HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12407 P 149 .' LlJL107 P Il1q , , -7D-0-0 NY OO~ . R:arpia and Sair DeN with COvellOi'll a;quul Grumur'" Ac:llllndividuallll' Clqpdiuo IS. SbeeCJ (NYB'nJ IU02J ('OS.!:;;lil~'r '.OL:'K LA WYEK REF()KIo: SIl;SISG 'nmi 1:ru.,-aU:\.IE.'T. TIlL" L~STRlJ)IE.'T SIlOUI..D ilK lISEI) B'\' 1..,\ ",YER.'" o:otL It _".TN TillS L'IIDENTURE, made lb. ~ day or AGGGST . iu1hc y.or 1005 Bt;nvt:I,N JOHN W. LONGWORTH and ROSEMARV LONGWORTH. us Husband and Wife, residing at 900 Victoria Drive, Southold, NV 11971 (Xll'ly of the rina ("(1ft. tlnd ..- DA VID SZCZEPANiq'OWSKI and SUSAN SIMI\f:resi~il!ll at 188 East 64th Street, New \'ork,NV 10021 GA.$. rlv~b,c\""",," c;.",d Wife. pony of IIu: ,"",ond pOll, WITNJ::S..'it..TII, thollh. pally..r 1hc IirM pan. illl.OIL.ider.liuo or Too Doll"", and o1hcr ..Iuabl. consideration paid by lhc pOlly orlhc second pan. dnc:. hereby grant ""d ",loa... unto IIu: pony oflhc second por~ 1hc heirs or ...'C.......... and _illD' of the parly Ilf the !le",~olld pan furevcr, AI,I. Ihol L~lIlIin pl~ pie.. or porcelli! land. will1 "'" buildings and improvCIJIOIWIlhcn,o".n:c1Cd. siluale.lYinJ and bcinl in Ihc at Pine Neek, in the Town of Southold, Couoty ofSulTolk and State of New York, being bounded and deseribed as follows: Bl!:GINNII\lG at a point on the soutberl~' side of Pine Neck Roud, distant Soutb 81 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds West. 117.05 felof from the corner formed by the Interseetlon of the southerly side of Pine Neek Road with the westerly side ofOaklllwn ^veollej RGI\lNING THE~CE along IOlld now or formerl)' of Gl'Orge L. Schwab III and Geraldine L. Schwab, South 05 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds West, 200.00 feet to land now or formerl)' of Edward II. Schultz and B. Jackowski; TH.:NCI along land now or formerly of Edward H. Scbultz and B. Jackowski and alonllland now or formerly of Bernard Gagen, South 81 degrees 37 miDutes 10 seconds West, 100.00 feet; THINC!! along land now or formerly of Rocco P. Cummllrota aDd Nancy K. Cllmmarota, North 05 dcgrees 25 minutes 10 seconds East, 200.00 feet to tbe wutherly side of Pine Neck Road; TIIENCE along the southerly side of Pine Neck ROlld.l\lorth 81 degrees 37 minutes 10 seeonds East, 100.00 feet to the point or place of UEGINI\lII\lG. REING AND INTENm:O to he the 5l1me premJsl'5 cODve~'ed to the parth oUhe first part by Deed recorded in L1ber 11014 page 4.3. TOGETHER wilb.1I rilh~ litle 000 inlCrC'~ irllDY. oflhc pally oflhc lirst ponof. in and 10 lIDy.ue...and roods Dballing lhc .bo..-<Ic...ribcd promise, 10 the ""nler Ii... du:rcof; TOGETHER wilh thc .ppuncn..... and oIllhe ....Ic and rig"" "r"", pOlly ofllu: 1i'5I pon in and '0 soid promi....; TO llA VE AND TO Hm,)) lhc premise, he",in gronled unlo lhe pony of lhe SCClm p:ut.lhe heirs or $UCl."eS5(n unci assigns oflhc party or the second part forever. AND the pany of the first p3lt cnvenanLol; tlw the pany or lhr first pan has not don&: or suffered anything when:by lhc suid premia.. tun'c brcn inculllbered in :In)' WilY wh:.lb:vc:r. uccJ'l:a,,,, aforesaid. ANI) th. party or lbe fifO' ~ in romplio""" with Section 13 of 111. tiell Low. .0\'.n"""","1 "'" party or lhc Iil'Sl pari will ~rivr 1M consideration fur this convcy:anee and will hold me righlll,) receive such consideration as D lrUltIt funu 10 be applied firs' ror lhc porpose of paying lhe ....t of lhe i,op,ov<menl and will apply 1hc same IirsllO lhe payment of "'" e..5I "f lhe improvement her"... U5ingany pan uf1hc lDIal "rlhe SllI11C rllr lIDY llIhcrpurposc. The word "pony. sholl be COIl,trued .. if it ",ad "pOllie," whenev.r lhc sense or Ihi, inde"tu", so n:qui",.. IN WITN.:SS WIIEREOF, thc pany "flhe lirst pall h.. duly ....u,ed thi. deed lb. day and)'Cor r.... ubo.. wriucn. L'i .HESF_"CE OF, U.""ACK.