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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12429 P 721 :- 'f24Z9 p 72 \ .DEED . DEVELOP~:NT RIGHTS ( ~ f:~.. THIS INDENTURE. made the ").,jt" day of 1- c....l....Y'" ,200S J S[~3p4~j4 . I p3) BElWEEN FRANCO PURIT A ulkJu FRANK PURITA AND CLAUDIA PURITA. ns IenunlS by the entimy. ","iding all9995 Soundview Avenuc. Soulhold, New York 11971. PARTY OF THE FIRST PART. AND Ihe COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. u munieipaleorpol'alion or lbe S\aIc of New York. huving ilS principal office allbe Suffolk County Center. Center Drive. Riverhead. New York 11901. PARTY OF THE SEcOND PART, WITNESSETH. LhuII"" PARTY OF THE FIRST PART. in considerulion of SIX HUNDRED ELEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR und 901100 DOUARS ($611.364.90) und olher good and valuable conaidenUion paid by the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART. DOES HEREBY GRANT AND RELEASE unlo lbe PARTY OF THE SECOND PART. the successors and assigns of the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART forover. THE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS. by which is meanl the pcnnanent legal inlercsL and righl. as authorized by 1247 oflbe New York Slate General Municipal Law. as amended. and Locul Law 16-1981 of the CounlY of SUrrolk,lIlIllIIICIIdcd. to permil. ""Iuire or reslrietlbe use of Ihe premises exclusively for agrieullural production asLhllllerm is defined in Local Law 16-1981 of the CounlY of Suffolk, as umcnded, and !he righllO preserve open apuce lIS llull lerm ia defined in 1247 of Ihe New York Slate General Municipal Law, as amended. and lhe righllO prohibil or realricllhe use of the premises for uny purpose other than ugrieullural produclion. 10 !he propcny described as followa: ALL thal piece or p.rcel of lund, ailu8led in !he Town of Southold, Counly of Suffolk. und SIaIe of New York. more punieulurly bounded and described lIS follows: (see de..:riplion annexed hereto and made u pan hereof): BEING AND INTENDED 10 be pan of lhe same premises conveyed 10 Puny of Ihe First p..n by deed daled March 23.2005 from Albina C. Sawicki. Individually and ns Excculri. of the Estale of Waller Sawicki. deceused. und reeonlcd March 28. 200S in Libcr 12378 at Page 970. Said premises are known and designuted as District 1000, Section OS LOll. Block 03.00. p.n of LoI 004.007. f/klu 004.003 TO HA VF. AND TO HOLD !he suid DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS in lhe premises herein grunted unlO the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART. ils SUCCCSSOl'l and assigns. forever: AND lhe PARTY OF THE FIRST PART CovenanlS thalthe PARTY OF THE FIRST PART has nOl done: or aurrered anything whereby the suid premises have been encumbered in uny way whatever, e.cePI.s .forosaid. The PARTY OF THE FIRST PART. as a covenanllllnninll with ,he land in pcrpclui'y. funher eDvenDOIS and agreea for lhe PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, and the hein, legal n:prcscnlali_, SIIcc~ssors and assigns of the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART. 10 use of the premises on and afier lhe date of this instlllrnenl solely for Ihe purpose of agricultural production. THE development righlS conveyed herein are subject to !he funher terms and provisions us set fonh in a cenain eon'rocl of sule between tho PARTIES herelo dated MaR.'h 21. 2003 us the same is inlended 10 be ri:c:onlCd immediately prior 10 Ihia Deed in !he office of !he Suffolk Counly clerk. portions of whieh lIS conlained thorCin have and will survive. lhe delivcry of Ihis inalNment of conveyance. THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART. hs heirs. assigns and/or pony or punies in lawful possession of !he premises SUbjecllO thi. deed of developmenl rights. pursUDOIID I...... license. or other ummgemenl. covenunts and ....... IbBl il will not remove any soil from !he premises described herein. A purpose of thi. acquisition i. 10 proICCI IOplIOiI by limiting non-agrieuhural production uses of the land. The lopsoil present on !he premises .'IM.. ,..?:- . ",-, \ ." ADVANTAGE TITLE AGENCY, INC. Dtle No. 03-AS-28225, (7462) SCHEDULE A " AmeDdecl December n, 2005 _ PARCEL I . 