ~onstruction of an addition on the Coach Stoppe Restaurant as a tanning salon., located at Main Road,Mattituck. the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Joseph ~anat - The Board reviewed the correspondence from the Suffolk County Planning Commission regarding this set-off. The Board had previously questioned the other"set-offs" which were re~erred to in the attorney's correspondence. Research done indicated that the lots werenot actually set-offs befOre the Planning Board but existed as single and separate lots prior to zoning. This question was raised since the Planning Board can only consider one set-off on a piece of property. The attorney for the applicant had requested that the Planning Board overrid~ the'Suffolk County Planning Commissions denial. On a mo~ion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Edwards, it RESOLVE~ that the Southold Town Planning Board override the Suffolk County Planning Commission regarding th~ Joseph ~anat located at Mattituck for the reasons indicated in corr, spondence from Daniel C. Ross, dated July 22, 1985. Vote of Creative subdivis acres at proposal 75'set-b envelope setback building was the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Ventures - Members of the Board reviewed this ion in the field. This proposal is for 3 lots on 8.351 Main Road, Cutchogue. The Board felt that this looked in order, however, requested that the Town ~ck be indicated on the survey for the building ~. The Board noted that with the 75' wetland ~11 the lots would still have enough upland for On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that' the Southold Town Planning Board approve the sketch map of "Creative Ventures" for '3 lots on 8.351 acres, located at Main Road, Cutchogue. Survey dated July 31, 1985 prepared for John deReeder. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Page 9 8/26/85 Marti~ review existi~ Mattit~ the pre marsh 1 runoff planne. The Bo~ for ea, area i~ applica the Boa Adviso] of the the bui the are Bergman Mr. Bergman was present for the Board's of this properal for a set-off to rearrange two g lots on 4.202 acres located at Cox Neck Road, ck. The Board members had made an inspection of mises. The Chairman noted that there is alot of and on Lot No. 2. Mr. Bergman explained that it is from the farms. Mr. Bergman also stated that he to build a 1350 square foot house on Lot no. 2. rd requested surveys showing a building envelope lot. The Chairman also noted that the marsh very low and the Board had denied a previous Lion on the property in 1984. It was the consensus rd to refer this application to the Conservation C~ncil for their input regar~in__~the build~ lots. ~-~e ~-~a~s~ requested that [ding ~urv---~-~yscontain envelopes as well as the area of upland versus of the marsh. Kay Fac~ this apt subdivi made a J the prot appllca~ encr( a lot-1 LtSelis (Pappas) - The Board reviewed the file for ~lication for a lot-line change located within the ion of Captain Kidd Estates, Mattituck. Mr. Lessard 'ield inspection of the property. He explained that erty and the adjoining property, the subject of this ion, is owned b~ a mother and daughter, ~nd the garage aches on the adjoining lot. The application for ne change was submitted to eliminate the encroachment. The Boa d questioned the amount of land which was to merge with the lot and the amount of land which was remaining. It was the consensus of the Board to request clarification regarding this and hold the application until thisis received. On a mo~ion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a 30 day extension on the final action of the proposed subdivision of Cranberry Acres located at Southold. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen,Latham, Ward, Edwards On a motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, September 16, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall as the time and place for the next Planninq Board meeting. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Page 10 8/26/85 Antone Grigonis, Jr. - The Planning Board reviewed this application for a set-off of 80,000 square feet from 13.32 acres located off a right-of-way from Old North Road, Southold. Since the right-of-way is not within the metes and bounds of the subdivisIon, 280-a approval will be needed from the Board of Appeals. Prior to any further review ~r action, the Planning Board will make a field inspection of the premises. Philip ].Horton - The Board reviewed this proposal for a set-off of 34,100 square feet from 3.7 acres located at Main Road, Cutchogue. Members of the Board had made a field i~spection of the premises. An. application was presently pending before the Board of Appeals for an insufficient area variance, and they had requested comment from the Planning Board regarding this application. The Planning Board is in favor of the proposal providin that the parcel to be set-off is merged with ~he parcel tgo the East. Since t~e parcel to be set-off is zoned both A, Residential- Agricultural and B, Light Business, it would be suffi6ient for business uses unless it is merged. This is pursuant to Sect.~on 100'22 D of the Town Code which states: "In all cases w~ere a district boundary divides a lot in one ownership and more than fifty percent of the area of such lot lies in the less restricted district, the regulations prescribed by this ch~pter for the less restricted district shall apply to such po]'tion of the more restricted portion of said lot which lies wi~.hn 30' of such district boundary'.' The Board also request~d surveys indicating any existing structures on the site an¢ the square footage of the area in each zone. Ruth Ent =-rprises - The Board reviewed this proposal for a site plan for construction of office and retail space at County Route 48, Peccnic, following a field inspection. This application is currently pending before the Board of Appeals for an area variance and parking variance. The Board of Appeals had requested comments from the Planning Board regarding this application. It was noted that the parking spaces based on the floor plan submitted were conforming based upon 1 space per 100 square feet of floor area. The Planning Board reqested that the floor plan be ~ncorporated onto the s~te plan survey and that the survey contain a notation that the mobile home and frame building will be removed. On a motion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the site plan of Genevieve Richards located at Main Road, Southotd for construction of a storage building, and the supplemental landscape plan. Map dated January 31, 1985. