HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12427 P 821 12 J-I~2 . L-)1'117 t~i, -z,. to)" ~ (}Dr{ '1'1 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S . ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAlTno.'1, -nIlS AGREEMENT SHOULD DE PREPARED BY AN A1TORNEY AND RF.VIEWEII BY ATIORN~"YS FOR SF.IJ.EA AND PURCllASliR W:fORe SKlNING. THIS INDENTURE, made !he 1 ~ay of t<<.t.Wt pt(, 2005 belweeD KAREN CATAPANO raldlD!: at J985 SouDd AveDue, MaUituck, NY 11952 I . pany of the fil'5l part, and ~"'e..\~ TRACY ELLEN ItAMEtj and JARED SKOLNICK ~'" "'II\~ .. w,'" , residing at JIO Westl06d1 SL. ApL lA, New York, NY 10025 --4 party of the second part. WITNESSETH, !hal !he party of the first part. in consideration of Ten Dollars and o!her lawful considenuion.lawful money of the United States. paid by the party of the second part. docs hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns ofthc party ofthe second pan forever, I I . ( , . i .4U that certain plot, pice:.: or pareel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon ercc:tc:d, situate, lying and being at MallilUck, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. SEE SCHEDULE' A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The grantor herein is the some person as !he grantee in Deed datc:d 3/18103 recorded 3129103 in Liller 12243 cp 197. TOGETHER with all right. title and intercsl, if any, of the party of the first pan in and to any streets and roads abulling the above described premises to the ccnter lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and righ\S of the party of the first pan in and 10 said premises. TO HA VB AND TO HOLD the premises herein grantc:d unto thc party of the second parL the heirs or suc:cessors and assigns of the party of the seeond pan forever. AND the party of the fil'5l part. covenants that the pany of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby !he said premises have been encumbered in any way whateVer, except as afol'C5llid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Se.:tion 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first pan will receive the consideration for !his conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trUst fund to be applied firsl for the purpostl of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the some first to the payment of !he cost of !he improvement before using IlIIY part of the total"f the some for any other pUrpclsc. 111c word "party" shall be construed as if it rend "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture 50 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc party of the first pan has duly cxccutc:d this deed the day and year first above written. _kav- ~ KAREN CATAPANO NYSUA lla-.iII_ ~ FOIIIII... HoIIlocs' (91001 Cop),;pIClpSOn' 0oll.1_, -.- CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ,: . u Tille No.: 3805-00447 S~e.A ALl. rHAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE. OR PARCEL OF IJ\IID. SITUATE, LYING, AND BEING AT MATTITUCK, cTOSDH& BKING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNINC AT A POINT ON THE NORTHERI,Y SIDE OF SOUND AVENUK DISTAN'I' 484. 