\'OWI.EfJC.M~T'"O/IAI1JI-2.oW...mtl.vNF.I' )"ORJ:STATF."~.L', Stoteorl'ewYork.Counlyol Suffolk I..., ...... OnI~cIoYof AUGUST inlheyearZOOS beron: me. the undersigned. perIClI10lIv appc-.ued JOliN W. LONGWORTH' . p....'...lIy known In me or proved In n.. "" Iho ..... or SIIisfottory evidcncl: In he Ihe individwa1(s) whose namc(S) is Ian:) sub!<cribod In Iho wit/lin illlllUmenl and Deknowlcd&cd In me IiIa1 hdsbdIhey ._ the ...... in his/llcdlhcir copocity(ies). and IlllII by hi'llhel1lhoir lignalul'O\s) on Ihe il1>lrUlnm~ Ihe individuallsl. or Iho person upaa l>ehalr "f ...hieh tbe individual(sl 0CICd. e"",,"1l:d . inllnlment. L. CIW".I= I NoIBry PIIbIIc, Slate of New Yorl< No. 4910722 QuIII1Ied In SUffolk County /6 O~dmlalIonE1pR8 I' I'll AC&W/II.I.J1J1G.lI"~T I-"uM.u 1'01I US/! lI'mlLV Ne... Ytll/X .\'TATll().VI..; /N,w r,ut SJutoriNRJ M'lIII'n AdIktttr~ CmVktwI Sial. oll'l'W York. Coonl)' or 011 tbe cloy "f in \he year l>ef"", me. the undersign<<!. pcrson:llly apJll"l"'d the subscribing wi...... ... the f"",going imlrument. with whom I ;or; p""'llIlllly acqu:lillll,d. wbo. Ix.oing by me duly swom, did dcpooe and ..y IiIa1 ho/$beIthcy rcsidc(sl in (iflll(" pltlc:e uf rr::iiJeIIl.'~ is in tI c:il)', inl:lutk IU ..aruelu,,,} .'fln'('I nlJ",b~,.. if un)'. Ilwr"'j), thai ""'_oy knuw(sl ... be Iho individual deocribed in and who e-=utod tbe fon:going insuument: 1h:a1 said subscribing WilnCM W'oIli praenc and Io1W lIIid e........ Iho .am." and IIull said witneSS al \he ...... lime sub~;ribed hiiilherlthcir n:une(S) '" . wilne$S thereto. IIAK';AIN" SUE DEF.I. \l,lrHCUVIlNMll5A(~CIRAHTOR'S ACTS TlnJ-:Na. L-Zn946-S JOHN W. LOI'iGWORTH & ROSEMARY LONGWORTH TO DAVID SZCZEPANKJOWSKI & SUSAN SIM!\K. FIDELITY NATIONAl. TITI.E . INSURANCE CO~IPANY . IMnMNltA,I''' 19J11 boW-d. FidelUyil'iIW_' ,...,,,.. ""* """l.-IlJIlIoA-.__ l:! .. ~ " i u w .. .. o ~ ~ w ; '" ~ ~ m .. . . 'II.: US6AC1IIo'UWUiIXl.II~TFOIlM BF.LOW wmll.vNA'WYOfU(.\'1~rEO.vt.Y, lllale..rNl'WYClI'k,Countyol Suffolk \....: ..-- OnI~oJaYol AUGUST inlhoyear ZOOS btfOlC me, the undcr5ii~I!l'.ppeon:d ROSEMARV LUNGWORTH , p:nonaIJy known 10 me or JlRlved 10 me on tbe basis uC salisfaclOly evidence II> be Iho individuol(s) whose IUlIIII!(s) is (are) 5Ubsc:ribod to tbe ..ithin inllnlmenl and ..know~ '" me th:d btI_y .secutcd the """" in hilIIIlelilheir C:Op"".ly(;..,l. and th:d by hislherfllu:ir oignalun:{.) un the insllu....... the individua1!.l. or tbe person upon bdI:Ilf of which the in.liVidualIS)~' e :u""!.~.. ~ _ .' . -'$!?'c,.- CAMIllE LUCARfN ,7 NotIIy PublIc. 8Iale of 'Vorl< No. 4910722 QualIfied In SUffolk County _ "1VlUIIIIaIon ExpII8B II f ,,, I () "::. ACK.\'OWI.J!JJG.VE.\T I-'UIUI tVII USEOImUIJIi New Ytll/Xl>'TAlEO.vLY, 10", tfSA.. ur FIJlrIS" Ch'lU'rW ,h*-.."'.N cC'nI.fIa,u.." ... . , ... . . . .... .... .. .. .. ' ..... .... ..... .. ... ..... ,...: cc~ \'fIII..,...,"" SUI", Cc.JfUII'1. p,f1tiIt<< tar "MIIk;,..;"J On tbe day of in the year bef"", me. the Wldc:r5igned, pc:n;cna1lyappe:ued """"maIly knOWl1In 111" or proved 10 me on the: ho.