HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12440 P 830 DIST: 1000 SECT: 070.00 BLOCK: 05.00 LOT: 005.000 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED IY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, mada tha ~6 day ~ :::r;J (,,'1, 2005 BETWEEN GARY LAUBE. residing at 310 Ackerly Pond Lene, Southold, New York 11971 party of th. flrs, part. and GlRY LAUBE and MARGARET LAUBE, his wife, residing 8t,310 Ackerly Pon~ Lane, Southold. New York 11971 party of tha second part. WITNESSETH, that tha party 01 thellrst parl, In consideration of . NO CONSIDERATION dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and releaiti'untO th'epartYorih's"second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plol. place or parcel of lend. with the buildings and Improvements thereon ereeled. silUate. lying and being in the SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises 88 conveyed to the party of the first pert by Deed dated 12/24/99 and recorded 1/5/00 Ln LibeT 12011 page 7~) in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, State of ~ev York TOGETHER with all right, titla and inl.....t, W any. of the party of the first part In and 10 any streets and roads abutting the above described pramllses 10 the centar lines _f; TOG~R with the appurtenances and all the .state and rights of the party of tha first part In and 10 said pramtsas; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tha premises.herein granted unto.the party of the second part. the heirs or SUCCBB80rs and assigns of the party of the second part forever. . , ' AND the party or the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premlsss have been encumbered in any way whBtev., ex.cept as eforesaid. AND the party of tha flrst part. in compllence with 5actlon 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and wtll hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied flrst for tha purpose of paying tha cost of the Improvement and will apply tha same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall ba construed as W ~ read "partia." when ._ the sense of this Indenture so requIres. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of tha flrst part has duly executed this deed tha day and year flrst abo.. written. IN PRESENCE OF: Slandartl N,Y.B.T.ILI. Form 8002. Bargain WId s... Dnd. wilh Coven.nt...1 Gt8niot. Ada - Uniform Acknowledgment Fonn 3290 , 10-S-~ , LId- Lfl.f{) P 6' 3,0 TO 8E USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWlEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE S.... of New York, County 01 SIlFFOLK II: On Ibo ~bday of .f V c.. r In... y.- ~ yo bel"", mo, Iho undotoignod, penonaIly oppeanId , , GARY LAUBE _01)1 known 10 mo or proved 10 mo on ... boBlo of oollaloclory _ 10 be Iho Indlvlduol(o) whoH nomolo) .. (n) ...-bod 10 Iho _In.trument ond _lOOo<Iodgod 10 me lIlat hBfshelthey executed 111. same In hlalherllheir copoc:lty("'l, and Ihot by IUlIhoI1Ihelr Iignoturo(.) on Iho Instrument, Ihe Indlvldual(I), or the person upon behlllf of which the . I) 1ICted. executed InetrumBnL tf) n reandofftceof 51818 of New YOI1<, County of On Iho _ -'day of In Ibe yeo. beforw me:the undersigned., penlOnaly appeared pel'lOneIIy known 10 me or proved to me on the basis of ~ lIYidanco 10 be Iho Indlvlduol(.) whoM nomo(.) Is (e..) _bod 10 "'" wIIhIn inItrumonl end od<nowIodged 10 me that hellheIth8y executed the ume in hislherMeil copoc:I\y(loI), ond thol by hlan1or/lhoir .igOO....C.) on the _ont, tholn_~o). or Iho penon upon behaW of whid1 "'" IndlYtduol(o) 0_, _Iho Instrument. II: loIgllll1U.. ond ofIlce of IndMduaI18k1ng _odgmen.) --- -::==-- ~_...tJ:b" TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Stole (0. Olslrk:t of CoIumbio. Territory, or ForoJgn Counlly) of "' On the <loyof In the year before me. the undelllgned. personally appeared peroonaJly known 10 mo or proved 10 me on Iho bolls of HIIoIocIory _ 10 be "'" 1ndIYtd00Il') whose nomoC') I. Co..) su_d 