79 ~'EET El\STERLY FROM TilE CORNER FORMIID BY TIIIl IN"rRRSECTION OF THE EASTIlRLY SIDIl OF BERGEN AVENUE WITH 'I'HE NORTHERLY SIDK OF SOUND. AVF~i RUNNING TIIRNCIl ALONG LAND NOlI OR FORMERLY OF T. SMITII THE FOLLOWING 3 COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1. NORTH 1 DEGRIlES J1 MINDTES 20 SECONDS EAST 185.00 FEET; 2. SOU'rH 85 DEGREES 48 MINIn'IlS 40 SECONDS F:AST 208.96 FEET; 3. SOU'rt\ 1 DECRIlES 11 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WIlST 226.21 FilET TO TlIIl NORTHERLY SIIlR OF SCOND AVBNDE; THKIICE ALONG 'I'IIE NORTHERLY SIDE OF SOUND AVENDE THE FOLLOWING :I COURSES AND DIS1'ANCRS: 1. NORTH 76 DEGREES 49 MlNUrES 40 SECONDS WEST 170.87 FEET; 2. NORTII 66 DECEMBER 58 MINUTES SO SECONDS WEST U. 75 FEET TO THE POIN'r OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. FOR IN~RMATTON ONLY, DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 121,00 BLOCK 01.00 I~ 002.000 . ;"- """'L -LEGAL DESCRIPTION- , . '. STATIWF NEW YORK ) ) 55.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ')t. ... On the' day of \;) CC ......b-v- ,2005, before me. the undersigned, personallyappean:d KAREN CATAPANO, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis ofsatismctory evidem:e to be the individual whose name is subseribed to the within instillment and aclrnowledged to me that she executed the !IIIme in her capacity. and that by her signature on the instrument. the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, elCCCUted the instrument. N~~~-H~ EUZABETH A. MAR11NEZ Natary Public, Slate 01 New York No, OlMA4716913 Con:r':'ed~~::'~~ DEED CATAPANO Section 121.00 Bloek 01.00 Lot 002.000 County or Town SUFFOLK Title No~ To KAMENS & SKOLNICK Return Bv Mail To: WILLIAM 11. PRICE, JR.. ESQ. P. O. BOX 2065 GREENPORT, NY 11944 Reserve Tbis Spaee For Use or RceordiDl[ Office NVSBA Rcsidcnliol RaI EJIaI. Fonns on IIoIDocI' (9.110) Capyri&lll Caplun' Dcvdopmo:nl -,2- ;, . ~2 j TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Dee 28 02:03:~ PI1 Edwird P.RoaaillE' ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUHTY L 000012427 F 821 Drt 05-21084 Number of pages . Serial N Certificate N Prior Clr. " Deed I Mortgage Inslnlment Deed I MOrtgage Tax Stamp 1).10 FEES Recording I Filing Stamps 4 Page' Filing Fee Mortgage AmI. Handling TP.S84 I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Total Comm. of Ed. S QQ....... Spec.lAssil. O. Spec. 'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Counly Held for Apportionment Transr.. Tax ~d-<X). , EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (Slate) _ Sub TOlal R.P.T.S.A. 70-- Affidavit s Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification OisL Section B lock Lot . CPF Tax Due re ervation Fund o nt s.::r~ '" . '/IJ $ 'I ~~.dD , Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub TOlal \~l. ") Other GRANO TOTAL ---- Stamp 12100 0100 002000 Date Improved Initials --. 7 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property VWIICI. ...ailing Add RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land WIIJ.IAK H. PIUCE. .JR.. ESQ. P. o. BOX 2065 GIlRIlIIPOIl'l. IlY 11 944 TO TO TO 9 8 Title Company Information Co. Name CHICAGO TITLI Tille # 3805-00447 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached DBED made by: (SPEOFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) UIlIlII CATAPAIIO The pn:mises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUN1Y, NEW YORK. TO TIlACY BLLBII UHHAl~AJlD JARIlD SKOUlIClt In the Township of In the VIlLAGE. or HAMLET of SOUTHOLD ~ oh.tlL BOXES 5 lHRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BlACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILlNG. IOVERI 11111111111111111 11111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Illstr1lDllmt: DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number 1 05-0133860 TRANSFER TAX NOMBER: 05-21084 Recorded: At: 12/28/2005 02103150 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012427 821 District 1 SectiODI Block: Lot: 1000 121. 