HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 445 ._-~,~---~ orsr jot)O .see.. - "1'i /3LlL - '-f LD""-_ ;1. ,g- 11.1~ 11'~" /1.;).1 /7."),"\/ L IJ~lg r~.45 nus INDENTURE, made this 71-4-/121 . BARGAIN "' SALE DEED r day ofScptembcr in the year Two Thous8nd Five BETWEEN ZOUMAS CONTRACTING CORPORA nON, a New YOlk Corporation, having its principal plaa: of business at 263 Roule 2SA. P. O. Box 361. Wading River, NY 11792 Party of the First Part. 8IKI ZOUMAS HOME BUILDERS, INC" a New YOlk Corporation, having its principal plaa: ofbusiness at 263 Route 2SA, P.O. Box 361. Wading River. NY 11792 Party oflbe second part WITNESSETH. that the party of the first pert. in consideration of Ten Dollan and other wluable consideration paid by the party of the second pert. docs hereby llJ'IIIl and release unto the part of the second pert. the hein or S_IIOI'S and assigns of the party of the second part forever. SEE DESCRIPTION ANNEXED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the grantor herein by Deed dated 8/9101 and recorded on 8/28/01 in liller 12138 page 389. This conveyance is made in the regular c:ourse of business of the pany of the first pan. TOOETHER wi1h all rigllt, title and inllmlst. if any. oflbe peny of the first pen in and to any streets and roads abutting the above clescribed pnmiscs to the c:enter lines thereof: TOOETHER with the appurtcllances and 811 the cslate 8IKI rights of the party of the lint pen in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises harein llJ'IIIlIld Wlto the party of the &CCllJId pert. the hein or su<<essors and assigns of the party of the second put forever. AND the party oflbe rust pen covenants \hat the party of the first pen has not done or sulfercd anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the lil'Sl pert. in compliance with Soetion 13 of the Lien Law, covenants \hat the party of the lillll pen will roc:eive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold.the riptlO reoeive IIUCh considendion as a trust fund 10 be applied lint for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement 8IKI will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement be~ using any part of the total of the SlI/I\C for any Olher purpose. The word "pIU1y" shall be construed as if it to rad "parties" whenever the _ of this indenture so requires. . . 'r . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly execullld this deed the day 8IKI year rust above written. . : .. I'ItB8BRCB 01': 0a3 soz~'":'"-- J11I( IOAII1OII ,. .:..: ~ PREFERRED ABSTRACT CORPORATION Acti", as AgeNafOl' Firsl A",tIrlcall nile IMlrtIIU:e Comp,any ofNt!W York Tille No. 524801986 LOT 1: SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Bayview, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. , on a certain map entitled, "Map ofZourna Contracting Corp., situated at Bayvicw, Town of South old, Suffolk County, NY", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on October 1,2004 as Map No. 11166, which lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Deer Run at the extreme northerly end ofa curve which connects the easterly side of Dcer Run with the northerly side of North Bayview Road; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Deer Run, north 16 degrees, 54 minutes, 40 seconds, west, 183.84 feet; THENCE still along the easterly side of Deer Run on the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of25.00 feet, a distance of27.47 feet; THENCE still along thc easterly side of Deer Run, on the arc DCa curve bearing to the: left having a radius of 8S.00 feet, a distance of 69.S8 feet; THENCE