<is or 5alisfac"'; evidence Ull>e the indi,idwlls) ,,'hoo;c name(l) is (are) suh5c:ribtd In \he within inslllllncnl and acknowledged W lI1e thai btI>hcIthc:y....,Uled lhe...... in hilIIherlthcir "'P'~'lies). thul by his/ho,d their signatun:ll) on the ill'IRl~ tbe indi.. . (s), or the: pellOllllpM behalf or which tbe individuol{s) acled. ".,..lled the iDlllRlme~ and 1iIa1.....i1 individual lI1.d. such .ppearuna: bef"", the undcnigncd in \he (Jlurn 1M dIv fIr fIlMT puliliiW sultd;,isiun UlItl,he sllJI, or t:OIUIII)' "r udu:r phJce tk ucknoMWJgmm,war t.,un~ DlSI1llCf 1000 SOC"J'KlN 70 BLOCK 9 Lor 6 CoUI'm'OR TOWN SUFFOLK I SOUTHOLD RliCOR/>>SIlATRlifJIJESTIJF I'IdeUly NaIIonul TItle IIISIII'lI/ICI! Company HA7VRN IV MAIl. ro CHARU:S R. CUDDY, ESQ. 44S GRIFFING A VENUE RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 . , . .. Number of page.. TORRENS o f<ECORDf[I 2005 S"" 02 10: 310 11 Ill'l Edwarcl P. RoMai ne CLERk OF SUFfOLK COUNTY L DOOO12407 P 149 Dr. O5-1l4S68 I, Serial # CertificlllC# Prior CIf. # Deed / MOItgag~ Instrument Deed / Mortgag~ Tu Stump FF.E.c; Recording I Filing SllImps 2J Pug~ / Fi ling Fcc _ Handling TP-584 5. 00 Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpceJAtisit. Notation or EA-52 17 (Counly)_ EA-52 17 (Stale) Sub Thlul Comm. of lid. 5. 00 Spee./Adll. TOT. MTG. TAX DwII Town _ Dual Counly _ Held fol' Apfloinlmcol 1'ruru;f"rTu /~) Mansioo Tux - R.P.T.S.A. ~~ Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surehargc 0tMr Gr.md Total /'-/? - The property coveted by Ibis mortgage is or will be improved hy a one or Iwu folmily dwelling only. YF.s or NO If NO. see approprilllC tax dause on puge # of this in' ru .1. 15. ()O Sub Total ~050~45 1000 pT S' RLW1 A) -8EP-GJ ....-..... 5 eo_unity PnMrvatioD J'uDcl Consideration Amount $ 76AA CPF Tax Due $ - 7 Sali.faclionslDischarg~lcuses Usl Property Ownrrs Mailing Address ...!..J RECORD &: RETURN TO: Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue P. O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 /' Improved :unt rcb7J TO ,. 't. TD 7 Title Com n Information Cu. Nl\IIlC Advocate's Abstract Inc. Title # L-277946-S ~ Suffolk County Recordma & Endorsement Paae 111i. page fonn. purl of the attached DEED . (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) mude hy: JOHN W. LONGloXlR'DI and Rosawrt LIH>WOR1'H The premis.:s herein is shualed in SUFFOLK COlINTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Town.~ip of In \he VILLAGE or HAMLET of SOlJ'DfOLD SUSAN SIMM and DAVID SZCZEPANKaISKI SOU'lHOLD BOXES 6 TIIRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTIiD IN BlACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (oven 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II1111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK 'COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Instrumeutl DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0092556 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-04968 aecorded. At. 09/02/2005 10.31.11 AX LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012407 149 Diatric!:. 1000 Section. Block. 070.00 09.00 WYa.IIJ:NBD AND CmARGBD AS FOLLOWS $375.000.00 Lot. 006.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following Fee. For Above In.trument Bxempt Bxempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tu: $1.500.00 NO COIIIII.Pre. $4.500.00 NO Fees Paid $6.149.00 TRANSFER TAX NOKBER. 