HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12406 P 581 /21-3-Lf L/2 L-tO~, P 531 -. IIOCJ2 1'lI9lI1- :10M - S......1Illl Salo Poe&L w;l~ (:_....... 0......__1_1.. Carpnlion, 1......_1 aall....T.,...............~......T-._. .. --___. . ........_II'I~-.y. ~r, da)'of August, 2005 and THIS INDENTURl:, ~ 1M BETWEEN OLGA LOMAGA, Residence at 3700 Sound Avenue P.O. Box 386, Mattituck, N.Y., 11952 pan)' oflhe rU$1 pan. and HARRY A. DENYS AND CAROL ANN DENYS, AS husband and wife, both residing at 150 Northern Parkway, Riverhead, New York, 11901, pany of the second pan. WITNF_'iSE11I, thallhe pany of lhe lim pan. in L'OIlsideralion of len doU.... and nlher ..Iuable con,idera~1HI paid by the pany of Ih. second pan. dacs hereby granl and ",Ie... unto the pany of 1M aecone! pan. the hc:in or suc:t'essol'll and ...ign5 of the p;srly of I"" second pan rorever. ALL Ihal cenain p101. piece or "".....,1 or land, wilh 1M buildings and improvemenl5lhercon .rect.d. oilUaIll. lying and Ming in lhe Town of Southold, at Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: A two acre parcel on the south side of Sound Ave., approx. 320 feet east of Bergen Avenue, Mattituck. N.Y., known as Section 121, Block 3, Lot 4 on the Southold Town Tax Map. It is bounded North 165 feet by Sound Avenue and 75 reet by lands of Denys; East 370 feet by lands of Davison; South 235 feet by lands of Reeve; West 300 feet by lands of Reeve, and 160 feet by lands of Denys. The Grantor herein reserves a Life Estate in the premises. Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed in a deed dated July 8, 1988, recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office initially on August 3, 1988 in Liber 10660 page 129, and later re-recorded to set forth the full names of the Grantor's on September 15, 1988 in Liber 10691, page 481. Dist: 100 Sect: 121 00 Blk: 03.0 Lot: 004. 00 TOGI:..,.HER wilh .11 rillhl. lille and jnlercsl. ir any. or lhe pliny or Ihe linll pan. in and 10 any .1"'eI5 and mad. abulIingthe above-d.""ribed p",milles 1C'lhe center lines Ihereof: TOOETHER wilh Ihe appun.nanc.s IlIId .Ulhe .'101. .nd rillhls urlhe ""ny "r I"" lir'l pori in and 10 ..id pn:mh.'.: TO HAVE ^"D TO HOLD Ih. premi... herein gra~ted unt('llhe r__rlY Co1f the ~l.'o~ ~un. the: heirs: IIr MUCa.."lUIoUn. and wcMignh (,If the r-an)' c.'tf Ih-= .eC'('Ind pari furever. . '... ANI) Ih. parly ..r Ih. Ii... pan cuvenonl. thallh. p.ny "r lh. li"'l pari h.. n"l dun. ur suffered Anylhinl wh....hy Ihe !\.aid premi~c'" have h:cn en,,'umhcn:d in any way whulcvc:r. rx....cJlI W' .run:K.uid. . AND Ih. pArlY ..r Ih. ri..1 part. in complian.. wilh Se,'lion 13 Ill' lhe I.i.n I.aw. c''''.n.nl' Ih.llh. P.r1Y Ill' Ih. linn pan ,.dll re..:eivC' tht ..:un:dderalion r,'r lhili conveyance and will hold the right tn rec:ci\'c I'uc:h f'Ctn",idcr- Blion a. a lru.1 rund lu h. .ppli.