00 01.00 002.000 BXAMINBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount 1 $549,900.00 Received the Followillg Pees Por Above Illstr1lDllmt Exempt Exempt page/Pilillg $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO TraDsfer tax $2,200.00 NO CQIDID.Pree $7,998.00 NO Feee Paid $10,350.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBERI 05-21084 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaille County Clerk, Suffolk County C,.SWIS_~ I Ci,?,3,lf,Jr,91 * I- t C2. _ _ __ I L~ I ~g Ie'~- I I _ ..r C3. _k I /...l, y,.:1, ?C4. ._1 ,<f?.:1./ I\,;' . "..;, .ROPERTYINFOR~TION ,. "-" 13985 LDadon a,..., ........ SouDd Avenue !lr...r~ ILwI"~ CI1YllO Matt:ibuo!r. Vl'_ Tr~~11~n 1...,.- - 1t"~.JI'/toWMY Ska1'11f~k LAIT.....~ 3. T.. IndicIIIIlIIhere fuw,. Tu iii.. .. 10 be...' I liD,"" "__......_IaI_oIlatml. -- Jared ""'- REAL PROPER'fV TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD Of REM. I"IIUI"'I:nl , SERVICES RP - 5217 IIp..nn In"" 111952 ..- lAP' lUMP IlXIMPAlrt., -.... srKET NUMIlII Arm ITIUT NAIll cnv OR 10WN ... IndIcIrI8 thellllmller" a____". -......--.......- II . of ""...1. OR 0 """ of " 'areal I.Dood I -, - .---.J OR ~_~ Il<P1H . . -- 1.0.01 Ixl _rm larea CatapallO IIAft llrCUPI: 1On1y. "" 010''''' _ _....-'" 4A. PIonnlng Boord _ __ AUhoriIy ~ 0 .. SubdMII... __.... Raqulred "" T.....,. 0 c_~""___Mop"'_ 0 1.-. Nomo LMf 1tIMf, CCM'M'f' -,- ~.ulhAW/~," I'II$T ..... 7. _........ _ _ __ _0Ie1y _Iho ....01.... pro_ oI.he._ of 0010: A~OnaFamlIy_ R 2 or 3 Fomlly ....ldInllol C _01 Vacant Land I) ___ Vaconl Land I SALE INFORMATION I 11. _ _... Dolo I! ~ Agrlcullu..1 I ~ Community Sonrico F CommoICloI J_rioI Q Aponmont K . Public_ H Ento..lnmonl/_ L Fa.... _.... _ boIaw.....-'" .. aw-.. Typo .. COndominium .. N_ ConolTul:tion on _ Land _ Pr_~_..AgrtcuIUnI_ 1"~_0__1ndi:a1ing lIIol...po_....onAG_.._ o o o o ~ I L 1.. a.dlone or.... at... _~.. . fJr- LA...............-: I OS I YOM I ~ Y.. ,\ B C D r; I' () H I J .1. Dolo 0180101 Tr_ 1"\/, ..... , Day .S.4 ,9.9,0,0.0,01 , , 0 IFul1 Solo PrIco I. ... _I omau.. paid ........ _ Including pou..... prGllIrty. Tll.. __ may bo In ...rarm 01...... _ -"" or ....... or.... _mpcion 01 mor"F'Y'" or actwi' abI~ ",....,ound ID ",. ".,......... CIOIIM 1tftOUftl. ,3.,.._...... Sola _ RoI"_ or Formor_ SIlo 80twaan Ra'-lad CampaIdeI or PMMn in Bull,..... llno oIlha ...... III _ 0 _ 8uyor or _ .. Govoo........ AQency or Wdng _ Dood Type not Wononly or "'VIIln oncI Solo (SpadIy _I Sole 01 F.OGI/..... or .... than FIo 1_ (lIFocIfY Solow) S1gnlllconl CNnoo In "- -. T_ _.. ond Sola Dol Solo 01 B......... I. lncIudod In Solo ...... 0Ih0r U....... F...... ""- Solo """" ~ _ None ...-.....-..- I .." 0 0 I __10Il1o_ . .oCJ. ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data ohould ""101111. Iatul FinoIAaenmen' Roll and Tax Bill ...=~..::- 'fJtf.DJI17.T...._V_loIoU....-In_1 ,.. "'-'" CIuI ~, f\l.,u" L . u I,: .'DI-U ,..___1 ...ITl~ ZlI. r..__11 RoIl__II.......__.__.................._1 10110-121.00-01.00-002.000 I ; .~.;J.l).OI , j I. I I CER'TlRCA1l0N I J _uy .... 011 oK.1Io _ oIlaI'...-Jao ......... ..,lIdo r_ un ,.... """ __ "..... .... or III)" ............""" .....,. .. I _ .... 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