south 57 degrees 0 I seconds 40 seconds cast, 282.11 feet; THENCE south 17 degrees 01 minutes SO seconds west, 34.94 feet; THENCE south 73 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds east, 70.00 feet; THENCE south 17 degrees 01 minutes SO seconds west, 170.32 feet to the northerly side: of North Bayview Road; TIIENCE along the northerly side of North Bayview Road, Nort~ 73 degrees, 05 minutes, 20 seconds west, 372.3S feet; THENCE along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of25.00 feet, a distance of 39.27 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. ",OK CONVEYANCINC ONLY "'OGETHItR with Ihe rlahl, IllIe and ..........Ifany. ollbe party orlhe Onl pan. In .nella an)' slrOetl.nd roadII ubulll... dui .- d_bed _"'_ ro 111. cealcr II... _I: Pop: I I PREFERRED ABSTRACl' CORPORATION ACllng as Agenl8for Flnl American Tille JIUIUYlIICII COlllplJIIY of New York TItle No. S24S01987 b2U SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land wilh the buildinp and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being al Bayview, Town of Southold, County ofSuITolk and Slale of New York, known lInd designated as LoI No.2 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Zouma Contracting Corp., situaled at Bayview, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY", and tiled in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on October I, 2004 as Map No. 11166, which lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a poinl on the easterly side of Deer Run, distant 280.89 feet northerly from the northerly end ofthc curve, which connects the easterly side of Deer Run with the northerly side of North Dayview Road; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Deer Run along the arc of a curve bearing to the Icft having a radius of 85.00 feet, a distance of 106.05 feet; TllENCE north 51 degrees 29 minutes 13 seconds east, 299.56 feet; THENCE north 46 degrees 52 minules 47 seconds west, 150.78 feet; THENCE soulh 17 degrees 0 I minutes 40 seconds west, 351.81 feel; THENCE north 57 degrees 0 I minutc5 40 seconds west, 282.11 feet 10 the easterly side ofDecr Run, at the: point or place: of BEGINNING. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY TOGETHER willi lhe rl&lll. !ide.1Id i_rat. ir UI)'. or Ibe...rty or Ihe fim...... In .ncIlO lIIlY II""''' _ rullds .bulllna 1110 .hove _,Ibed p......I_. 10 Ibe ......... line lllenor. Pop: I PREFEBRRD ABSTRACf CORPORATION Acting QS AgMlllor Pint AlMrit:ou Tillel_ce Ctlluptlllya/New Yon\' TItle No. 5~4S01IlS7 .b!lI.1 SCIIEDULE A ALL mal certain plot, piece or pucel of land with tho buildings and improvemealS thereon e....cled, situate, Iyina and being at Bayview, Town of Southolcl. County of Suflblk and SIale of New Yolt, known lUId designued as Lot No.3 on a certain map entilled, "Map of Zooma Contracting Corp., situated at Bayview, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY", and filed in the Office of the Clert of Suffolk County on October I, 2004 as Map No. 11166, which lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: UEGINNING at a point on tho northclIlIlerly side of Deer Run, distant 386.94 feet northerly nomthc northerly end oflbe curve, which connects the easlerly side ofOcer Run with the northerly side of North Bayview Road; . RUNNING THENCE along the northeasterly side of Deer Run along the an: oCa curve beating 10 Ihe left having a radius ofS5.00 feel, a dislancc of 102.59 feet; THENCE north 17 degrees 39 minuleS 53 seconds West. 25S.SS feet; THENCE north 72 degrees 24 minutes 5S seconds east, 243.SI feet; THENCE south 46 degrees 