-.i Ii.., ror the purp.."" or paying Ihe eO'1 ur Ih. improv.men' and will upply Ih. .a,,'e IirSllu Ihe po)'...nl uf Ih. e".1 uf Ihe impmv.m.nl berore u.ing uny p.n of Ih. 101.1 "r Ihe ....me fllr any other purpI'5c. The wnrd '.part)... "hall he ".un",trurd U5 if il rcad "purlic,;- whcnl.-ver Ihe ~n"c 11f Ihi,; indcntul'(" .sl' requite's. IN WITNESS WH":R":OF. Ih. pany or lh. liN pan ha. duly ...cul.d Ihi, d..,d Ihe day and year 1i..1 .h.... wriucn. Is l'N.I~"I~Sf.l: IN-: 6~a{~ . AcIl:nowI.dg&...._t teken In NewYarlc state Stato of New York. Counly of Suffolk . IS: ~ On the J.4 day 01 August. In the year 2DD.!ilelore me. the undersigned, personally. appeared Olga Lomaga peraonally known 10 me or proved to ma on Ihe baala of aatiafactory evIdanCe 10 be the IndlYldu-'(a) whoM name{a) III (are) llUbecrIbed 10 the wIthln 1_ and _Wlwl.dged 10 mo that helshellhay executed the eame In hllllher/thelr capaclty(I..), and thaI by hl8lh8rllhelr eignatura(a) on Ihe _ant. the lndIviduaI(a) or the person upon IlehaU of which the individual(a) acted, exacutad tha inlIIrumenl ~ . JOSEPH H. GIBBONS N1IIary Public. Stale of N_ Vorf& No 52461B285 Qualllied .n Sullolk ~ounty r'.)06 7 CommlS8lO1t E""... Aprrl30. }l ~ecIgen1Itnt by SuIlacI1llIIlfl W~ _lam In New Yortc hilt AcknawfedgMl8flt l8Iam In ___ State of New Vortc, Counly 01 . IS: On the day 01 , in the year the underatgned, personally appeered personally known to me or proved 10 me on the baaia of ulllllaclOry ""Idanca 10 be fhe Indlvklual(a) _ nama(alla (1It8) aubacr1bed 10 the within InIllrUmanl n acI. -'edged 10 me Ihal he/ahelthey execuled Ihe aame In hllllherlthelr capactty(laa), and thaI by hllllharllhelr algnalura(a) on the lnatrument, tha IndlvlduaI(a) or the peraon upon beheU of which tha lndMduaI(a) ectad, exacutad Iha Instrument. . before me. AcIInlIWIadgama l8kan _Ida New York _ SIale 01 New York, Counly of . IS: . Slale of . Counly of . aa: . (or in.." OIatrict 01 Columbia, Terrilory, Poss_lon or Foreign Country) On Ihe day 01 . In the year Ihe undersigned. personally appeared , belore me. the aullacrlblng witne.. to the foregoing inalrumant, with whom I am personally acquainted. who being by me duly aworn, dlel dapoaa and My, thaI Ml8hallhey realdala) in lhel IKWhallhey know(a) to be the fndlvlclu8l daacrtbed In and whO exacutad the fo~ Inlltrumant: thel said eubllcrfblng wilnaal was pre...nt and _ ulel execule Ihe eame; and thaI uid wllneaa al the aame lime aubscribed hllllherllheir name(s) as a wilnaaa lhIralo. Tille No.: TO .. J'- Distributed by ChIca", TItle Insul'llllal Com~ny ~ 11 II. ~I ~, ~I ~. 2 ! L1L On the day 01 . In Ihe year the undersigned. personally appeared personally knlnlin 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihe basis 01 ullsfactory BYfdanca 10 be tha Indlvlclual(l) w\1C1118 namala) la (ara) aubacrlbad 10 the w~hin instrumenl and acknowledged to me Ihal he/lhelthey execuled the aama In hialher/thelr capaclly(lal). Ihal by hlalher/thelr Ilgnalure(a) on Ihe Instrument, the IndMduaI(l) or the person upon IlehaU 01 which the IndlVldual(a) eclacl, execllled the inIlrumant, and thaI auch