HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12223 P 65 L e 12223 i( .. -. --~ (J 5-L/ - dl{.IL( Farm 8002 (9199\ - 20M - Barpla ad s.Ic. Deed. wldI eova.nu..-lut CJranIDn '\cUo--bIdlvidI.W Df c....... ...... (1iqIc sIIccQ ....MlLTYOUB-- ._~----............ J 'I'HI............,..a........-..........-_L,.. THIS INDENTURE, _the 28th BETWEEN . Arthur A~ Bar~one. res~ding at 141 Merritts Road, Farmingdale, New._York, 11735 day of October ,two thousand and two pany of the fint part, and Michael T. CliffQrd and Geral~lne H. Clifford, his wife, re8~~lng at 320 Millstone " Bro.ok Road, Sou.th~t.on~ New York, w-fi96If' I , :.1 party of the accond pall, WITNESSETH, that the pU.y of the 6.. pall, in c:oosi<Icmitm of.... doll.... and other voluablo considenWon poid by the pany of the accond pall, docs heleby JlIIIIlt and tdeIIx WIlD the pony of the sceond port, the heirs or IUCl:C05OlS Olld assipsorthepartyofthesceondpartf"orever, ~ 19~ ~.ei><.l<.r '/9 ., ALL III.. c:enain plot, pi;"" or porcel of land. with the builclinp ODd improvemeolS _0 ~ 1i....1e. lyinl one! being in the . Hamlet of Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Sutrolk and State of New York, known and !design81ed as Lot No. 21 on a certain map entitled .Subdivision Map of Laurel Links", filed in the I Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November 23,2001 as Map No, 10712, I . I BEING AND INTENDED TO BE pan of premises conveyed to the grantor herein by deed dated , DC\,ofOi.lob.... 1 C. Ze81, recorded o""D-........I:>_ ie, 2881. in Liber ~ Page ~ I '""/'0/001 ~O/..~ ~~ ~fl$" This conveyance is made in the regular course of business of the corporation and does not constitute all or substantially all of its assets. r I I I 'II TOGETHER WITH tl,e right of ingress and egress to and from the Main Road (S.R. 25) over I Laurel Way, Laurel Coun and Laurel Trail; . ! I . . , _ .' -. -.' TOG.I::.-rHBR .with the appurtenance! Ind all the I., estate and riSh"IS of the pany of the first pan: in and to laid premises~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein .. granted unto the party of tbe second pan. the hcin or successors and assigns of the party of the second paR forevcr. II . . I AI"D the party of lIIe first put covenan.. that the party of the first part hos not clone or suffered anything w~ : Ihc said p..-emilcs have been encumbered in any way whatever. cxc"ptlS aforesaid, i AND the pany of the fint part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien l..aw. covenantA thaI the. parI)' of the I fint part will receive the. consideration for this conveyaDce and will hold the right to receive such consider- I alion as a trust Cund to be applied first for the purpose of payinllhe cost of the improvement ud willl!Pply '" the same first to tbe payment of the cost of tbe improvement before uains any part of the total of the same for I any other purpo5e. I The word "party" shalll be construed as if it read --panies" whenever the sense of this indenture 10 requires. ',IN, WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of thB firs. put ho. duly executed this deed the doy and yeu fir.! abnve wnUen. , i b "'U~CnOP. caa ~~ I Arthur A. a tone II --. . STATE 0.. NEW YORK) ) P.: COliNTV OF NASSAU I . STATE OF NEW VORK , ,..., COUNTY OFNASSAU I On lhe .za.. day of Dc. t:ober in the ycar2002 bcfon me, the undcB;Bn.... penIO<IOIly oppauod ~ III dAer."," personally known to me or prowd. to me on Ihe basis ofllUilfac:wry eVidence to be th~ individual(s) whose namec.s) il l.