HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 7 L 12Y II r co 7' (If. (\ 1P . I;<O-3-g.11 .5tuIQi~ 2.5. 1"./4'1D BARGAIN "SALt: DEED THIS INDENTURE, made Ibis 3cI day of ~. in the year Two Thousand Five BETWEEN FREDERICK W. KUMP" MARGARET H. KUMP. boa. reaidilll al 770 HarY.t..... MaUllull, New York 11951 l.. _ ~ J( ~.\<... Party of the First Put fill' WI'C. 1~ 1( .)A VID'. SCIACCHIT ANO'" CYNTHIA SCIACCHITANo" IJoIh .....iag at 240 Doooa Drive, -MaUltuek, New York 11951 f)fsr /t)(J 0 5 e c... 1.1 (). otU BLk... U.6. l(IJ Lo., Party of the Second Put WITNESSETH. that the party of lho lirst part, in considclBlion of Ten DoIIlus and odtcr valuable considcralion paid by the party of the SllCOIKI part. cIom hereby grant and release unto the part of the second part. the heirs or successors ani! assigns of the party of the second part forever. SEE SCHEDUI.E "A" ANNEXED HERETO. Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the grantors herein by Deed dated IM197 and recorded 10120/97 in Liller t 1857 page 782. TOGETHER with all right, title and intercsl, if any. of the party of the first part in and to any _ and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER wilb the appuJtI:nanccs and all the _ and rishts of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO IIA VE AND TO 1I0LD Ib.. promiscs herein granted unto the party of the llCC(md part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND Ibe party ofthc lirst part covenants that the party oflho first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatcvc:r. eKeept as aforesaid. AND the party of the lirst part. in compliance with Seclioo 13 of the Lien Law. covenants thallho party of the first part will receive the consideration for Ibis conveyanc:e and will hold the right to receive such considelBlion as a trust fund to be applied rarsl for the PUIJlOlC of paying lho cost of the improvement and will apply the same lil'Slto the payment oflho cost of the improvement before using any part of the lotsl of the same for any other purpose. . The word "party" shall be constnJcd as if it 10 read "partics" whenever the 5CIlSC of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. !he party of the first part has duly executed. this deed lIIe day and year first above writlen. . ,.... . tv g. "'1 .. PD--CB 01': o..---r--- ~~ ~W.~~1 ~.I!~', /..~B.~ . \; , Stewart Title Insurance Company Till. No: 25-8-1490 Schedule A Description ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mallituek. in the Town of Soulhold. County of SulTolk and SlBte "fNew York, kno'lll'l1 and designated lIS Lot No.9 as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map ofFannvcu Associates" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on September I, 1989 as Map No. 8808, being bounded and described according to said map as follows: BEGINNING at a point on !he northerly side of Harvest Way a tie line distance of 420.00 feet easll:rly from the extreme easterly end of the arc of a curve which connects the easterly side of Aldrich Lane with the northerly side of Harvest Way; said point also being where the division line between Lot No. 8 and Lot No. 9 on the aforesaid map intersects the northerly side of Harvest Way; RL"NNING THENCE along said division line between Lot No.8 and Lot No.9 North 19 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds West, 320.00; THENCE North 70 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds East, 125.00 feet; THENCE South 19 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East, 320.00 feet to the northerly side of Harvest Way; THENCE ~ong the northerly side of Harvest Way, South 70 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds West, 125.