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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12261 P 269 D1st. 1000 Sec. 120.00 Blk. 03.00 SEE Lot 011.012 ~ ..;.... . ~\ \-.- \ 1;1r 1/ \.a~ ----~-- I'D CDilSlDERATION Quit.claim Deed This Indenture, made the 20th day of December. Two Thousand and Two. between EDWARD W. HARBES. 'JR.. residing at 555 Sound Avenue, Mattituck. New York 11952, party of the \~:O pa..::, itr I ! I / ~" PETER HARBES. residing at 935 Laurelwood Drive Laurel, . New York 11948. a two point twenty-seven percent (2.27%) interest in the premises. , party of the second part. Witnesseth, that the party of the first part. in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part. does hereby. grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, a total two point twenty-seven percent(2.27%) interest to the party of the second part. . , "' BA".A'.M.'ACHBD "'MD, . MADB A PART BERBOI!'. ~., . . . ,. . . . . BERB'1'O SCBEDULE .. . BBDIG AIID .....~.~ '1'0 BB a transfer by the party of the first part of a two point twenty-seven percent(2.27%) interest in the premises to PETER HARBES. party of the second part, reserving to the party of the first part a ninety-seven point seventy-three percent (97.73%) interest in the premises. _DIG AIID .....~_......-- '1'0 _ a portion of the same premises conveyed to the Grantors herein by Deed dated September 24. 1993 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on September 24. 1993 in Liber 11645 at Page 656. Together with all right, title and interest. if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; Page 1 of 2 Pages .~ ~A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Hamlet of Mattituck. Town of Southold. County of Suffolk, State of New York: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Aldrich Lane at the northeasterly corner of land of Bakowski; RUNNING THENCE along said land two courses: l. South 78 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds West. 282.40 feet; thence 2. South 79 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West, 279.81 feet; THENCE continuing along land of Bakowski and along land of Nedoszytko South 19 degrees. 43 minutes 00 seconds East, 659.71 feet; THENCE continuing along land of Nedoszytko and along land of Lebkuecher South 20 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds East. 940.64 feet; THENCE continuing along land of Lebkuecher three courses: l. South 77 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds West. 176.78 feet; thence 2. South 76 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds West, 297.80 feet; thence 3. South 77 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West. 130.34 feet; THENCE continuing along land of Lebkuecher and along land of Cain South 73 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds West, 366.18 feet to land now or formerly of Fanning Estates; THENCE along said land North 19 degrees 47 minutes 10 seconds West. 1,269.83 feet to land of Big E; THENCE along said land North 19 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West, 388.21 feet to Plot 0; THENCE along Plot D North 71 degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds East 1.523.20 feet to Aldrich Lane; THENCE along Aldrich Lane South 18 degrees 25 minutes 20 seconds East 200.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Containing 39.349 acres. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: SeTH *1000-120.00-03.00-011.012 Schedule A - Page 1 of 1 Pages 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument I DEEDS/DDD Number of Pagesl 4 TRANSFBR TAX HUMBER: 02-47119 Recorded. Atl LIBBR: PAGB: 07/15/2003 03125105 PM D00012261 269 District I 1000 Section: Block: 120.00 03.00 BXAIIIHBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 011.012 Deed AmoI.lD t I Received the Following Fees For Above In.trument Exempt NO Handling NO HYS SURCSG NO lA-STATZ NO Cert.Copies NO SCTM NO Camm.Pres Fee. Paid $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 $5.00 $15.00 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $127.00 B,Y""Ilpt NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/Piling COB IA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax TRAHSI'BR TAX HUMBER: 02-47119 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRtlMBNT Edward P.Romaine COl.IDty Clerk, Suffolk COl.IDty ~2 , Numhcr of pages "-- RECORDED 2003 Jul 15 03.25.0:; P" E_rd P.Room.I.... ClERK OF SlEFOl.K COUNN L D00012261 P 269 DTtI 02-47119 TOIlRF.NS Seril.llN Certific3t~ II . l"'ior Of. II l)eed J MnrlQugc InsrnmlCnl I'lced I MurtgAge Tnx FEllS Itee-ardin&:. I Filing Slall1l.:; .1 Handling I~- 4_ '$'_ MorlWl,G,c AmI. "age I Filing Fcc I. Basic Tax T/'-584 2. Addition." Tux IU'.T.S.A. If 5D :30= SllbTolol Nolsliml [;A.52 17 (CUUIllY) I!A-5217 {lOll".,' Sub Totol ~1/ SlleclAssi!. (I, SI'...c.I,\d~. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual TowlI_Dual CUlInly_ Held for ^llpol1ionDlcnl ~ T1iI1I51i.wTnx ~, Mansioll T::IX 11lc flRl('tCl1y cuven:d by this murlgaau is',;, will be improved by u un.: CoIf Iwo fall1ily .Jwelling only. YES urNl~_ If NO. see appropriale lax cl~use on pllgu " _oflhis illslnlllwlIl. Camlll. of Ed. 5 <22- Anid:lvit Certified Copy ./ SuhTolol 100 _ GIlANDT01'AI.~cS ltenll'rnl'cny Tax Service Agellcy Verilialli... l)i!Cl. Sr.r.1 inn R luck I~ Ileg. Cupy Othcor 1..01 Community Preservation Fllnd -D- S-C"l.- StAmp 0302~ 1000 12000 0300 011012 Dille' 1IIIInt1vetl 3 SatisJhclfOllslDischnrgcslH.cleascs ""roper1}' Owners Mailing Aclllros. RECOltP & ImTUllN TU: Jay P. Quartararo, Esq. ToIcmey, Latham, Shea " Kelley, LLP JJ west Second Street P.O. Box 9396 Riverhead, _ York 11901-9396 VllC'allll.Dnd~_ If) 1'1) TD TD Initiuls u Tille COlllpany Inrlll"lJlllliclII 'I Co. NUllle Tille 11 Suffolk County Recordin r & Endorsement Pa e on,;. (XlllO fOI~l1S 1""1 ofl"e allac".... ~\..>",I-....\A;.~ ""-,..4,. _ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS"lm IMENT) "'bile by: rei ~ft"\ ,~..,.. ~~"'J?'- The pt"emisc:s herein is silmh:d in SUFFOlK Cour-ITY. NEW YORK. ~~......'MA.~<:'J ~ hb Il1lhoTownshipof .~l~ IlIth,: VILLAGE orl-1AMLfiTof ~~i.h.C"k UoXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN IJI.ACK INK ONLY 1'lUOR TO ReCORDING OR FJI..lNCi. TO - . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:// or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWlS Code ?',,<;?,'11 . t:.1 r. .-. :., -' I '5 I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT re. . ,,_ oil " .1 '-' "- ~I~- ' Rf'.$217 R~,-.'o/91 STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES C2. Date Deed Recorded r C3. Book I .-,' d,. CZ PROPERTY INFORMATION 1 '":'1 ./so-IOr I Mon-6: Day Year ,;' I )"'Q h. .. I C4. Page k;,' RP - 5217 ,. r::::~ I ~:k. STREET NUMBEA ~d-\c.'" U\~ S'ffiEETNAAlE .="",~ci. CITVORT N I ~ \'!.lliY" "- VILlAGE I \"'~ llF'CODE 2. Buy., Name I~.~ NA E/COMMNY ~~ 1>'6 'rib ~ ~ ;::;rl;. iu'tu...",.,\"\::.;1 LASTNAME/COMPANV FIRSTNAM[ 3. Tax Indicate where f"lufe Tax Bills arB to be senl ~ Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I ~ Address ~MPANY - ~- 1~~L~\"t"\ \C I ';rT"' FIRST NAME TREeTNU HI.ANOSTREETNAM CfTY OR TOWN 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed \ # of Parcels DR 0 Part of II Parcel IDnly if Part of a Parcell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with SubdivisiOf'l Authority Exists 0 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 0 .<<:. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Milp Provided 0 5. Deed I X I Property Size fRONT fEET .. Seller I~~"" Namlt LAST NAMI: I COMPANY lOR I .~9.'{~1 . , DEPTH I ~~ ~~ \J.:). ;rT"' m~STNAME ) ~AST NAM~ I COMMNY FIRSTNM'lE 7. Cheek the box below whieh most socurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. OWMrs"jp Type if; Condominium 9. New Construction on V3cant Land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 10B. 8uyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property ill in M Agricultural District o o o o A~ One Family Residential 8 2 or3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land o Non.Residential Vacantl,md ~~ Agricultural Commercial Apartment Entertainment/Amusement I ~ Community Service .T Industrial K PublicSarvice L Forest SALE INFORMATION 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Aulated Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Ti!lxable Status ami Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify' Below) None n. Sale Contraet Date MOIlth I~"'"' Year 0., IQ I nlD I ~ M"nlh D', Year 12. Date of Sale I Transfer , ,('\0,01 , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal propeny. This payment may be in the form of cash, other propeny or goods. or the assumption ot mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 13. Full Sale Ptice ~ )\\-...'A\.rn."i'Y,,~ ; ; ,a~ 0,0 I ~ r'""'-,...;<:.\",~'c~) ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 1", Indicate the value of personal I property Included in the sale 16. Ve~r of Assessment Roll from I D..~ I Total Ass_d Value (of all parcels in transfer) J which Information taken 17. , C:;'&Clt'l , 18. PtopertyClass I J ,Q~ I-U 19. School District Nilme l%'t'J,~\.r~ 20. Tax Map Iduntifler(s} / Rollldentiflerls} {If more than four, attach sheet with additional identifier{sU 1\i"N".. '~.N"\. ~-:>, f"'I:'.- N\.l'I\~ CERTIFICATION I certify that aU of the items of infonnation entered on this rorm are trut: IlDd correct (10 the be>t of my knowledge II.nd belief) and I understand that the m:,akinf..\ or llny willful rll.b:e $~tcmcnt of material fact herein will subject me to the Dn;tvisions of the ))Cnal Il:Iw relath-e to the making lInd OllnR or raise instrunu.'nls. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~~:0uL eU'r'ERSIQN....TURE - Qt.,p,.~~~~ LAST NAME '^~ 1 ::r:~c, "Sn-61~ THEPHONENUAAaER la~) ARACODE STREETIIlUMElER STREET NA"'E lAFTERSALEI CITY OR TOWill STATe <1;IPCOOE r-, . " (><$ \~U.t.R_~' ;Uf\( SEllER NEW YORK STATE COPY .-1 'h-I)! ~_~ b '-. OIlTE ""