05-04968 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRmoDI'l' THJ:S IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine COW1ty Clerk. Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY f1;1, ~ 38.CJ 1 C2.Dot1I___ . a I / 105 ~ sa:F y- a.Book d .:tLl.O.IIc.....IIII~.......J u PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stata.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~ ~- STAlE OF NEW YOIIK STAn IIOAIID OF REAL I'RlIPEIIT'I SEIMCU Ct. SWlS Cado RP . 5217 1lN117....3m PROPERlY INFORMATION "::=1 2200 1"..''-'' Southald aTYOI TOWN ~=~ki SiIIIn Pine Neck Road ...... - Tcwn of Southold I 11971 "'ClIIlI! ....... ..- Nome David -- SUsan LAlli NAlKIIX*......V -- I. T.. IndIcItowhe"fUl&nTaxBiI...rIIto..... I ....... 1I__buy.-_C._oI_l. -- !.My NoIlIIIi ICOIIW'MY ..lIlT.... 51llillf .,.....AND IT".' NAWt ""...- STAU' OPClIIlI! I.~=- I Sla 'RONI FlU Ixl &l.f'IH IORI 'M.NI' . 4 ,5 I 1OnIy. Port "'. P_ ~....._ "'.....i>G -_ Su_ A.-Iy e_ 0 08. Subdivision AppnwoI_ Roq_"" T_ 0 4C.P__'Ol__...._ 0 "In~the .........rIf &-- ._.. _...-_......on...._ 1 I. or P..-ceII OR D Pin or . Parcal ..- Nom. IorIgI<<)rth ....'U./CIlIIIMNY IorIgI<<)rth .John W. -- Rosemary lAST NAMI./COMI'M'f' -- '3. Full _ Prtao . 3 , 7 . 5 . 0 , 0 . 0 , !L.Jl..J , , . ffuIl SaIo _.......... _m poId ...th. ..._ Inolud1na ___. This PlrmenllNY be 1ft the farm or UIIt. oIhtr properly 01 goodI. at lhe IUUmplion 01 morIpgDI or othor abIlgadona.) ",... tDUtId ro lINt ~..... doIMr MIGUIII. eM*..__..........1y: .. OwNrMlp T'tPlI8 Condominium ~ Cornmunity ServICe .. N.w eon.truction on VlICAflt lAnd 1 InduIULIl . 'IDA. Prapertv I.ocQld within .. AgricuIIU,II DiItrIcl . Publle_1co _......._.-._~ I. _ m....._.....,_.O_ 1&. ChIcII_ . .... fII....... -- _ _.......... tD-""": "" 8ItwMn ~ or Foul'll'" ReLltNei SIlo Batwoan fWAId CompanieI or Partn.w in Bueineu OM oIN BuyiMIa ,&so . Seller 8uyor or Seller Ia Ca~rrnont ~ or Lending InItitulion Dood TYPo .... Wa"_ .. &.galn ond SaIo 'SpGclfy Bolowl Solo 01 F_I ..... ..... Faa _lSjIodfy_ SlgNIiclnI Chlnaa1n "'0""'" _ T_ SIaluI ond _ DoIa SlIe 01_10 Inc"-In__ llIiIor Un....... F...... A1foc1lna 5010 _ ~fy Bo_ ...... o o o o 1. C.... dill boA: ...... wtHch mo.t: ......rae.Iy ....... ... UN 01 the prIDperty at tIui tI.... or ....: A~ One Fomlly__ E ~ Agricu"ura' B 2 Of' 3 FemUv flnldenUlI F Carnlne,.1 C RuI....... Vacanl Land G Aportmont D NCJf'I............. V.ICInt UncI H EnNftIlIIment I AmUllmltnt I SALE INFORMATION I 06 24 05 11. .... ConIdct DGII I 1 ...... ... .- 12. Ode of Sale I ,........ 08 1 .'3l> I 05 ....... ... .- J J ,..-.....-"'- I 0 0 0 I __in...._. '~. ASSI:SSMENT INFORMATION. Dota ,hould rllfloct tho _ Final Aosftsmlllllllollond Ta. Bill ,.,y_"'A_ ._d..........1 O~/Oli17.T__V....I"'olI_.._1 --..... ; , 4 0 0 . 01 II. "'- au. L ~ 1 ,0 I-LJ 'I. __ _. L Southold zo. T.....,._, RaU"""1oI 11"",_""'.____1_11 1000-70-9-6 ---1 I ---1 I CERTIFICATION I I......,. _ .. "... _ or LA. "- _ .. ibis.............. __ I...... bel "'Ill)" ~ aad bcIIcIl... ,............ ........ ......" "1III1--_or_.... _wIIIllIIUm -...... ........-"',""..........-.......-Illl...lIIIntl"'......""'.- ~ B~nA~ .,.... ~\.~ ..... ... C!Jt~" IR~d.L1*~-ol. 'J. GJ. ~1...... ~ 11~1 jlw ~ ~--~ Cuddy Charles R. ......... fllSl'lINA 631 369-8200 -.... ..........- NHW YORK STATE COPY .." John W. Longworth