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part, in and to the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said premises. . Stale ofNcw York County ofSufTolk On the 30 day of ~~ in the year 2005 before me, the WJdersigned, N8~ Pulllill iR.II fer llill SlIite, personally lIpJlClIRld FREDERICK W. KUMP '" . MARGARET H. KUMP pcnonaI/y known to me or proved to me on the basis of salisfBCtOfY evidence to be the individual whose IIIIIJIC is subscribed to the within instrwneDt lIIId acknowledged to me 1hIIt he executed the S8IIlC in bis c:apacity,lIIId that by his signature on the instrument, the individuals, or the penIOII upon behalf of whic:h the individual BCtcd, executed thei~~ ~ N~ Public ACbI'! ~ tw" "off. tto\fIN~'~~D"\ ~~:-\1.iO~ ~.,...-- .1 J . MIlSoAJIatl WIdI c_.... ApI_ Gl'IIdDn AdII '. " See 120.00 Block: 03.00 Lot: 008.011 ~1lIt 25S.J4qo -_lC.-=-==- County or Town ofSouthold - Retum By Mail To: SCOTT DESIMONE PO BOX 233 PECONIC, NY 11958 I' ,. . '-- - , ., .' Seri.11I RECllRDED 2005 Sep 23 10142147 AI'! Edward p, RclIIine ClERK OF SUFFllJ( COUNTY' L 000012411 P 007 Dr. 0!Hl8043 Number Dfpages TORRENS Ceninco.c II Prior or. /I Deed , Mortpgo In.lrumonl Dccd , Mort.... Tox SlIIIlJI . FBES Recordi... , FiJinl Starn... 4 Pap: , Filing Fee l~ , ~ , J MDdpse AmI. ""ndUnl TP-SB4 RP.T.S.A, , .2 _ Sub TDtal 15 :tT 'J? , I. Bulc'f1!x 2. Addilionll TIX Sub TDIBI NOllliDn EA-S2 17 (Cuun~ EA-S211 (SI~ OIhcr /6 Sub TOlII ./JJ J.j:J.- SpecJAaII. Or spec: ,Add. TOT..M:I'O. TAX DualTDwn Dual County_ Held fDr Appurtiunmont _ TranlrerTax 1~6l)- MwlDrl Tox The property CDVCrad by this laortpso is Dr will be imprDved by a Dno Dr IWD ram i1y dwellinlDnly. YES Dr NO IfNO,.ee approprill. lax clau.. DII P"o II _Drlhi.1111Inlmenl. Cumm, or Ed. S <HL- Affidavit Cenificd Copy . Reg. Copy GRAND TOTAL (i) CPF Tax Due 5 Real Property Tax Service Agency Veri6caJian DilL Section B loct Lot 6 Communi Slomp , . Dole (j) Vacant Land 1m; . TO TO TO Initials 1 SDlisfDclion'"""'''"DIII''''''''''llIIllllll lolli rropeny uwnen Milling Add RICORD .. RETURN 'to: Scdt .DeS'~'1t. .E% Ifl1go ~ 25 . lkc'dllC. N~. illig I Title Company Information Co. Nlm. C. 11t10" .. 9 Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa Imt (SPEaFY TYPEOF' INSlRUMENT) madl by: This pIIgc fonns part of lhe attached ~c.t W'o KU'jfiv.. . . . ~4fl:f- ~ - TO In the Township of . Duua. ~a:. . I In the VILLAGE' '~d-.,it7k}o or~of . BOXES' ~ MUST.. ~ ~P8INI1!D IN BUICK ''\K au.,..,. 10 IlIlOOIlDINOOR AUN<l llle premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK OOUNIY, NBWYORK. &>~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIII III ~IIIIII 1111111111111 StJI'POLK: COUNTY CLBRlt RBCORDS OI'I'ICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of In.trum8Dt. DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0100098 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBSR: 05-08043 .ecorded. At. 09/23/2005 10.42.67 AJI LIBSR: PAGB: D00012411 007 Deed Amount. Section. 120.00 BXAIIIIlBD ARD $465,000.00 Block. 03.00 CIIAJlGBD AS Lot. 008.011 District. 1000 FOLLOWS Recsived the I'ollowing I'ae. I'or Above In.t~t .....'""<Ipt Exempt Page/I'iling $12.00 NO Kandling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCKG $15.00 NO BA- C'1'Y $5.00 NO BA-STA'l'B $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $1,860.00 NO CaIIIaI.Pre. $&,300.00 NO I'ee. Paid $8,312.00 TRANSI'ER TAX NUHBBR. 