HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12419 P 295 ,. ;0'2- )C~, Lf . LI;('Lf){l /1 ,.-, ., r 1//. /1/ L-, ._~ - j BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8001 (short veniou). FORM 8007 (long veniou) CAUTION: THL~ AORF.F.MENI' SKOlll.D BE PRGPAREIl BY AN ATTORNEY AND RIlVIEWED BY ATTORNEYS FOR SELLER AND PI.IRCKAliER BEFORE 51GNlNO. THIS INDENTURE, made the October 27, 2005, BETWEEN Lauren Longobardi, of7 TimbercroR Way, SmithlOwn, New York 11787, party of the first pari, and Joseph T. Smith and Nancy Smith, husband and wife of 1675 Jockey Creek Drive, Southold, New York 11971, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration ofTen Dollars and No Cents ($10.00), lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of\he second part, docs hereby grant and release unlO the party of the second part, \he heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever; AU that certain plot, picc:c or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thlil'eOn erected, situate. lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. more particularly descibed in schedule A attac:hcd hcc10 and more commonly known as 1675 Jockey Creek Drive, Southold, New York 11971. This premises is the same that was acquired by deed dated May 16, 2002 and recorded June 20, 2002 in Libcr 12192 Page 914.; TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and 10 any streets and roads abutting the above described premises 10 the center lines thereof, TOCETIIER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said prem ises, TO HA JI'E AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party ofthe second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of \he first part, covenants that \he party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, eKcept as aforesaid. AND the party of the first pari, in compliance with Section 13 ofthc Lien Law, covenants that \he party ofthe first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right 10 receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost ofthc improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. NYSSA', R.......... Relll..... F...... (9/00) 02004 MI... Bender 4 c... I manber .r"", LeoisN..1s Oraup. Schedule A Description TiUe Number FID2005482S Page 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described . as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Jockey Creek Drive at the southwesterly corner of the premises about to be described where the same is intersected by the easterly side of land now or formerly of Susan H. and Edith M. Terry. Said point of beginning being distant the following three courses and distances as measured along the northerly side of Jockey Creek Drive from the intersection of the northerly side of Jockey Creek Drive with the easterly side of Main Road; (1) South 79 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds east, 90.27 feet; (2) North 79 degrees 57 minutes 50 seconds east, 184.38 feet; (3) south 77 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds east, 1,310.42 feet to the true or place of beginning; RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of Beginning, along land now or formerly ofTerry, North 12 degrees, 13 minutes 10 seconds east, 244.53 feet to land now or formerly of Baker; THENCE along said last mentioned land, south 70 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east, 173.40 feet to land now or formerly of R.T. and V. W. Kroepel; THENCE along said last mentioned land, south 12 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds west, 222.56 feet to the northerly side of Jockey Creek Drive; THENCE along the northerly side elf Jockey Creek Drive, north 77 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds west, 172.