52 minutes 47 seconds east, 236.79 feet; THENCE south 5 I dearees 29 minutes 13 seconds west, 299.56 fcetlO the easterly. side of Deer Run, at the point or place of BEGINNING. MIK CONVEYANCING ONLY 'I"OGETlIER wldllbo rI..... Ilde..... _I, If .ny. of lbo _ of lbo flnl pan, In.nd 10 Oil)' .......nd ruatJI abuld.. lha above deKl'lbDd premisel. w &lac I:OIIICr IlDe OIIINGr. PREFERRED ABSTRACT CORPORATION ACli", as AgrmIS for Fi,." AmerlCllll Tili. IlISlIranCft Company of N_ York Title No. 524S01987 .1.2!.! SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or pan:cl of IIIIId with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situatc, lying and being at Bayview, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. known and designated as Lot No.4 on a certain map entitled. "Map of Zouma i Contracting Corp.. situaled at Bayview, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY", and filed,in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on October I, 2004 as Map No. 11166, which lotiis morc particularly bounded and de.cribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side ofOcer Run, distant 283.08 feet northerly from the northerly end of the curve, which connects the wellterly side ofDecr Run with the northerly' side of North Bayview Road; RUNNING THENCE north 87 degrees, 41 minutes, 29 seconds west, 298.36 feet; THENCE north 12 degrees, 43 minules 48 seconds east, 247.24 feel; THENCE north 72 degrees. 24 minutes, 58 seconds east. 235.21 feet; I THENCE south 17 degrees. 39 minutes, 53 seconds east, 258.88 feel 10 lhe westerly side of Deer Run; , I I THENCE along the weslerly side of Deer Run on the arc of a curve having a radius of 85.00 feel, a distance of 103.89 fCe110 the point or place of BEGINNING. I I I , I I I I !'OR CONVEYANCING ONLY I TOGETlIER wlllllhc rl"'l. dUo and IlIUlre.t, If l1li)', of IIlo pany or lho first part. in and 10 any .lrMU.nd ....d. .buul", lho .bove ducribed promi.... 10 tho callier llno tho....f. I ! PREFERRED ABSTRACT CORPORATION Acting t1.I Agents for Fint Americrln Tit/./lISIIlYlnctl CompGny of New York Title No, S24S01987 ~ SCHEDUU: A AU. that cenain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements Lhe~ni erecled, silUBte, lying and being al Bayview, Town ofSouthold, C.ounty of Suffolk and State of N~ York, known and designated as Lot No. S on a certain map cntidcd, "Map of Zouma : Conlracting Corp., situated at Bayview, Town of Southold, Suffolk Counly, NY", and filed in Ihe Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on October I, 2004 as MlIp No. 11166, which lot'is more partieullll'ly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING 01 a poinl on lhe northerly side of North Bayview Road allhe extreme wes~rly end of a CUI'VCl, which connects lhe weslerly side of Deer Run Road with the northerly side af North Bayview Road; . RUNNING mENCE along the northerly side of North Bayview Road, north 73 degrees (IS minutes 20 seconds west, 30S.61 feet; THENCF. north 12 degrees 43 minutes 46 seconds easl, 210.73 feet; TIIENCE soulh 87 degrees 41 minutes 29 seconds east, 298.36 feel to the easterly side of Peer Run Road; THENCE along Ihe weslerly side of Deer Run Road along the arc of a curve bearing to th~ left having a radius of 8S.00 feet, a distance of 71. 