-e) sublcribed to the wllhin instl'WllCllI anclllCknowlcdpd to me dw ho'shclthey .:xewu::cllhc: same in hillberllhcir c:apM:ity(ieI). and that by hislMrltheir sipawre(l) on tho inllrUment. Ibe individual(s), or the per!liDn upon beha.f of which the individuaUI) ac:tcd. ex.ecu1Cd the instrument. . On lhe2...l... dQ' of Oc: caber in the year ~ bcfol'C' me. the _pod. pcnonally appeomI perianal.)' knOWD to me or proved 10 me on the bIIIis of Ulis&clOl')' evidence 10 be the iDdividual(l) whose namc(S) is (ue) subKribed to the within inmumen.l and Idmowlcdaed to me lb... hclshcllh~ "'""".... the..... in hislberllheir c:opocily{iesl. and lbOl by hisfherllheir 1ipmn(I} on the insllUlnel1t. the individual(s). or Ehe penon upon hehalfofwhich the individuU{s) IK'tm. executed the instrument:. .. "'or 8ekDoINledllllellU laken In New York S -- S1......re aDd om.. of tadlvldual "klq; u:kD.owIed&mat ... Slate. District ofCalantbla, Territory. .......IoD" or Forelp CODII')' ) ..; On the __ day or in the _ _ before me. the undemped. penonoIly oppeored . pclMJnall) known to me or provac:l to me on the buiI of utiafactory evidence to be me individual(l) ",-baR name(1) is (are) subscribed 10 the Wllhin instrumelll and acknowled.aed to me th.r helshelthey exeeutcd the same in hislherllbcir capaclly(ies). tIw by hislhcrltheir sillWUre(s) on Ihe inmumeJlt. the individual(s), or Ihe penon upon behalf of which 1he individual(s) acleeS. executed the: Instrument. met thai such individual! made such appanncc before Ibe undcmancd In the _ _ _ (Insert the elt)' or .xher political subdivision and the II.~ or COUDU)' or other place the acknowledgment was taken). SII..r.re ..d OIftce of Ia.dlvldual ukla. .dmow1edameBt . .. ".UI'" acknewledllllents takeD oatslde .fNew York Slate.. "'t_ia IUIlI 6aIe .... WII"H CoVENANT ^GAINST CI.ANTOI.-S ,,,"CIS TITU No.. SECTION 125 . 00 BLOC" 04 . 00 LOT 024.014 COUNTY 0& TOWN Southold BARTONE TO CLIFFORD Recorded AI Request of Firsr: Am..... 'nile Insaranc:ll Company Qf N.., Y.... _nU.N ay .....IL TO: If........ fOIIM ell' ...... '101. IIOQD 01' mLl UNOHWU_ DUfribtlfftI b" First American Tills /7l8UTaJl" Compa1l1l of N.", York ~ Zip He. i:i 5 I l'l !I ~ 2 ! ~ I - SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Laurel, . i1i the Town of Southold, County ~f Suffolk and State of New York, known and d~lg"ated.as Lot 21, on a certain Map entitled, nSubdlv!sion Map of Laurel i link"' and filed In the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 11123101 as I . . Map Number 10712, Abstract Number 14444, said Lot being bounded and . described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly. side of Laurel Trail where same Is intersected by the division line of Lots 22 and 21 on the above mentioned Map; . .". . ,. THENCE easterly along the southerly side of Laurel Trail along an arc of a curve having a radius of 402.68 feet, a distance along said curve of 119.86 feet; THENCE along an arc: of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 25.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 36.34 feet to the westerly side of Laurel Court; THENCE along the westerly side of Laurel Court, South 10 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds East 154.27 feet to the division line of Lots 20 and 21; THENCE along said division line, South 79 degrees 31 minutes 07 sIConds West .180.00 feet; THENCE along an arc: of a curve bearing to the left, having a radius of 50.