lndlvlcluaI made auc:IT appearance baIora the underslgned In Iha . before me, (add the clly or poIilical aubdlvtalon and the _ or country or other place Iha acknowledgement was taken). SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAIL TO: . Zip No. r::i::2 J . , Number or pas.. TORRENS ~ RECORllEt' 2005 Ib1 31 10:27151 All Edward P.Rouine CLERK OF 5l.Ffl1X COUHTY L ??oo12406 P 581 DT. 05-04524 SerialN Certifical. N Prior or. H Deed I Mortgaae InSlNmenl Deed I Murt&aIIe Tu Stamp ."I!ES IUeordi"ll Fili"l Slemps 4 Page I Fili.. Foe 'Ilmdling TP-S84 9_ .s- s MortW. Ami. I. Hosie Tax 2. Addilional Tax Notalion I!A-S2 17 (COlUIIy) ~ - _ Sub Talal 7< ~-- Sub TolBl . Cert.ified Copy Reg. Copy . OIher /5 SubTolIIl SpeeJAssit. Or Spee. /Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town_Dual County_ Held ro,Apportionmenl _ Transrer Tu MensionTIIX _ The JII'O\lOrty .overed by this morlPlle is or will b. Improved by a one or two ramily dwelling only. YI'.8 orNO_ IrNO. see appropri8le lax clause on pqe N _orlbis inIIrumelll. liA-S217 (SIBle) R.P.T.S.A. Convn.orEd. S~ Aftldavil ORAND TOTAL l Real Property Tax Service ftaenr:y Verinc:alion Dist. Section B lock LoI 1000 12100 0300 004000 6 Communit l>reservation Fund Consideration Amount S CI'P Tax Due S Stamp IlDte ! Inlprovc:d Initials ..anll.and 7 Satisfactions/L...........e,."'" .......-.. ....... .. ...r.....) .... ......- ..........0.. ._... . RI'.coRD'" RETURN TO: JOSEPH H. GIBBONS, ESQ. P.O. Box 332 1380 Grathwohl Rd New Suffolk, N.~. 11956 TO TO TD 9 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Thle1l . Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 'Ihis page funns pitrt of the auached DEED (SP&.1FYn'PE OF INSTRUMENT) __ lIl.de by: OLGA LOMAGA '( he premises hetein is silUll\cd in SUFFOI.K COUllrfY. NEW YORK. TO HARRY A. DENYS and CAROLANN DENYS In \he Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMI.ET \If .Southold Mattituck I3UXES S UIRU 9 MUST BE n'PEDOR PRlIlrICD IN BlACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OYERI ( IIIIIII~ 111111nlllllllllllllll~111111111 1 I1111111111111111 S'D'FFOLIt COmrrY CLBRIC RBCORDS OFFJ:CB RBCORDJ:NG PAGE Type of In.trument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Page.. 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0091416 TRANSFER TAX N'D'MBBR: 05-04524 Recorded. At: 08/31/2005 10:2'1:51 AM LJ:BBR: PAGB: D00012406 581 Di.trict: 1000 Section: 121.00 ..,."UTIIBD AND $0.00 Block: 03.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 004.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Pee. Par Above In.trument Ex'""lpt Exempt Page/Piling $9.00 NO HuadliDg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 HO NrS SRCBG $15.00 NO :&:A-CTY $5.00 NO :&:A-STATIC $'15.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 HO SC'l"II $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $0.00 NO CQIIIIIl.Pre. $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $149.00 TRANSPBR TAX RCMBBR. 