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Southold Transportation Commission
Southold Town Hall
October 29, 2007
Present: Neboysha Brashich, Margaret Brown, Capt Martin Hatley, Ruth Oliva, Julie lane and Seth Bank of the
Suffolk Times, Stan Mickus of Cross Sound Ferry
Approval of Sept 24 Minutes: Ruth moved, and Margaret seconded a motion to table the minutes of the
September 24 meeting with the proviso that any corrections will be addressed at the next meeting.
Greenport Representative: David Bauer is now the transportation representative for the Village of Greenport.
County Road 48 Roundabout and Soundview Site Updates: Neb received a letter August 21 from County
Engineer Bill Hillman informing us that there will be ouly one roundabout in the feasibility study. They are
committed to the Cox Neck Lane location and will not undertake to study the Westphalia site. A request for
$100,000 has been submitted to the County Legislature. Mr. Hillman said a roundabout at Westphalia would not
work because there are two lanes in each direction. Neb responded with a letter on September 28 expressing the
Commission's regrets about this decision and enclosed information from the NYSDOT Roundabout Design Unit
manual indicating that multi-lane roundabouts are feasible where space permits, which is true in this case. He
asked that the county review their position and include Westphalia in the forthcoming study. He also invited one
of the DPW staff to attend our next meeting to discuss safety problems at the Soundview Inn and Restaurant.
Town ~ntatiOnlInteq>retive Sillnalle Project Update: The Town is in the process of negotiating a contract with
RBA roup. The contract is now in the hands of the Town Attorney. It will1le taken tothe next Town Board
meeting. Phase I will require three months for a feasibility study. The Commission will get copies of the
document once it is signed. We will need to provide a record of "in kind" hours spent.
Warex PrQiect in Mattituck: No final decision can be made until the DEIS is ready.
Herital1e at Cutchol1ue: The developer did a manual traffic count. No further details are available at this point.
Various Parkinll/Si~mRllelSpeed Problems: Neb sent a letter on September 28 to Kevin Matthaei, an engineer with
the NYSDOT regarding signs and speed limits. There used to be a height limit sign on the railroad bridge in
Laurel and he asked that it be replaced. He also pointed out that the speed limit sign on the Orient Causeway is
posted at 55mph while the approaches are posted at 4Omph. He asked that the causeway speed be set at 40mph to
discourage speeding. Finally, Jamie Richter asked that the pedestrian walkway over the railroad bridge in
Greenport be cleared of debris to allow for safe pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Neb may also call Joe Ludwig
directly about this problem, but informed the Commission that it is in the hands of the contractor, now that
construction has begun. The new bridge should be completed by October 2008.
SEEDS Update: The October meeting was cancelled.
Orient Causeway PrQject Status Rc:port: There is still a question whether remaining funding can be used for work
on the causeway. Engineers are in the preliminary stages ofIooking at pedestrian and kayak use.
Five Town Rural Transit U.pdate: Margaret reported that there will be a Press Conference Monday, Oct 29"' at
I PM at Southampton Town Hall to announce that the agreement has been signed for the NYS Shared Municipal
Services Incentives (SMSI) grant in the amount of $360,000 to employ the Volpe Center to conduct a feasibility
study of a coordinated rail and bus network on the East End of Long Island.
Old Business: The DOT has found more deterioration which must be repaired on the Bridge Lane railroad bridge.
It may open December 1. Jamie met with three engineers and they offered several options. Jamie asked them to
write a report for this commission. Jamie said they were letting the contract on Bus Shelters. He will find out.
New Business: Stan Mickus of Cross Sound Ferry saw an article in the Suffolk Times about having farm stands
allow parking on the farms so there would be no parking on the roads. CSF would like to do this too.
The next meeting will be November 26, 2007 at 10 AM, Southold Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted, Margaret H. Brown