7S feet; i I THENCE still along the westerly side of Deer Run Road along the arc of a curve bearing to the righl having a radius of2S.00 feet, a distance of27.47 feet; THENCE still along the westerly side ofOcer Run Road south 16 degrees S4 minules 40 seconds west, 183.84 feel to the northerly end oflhe curve, whieh connects the wC8lC1"ly side of Deer Run Road with the northerly side of Bayview Road; I TIfENCE along said CUI'VCl bearing to the right haV~ a radius of2S.00 feel a dislBnce of 319.27 fcello the poinl or place of BEGINNING. I"OR CONVEYANCING ONl.Y TOGE'nIER with the rlabl, lide MIl I_I, If any. of lhe party of the fint put. in MIl 10 my ._ and ruada abuttlna the above deacrlbacl p...D1_, 10 the _ar line Iha.-f. I . i i I State of New York County of Suffolk On the -< I day of September in the year 200S befon: me, the undersigned. Notary Public in and for Slid State, persolllllly appeaJed JOANNIS ZOUMAS persoually known to me or proved to me on the basis of llItisfllCtory evidence to be the individual whOlle IIlIIIIC is subscribed to the within insIrument IIIICIlICknowledgcd to me that he executed the SllIIle in his capacity, IIIICI that by his signature on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf OfwhiC~Z,:~themmumem. ~iC PA1IUQA IlORIlIIOo. ~~"'''N'''\''_ "'-' CaunlrNa...<IIICllII. r b......... "'A. .. 1" /Ill, ?J). c;l.OO1 "P~TRI CIA Ro(lelso~ . . . 5J- 45C~t;~ r. . ~ . ..ts.ta.. With Ccwnaa18 ApIaIt Croton Am ..' .1.. . " , - = " Return By Mail To: STBPHEN O. RBMU7.21. JR. PO BOX 465 ROCKY POINT. NY 11778 . . .' .' .. . " ' See 79 BIcx:k: 4 Lot: ',17,20, 17.21 oil: 17.22 . County or Town ofSouthoId . . : .' .' " /1 . Number of pageR TORRENS Serial 1/ _ Ccrtincate 1/ l'ri.lrClf. II Dl=ed . Mortpgo:lnSlrUmenl Deed , Monaase 1Bx SlIImp FEES 3 Page' Filina Fee Handling s ..00... ~ TP-5114 NUlatiun ~~ I~S { ~DD EA.~217 (Counly) EA-52 17 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A.mJ\ CllRlRl. of~. Sub Total S. ..lllL Mndu,'il Certitied C.apy Reg. Copy Sub Tuml I sS GrandTUlal ~1 ~)..J I I" I 07lJ.(1O ~Ioc:k O4.OO1.!:!!, . h_ 5 '. 1000 07900 0400 017018 1000 07900 0400 017019 1000 07900 0400 017020 1000 07900 0400 017021 1000 07900 0400 017022 Olher ::iJ DiRlriCllOOO~eclion Real Property Tau Sen'ic:e Agency Vcrinc8Iion 6 SalisfaclionlDiKCluuJeslRelease liS! Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD &: RETURN TO: Steven G. Remuzzi, Jr. p.D. box 465 Rocky Point, NYl1778 RECORf)E[I 2005 Ibi 03 03129: 04 I'll Edward P.Roaair. CLERI( OF SlFfllLJ( COI.tITV L ??oo12418 P 445 DTI re-I3875 Recording' Filing Slamps Mortgage AmI. I. Basic: 1Bx 2..Additional1Bx Sub TolaI Spec. , Assil. or Spec. , Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinlmenl... Transfer Tax c;r- Mansion Tax The property clWeRd by Ihis mOlgag.l is or . will be improved by a one or lWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, !lee approprilllC llIX clause on page.1/ orthi. i I. (~ ( Commual Preservation . ralion Amount $ $ Improved Vacant Land "L' TO /0 TO TO 7 Title CompllllY Information Co. Name Preferred Abltract Co . ntle 1/ 524S01 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Page This paae forms part of the DlllII:hed Dftd (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: .ldwmas Conlradinll Col:P- The premisis herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of Southold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of ROXFS (j THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR PILING (over) TO Zoumas Home Builders. Inc. IIIIIIIIII~IIIIIII_IWI ~IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII~ 1111111_1111 SlJlI'FOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFPICE RBCORDIHG PAGE Type of InstruJllllZLt: DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages: 8 Receipt NUmber : 05-0116069 TRANSFBR TAX HUMBBR: 05-13875 Recorded: At: 11/03/2005 03:29:04 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012418 