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Page 11 8/26/85 Genevieve Richards cont. The Board noted this site plan has received conditional approval from t~e Board of Appeals and was certified by the Building Department. The Board of Appeals restrictions would also ~o along with the Planning Board's approval. Community Christian Fellowship - The Board reviewed this site plan fqr construction of a Church located at County Route 48, Mattituck. This plan has received certification from the Building Department, however, the applicant had not been able tq submit the requested surveys to the Board. This proposal will be held over until receipt of the surveys. Salvato surveys It wast are received. On amot[on made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. following action was taken: re Rizzo - The Board was not in receipt of the requested for this lot-line change at Soundview Avenue, Southold. ne consensus of the Board to hold this until the surveys Mullen, the Purs State Env 617.10 an hereby gi the actic have a si DESCRIPTI NEGATIVE DECLA/~A~Tnw ................ uant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law ironmental Quality Review Act and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section- d Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is yen that Southold Town Planning Board as lead agency for n described below has determined that the project will not · nificant effect on the environment. N OF ACTION The minorsubdivision of "LiGhthouse Associates" is for 4 lots on 11~05 acres located at Southold. Tax Map No. 1000-54-3-p/o26. The project has be~n determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: An environmental assessment has been submitted which indi'~a, ted that no significant adverse effects to the environment~ were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. There has been no response from the Department of Environmental :' Conservation in the alotted time, therefore, it is assumed that there are no objections or comments from that agency. Th, de to to ap] 6, The of Further Secretar 11971 Vote of On a mo RESOLVEi lead a~, Page 12 8/26/85 ~ Suffolk County Health Department has no objection to our ~gnation of lead agency. There is no record of application the department. The proposed subdivision of land appears conform to SC Article 6 in regard to lot size. An ~lication to the Health Department is required under Article test hole and test well data will be required. project will meet all the requirements of the Code he Town of Southold Subdivision of Land Regulations. nformation can be obtained by contactinq Diane M-. Schu~e~ · Sou%hold Town Planning Board, Main Roid, Southold, New York the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards 21on made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board declare itself ,~ncy under the State Environmental Quality Review Act for the set-off of G. ~ Tuthill located at Bay Avenue, Cutchogue. An init_al determination of non-significance has been made. Vote of the Board; Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards On a mo~ion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Edwards the followi~ ' g action was taken: NEGATIVE DECLARATION P~rsuant to ArtiCle 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State }'nvironmental Quality Review Act and 5~YCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that Southold Town Planning Board as lead agency for the ac'ion described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRI] T~ of a lc TION OF ACTION e minor subdivision of George R. Tuthill is for c~eation t from 1.558 acres located at Cutchogue, 1000-104-4-33. T~e project has been determined not to have a significant effect ~n the environment for the following reasons: · e! b~ B~ Bc Hc tk Th of Further Secre~a 11971 Vote of Alice H~ for cone located This ap~ excepti¢ this pre On a mot RESOLVEI recommei the spec Hussie: Page 13 8/26/85 environmental assessment has been submitted which dicated that no significant adverse effects to the- ~vironment were likely to occur should the project implemented as planned. cause there has been no comments from the Department of .vironmental Conservation in the alotted .time, it is assumed at there are no objections or comments from that agency~. cause there has been no comments from the Suffolk County alth Department in the alotted time, it is assumed that ere have been no objections or comments from that agency. project will meet all the requirements of the Code .th~ Town of Southold Subdivision of Land Regulations. information can be obtained by contacting Diane M-. Schu~t~e,; ~y, Southold.T°wn Planning Board, Main Road, Southold, New York the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards ssie site plan - The Board reviewed this site plan truction of a racquetball facility with tennis courts at Horton's Lane and County Route 48, Southold. lication is before the Board of Appeals for a special n and they requested the Planning Board comments regarding posal. ion made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the following tation to the Board of Appeals for their review regarding ial exception application~for the site plan of Alice The ~lanning Board reviewed'the site and are in favor of the proposed use for the area. 'The setbacks are in excess of what is~allowed, therefore, the propoed building is set back from frqm the road, and the height and use would not be a detriment to the area. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski,Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards It was noted that the recommendation is regarding the proposed use onl~ and if the special exception is granted the applicant must proceed with the application for site plan approval. Page 14 8/26/85 Peconic ~ay Vineyards - The Chairman, Bennett Orlowski, abstained from anyLdiscussion regarding this site plan. This proposal is for c~nstruction of an addition on an existing building for office space and retail area to accompany the winery. Mr. Mull~n stated 'that he had made a field inspection on the day afte:~ a heavy rain and saw no flooding problem at all. He noted that the property is zoned agricultural and can only sel products grown on the farm. On a mot on made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Southold TownPlanning Board approve the site plan for Peconzc Bay Vineyards for the constructzon of an addition on an ex[sting building for ozfice space and retail area to accompan the winery, located at Main Road, Cutchogue. Survey dated July 23, 1985. Vote Df the Board: Ayes: EdWards, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Abstained: Orlowski On a mo~ion made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a 90-day extensicnon the filng of the prelmiinary maps for the major subdivsiion of Frieda Crowley, located at Southold pursuant to the equest of the attorney for the applicant. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards Being nc further discussion to come before the Board, on a motion ~ade by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Ward, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~a~ne M. Sc Bennett O~low~k~, Jr. hairman FILED BY C~ DATE/~/F~ HOUR/~"~ ~ ~~ . Town o{ Sou!holcl