10 Iho within InItrumenlond ocl,"owtodgod 10 me Ihot hoIohoIIhoy ~ Iho Hme In hlo/hol1lholr copocIty(IoI), ond that by hillh.,./lheir Ilgnalw8(a) on the insIMnBnt. the IndMdUBl(I), or the peraon upon behadf of which the Indtvldual(s) acted. executed the Instrument, and that such Individual mea such appearance before the underalgned In the (Insor1lho CIly or ather poIflcol lubdMsIon) In (and Insert the StIle or Country or oUMw pl8C81he ackncMtedgm8nt was taken) IllIgnolUlO and olIIc:o of IndiYlduolloklng ocknowlodgmonl) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TllloNo. DIST: 1000 SECTION 070.00 BLOCK 05.00 LOT 005.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk Co. STREET ADDRESS CARY LAUBE "0 (;ARY LAUBIl ANO MARGARET LAUBE ~nfed 01 Requesl of COMMONWEALTH lAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY I T STANDARDFDRMOP' NlWYORK IIOMD Of' muUNDlllWRRBlS ~by o Common~';,~,!!t'.,,,...,,, Joseph W. MeHeffey. Esq. 43 Montauk Highway Center Mo~iches. NY 11934 C~'WIALTHl.AM)nrul~COMPANY a S ~ z I l'l w w ~ g . i ~ i w ; '. .,J'. '" .~J / / --.", "SCHEDULE A" All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded as follows: . BEGINNING at a point on the Northerly side of Ackerly Pond Lane (Bowery Lane) distant 167.91 feet Westerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the Westerly side of Main (State) Rod with the Northerly side of Ackerly Pond Lane; RUNNING THENCE along the Northerly side of Ackerly Pond Lane the following thr~'C (3) courses and distances: I. South 75 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West 46.45 fect; 2. South 81 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds West 104.74 feel; 3. North 86 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds West 89.26 fectto the land of Bolenius; RUNNING THENCE along land of Bolenius North 6 degrees \3 minutes 30 seconds West 150.22 f~'Ct to land of Louis Baker; RUNNING THENCE along land of Louis Baker South 80 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East 257.32 fect to land of Latham; RUNNING THENCE along land of Latham South 0 deg~s 00 minutes 30 seconds East 87.42 feel to the point or place of BEGINNING. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:// www.orps."BtB.nv.u1 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 14,7,3,'1.P:71 CZ.DM._____ ~~,/~b,&~ cz._ I /,:J..'../~ C4._1 K.'3 , PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR COUNTY USE ONl V Cl. SWIS Code .lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE Of NEW YOM STATE BOAII) OF MAL I'RDPUrYY IEIMCEI RP - 5217 IIJ'.Il,n_~ Sou thold Ac:~~Pond Lane. Southold. Nev York 11971 Southold, Hew York np71 ..- 1,=1 310 11l1li1__ cnv~_ z...... - I.a.ube Gary -.... lMf_,CllMI'l\III'I' Laube LAlr_,tOWW<< Margaret -,- LT. JndIc-.whItofutureT......eobl...... I _"II ifolhlrlhllnl:lUywdi...e.1bo1101nolfDml) ...... LAI'INMII!fCOWllNV .._'__.TllU.r~ ""',,- 4.~"","""aI~ ..... percell ~ on the dMd II .otPlrals OR D PIInof.P.rceI . Dood - - 0-7/1 - Gary I X I ..... 1001 '~PI!ET Laube .- - LAlI_'~ -- """-_lr:l1IM'Ntf .-.- 1. a.......... ...... wtl~...... .-...., d..... dM _.. 1M ........,. 1M dine III... A~""Foml1y_ E~_. ~Cam~""'_ R 20l3FlftlilwRelidlnlill F ~ J Indlmb'\Id C R......w YIDm l8nd G ~ Public s.- D ~v.c.ntUnd II ~JAIIluIImInI L FCdIl SALE INFORMATION ".....contr8Ct~ N~I.l'~ .~5- 1,:2fp ,D!:> I IiIolIIl 01, ,.. a..- _.. _.. "-.................. to ~ SIIII BetwMn ~ or Fomw IWatIww s...1IIwNn....... CompMln or"'mw. in 8UIineM One fill the Buren III11D . Bel.. 8uyar CII' SoIIor II GcMlmrNnl Agancy or l..end#Ig IIIItiMign DDod Typo not WlrraNy or Bl;rgaln IIld SIIII n;p.dIY BeIoM S. 01 frKtianIl or a... than Foe 1nUlr.. ISpadlv BefowI SigrIIfIcMt 0uI19 1" PropDny e.-n TPIibID Saaw..xI s... OM_ &.1101 BuIl-. II IncludDdln lWtPrice Qher Un......." FKIDnI AlrKting s.Io Prica ISpodfy BekM'1 .... '2. o.ttI of....' T""", VM' 11Fu1.......... ; -0-; ~O.OI (Full SaIl fi'riCIllllle IOUII_m peicl fort'- prul*tY Including ~I pupmy. ThiI~"- _"'1M rormdonh,orher~orgoodL D1''''~ DI lI'IOf1",,"ar~GtIIigIIionI.) ",...rourwIron/lHl'llf.,.daIIM.