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 57.80 feet to the first above mentioned division line; . THENCE along sala division line, North 13 degrees 17 minutes 14 seconds East 180.00 feet to the southerly side of Laurel Trail and the point or place of BEGINNING. "~L . .' I \Viy,:' .i ,-,/ , t Nuruhcr of rase's TORRENS RECORDED 2002 Dee 03 08142.44 1m Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012223 P065 DTt 02-1~ I' Scriall# Ccnificate # I'rinr Ctr. #I DcccJ I Mungnilc Instrument IX..,.II Mm1gagc 11,x SI:""I' RCl."ording I Piling. Shunps 3 FUllS Puge I Filing Fee, Handling . IrO - _ . 5. 00 Murti!ngc Amt. I. Basic Tax. 2. Additiunal Tax Sub 1'01111 Spec./A..il. TP-5K4 ~""\ Ntllntion EA-52 17 (Cuunly) EA-5217 (Stale) IU':I:S.A. ~=- Cl.J) -=- :?XJ OD Sub .lellal 027d) or Cumm, of Ed. 5. 00 Spee:./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Keg. Cupy 01 her 1.5- Sub .Ie"al 75m Gmnd TUllIllJ2t1 nuu. Tuwn _ Dunl Cuunty Held fur ^I"puinllncnt 1'mnsfer Tux / 3~D Mansiun Tnx TIle' pn'llCrty c..uven.....1 hy Ihis mnnpnJ.!.L~ is nr will he il1lpr(lvc~ hy II nllc or lwn fmllily dwelling "nly. YES ur NO If NO. ~ce approl"riale lOX clause un puge 1# of this instrumenl. Anid.uvil Ccrtifi...~ Cnl'Y 4 Dislricl S~'Cti"n B1uck 5 CommuDlty PreunnatioD Fund Consideration Amount $ 3a::S-dOO CPF Tax Due s;5'"".9o 0 PReu1 /O~ ~jdZ:S: 00 --=..c2-</ '?.~ .2..C2~_J/.P/~ _ . n->peny - . Tux Scrvke . 02046492 1000 12500 0400 024014 . Agcncy T Vc.r; . P S n IcallOn R SMI A ~ S'lIi.fnclicL.._......n. :~.__....._..... _....-.-...,..", "..................... ..lldrcss RE'~ORD &< RETURN TO: ~J~u",..., ~oe#; 4, ~,/Oc51o ,/"7?,pl,.} A. Iml'n'VL't1 Vuc.ml L.nnd v TiJ /0 TO TO -===::;:-, .. "-..:)0 r.lTH"'''' ~ ;07 //9'7/ 7 Title Com an Information tU...~ 1")s6~"..r :::Z-AJC . ""oW-s.o/9.>11> 8 Suffolk Count '6eTb,J...- Recordin & Endorsement Pa ~- '-~? \ i (S) :CII'Y TYI'I: OF INS1'K-UMENT) -... .. e This page forms p.un of the lllluchc.....1 .. ..Illude fly: The premiscs herein is shunlcd in SUFI'OLK COUNTY. NI:W YORK. -. .. f. In lhe VILLAGE .... " orHAMLET..f. ,.... BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST DE TYPED OR PRINTm.> IN BLACK INK ONLY I'KIOI( TO RECORDING OR I'ILING. ,/1 TO C- ,L.,~oJf! .) In lhe Tuwll,;hip nf ~D()'NO' 1> (over. 1111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 _111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUlf..oU COtJN'1'Y CLBU RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of IneUulaeDt: DBBDS/DDD Humb.r of Pages: 4 'flWISI'ER TAX NUMBER: 02-17595 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: 12/03/2002 08:42:44 AM D00012223 065 District: 1000 Section: Block: 125.00 04.00 BDNIHBD ARD CU1l~ AS FOLLOWS $335,000.00 Lot: 024.014 Deed Amount: paqe/I'iling COB !A-cn TP-584 RP'.r Transfer tax BeceiV8d the Following I'_s I'or Above Inst:rwlMlnt Bx-.pt NO llandlinq NO NYS SURCIIG NO lA-STATE NO Cert. Copies NO SCTH NO ec-. line Fe.. Paid $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,340.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,200.00 $6,642.00 Bx-.pt NO NO NO NO NO NO 'rRAHSI'BR TAX HUKUR: 02-17595 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' DB IHSi'RUMBIft Bdwarcl P .lloIIIaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ~ , FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C'I. SWIS Codl~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:11 www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Y:? 3,??', g, '11 , * 1/..:2/D2ID2 \~onl" Dar Yen /,;;( v2 ,;}. ,31 c.. Page L C2. Date Deed Recorded ,D,c;,5 I C:t Book I PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. Pwpe.rty L ~~JRb L Lo,:atlon STfiEn NIJMRf~ STA~ET NAME ~ /Y/.