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. .' " The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense afthis indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part bas duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. ~v~~ ~ ~goba ~ Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York Stale (RPL ~ 309-&) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY 01' SUFI'OLK ) )55.: ) On the 27th day of October, 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Lauren Longobardi, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thai she e.'l:ecuted thc same in her capacity(ies), and that by her signatme(s) on the instrument, the in ividual(s}, or the pc:rson upon bebalfofwhich the individual(s) acted, execllled the inslrum (signature edgment) MUL WlTACCA MeN" Pldllie. .... orNaw York II.. lIIPA"UI.' Qu"-" III Hfs- Caultt "I C:._ilaiOll &P'''' June II, I' 0 -r f individual taki Deed Title Np_ f~n 2005462S District 1000 Section 070.00 Block 02.00 Lot 019.004 County or Town SulTolk Street Address 1675 Jockey Creek Drive Southold, New York 11971 Lauren Longobardi To Joseph T. Smith and Nancy Smith, husband and wife NVSII^~ Raido:n~o1 Real _ Forms (!/IDOl 02004 M_ Bender ol Co... membc,oflhc: LCllisNc.is Clnlup -2- : Return Mill To: [Joseph T.Smith and Nancy Smith 1675 Jockey Creek Drive Southold, New York 11971 Resen-e This S lee For Use or Reeordia Offiee NYSII^~ Kcsidcftliol Real F....., F..... (91001 o 2004 ~laIlhcw Bender" Co..' manbcr.r Iho l...d5l'lni, Onlup. -]- TItle Company InrormallOll I S F, ~oo5 T~:~:~rt~~~:~ Recor~~~i & Endorsement Pa:~bY: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) . Number of pIlg~. 5 TORRENS Seriul # Certificale # Prior 01". # Deed . Mortgugr: Il\lIUUmenl Deed , Martpge 'nix SlUmp FEES 3 Page' Filing Fee J~- 5)JL )-:- ...- - _ ~~. SubT<>li1l /(J~) ~\ ~~ u...; ~.!llL. 3D Hundling TP-SlI-l NtllDliun EA-5~17(COUnIY) EA.5217 (Slalel R.P.T.S.A. ('.omlll. Ill" Ed. Affidavil J I j- Ccrtitied cop~ r' . Reg. Copy ~ /- Sub TUIJII ~cQtJ ;::.....-' Gl'llI1dTlllllI Olher 01.0{) s.."Clion Real I'roJlL"TIY TaA Service "llency V~rilicalion 1000 07000 0200 019004 ~ Sali.I"UO:linnfDil;cluugcsIRclo:ase Lisl Properly Owners Mailing Address RECORD &: RETURN TO: .J~h T sn/~ 1lr7/)A)~~.Sni~ Ib~ .Joc:k~ C,eoee..k D'Kv\J€... ~Lt'ftlOLA ,Nt{ /197 I 7 C<>. Name Tille # ~ .lfty~/J ~ The pI'l!mi.is hen:in is silwm,d in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In lhe Tuwnship of. ;)O~LlJ ~u.:fir.PL./j TO IoSeph T s-n,~ )J1It1&j ~JIn tI-t, BOXES II THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (<>ycr) In the VILLAGE ~ or HAMLET 01" RECORIiED 2005 Nou 10 11:50:10 All E~rd P.Romaine ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012419 P 295 Dft 05-14545 Recurding , Filing SlUmps Murtgage AmI. I. Buic Tax 2. Addiliunul Tax Sub TOlDl Spec. , A",.il. or Spec.' Add. __ - -.--{':; TOT. MT<l TAX ~ Duul Town _ Dual County _"_ H~ld rurAppoinll~~1 _' TrlIn.rerTux ~ .-'- Munsioo Tux . _ ... --- The property covered by thi. nlOlJUllC is liT will be illlp",Yed by a '.Ie IIr tWII I'amily dwellillllooly. YES or NO If NO. _ appropriate lax c1au"" on page # ul'lhi. in..\nJlllcnI. 5 C'A,nsidcration Amounl CPF Tax Due h\,proyed --- Vacunll..:md .__ TO -/--IJ-- m TO _n_ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COtJN'lY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 5 Receipt Number. 05-0117912 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-14545 Recorded. At. 11/10/2005 11:50:10 AX LIBBR: PAGE: D00012419 295 Deed Amount. Section. 070.00 RYJUaNBD AND $645,000.00 Block. 02.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 019.004 District. 