05-08043 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' TJIIIi INSTRlJIIIDlT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward. P. Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . . .. . -. . m" PLEAsE TYPE OR PRESS I'iRMLYWHEN WRitiNG ON FORM. INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.llllte.ny.usorPHONEI5181473.72222S.S.ILf.lD . FO:~::V = ONLY' tt.{: 7 ~ (8, '71 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT * srAlEOF_YOM !1- .? ..3 AI1~ . srAlE - U. MALIlIIlIPEIITY lII!IMCEI cz.__R..._ 1 I ~ 1(7' ~ ".., v., RP - 5217 CI._ Lj.,...cllf, ./, IIC4.p_ /.tl \0-.' ....,,,__ PROPEIl'TY INFOlU.oAllON . 1._1 "'1'"10 I J./nNtp,,/ ~ .,-,-- dltL,:.A~e;. OrYClRl1MN 1.0", e 2._ - 5r1.i:Fc. ;",'t-an() 1M' I Sr~ (! ~ I" ; f(l/ld .- , y ...... ....t'i.JJt,.,/ oS' _~;J i1I1,"a.- 1 1 II'1S.;l. I ZPcalI a. Ta 1rdma8 wt... fuIuN Tu .... MIlD be IDIII 1 _no ._"nbuyor_lM_al_. - UIIT......I~' -,- SIl..r"-"Ah:.I'I~'~ ClTYOIt"'Ollf'll L "af Pan:all: OR D Part af . Pucal I ,4.". lOnIV._al.__...._ "' CODP 4. 1ndIaIe.. number tJI "'--_....d ...-..-.......- :~, '%:' - .- IA..Cc'1k ""'"' 1 0111 'ALtlI. : o ......L---Mlan~I_Raquqd...T...r. 0 ~ c._.....-....__............. 0 .denGi< W- 1 -,- f/M!/9Q rt!:1l- II. -....----- .. 0wnerIhIp Type. Condominium .. New CoIIIInIcIian an V..-rtt L.InI 4A. PllnnInG bnI wId'I S.mdMllan AuIhorIty bIIII 1. aaecII the bow: below wIIkIllROl1'.......... ......... __ or 1M ,......n, . -... "'--= A~ ON '.mlly_1I1 H 2 or J Family RtIidInCiIl (: RoIidClntlll YICII'II. LInd o _d_ V..... Lind I SALE INFORMAllON I 11._--- E ~ ",rtr:ulwml I ~ Community__ F CDmrnllf'dlll J IndUltrbl o ._nt K Nllk_ II EnIerI.lnmenl/ Amu""'Ol'II L FDrIIt 'lOA. P\"apetIy l.DaIIDd wltNn 11'1 Agrll:Ulural DtIIrIct ... BuyIIr ...... ........ naIiIa 1ndiI:d,. ......_ ~ In ......-..,_ o o o o 11._....10/_ III'? /0)"'1 fIIOI'I:l DIr \'011' <( l.:b I ftJ v_ 1" CI-* _ _....... _ _"'IIL_ _....... to"""-': ..... "'" ^ B C I) Ii F o H I J __Ilol_..__ ... Bulweun fIaIIIId ComPl_ Of ....... in BuIi,.. Onl d m. Buv-ra I, 11m . s.l1Dr luyw or .... . Govomment AgInor Of a...dIng Ntitution Dood l'tPo naI w...onty ..1IoIpIn ond .... _ _ SoIoal F_.. LoA_ Foo _C'-_ 100000000nt QIongo in "'- _ T_ __ ond Solo lloIao _.._.InoI_In__ oa.. Un....1 F_ AIteoIlns _ PricoISllodfY .....1 No.. II. FIll _ ..... . tI ("r.O ,0 /) ,0, 0 1 , , . IFull1Wl Price ilIhI1GUI amount PIkI tor till property including pcIl..wt proporly. ThI. .,n- mIY be In the farm or.... odMr PI'OPIftY or DOOdL or 1h'lIIUmpdon of 1I'lOrtCI1I- or other obIlpt1on&) "--lDIIIIfIru tM 1MIn.'Wt .,.. doIIM ImOUIIL ,..-....-..- 1 0 0 I ___lIodw_ . ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dolo .hauld _Iha '- FiMI_monl Rail .nd T.. BIll ..._..a '-.--lll.,5 111.T...._V_CaI.._In_1 _L............._ A !.f13fl2.. , , .b.3,56, , II._aooo ,2./ " I-LJ ,1.___ 1 II. T..__I__III.....__.____w......IwI1 I/oO(}" I~ 'VlJ,. oa. oc,_ (fD~.(J1/ I I CERTlFlCAlION I ~ m1I'y ....... fIIlht....rlW.. . CDIrnd... ddI.... ,,'rut_ C'Wft'&1,In" .....,..., L . '_ ...1IIIefI............. ~ dill tbt......... .r.., ,,1Iftd......... riI.......... htftIn wII....... _In'" .n.bdi._"........... nIIIM..................,.... ...4l._.... !y!!!! BUYErs AnoRNEY _,S" /Jr 5, in CIYI r \M"""" See f7r '''INMIIt (,31 -.... 7 (..J" - ~s 3.s' ,................. 8t).thM- ........- l'ti "'ClllllI B!:lI!! 1-.1t! orA Iv 1<~ .......-- ----, <6 .3t>.~ NEW YORK STAT!:; COPY ....