-nount ,4.......................... I . -.r():- .0.0 I ......,.........11\.... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DItI should r,11ect the I... Final ~ Roll n Tax Bill ,.. ::"of,=-'::hm I (). 5i n. T.... ___ v... 'of ..............., I ,1.,""*,,,QnI ~ ( .Ol-LJ ,........__1 ~nPtrr.-D lD. T_ MIp"""'" I ............... . __........... .......... wtth ......... ~'IIJ 1000; 070.00; 05.00; 005.000 ,....... IT"''' ..- lOnIr......fIf..--.a.dI.tMr-..lf': u.........IIoIrdIllUhSUIdvlllon~ExiIa; 0 ..SutIcIiwIIIkIIIApprowol.........ndkK,.....,. 0 c....... ~ for Subc:lvillon wiltl MIp Pftwidm D - QIMIIIItIe........... _ tMyllpPlv: I. 0wIwshIp TVPlII Condaminiurn .. New COnIauaIon on v.... I.And 1M."""" l.-d...... AgricuIIur-' DiIlricI ..&&.,..~.cIIcIDM'IlIDIicIlfIIIcaIitcI 1hII_prqIIftYllll'ill'l~DiIIria o o o o , ~~fJ(:) , , I CERTIFICATION I I ftI'tII'J .....lII1oldllllnm~...................... ~r.m~I...._ ftNTId lID"''''' tI..,- __..MIl bIIIII)_............lhaIlhr....... ",...y....... laIR _~ fA..wIIIlKt benta w111l111d1d _10 1bt IIr1I\'WaaJ, rllhr __ Ia. nJadHo 10 tI>> 1IIIIlILIaa" .. 1'1............... .IJln!! BlJYER"S ATTORNEY HcHeffey ~- 310 Lane 631 -- .,.n _II srur.r"''''''''''''1WJI1 Southold NY LrRi: 11971 ..- I '"1\ri..tD I DC) Joseph w. -,.... 878-1373 -~ NEW YORK STATE COPY Number of pages TORRENS S.:ri.al# Cenificatc'# Prior Of. # Deed I Mortgage Inmumcnt Oo:t:d / Mongol:<' Tax Stamp I'EES 3 Page I Filing Fee Handling /)- TP-584 5. J!!L -~- NOlll.tion EA-52 17IC"un'y) = t= EA-5217lStatel ~__ R.P.T.S.A. j'() - Suh '1'...1 7J Comm. of Ed. _---2: J!!L Affidavit . It> - ~C~ _..s'_ NYS Surcharge _~ J!!L Other Suh 'n..1 /.YJ (;1 rL-.. Gr,lIId TOla) ...... Real Propcny Tax Service Agency Vcrificatit\n -....,.. " O~7 1000 ~~ 07000 0500 005000 6 StuisfBC'lionRIDischargrsIReleases L.iSl Pmperty Owners Mailing Addra;s R.ECORD" RETU1lN TO: ~h Lo. NJie(~~ WQ. l{.::' m d1'\..H1D t.. ttw(j CenwrNOflcNS n~ \I~3iJ 7 RECORl>EI) 2C06 Mar 1602:08:20 PI1 Jud:;. th A. P.ascal9' ClERK (F SlFFOlJ( ro..NTY L 000012440 PB3C ~n 05-,1202 Rccordiog /Piling Suunl'" Mongoge AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional TIlX SuhTl)la) Spec/Asliit. 0.- Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dulll Town _ Dual County Held fur AppoinunelM TlllllSrerT..\ -&- Mansion Tax The property covered hy this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. s<< appropriare la.t L':lau5C on page 41 _ of this in5tllUment. s eo_UDity Pruerntloa Faad Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ lr Imrn~ Vacanl Land TO TO TO /} , Suffolk Count & Endorsement Pa e Thi:s page forms part of Ihe allW:~ oar\) b be... (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) madt: by: 1'tre premises herein is situalcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. 10 the TllWnship or ~'S{)ll '-h {) \ d 10 'Ik: VILLAGE llf HAMLET llf -SO Ii thoki PEl> OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. (over) 1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of :Instrument. DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber : 06-0026634 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-31282 Recorded: At: 03/16/2006 02.08.20 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012440 830 District: 1000 Section: 070.00 BXAM:INED AND $0.00 Block. 05.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 005.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above :Instrument Bxonqpt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SReaG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO D.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Camm.Pres $0.00 NO Fee. Paid $157.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-31282 TH:IS PAGB :IS A PART OF THE :INSTRUMENT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County