05-04524 . THIS PAOB IS A PART 01' 'tHB IRSTRtJIIIDIT THIS IS HOT A BILL ICdward P.Ralllaine County Clerk. Suffolk County I t.{, 1, 0.. g , g. 91 / CZ._DMdR".._ I t, .3./,CJJ> I - - ~ (,~,""".e,~ICA.'-S, ,I. ~ 1- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ITATE lW _ YOIIIl ITATE_CIfMAL-.nv_ ca._I PROPERTY INFORMATION 3700 RP - 5217 aNal'"'' "-1 '-Ion Sound Avenue 1."'-- Southold .._.1IllIII'I Mattituck 111952 .,.ag gn'QIIlTCMIII - 1._ - Denys LMI.....'_,IM Harry A. ~-- Denys Carol Ann ...., u.IT""'~ ,..,.~ I. Tu ~""IuanT""'''1ablunl .... 1I_....__1II_G11orm11 - IA,IT'" IIZM'ANr --- IollllB_.....__T~ tm' GI 'RMIiI' '1 'oIPareal. OR 0 PorI 01 a - MATi ..elM "~I - HICIII1'FiiI Ixl ...... 10111 2 00 . . . . -. 1lInIr.-...--.....,...." oIA. ......lIoIrd... eo L-'L.". AuIhady'" 0 ... 91 h# iliDn,....WII........ for T..... 0 4C.1'IIIII AppnMd lor .......<-JWon..... PnMdId 0 .. ........ .. ......... .. ... ....4 W........._ OII...._ ..- - LOMAGA OLGA ......... lMr...'~ LM1' U. IGMWIY ..-r1lMfllE 1. CIIIck the............... ..... - ............. ~... of '!-......., ..............__ -...-- .....,...." I. __Ipl'/PO 1o~1um o o o o A~ OlIo FomIly_1 R 2ar3f11m..'P..ld...... C _V_Lond D __IV_Lond J SALE INFOIlMA11ON I ..._-- E ~ AgdcuIIuroI f Coa.~ O_ II EnIertMnmMI'........rnlnc - , "'" , - ~ CotmIuniIy... .. NIW Coililtl Cl'g 11 on V... .... J.::W_ ::=v===--=:- I. _ ......_10 I.......-_Ia 1I.GIIlIII___"_ "1h..._.............-.: A ___or__ a _ _ _ CoInfIonlooor _in....... C _ 01......... In _ a SoIIor D _._Io_........~_ I! Dood Typo'" W_........ ond _lIpodty_ I' _oI_.'-_...._ISpoolfy_ o llIg_Cllonoo In "'-'r _ T_ ....._ liololloloo H _"'_Io_in__ I 0Ih0r~ _ A~ __ lIpodty_ J _ 8 , ~O p5 Dor .. 12. ~ of .... I TNnIIer - '1.""__ - 0 - . 1...0 I 0 I , , . CFun .... Price ill the .....11rftOUIII ... for.... propMy incIIIlIng "'''1111 JMOPIdV. Thill pIYmIII'It '"If be in the lam at ..... othIr ......,e,. or gaodL or thl -.mpIIon of rnorIIIIIII Or GIhIr ~ ;0...1 ,.... tDfIftIllD",.,..,....,.............. '''-''-'''- I - 0 - 0 01 --....- . . . ~ . ASSESSMENT INFOIlMAnON -llIIlIlhould roftac:t th. _ FInal -'., RoIlond To. BIn ,1.,_"'. ----10""01)17.'..._V_IoI........._1 ..... ......~.... ..... Gf~~ wi~h rA~a~na" T4~9 Estate by Grantor , , 8 400 , . .L__ 2~0. I-L.!J ...___1 Mattituck-Cut:chngll" .. T...... ...........w I RoI ...................... four.......... willi ..........1llL.. WI 1000-121~00-03,00-00~000 I I CEIlTIFICAOON I ......" ... II., _.... fII ~ .............. ..... ... ...: trut.... ...... (to... .... fII., L- & .. .... bIIIII)'" J __& 1 ndllblllblo....... <1..,___.._....................Il0o _.," <1Il0o__ _..................................... ~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY HARRY A. . .uwu -..... 1~/dI' GIBBONS ....- JOSEPH H. ......- ......... 150 Northern Parkway ...., NAIK WfDlllIAUt 631-298-P676 MlACIDOI ~_ .....- Riverhead NY 11901 QrYClITDMI STA'It ...... BI.LEII ~.E- ~~6; l/xfO: NEW YORK STATE COpy . " ....., ..'