HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12428 P 980 /2/- 63 J , ..: ;CONl~T YOlpI LAWYER BEFORE lIIGNING l1U8INSTRU11mn:.l1U8I~MlNT8HOlILD III! USED BY LAWYERS OILY 1i ;"rr . .RI THlllllNDENTURE, made the 22nd day of DecembeT 2005 L j 2 4 Z~ BETWEEN r ~'3L~ Thoa~s P. FosteT Tesiding at 2465 Elijah's Lane, Kattituck, New YOTk ll952 part)' of the first part, and 7470 Route 48 COTp. doing business at 7470 Route 48. Mattituck, New YOTk 11952 part), 01 the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the firat part. In consideration 01 dollars paid by the party oIlha II8COIld part, cloea hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or 6Llccessora and 8S8igns 01 the party of the sscond part forever, ALL that certain plot, plscs or parcell 01 land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, 8ituate. Iylng and being In the See Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof. TOGiETHER with all right, tilIe and interest, 6 any, oIlha party 01 the first part In and to any 8treets and roads abutIIng the above described premises to the oenl8r lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the lJ8lale and rights oIlhe party of the finst part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pranllses herein granted unto the party 01 the second part. the heirs or 8UCC88llOrS and assigns 01 the party 01 the Il8COIld part forever. AND' the party Of the fIr8l part covenants that lha party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises haw been encumbered In any way whalewr, except as sforesald. AND' the party 01 the first part, In compliance with SectIon 13 01 the Usn Law, covenants that the party of the flrstlp&!t wiD rsc:elve the consideration for this c:orl\I8YlIIlC8 and will hold the rlghlto receive such consideraUon as a trust fund to be eppIIId first for lha purpose 01 paytng the cost 01 the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment 01 the COlt 01 the Improvement beIor8 using any part of the totsl 01 the same for any other purpose. The won:! "party" shall be construed as If It read "parties" when _ the sense 01 this Indenture 80 requites. IN wrrNESS WHEREOF, the party III the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above writl"n. . FCl ~~tf"'P THOMAS P: FOSTER TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWI .nnllENT IS ...aN: IN NEW YORK STATE _ N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8lIll2.IlaIgaIn_lIeIollHcl...... CovlInanIIQUlltGranlDr'o_- unrorm A.lo. _ Ildgment F:omn lI290 to' . '. . T1r1e No: RH05304317 SCHEDULE A -' DESCRIPTION AMENDED 12/07/05 . , ALL that c:ertaln plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattltuck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described 'as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the Une 01' Sound Avenue about '180 feet westerly along said southerly line from the westE!r1y line of Cox Neck Road, said point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly lof Grimes and the northeasterly corner of premises to be described herein; 'and from said point of beginnln,,; , , . RUNNINGi THENCE along the said land now or formerly of Grimes South 19 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds East, 248.29 feet; , RUNNING THENCE South 68 degrees 10 minutes 40 seconds West, 176.20 feet to land now or formerly of Megllo; , RUNNING; THENCE alon9 said lands North 21 degree 49 minutes 20 seconds West, 325 feet to said southerly line of Sound Avenue; . . THENCE illong 'said southerly'Une of Soun~ Avenue South 89 degrees 13 mi!'lutes 40 seconds East, 200 feet to . the, point or place of BEGINNING. .. Certinc.te of TItle S1a1e or New ~'ork, County cI Suffolk u: SIale cI New York, County of On the day of In the ,.... belOl8 me, the underslgned, pelllOnlll1y appe8llld pelllOnally known to me or pl'1Mld to me on the beaI8 of 8IIIIafacIory lIIIkIence 10 be the IndlvlduaI(lI) whoee neme(lI) III (1118) IUbllCrtbed to the within lnetrument and 1Il:k1lowlllclgllll to me that hefah6llhey execuI8d the _me In hlalher/tl1elt Cllp8Clty(Iea), end thet by hlanwr/lhelr IIgn8WI8(II) on the 1neIMnenI, the Inchtdulll(II), or lhe pereon upon behalf or which the JndlvlQjal(lI) ectllll, exllCUlllllthe I_ment. u: On the~:a.. cleyof December In the year 2005 beIol8 me, the uncler8lgned, .--.a11y eppeallld Thomall p, FOllter pe.-uu1Y known 10 me or proved to me on the buill of 88ll8l1ICtory evkIence to be the fndIvIdu8l(lI) wh08ll neme(l) ill (1118) IlUtIaotIbed to the within InlllrUment and eclcncYlJllldged 10 me thet hlIItIhII/lIl8y execuI8d the _me In hlalherlthlltr cepacIty(Ies), and thet by hlWhllr/tl1elr IIIgnetUre(I) on the 1nIIl1UIINIIII. lIKIlndlvldual(lI), or the pereon upon behBIf of which the IndvkiJaI(a) 1ICIlIll, 8lIBC~ the Instrument ~-H~ I ~ollVf''' .__ (IIIgnelUle and office of IncI1IfdueI taldng ecknowIedgment) i',. LMIIENCE HANDELMAN . .,....., PubIIe, SI8IB cI New "'* No. 3D 4848&71 '1':' au.HfIed In N_ County ~ '~ln.,.IIIIon ExpIres February 2& TO BE USED ONLY WHEN 11IE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE (1IgneW18 and office of Indlvldullllllklng ecknowIedgment) SllIIe (or Dtal~ct of Columbia, Temtory, or Foreign Country) or IS: On the eppeerllll .--.1IIly knclWll 10 me or pl'CMld 10 me on the buI8 of sellsfeclory evidence 10 be lIIe Incivlduel(l) whoee neme(l) II (are) eull8crlbed to IIhe wiIhtn inltrument and lICknowl8dgllll to me 111111 hBl8he/1hBy ell8CUl8d !he _In hl8lhBr/lh1lr cepaclly(IeI), and thai by hleiheIflhelr eignetul8(e) on the InItrumBnl, the lndIvIdueI(e), or the penon upon bellall of which the lncflyfdulll(e) IIcted, executed the h'l1Itrument. end thet lIUCh IndIvtduIII madlllIUCh &ppe1lnll1Cll belonllhB undenlgned In lhe day or In lIIe year belOl8 mil, the undersfgned, pellOnelly (1nI8rt Ihe 'OIly or oIher poIlt1c11lllUbdMaian) In (and "-'the SIal. orCounlryorolher pi_the IICIcnorAI.llt.,..,4 WIllI lllken) (1IgnIII... and olflce 01 Individual laking acknowlllllgmanl) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS TItte No. TO Recorded al Raquesl of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Tn. Bl'AM:tARD fOIl.. OF NEWYOIIK IIOARD OP'fIIU UNDUhwI"lll.... O_by . Commo~~,,,,,,,_,,,~ _........... ....... 1\'1\.8 INIIIUNCI COOIJoJuor REllEIM! 1HIS IIP'ACE FOR IJIII! OF RECORDING ClFI'ICI! .,:_. "I c . ..t- - 'i. .... " . ' .[L 2'. r)." . ':' { . . , l ] . . . 