-rmru(/<. [ITY OR ~O!NN /e41<. I VILLAGE 2. Bu'yer Name Clifford LAST NAM~ /Ct'iMFANY Michael T. FIRSrN"'M~ Geraldine H. fiRST NAM~ L-.Qlifford _ASTNAME/COMPANY 3, Tal( Billing AddreS5 Indicate where fut~re Tax Bil:s are to be sent ifotherlhar' buysraddrasslattJott:Jmoflorml LASTNAME.I:;OMPANV L-__ _ STR~E,' NU"~EA ANOSTflfFT NAME ~ITYOA TOWN .6 # of Parcels OR 0 Part 0' a Parcel 4. Indicate the number af Asses::;;ment Roll parcels translerred an the d&ed 5. Delld Property Siz,a L-_ ___Jx I ;.!OONTfEc- J OR I _a.~ DEPH< ACIl~S 6. Seier Name L Bartone LASTNAMF '(;OMPANY Arthur A. ~mST NAME L_ LAST\AM[ 'C:)MPANY FIRST"II\ME 7. Che,ck the box belaw whieh most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: "~~ Ore FaMily Residentiill B 20rJFamilyResidentiai C Residential'/acentLand D No~-Resldent'al Vacar>: Lar>d I SALE INFORMATION I 11. Sale Contract Date E~ A9"icultun; r Commercial G Apartmenl H Entertainrner>tlAmusemer>t r ~ community. Service J 'ndustnai K PublicServ'ee L Forest STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP_52l7Ite".1N1 Z,PCQO< FIRST NAME --.J n.J A B C D E F G H [ ^ J' 15. Check one or mor!!' of these conditians as applicable to transfer: Sa:e Be.ween Relatives or Former Rel<llives Sale Between Related COrJpanies or Pat1ners in B~'siness One oflhe Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seiler is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty Or Bargain and Sale ISpecify Below) Sale ot Fractional or Less than Fee Imeres, ':Spec;fy Belowi Significant Change in Propet1y Between Tilxabie Status and Sale Dates Sille of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual F1lctors Affecting Sille P.ice iSpcc'fy Be,ow] None 1 /S' / QL.J Day Year 09 Month 12. Date ofSaleJ Trensfe, 10 MOn1h 1 .lL_LQL.J D<>_y Year ,3 3,5 0,0,00,0 l , . IFul1 Sale Price is trn to:al (!mo~nt paid for the property inciuding personal property This payment may be in the tonTI af cash, other property "rgaods, or the asslImPtic,n 01 mortgages or ol",er obligatiolls_) Please round to III" nearest whole dolliir amOIJlll 13. Full Sale Price 14. Indicate the value of personal prapertv included in the sale ,0 , (U l , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final AsseSsment Roll ond Tax Bill 16. Year of Assessment Roll from I D L which informatian taken --- 17. Total AS$e5sedValue lof all parcels in transferll L STATE ZIP CODE (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply 4A, Planning Board with S~bdivision AUf"ority Exists D 4B Subdivision Approval was Required tor Transfer D 4C, Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map P'cvidec D Check the boxltll below as they apply 8. Ownership Type 1S Condominium 9. NewCollstruC1lon on Vacant land lOA. Property located within an Agricullural District lOB Buyer received a disclOsure notice indicating thatthepto~t1yis in an Agricultllr.J1 District o o o o 16. PtogertyClass ~D-LJ l 19 School District Name I *'d 12.. \..1' j~~ d) ./:... 20 Tax Map Identifierfsl I Rollldentifier/s) (If more than four. attach sMeet with additional identifierlsH ~/ DDo "1;;)-::')' .'7 - Oc;> '10lif ...J L___ ---.J I CERTfFICA TION I Il"l'!1if\' that all of the ilcllls of [nformation entered on lllb fonn are lruc Mnd correct (to the best of my knowledgc ~lld belief) nnd I understand that the making of any willful false ~"tatem('nt of material fad herein will subject me to the pmvi~ions of the Denal law relllth'e to the making and min!.: flf fnlsc jllstrument~. ~UYER )j(J(~ ~ I 10/28/02 ['ATE Moore LAST ~AME 320 --sTii'E~ NUMB<R Millstone Brook Road 631 STREfT NAMF: tAfTE~ SAl!;1 AREA COD~ ~.ltha,mDtoIL- CITI' CA TOWN NY ST^lE 11968 ZIPCOOE SELLER ~~~28/02 BUYER'S ATTORNEY William ,RSTNAME 765-4663 TnEPHO~ENUMB<R [,:- ~ NEW YORK STATE J' COpy ---~