1000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fee. For Above Instrument E....""'Ipt ExeIIlpt page/Filing $15.00 Nel Hand.1 ing $5.00 NO COE $5.00 Nel RYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 Ne, BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 Ne, Cert.Copiell $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 Nel SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,580.00 Nel COIIIIII.Pre. $9,900.00 NO Pees Paid $12,730.00 TRANSFER TAX NUHBBR. 05-14545 THIS PAGB IS A PART Oli' THE INSTRUMENT THIS :IS NOT A BILL Edward p.Romaine CCluuty Clerk, Suffolk County . . ' Ir. Cree k. D r .;v'~ ...... y I) ,{ tl.pL.. 'I. T.... "oilJL o..Vl C y I ,,In::nn k s,~oJ) ~' 2. Bur- Ne_ .oIIIr...-......oao QIYQR lOWN .. ~At1('~ ,NY 1 n'J:. {I ..... ZIP ....u.. No_ i 1~ Ixl ;;J,<tD IORI _"IT } .on (7D~Olo/'t?t. \ASlNAW:/~" e- ....IH . ' ACIIII . 1OnIy._'" _Ch.........., ",ply: 4A. PIIIWIg Boud wl.h SubdI_ _nty ExIIII .... SubdlYlllon Apprvnl \WI Alqulnld for T....r... c. Parcel Approwd far Sutdvislon wlh Mil) Ptovidtd D D D Co Indiad. '1M ......... of ba..eament Hal pa...... ...an""'" an ..... .... , I 'of Parcul. lOR D hrt 01 a Ptlrcol I.=..., 1 SIz. L~ u..l"'e/) -.... 1 I LAlTNAME~C 'W "M'''''''' 7. Ch'" tM boa bMcI , uratlly ...... tM .... aI tM Ilrap.rty . 1M tInI. of ....: CI-* III...... MIDw .1.., IppIr: ",,:\ \... 0 -, e.e..... .. Ow....." Typo I. c...domlnhan ^~ 0.. ,..1" RIIidontI.1 E ~ Agrioui1urol I ~ Communily SoMco .. - Construction on Vie,," lMld II 2 or 3 Family RnidIInt'" P Cummorciol J industrial 1M. PropIrty LOCM8CI within .., Agrlcuhurll DiIlrict C RCliclond.1 V.:1nI. Land Q Aplrtmlnt K Public Servo ,... &oy.r I'ICIIIVWd I dilclolurI noIic1 indiCll'lng D Non-Rftidennl Vaclnt LIRd H En..rtllnment I AtnulC'rnenl L Fortlt dull th8 property '- in an Atric:ulturll OIII.rk:I I SALE INFORMATION I 115. ChecIIone...,.. of............. lU". .,1.10 trInIIer:. ", Bolo c- 00'. I I -.J A Solo _ Rolali_ or _ R_. MonIh DIlY v.... H SlIe Between AeIntd Companies or Partners In Bus"" C Dna of lha Bu\'lllS .. ,1'-0 a Sen., D Bu.,.,. or Selle, " ClooM'nment Agency or L...tlng Insdludon I: DIed Typo not Warr.my or Bargain .nd 61.. (SpecIfy BIIowI F 5110 of FnICtJonll or L~ thll\ F.. 1nI:_ (SpecifY BMw) G Significant ChaIlQll In Praporty _ T........ SIaIu. .nd Solo Dol H Sale of B,*".. _Included In S.'- PrICil I Qlhur Um.ll&NII FlCIOra Aft'DCling 8.1. Pric8 CSplCify lllilow) J None D D D D ....... 10 I cD? I 0 tJ v_ ... '2. DMe 01 ..., T..Mhr 11. Ful Sale Prtc. , (p, rj,S"", (9, 0. O. 0 , 0 I , , . (full Sale Pric. .. the total Mllount PlId for IN prop.rty Including personIl propirty. lb. PQrMrW nwy be In the form of cash. other properly or goodL or 1M -..mpllan af mal1gagft or OIlIer obDglllonl.) ".... round ID ,INI ,..,. wfloIt dollar .fIICU'It. '''''''''''''''_01_ 1 ,(),(), 11,0 I ......", ~ In ... .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Oola should relioct "'" I....t Finol AllOIlIIIlOfll Roll.nd T.. Bill ,.. V..af ~ -ntRolfl'om ,0 ~I I ,..=::6-.~:...:::I~.'_~:: f^ol , /./ . O. 0 . 6 I , 20. T.. NIl. ......1:..rfllJ /IIDIIIII........'.I II' men 'IhM four. ..... ..... wIItII ....onaI ............111 f) ii 1-.' /00 0 Lsf: I CERTIFICATION I I cml/)' _ oil '" tho _ '" _ -....... _ _ ....1.... end ........ n. tho ... oIID1 _...... end betieI).... I _ .hot tho ....... II aD)" wUuI ..... 5IIItemrnl ."........ ~ .111 ll.ubjecllIIf 10 tIw DnM.....1I of .... __I "W ft....... III 1M ....... .... IIIiDI flI,.. IIIdn&a:ItnII. tJ: . BUYER" ATTORNEY /J '^ -f-,;:.. a:.... Ia.~ I ~ ~T...... C't " ......- J ~G: a:raq" I If J .-::.- k. t)~. t!J () 0/9. (jOC/ ---.J / fli ~f:.;dJ;.~SrPeA /JI" ~ S ovf1.,,,IA ClTVOfITOWIl ~ . WO_T_ ()h~ 1/r:Pz/oe ~.J..-.J' (; -- I Jv: '-{ I ITAn: wn, "COllI! NEW YORK STATE COPY