51-3- 4.13 ALL that certain plot, piece 01' parcel ofland, situalo, lyins and beiq at Southold. in the Town of Soulhold, County ofSufTolk and State of New York, bolllldcd IDd described IS followr. " COMMENClNO at a point in tbe Northerly lina oCNonh Road (CoR. 27) Whh same is intersected by the Southwest comer of'1and now or formerly of Jolm ancIIOl1!1 C. Cal1ahao; RUNNING THENCE North 3 desrees S6 minutes 30 &eCoIJcb EIIt, 170.00 feet to the point 01' place of IrUc beginning; fl1 . . THENCE 1i'om said point oflrue besitmiaa NorIh 86 degma 03 minutes 30 ""'""Ddl West, 1 92.09 f'eet to land shown on "Propcny ofCbardonaay Woods at Sou!,bold" which,map \VIII filed' on Septmnber 28, 1989 as Map NJllllber 8822; THENCE along said last mentioned land NorIh 1 degne 33 minutes 10 SIlCODClI But, 739.06 f~; , THENCE South 88 degrees 26 minutes 50 secondl East, 175.00 feet; TIlENCE: South 1 degree 33 minules 10 seconds West, 291.00 feet; THENCE South 23 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds But, 178.23 feet; THENCE South 3 degrees 56 minutes 30 ~.,. West, 296.16 feet; THENCE North 86 de~ 03 minatea 30 leconds West, 4S feet to die polm 01' place of BEOINNlNO. . ,I , - ., . . -:: " , ' '\ ADVANTAGE TITLE AGi;NCY,lNC. TIde No. 03-AS-28ZZ5 (7462) , S CHJtDULE A (eo8dB8ee1) , PARt'w.L II 51-3-4.14 ALL that certain plot. piec;c or P&n;el ofllllld,situate, lyiqg lIIId bein; at Southold. in the Town oC Southold, County ofSuB'olt and State of New York, bounded lIIId descn"bed II toUows: " BEGiNNING at a point in the SOlllhczoly line otSOUlld View Aveaue dilfaDt 1510 feet Easterly as mCBSUrlld al0D81l1lDe fi'om tbe Illtlrane BasterIy end of the an; of a curve which COIIIJec:ts!he Easter1r line ofCh,abUI Path 1!"ith tho SouthcrJy IiIlC ofSCl1IDd View AvcnUllj RUNNJNa TI!BNCE aloll8lhe Solllherly line of Sound View Avcnue the tollowiDs two (2) courses and diatancea: . . 1. South 70 degmss 30 minlllea 35 seconds Eut, 351.Sl2 feet; 2. South 82 degrees 14 minuiea 3S ICCOIldI But, 365.31 feet to land now or fonnedy DC Bettina Cailola; THENCE aloug lut me:ntioneci lIIId and land 18 8hown on "Map ofWildbeny Fields" Bled lune 21,2001 as Map NlIJI1ber 10641 South 2 desn=cs 15 nlinutel20 seconds Weat, 1630.56 feet; THENCE North 86 dCJreea O~ minulea 30 ICCOIICb W~ 50.56 feet; TIlBNCE North 2 desrcee 15 minutes 20 seconds Bur, 202.91 feet; THENc.e North 86 degrees 03 minutClll30 -"'"OIICb Weal, 373.56 feet: llfENCB North 3 c1esn:ea 56 miDulel30 aecouifs But, I0c5.94l8et; nmNCE North 2J c1esreea 03 minutes 30, secoDds Weal, 178.56 feet: THENCE North I desrce 33 mlDutas 10 Itlr-onda East. 531.31 feet; THENCE North 88 degree. 26 minutea 50 ,seconds Weat, 15.00 feet; ~ . 4" " ADVANTAGE TI1LE AGENCY, INC. TIde No. 03...u-ZIl225 (7462) S eRE D U L 2 A (coati.Ded) THENCB North 1 degree 33 minutelllO .-</n", East, 213.87 feet; THENCB North 88 degef/$ 26 minutes 50 8ec:OIIds WCSI, 174.31 feet; THENCB North I degree 48 minutc.l56 sccondI East, 543.37 fi,et to tit!: Southerly lin!: afSound View Avenue, the.poim or place ofBBGlNNniG. EXCEPTJNO &om said PlIl1:e.I II tho following ~ pt8II1ilel: 5' t ~ '3. -4, (;z. ALL that certain plot. pi=: or Pll1:eJ of IaDd, liluate, lyiDl and beiDa at Southold, Town of Southold. County ofSu1fo~ and State of New Yodl: bems bounded and dacribcd .. foJIoWII: BEGINNING at a point distant the fo11owi1ll COlllBCS and diItanco. ~ the mttr=le !uIedy eDd of the arc ofa curve which connects the: Easterly line of Chablis Path with lbe Southerly line o(Sound View Avenue; . . '. " l. South 70 degr=s 30 min~ 3' seconds East, 541.92 feet; 2. South 19 degrees 29 minutes 2S ser........ WCSI, 60 feet ID lhe true point or place of . beginning; RUNNING THENCB from IlIid point or place ofbegimUug. South 19 desrees 29 mmutel25 ~ West, 65.00 feet; lHENCE North 70 decrees 30 miDutel3.5 ""eondl WClIt, 148.68 feet; . lHENCE North 19 degrea 29 minutes 25 IllCoIIds But, 65.00 feet; THENCE South 70 desrecs 30 minutllS 35 HCOnds East, 148.68 feet to the point or pllce of .BEGINNJNO. . .' 11I11111111111111111111111111111111I 111111111111111111 StJPPOLlt COmITY CLBRlt RECORDS OPPleB RECORDING PMB Type of Instrument: DEBDS/DDD Number of Page.: 8 Receipt NUmber : 06-0002523 TRANSPBR TAX NONBBR: 05-22559 Recordecl: Ata 01/10/2006 11:00:07 AM LIBBR: PMB: D00012429 721 District. 1000 Section: Block: 051.00 03.00 BXAMJ:NBD AND CllUGBD AS J'OLLOWS $611,364.90 Lot: 004.008 Deed Amount. Received the Following Pee8 Por Above In8trument Bxlllllpt Bxlllllpt Page/Piling $0.00 YBS RlUldling $0.00 DS COB $0.00 YES NYS SRCHG $0.00 YES SA-CTY $0.00 DS SA-STATB $0.00 YES TP-584 $0.00 YBS Cert.Copie. $0.00 YES RP'l' $0.00 YES SC'l'II $0.00 YBS TrlUl8fer t.-x $0.00 YES COIIIID.Pre. $0.00 YBS :ree. Paid $0.00 TRANSPER TAX NUMBBR. 05-22559 'l'RIS PAGB IS A PART o:r 'l'RB IHS'l'ROMBNT 'l'RIS IS NOT A BILL