445 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 079.00 04.00 017.018 'l!Y.JaNBll AIlD t"II'UGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed AIIIoun t : $0.00 Received the Po11owing Pees Por Above Instrument -.."t Bx-.pt Page/Piling $24.00 110 BlIDdliDg $5.00 110 COB $5.00 110 IIYS SRCBG $15.00 110 KA-CTY $5.00 110 BA-STATB $165.00 110 TP-584 $5.00 110 Cert.Copi.s $0.00 110 RPT $110.00 110 SC'l"II $0.00 110 Transfer tax $0.00 110 CoIIIIII.pr.s $0.00 110 :r... Paid $334.00 TRAIISPBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-13875 '!'BIS PMB IS A PART 01' 'l'BB IIISTRtDIBN'l' '!'BIS IS NOT A BILL Baward P.Ramain. county CI.rk. Suffolk County I '"/. 1. -3. .(, ~ ~ C2._DeedR",,,led 1/1, o,!}.$'( MedII DIy ,...../ a._ J.....4. Yo , ,ilC4......I.l.f, 1.(, ~, PROPERTYINFOR~TKJN ,. "'-" 11tJ~ ~ I fI/on.:M /?;tJ..'I V /'t!1.c) ~~- SoaM;lI- , I ClIYQIIICMII ~ HolY7f::l,1#JirYe~ ~ C,. SWIS_ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAn Of NeW_ STAn _ Of IlEAL _I y _I RP . 5217 u.n.,... Mn I 119'7(1 ...... 2. ...... -- _~~s LMTJIIAIlII!Io:JI'II'IMf -,- I. T.. 1nCIicIIII....u..Tn....lObD.. .... W __ buvor _... -. o/fannl I - LMT __tctIIIHMY toRr_ L .I....I.-..AMI.._...... ""'..- IIAle ...... ... ....... 1M......... of . ._111 0 0 5 D _....-_......._ I. I .o/Porcalo OR Po~ol._ 5. =.... I - F....'JiUT Ixl ..... lOR I -' . 1lInIr' _". _ _.,..., oppIy: 4A.........Ing___-....,_ 0 ..C........IiIIan~I_Req'*-ctforT..... 0 C.Ptrool......-....____ 0 .. _ I ~~~ Cf/t1rKbdif1J (IorfJIJro.:fltJAA -- L -y- l.M1'~'CDMMNY ""IIIMII 1. Chec* .... bn: Wow ..... mad -- ..., ~ the ... t1A.M pI'Operty .. ........ ,., ....: ^~"Fomily_1 B or 3 F.mily FIoIIdendll C _IoIV_lInd o __V_Lond I SALE INFOllMATKJN . "._-- Il~ AgrI......... I ~ CO....unity....... I' ColNNrciol J Ind......1 (j __ K Publlc_ " E_I_L _ -.... - - -Ihoropply: I. Ownunhlp Typo is_I.... I. N.w COl*".n::tICln an VKllnl a...t --~-..AgrIouIlu'" - -1IuyIr_._-~ ...... _. in............._ o o o o , JI Do, , 63 I YH' ,.. CIWIII _. ..... 01.... _......._. I. - .. 1It.....r.: "Io__ar__ ___eam",-arPortnoraInIluol_ O.."lhol_io...._, Buyw or SaIlor II 00\41.11'I....1 Agency or landing InIIiIulIon llood Typo 110I -IllY ar ......n ond _ tspocIIy "'_1 &.Ie 01 Fr-=dorW or L.- tII.n Fee In... ISpeclfy IaIowI SlgnlIIconI a.ngo in Pr_ _ T_ __ Solo Dol _"_Io_In__ 0Ih0r U...... _-. _ _lSpooIly_, - 'Z.lIaIlI"'_'~ L.l L5 - ,21 , oS I PIS' "-' 'I.FuIJ__ , '. I\. ,0,0 I , , . "'1_ _....10101....... poldfor'" _lnoIucllng _1_. _ __ _be in .."""'"........... _ar IIOIICII.... "'_Ion '" rnonu1v- Dr.... -qg AI .1 ,... fOUItd fD""""", wfIGit.".,. JIfI'IOCIftt ,..-...-"....- I 0 0 I _-....._ 4 ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dolo Ihould _thl 11_ Finll_mllll RoU ond To. BUI ,..y-".- ._AW....... O~. 11.TOIII_Y_irl.......In_1 ..... .................... ~ , I I ./ ,3.t) 1)1 ~~-fi"", .. T_ .............. ,.. ~ 11f...... thM..... ..... ............Md ..... - ~. G) .1. "'-" a.. ~-u ...___1 "I/(J()(} ~ 1'-'1, /1.,t, 17.1.,...1.1.~ 17~/7>>+- I ~I '000.... 019.0(}- 64.0-0 - Lot~, J;.OI~ , CEIlTIFICATKJN I I CftlII)' _011 rillho _ riI L.n.... .~ _ OIl d*.1l1IIo ......... .... __ llOlho.... III 10)' ........... .... _ ... I _..... . _ 1M...... riI lIO)' --.... _ riI_...................... lGlho __ III.... _... _ lO 1M -.......... riI""__ /I/L'-_ ,- ~,;o<> f&o.n.n";""":'Ph<OJ G, ~ ~ ...._ _T_ \r~~~c11'L ~~ Pw.e.... 1'nRT...... I1NIT ....~1oIlIIJ ~~ N'( I lW-) ...... L-_i:[ _~ql~d~ , 1fLUII~ _,. nO)! L.1.QJ q n. 0.). J... n. IffJD '31 71./'V31" ~h ....... 111I__ NF.W YORK STATE COPY '" . .. c