'Number lit pug_ ,TORRENS Ser1il.2 ". . R1iCQRDED , 2006 "llt'I'05:0':l:~149 RI1,,: , " , . " CLERK .OF ' 5lJF'CU' ,COltITY ..' .. t ~2428. ,llop~ . " D!ti, Qs.-21~ . . .... . . . '. '0 'C~inCII/ell "1' " 'PrI~Q~"_ . '. 'D...d I.Mana... Inainlinelll . .'2] . '. . "'. ':", . , .. '. ..J "0, of ", ,". . ." ~ I M~it..'TIx Sl18lp , . FBBS : .' . " R.IcOrd!na [lllIinll S.I'~J1I .::' '. Paie i FlU';a Fe~, . l~ndUnll TP-584. . . . - "(:' '.. ' ~artpg., AmL. , . 1. allla To,,' .. ... :.. . '. -...:...:.~~ ',' , . , ~--:- - . .' 2: Additlanai Tat.. '." ", . ---"-. NalllltOn EM~ 17 (~I~ly) BA-S217 (SllIle) rlP. T.8.A: -;---;.. ,Sub 'Tqlal . Sub Talai , ". ~~~, ..: . . Spec.lAsaIL .' {I, . . .. SpllG. (Add. . . . ." . . r_____ _ - ':~- - Comm. of !!d,: Amdavl( ; CertIfied Copy .. . Rag, Copy '. 'ToT:MtO. TA)( . ~'. . .. '---' . Dual Town. ' Duul Cn'lIIly __ ' , He'd'for,A'pportioIlDlenf _'--_ " ...;..-...... - ' Tnnlfar Till' " '. c..J' ' , . :. . -;-------:-- MonlionTII.. ' ", , . .-""'------. '/110 proporty eovered hy Ihll murtpso II or ...111 bo Improvod hy . nn. Dr lwo f.'n ily. dwoIllnl only.' ',' " . '. ' '" . .YBS' .orN(J . .fNO, ID. approprlalD lax elmlo DR poile . .' ofrl"alnllrllminL .' , S lliL- '. Onle. Real Proporty TIIX ServiCll Asaftay Verificalion ,'DilL' SecRDH',., Dlook" ~ "00 ",.. .... ..,... . 0" ," Other '. :Q "LoI 6 COn1rnunity Pr-eSlll"lition E" ' Coo8idDrlltloll Alno1lon; . Slamp 'j cpp Ta~ DUD ,'.... .~.. _, : .lniU'" ,:; .21 :~a!~.afa~l~~.n:~.i, : ....llIIRa~....~I,n?roperJy Owners Mailing Add ~:&CORD .. RBTURN TO,. " , .' . V.conll.ond . . "-- . ImrnlvM'" '/()... : . - 'IW, Il.i~ rO-.. '~,; '~D&.S;~I~/:. A~;. . , I 3i() S-: ..~ I ^. .~ ~e(. . fVl~",.~~k /'t'fi~ :/i9~~... : 11)' 'm in ---- r', -----. . . ' " .8 'Tltlo COmltany-IJlCorma.tiOli :'" . '", - '~" , s SUffolk CoUnty '~cor~g & !Endorseiti~nt Page, . .- This:pa~form;.~10rIl1lIli~ .' IJ-e~d" :. ,": ~~~~d,ebY: ' : . (~1iUI' \' TYPE OF JNS11UJMENr) '. .p. Fo9-~ .. , , . ThcpremiSll(lhereiil.iuilUaledin.. 8uFFouc lXlUNIY, JI!EW YORK. ':In'I~~~~~por s".....+Aolol_ .- In the VJI.I..AGE , Dr HAMLIrr of . ;.....,..s...P~~s " ~y?1J TO. , . ~(J:fe. 'It f ~t:J.~f" ..' . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of In.tr~nt. DBEDS/DDD NUmber ,of Page.. 4 Receipt NUmber . 0&-0000975 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-21988 Recorded. At. 01/05/200& 09.58.49 AlII LIBER: PAGE: D00012428 980 Districll; . 1000 Section: Block. 121.00 05.00 BXAIIINED AND CHARGED AS i'OLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 003.000 Deed ADount: Receiveci the Following F... For Above In.trument Exempt Exempt Page/F:Lling $12.0(1 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.0CI NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- en $5.0CI NO BA-STATB $1&5.00 NO TP-584 $5.0CI NO Cert.Copi.. $0.00 NO RPT $30.0CI NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tran.f..r tax $O.OCI NO COIIIIID.Pre. $0.00 NO Fee. Paid $242.00 TRANSFBU TAX NUMBER: 05-21988 THIS PAGE IS A PART 011' THE INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL FOR COUNlY USE ONL V C1. SWlS Cod. ,. "-'" L '-lion '''T~ ,13 ..~ Nomo L .,..- L IM'IJ/!._..... L L.IoIrlll'K/COMI"M'l' NIIT MW ........ ~ 1 Tu Inl:lclle where Murl T.. Bill ..10 bI .m 81_ ",lIhor___'o'bonomollarmlL - IMT NMIII/COMIWft' L IlllaT NUIMlI!Il AltO ITIU'fT NAME t.T'tOllTOWN .( J .o'P....1s OR D Portolo"""'", 4. Indate thlt nu..... .. .............. RoD ......... ......IINCI on 1M d.... B. ::"_ I - . ./.111 ACID . Ixl ....... 1'l1li1 .. .... No... L F~k.. LAM' hA'lII. ICXW'I'IlWY FIfIIITNAMt L I.AIT ~/a;lIIMM' ...IT..... 7. ChHIr. th.lt1oa beIDw which malt Kantely dnalbel the UMI at 1M PrDI*'IY _ the II... aI ..I-=: A ~ On. Flmily RnidenllaI R 2 or 3 Family Reladentill C Rellldenhll VeCllm LInd D NaI1i-Rnident.... Vlcanl Land I SALE INFORMATION I ". _ Cant.- Dolo E~_"'I J ~ eom....nI\y~. P ommercilll J IndulUlDl G ApamnDRC K Public ServiCI H EnlllttUwnlml AaM.emem I. FoNI1 12. o.t. of &1. I yr........ fr' "J;J' '~..rt /).,-, 1.-'-, ~ Manlh _ '.r , ",0,0,0 I , , 0 (Full $lie PI. i, ",It talll .mount plkI for tha properly If\dudlng Pll'IOnII propeny. Thll ~nt mlY be in the form of cash. other praporty 01' ~ or the ....mptlon of mol'1QlV8ll)r other obIIgldoMJ ",.... tOUItd M rIM 11M"" .,."", dol_ lImOn. 13. FuR S.llIriNt ,.._~..""'oI_1 I ,0, 0 I _1_1n.._ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATlON - Data sho reflect the IlIIOIt FIIIII AA_4 Roll Bnd TIX Bill 11. Y.., aI ~- ...11 Hal from 0 whlah In'"nutt.rI __ Yl11-LJ STAn OF NiW yORI( STAn IIOAIlII OF REAL """,,"",.llER_ RP - 5217 .JII.NI'.....JM 1!i.f2r- ..."" NAMI ,ITA'. 10nIr " Part fill . .....1 OIKk II tII..,-"p1y: SA. PIonning Boord wi1h Wldlvl_ Aulhorlty I!ldIIa 48. Subdlvllion Approval... Required for Trlntfor 4C. PIrCII Approved for Subdiviaion with ..... ProvIdId _tho___th.._ .. OwnorohIp"lyPo 10 eon_lum .. New CorwfTLIC:lion on Vacllnl Land 1M. Prap8rty t.GCII8d wiIhIn an AgricuIIU~ [Mbict 101. Buyer receivtd . dllCloture noUcc ~1cIt1ng 1Mt the praP8dY illn Ian Agric:ullural Distric:l 17. T.YI ,....... VIIue lot' .U ........ In Jr........ I . . . ~ 1I.a-Ir.__rnarllaI__ ~ _. Fr- .....--..........er: ^ SaI. BMw..n Rellti~ or Former Rewiw. B s..e BotwDoI"l RoIated CompInlal or PartneJrs in BulinOl. C Ona GItha Bu.,....l. alea a Seller o 8uyor _ Ulor Is Govammanl Auenc:y or LendIng l"t((WI r:: OIled Type nat WDrrwdy or Baruain end ,.... C~ Belowl f SIll. of Fr~ or LeIt thin Fee Imerest (SpecIfy Below) G Significant Chongo In "'-'" Ilolwaon T.-o S..... and Solo 0.. H .... 01_ Is Indudod 10 Solo ...... I Othu< U.......I F_ro AlIodIna Solo PricolSpodly Solowl J Non. '''__Nomoi ,.. ",-"".:Iou 20. Tox Mop IlIon_oIl RoIIIdo_ ur..... bol..... _..... with _1_." ; ; JQDO -/ ~(r ()) - dS.6C I pO?'. 000 I I CERTlFlCATION I I cer1Ify _ 011 '" a.. _ or __iue .......... ... lIIIo ...... OR ..... .... _ 110 ... ..... '" III)' ............ .... hrllcl'l ond I ....1lIIond Il1o. .... -... nllIft) "IIIAII r.loe HlllU!lnenl or IIIIIIeI'IIII ..... Iwreb:l win MIbjerI me I. the arM..... or tile ...... law _thll to the IUIdn& ODd "'nK vl......, .............-nb. '!!l!li!! BUVER'S ATTOIlNEY -?'17() ,J6t. '1.1. ~#',. . .., " \J~';~' ,._ ~~. "~~--I .:rJi?fi 't. . .... -'7i7(} I ltKf{f ITN'IThII...... .......I~~.IIMAU.I J1!J!1 ~ Cl':'\'OIlJ 11)W'liI (t~O- ......- -.- J.;t 1(1-1 V .. c'" SEUER -;1 ,0- ~ / -"'..-..... f 1\IOA'\,...r t' roO' rJ~ I~ ..... '. .IIIIT......! I~- NEW YORK STATE COPY ...CIa o o o o o o o